rcjoice · 10 months
@dumbthink sent 🎁 for a spotify starter//(historic cemetery/tfb)
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"if you slobber on this joint again, i will revoke your smoking privileges." it's said so seriously, holding it away from them for a moment to let them really think about their actions. "it's most definitely a party foul and i won't stand for it."
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moonphascs · 8 months
[TIME | ⏱️] Everyone have timers on their wrist that hits zero when they meet their soulmate. The time can fluctuate (go both up and down in time) depending on their soulmate's behaviour. This one but the timer is wild because Nadine is a dumbass time traveler
soulmate prompts
it never stays the same for more than a few days, that little counter on his wrist. even before his change, it jumped wildly, up and down, up and down, up and down. he had seen other people's move around, but never the same as his. it was like his soulmate was traversing through time in a way he couldn't. in a way no one should be able to. what else explained the way it would jump from days to weeks to hours? he tries not to think about it, puts faith in god that one day his love would be found. he began to pay it less and less mind the longer it went on, especially after his turning. it's then, the moment his soul is stolen from him, that he starts to barely glance down at that timer on his wrist. with no mortal soul, what did it matter? a soulmate with no soul was laughable. he wears things to cover it, so as not to be tempted to look, give himself hope. he doesn't need, nor does he think the type of being he is deserves, to have such hope. it'd only break his sensitive heart. when bella comes around, he thinks maybe his counter is at zero. the way his heart yearns for her, it would only make sense right? the number is higher than ever when he checks. her rejection stings less after his realization his number was still as erratic as ever. the day the timer hits zero is not a day he expects. he hears loud, bubbling thoughts before he sees bright pink hair. his first thought, fleeting and not really there, is that he must spend time avoiding them. their thoughts were incessant, consistent, and so very there. he's busy trying to block their thoughts out when he almost runs into them. stopping just short of touching, he looks down with a forced apologetic smile. "sorry." the conversation is cut short as he leave after the single word apology. it's later that day, when he's alone, when he's changing, he catches sight of the timer on his wrist. the big zeros flash at him, his brow furrowed. when had that happened? he thinks about all the people he's met lately, though only one sticks out. nadine. at least that's what he thought that pink haired menace was named. "oh, you've got to be kidding me."
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soup-thief · 6 days
@dumbthink is the newest human in palia
" oh, hey ! " his surprise is quickly covered by a good natured grin, andn he wipes his hands on the front of his apron before offering a little wave. " Ashura mentioned someone new showed up recently ! glad you finally found your way into town --- and i bet i know exactly what you're here for ! "
it doesn't even cross his mind that he's yet to introduce himself, or ask for their name, as he turns his back, ducking behind the counter, before popping back up and presenting them with a bowl of his kilima-famous lettuce soup, beaming with pride. " ta-da ! "
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wouldhope · 1 year
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✉ @dumbthink said: "Hold still! I need to apply pressure to stop the bleeding." for mishima <3
"O-Okay..." Yuuki winced a bit, trying his best not to flinch as they held the rag to his head and pressed. Coach had really done a number on him this time - it wasn't usually this severe, just bruises and scrapes that he could hide or dismiss as being the fault of his own clumsiness... But he'd been particularly agitated lately, and when it came to punching bags, Yuuki tended to get the short end of the stick. As good as he'd gotten at giving himself first aid, this was a little much for him to deal with alone...
And then, someone he didn't recognize had somehow found him here, trying in vain in the unisex bathroom to tend to his own wounds. He must've forgotten to lock the door in his panic... They didn't go to Shujin as far as he was aware, so why or how they ended up here was beyond him... But he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He'll take whatever kindness he can get, despite having been wary of them only minutes prior.
He sniffles a little, but he doesn't want to cry in front of a stranger.
"... Sorry you had to get involved with this... I should really be better at this by now." He mumbles apologetically, guilt already starting to ebb at his conscience. He wasn't normally the type to accept help, after all. "I can, um... I can try to pay you back somehow?"
