#duncan shepherd iamgines
kaetastic · 5 years
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pairing: Duncan Shepherd X Jim Mason X Michael Langdon X Reader
summary: flowers, fishes, boats.
warning: soft kisses, fluff :D
word count: 1.6k+
note: i took all those three words from a children’s books for learning colors and ended up getting those lol, i wanted something with the foursome yay ❤️
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“Wooohooo!” An echo of a voice rung through her ears, her nose scrunched at the disturbance. Rays of light caress her cheeks with soft brushing, breezes of the wind welcomed itself- taking the open door that stood ajar as a sign of a free entrance. It whispers and sings into her ear, hairs bulged up. She shivered. Tugging the thin blanket closer to her, snuggling her face into the sheer fabric in hopes of finding warmth. The enticing fragrance of her lovers lingered on the blanket. She let out a whine as the persistent light bugged her slumber, prodding her eyelids with pinches.
Her feet shuffled to get to a warmer side to proceed with her sleep, but it was one of those things- once you wake up, you can’t go back to sleep. She groaned in her head, rolling her eyes at the out of sync co-operation of her body. Rolling to her back, the pain that stabbed her was agonizing. Memories of last night playing in her head like a movie. The corners of her lips quirked up. The birch wooden ceiling stared down at her, the canopy of the bed draped over to cover the sides. She lolled her head to take a quick glimpse at the time. A smile playing on her lips when the small clock that rested on the end table ticked, the other items around it scattered messily.
The obvious lavish watch twinkled towards her eyes, the diamonds that were embedded into the expensive watch gleamed with content; belonging to Duncan. She remembered the day he bought it. And it wasn’t good. His reason for purchasing it was- “Because it was cheap!” And how could she forget her callback that she would think about every so often. “Couple of hundred thousand dollars is cheap?!”
And besides it was a glass jar of uniquely shaped seashells, a quick hobby Jim found himself indulging in. Resting behind all of them was Michael’s little book he would carry everywhere and anywhere, it would be an understatement to say it was important- the right word would be, an essential. She would always see him jotting down notes and scribbling on the pages; all she knew was it was for his company. 
She pushed her body with all the energy she had in her, a small sigh leaving her lips at the thought of having to stand up. Her arms stretched to the air, she twisted her shoulder- heaving another heavy sigh as she plopped her hand, eyes batting to adjust to the beaming light, “MICHAEL LOOK AT THIS!” She snapped her head to the direction of the voice. She smiled at the sound of one of her lover.
Glancing down, the thin blanket puddled around her, displaying her bare chest, the stamps and smearing of purple marks of love painted on her skin, it created a pathway as it all interlocked with one another. She remembered the pleasure of waves from the night before, tracing her finger over the hickies. Each lover has their own techniques. The most prominent ones were made by Michael. He would always be the one to mark her, loving the way it would display on her skin.
Tugging on the blanket, she pulled it with ease. She wrapped it around her body  The wooden floors creaked as she applies pressure, the light movements causing an echo of sound; the dragging of muffled fabric trailed on the floor. 
Halting in her walk, her eyes glazed over the breathtaking view; gradients of yellows and oranges printed onto the sky, tall-standing yet crooked trees added colour to the sandy island. 
She hugged herself tighter, the breezy wind blowing onto her as it whispers secrets into her ears as it overlaps melodies with the brushing of leaves and crashing of the soft waves. The air smells like salty tears, filling the ocean. A genuine and content grin running from one ear to the other as she watched the scene. A sight she would always cherish and hold close to her heart. Duncan who seemed to be originally submerged in water was dripping wet, in his hands- he held a couple of fish on a string. The swimming shorts were exotic, orange with blue rope-like string to hold it in place. Michael sat on the bench, humming as he shakes his legs in concentration; he twists and curls flowers, his tongue poking out in concentration. He already succeeded in making a flower crown, he wishes to make one for each of his lovers. The only one who seemed to be louder than the ocean was Jim. His smooth and fluent movements on the boat definitely impressed her, he was a quick learner.
