#dumbassbitch @ myself
traumavevo · 1 year
has it really only been 3 months (or just about) that i cut off one of my ex friends for them starting to treat me only as a customer
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ghostportals · 6 years
i’ve never seen a reblog chain for a tag meme before and i’m mildly intimidated by the fact that i just did. tagged by @dumbassbitch​
Rules: tag 15 people you want to get to know better
@violinsolo​ @penthegreenfox​ @jennaburg i’m. i’m too tired to think of morew urls i was just typing @ then letters and looking for people i had spoken to at least once who i don’t already know well and that was all that came up
Relationship status: Oh Y’know
Lipstick or chapstick: love lipstick aesthetically but i need lip balm constantly and color never stays on my lips. on girls? lipstick is great especially crazy colors
Song stuck in my head: nothing actually wow. but right before seeing this i was singing along to the tdi theme song
Last movie I watched: uhhhhh. idk lol. maybe incredibles 2?
Top three shows: hamatora’s still up there tbh, danny phantom, hmmm generator rex
Book I’m currently reading: social intercourse (sorta. it’s been a while. i need to finish it so i can get back to rereading warriors)
Last thing I googled: “point 5cc”
Time: 12:53 am
How many blankets do I sleep with: 1 sheet 1 comforter, plus a quilt if i’m really cold and a fleece sleeping bag if i’m Really really cold
Dream trip: japan lol.
Anything: there’s one weird tick that i do constantly that i’ve had since i was little and had to like, train myself off of it because it got bad enough that i would make myself bleed, and i eventually did n was really proud of myself, but then at a memorial service for my grandma i randomly started doing it again while sitting on the floor in the corner and have not been able to stop since, my fingers are so ugly
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neuropathicgypsy · 7 years
Some nosy MARRIED bitch all trying to save Matt from my evil witch claws: is she really mean to you? Like all I would never Bullshit Me: what does it matter to you, BITCH?!?! stupid bitch: nothing. Never mind. Me: I'm over here all sick and he's bossing me around. He's the ass hole..now who is mean to the other? Stupid bitch: I thought it was caring Me: my mom tells.me what to do and she doesn't even like me. It doesn't mean shit. Just that you're bossy. Ugh Megan just doesn't know when to shut up. On and on she goes. Matt's all I'm tough, I can handle it. He's over here fucking laughing his ass off. He doesn't care. Water doesn't help.. that's why I take pills. I didn't have them cause i ran out and I was having a prescription refill issue and I got super super sick. But I'm "mean" to him because I needed to go to the hospital but was too sick to take myself so i had to deal with it on my own. He's off racing and being famous. While I'm here dying. So who is the true ass hole? But yeah I'm a horrible person only because Matt works out at the gym and has sexy muscles. Whatever. Anyone could go to the gym. #dumbassbitches I love Matt though.. we have our struggles as any real couple that actually wants to stay together does. Whatever. And i want to cry now because our relationship is completely stressful and sad. People don't know yet they want to judge. IDC I'm call a slut a slut just like it is. #whores
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