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thiefscant · 12 days
↪ memes / accepting!
@dumbthink said: ❛ i didn't put them up to this. i know it seems like the type of thing i would do, but i didn't. ❜
        anais is already scowling when the small crowd of tiefling children surrounds her, all vying for her attention at once. halsin is free and the grove is a safe haven for them once more. she can't imagine what more they could want with her.
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        “don't you lot have a bedtime?” she deadpans, eyes then landing squarely on nadine behind the group. her scowl deepens. “i'm not sure i believe you.” she sighs, arms crossed squarely over her chest. “all right. what is it?”
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ofhope · 4 months
“So uh, question...”
Picking at a stray scab, Kanji opts to look anyplace else. Why, despite being instilled into every which person from birth, was asking for — anything such a hassle? Suppose it was the delicacy, how fast the subject could break when given to another person. All of this? Had to be found out on his own, through hearsay and fleeting newspaper passages. Online got him nowhere, purposefully: Kanji preferred the words, the face-to-face interaction. However, when faced with sincerity, perhaps anonymity was - truly - the right route.
This was stupid.
“How bad's a tattoo hurt? 'm no stranger to pain, but I've heard it stings the shit outta' your arm. I gotta use that to work, so... if I'm out a day or two of work, I wanna' schedule ahead of time.”
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politesper-rip · 5 months
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@dumbthink liked this post for a starter.
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                     ‶  i get it ——— so, you're from another time?  ″ a small jump in conclusions, but not without a basis. itsuki had faith in his ability to pick up these things, given his experience with the supernatural. and if it turns out he's wrong, he can play it off as a joke.
                     regardless of wrong or right, his smile brightens in an instant to something more genuine. while it comes off friendly, the more accurate way to describe it would be... interested. or perhaps excited. it's not often itsuki runs into a person from another time — outside of the one he saw every day, that is.
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bucketkicked · 4 months
"so like, weird question. do you know how i'm gonna die?" nadine is trying to be chill about this. as if they're asking their friend about a favorite color, or plans for the weekend.
Ah, a tough one. “I only know when,” she answers evenly, “why do you ask?” An eyebrow is raised, distinct from her usual blunted expression. “Do you want to know?” She inquires with a sigh. “People often regret asking and tend to spiral into an existential crisis. It’s terrible to watch. I can’t do much but sit and try to counsel them, but I am no professional.”
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aletheialed · 10 months
"A-are you here to see the Boss?" Simon stammers the words out in the same nervous manner that he always does, but there's a smile on his face as he speaks. It's a shy smile, so to speak, and it looks as if there's no way he could ever consider that someone possibly wanted to see him, instead.
...At least, that's how it looks. In reality, Simon doesn't care who this stranger is here to see - him, Regina, or anyone else. He doesn't care about the circus or the show - it provides mild entertainment, and he's picked up some helpful skills here, to be sure - but to him, they're only tools to be used for something far more important.
This person doesn't need to know that, though. In his mind, he feels nothing towards them but a dull amusement - the feeling of fooling people with his anxious act is always at least somewhat satisfying. But beyond that is simply disinterest and scorn... hidden behind a mask of meekness.
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"I'm afraid she's busy right now... but i-if you have any questions about the show, I might be able to answer them... maybe...?"
@dumbthink ( starter! )
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knowstruth · 1 year
@dumbthink sent: tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
Ethan’s fingers tap on the steering wheel in time to the song he has on - currently, it’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston, a classic. He has a playlist of favorites for driving around, there’s always music playing in his car. Smiling, he glances over at Nadine for a moment. A little bubble of excitement swells in his chest just seeing them there, sitting in the passenger seat beside him. And then they’re reaching forward, a hand tucking his hair behind his ear as he keeps his eyes on the road.  “Keep doing little things like that and I might start to think you want to kiss me,”  he teases, giving them another look out of the corner of his eye.