Jim tilted the boat, paddling as he screamed at the top of his lungs, happy as water splashes onto his face. His grin was the replica of a kid getting his present for Christmas. Her fingers curled, leaning her head to rest on the doorframe as she watches her lovers.
Duncan huffed, throwing the fishes on the wooden table with a splat, sweat dripped from his forehead- Michael’s head snapped up with furrowed eyebrows, before looking back down to glance at the dead fish, Michael poked it, frowning.  He nudged the fish away, its mouth nearly touching his perfectly made crowns. Duncan shrugged his shoulders, craning his head to face the settling sun- who painted the sky with smears of hues of orange and yellows; he raised his arm, stretching it at the strains. Duncan’s eyes landed on the figure that stood at the front door.
Michael noted the charming grin, he followed the line of his view, another smile beaming to Y/N as they spotted their lover. The sight of her in their blankets caused an explosion of an irresistible feeling. Pacing towards her, Duncan grabbed her cheeks in his hands, “Good morning sleepyhead.” He placed a tender kiss on her forehead, his eyes shut tight as he lets the moment linger before pulling away to stare at her; admiring her eye that he loved so much.
“I don’t think its morning anymore.” He chuckled at her true statement, he shook his head as he pulled her into a tight hug. Inhaling deeply, he shoved his head in the crook of her neck, taking in the scent that embedded the blanket.
“Come.” Holding the blanket with one arm, Duncan pulled her as their fingers interlaced. Walking down a handful of stairs, Y/N’s feet were comforted by the warm sand. Applying littlest of pressure caused her feet to sink in, before stopping in front of Michael.
“Last night tired you out?” Michael smirked as she took a seat on the bench, watching him as he twirled the flowers; trying her best to ignore the smell of the fish.
She tilted her head in disbelief, not knowing if the question was rhetorical or sarcastic, “It was eight rounds.” The two men let out a boisterous laugh. Jim jumped out of the boat as soon as it rested on the land, the strings of laughter rang through his ears, catching his attention.
“Hey babes.” Y/N’s head snapped to face the owner of the voice.
“Jimmy!” Realizing he was heading her way, arms wide open for a hug, the smirk he wore gave away his plans he thought was hidden. Beads of water cascading down his hair that flopped to one side dripped beads of water. “Oh no you don’t,”
A shriek left her lips as the cold freezing water sip through the thin blanket, the icy touch definitely woke her up. Jim let out a mischievous laugh at her perfect reaction he wanted; her attempt to run away was hilarious. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her up- twirling around in the air. She slapped his hands, trying her best to not laugh- it was amusing but the water felt a whole lot like revenge for the prank she committed. But it failed, she lets go of the suppressed laughter, joining with him. A frown clashing with the happiness that zapped through her once she realized he was leading her away from her two lovers, and to the water. “JIM!”
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Her head rested on Duncan’s shoulders, hugging his arms; she wore a smile at the warmth that radiated from the campfire. The cosiness and comfort created a bubble around them, they only hoped no one poked it. The frigid air of the freezing night flew around, heat from the fire reflected from their glossy eyes; orange flames lighting the dark night. It crackled as it danced, in a broken rhythm like a broken record. Jim crouched close to the campfire, poking it with sticks. Somehow entertained by the sight as it diminishes before roaring with anger once again. No matter how many times Michael warned him and scolded him, it was useless as he would never listen- Jim was naturally stubborn. He threw the wooden stick, one end already charcoal dark. With tied hair in a ponytail, Michael shakes his head- threads of hair brushing his face. He huffed, annoyed at the disturbance even though he was just trying to enjoy the moment.  
Jim’s head snapped up to take a glance at each of his lovers, a genuine grin smeared on his lips. Warmth sizzled in his stomach. Was this a dream? Before he knew it, the words fell off his lips, “You’re my world.” Everyone’s eyes watched as Jim played a smile, his eyes not wavering away from the fire. They glanced at one another, smiling as if the world had nothing against them. If only they could stay at the same moment… a bit longer.
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