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rcjoice · 8 months
[WORDS | 👂] both of them just having dumb shit on their bodies thanks
soulmate prompts!
it was a moment he had been waiting for.. as long as he can remember. the moment his other half would be revealed to him. he was a romantic at heart, and he craves his soul to be known in a way that no one else could know it. he just waiting to be loved, truly, honestly, perfectly. he craves for his heart to feel embrace in a way he's not sure he's felt before. maybe he was romanticizing it too much, maybe his soulmate wouldn't be all that special. but a boy could dream right?
he's out that night like he usually is. he's drunk that night like he usually is. he has less memories of it than he should, really. a flash of pink, a loud laugh, the taste of beer. he remembers their first words to him. 'move over, jackass.' and then after that there's nothing, but he remembers he had a good time. he hopes they left him their number.
it's when he's waking up the next morning for real, rubbing his eyes, that he sees a flash of writing on his wrist. move over, jackass. the first night with his soulmate and he didn't even remember it? fuck.
he should call them. he should really call them.
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brinefrolick · 1 year
@dumbthink liked! || starter call (accepting) 📼
have you ever had the feeling that you're being watched?
it's a relatively common sensation, to the human mind. perhaps through generations upon generations of evolution; branching paths away from our common ancestors, that primal fear of ambush predators stayed. after all, why wouldn't it? any living creature should fear that which looms in their shadow -- those things that go bump in the night. presences that are bigger; better than us, and seek out their easy kills.
often-times, it's little more than paranoia. worries and nerves swirling in the mind like water in a typhoon. overreactions. the fear of nothing, as it were. but you'd be wiser to fear what wasn't there than the fool who didn't. for every time you tread through a dark room on those sleepless night -- for every time you are relieved to find nothing amiss -- there is always the potential for that one time.
when the shadows hide something beyond familiar shapes and sounds.
perhaps psychics attract other psychics. or perhaps nadine was just plain-and-simple unlucky. but in the dead of night, now, it was hard to deny that the aforementioned feelings were particularly strong. hard to deny -- ignore, even -- that chill at their back, and the sudden intensity of a presence behind them.
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watching. waiting.
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strangeattract · 6 days
@dumbthink liked for a magic 8 ball thread !
“Yes.” A stoked pump of the arm is given. “You know what this means?” Chaz is utterly ecstatic, shaking the ball around in her excitement. “It means that we absolutely should experiment today! I, uh, think it’s prime time to do so, really.” She’s staring down Nadine in anticipation, unblinking. She deposits her beloved ball into a pocket before rubbing her hands together and giving a loud clap to seal the deal.
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wouldhope · 1 year
☆ @dumbthink / starter!
"How th' fuck did you get on our ship?" He's as baffled as he is pissed, already aiming the barrel of his gun at the stranger that had somehow boarded the Aurora without any of the crew noticing. To be honest, he's normally the type to shoot first and ask questions later, his trigger finger already itching - They don't call him Gunpowder Tim for nothing. But he also didn't want the others to lecture him about failing to get any information out of an intruder, so he held his fire for now. Shooting just one person wasn't enough fun to make it worth the trouble, anyways.
They didn't even look like much of a threat - honestly, they just looked like a regular human, something that was almost more unusual at this point, given the things he'd seen in the vast expanse of space. No mechanical parts, no alien traits, no obvious weapons, nothing. Just what the hell was going on here? Mechanical eyes watched them closely, just waiting for any sudden movements.
"Answer me, or shit's gonna get ugly real quick."
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radiaking · 4 months
+ memes / accepting!
@dumbthink said: i can't tell if you're being silly or serious.
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"Oh, I'm as serious as a heart attack." And if it's not clear enough already by the pistol pointed at them, that click as he cocks it is all the sign they need.
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ofhope · 9 months
@dumbthink replied to your post: Hell kinda' dog are you?
nadine vc: an autistic dog
“You, uh... you get a pass.”
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Hmpf. At least they make it seem cool.
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