#dunno if H/B qualifies as classical since it's a remix and their costumes are more baroque than anything
twizzleenthusiast · 4 years
31 Days of Figure Skating: Day 6 - Favourite Classical Music Program
Again, this could be any number of programs (and I thought about putting Mahler again but decided to go for something new), but I have a soft spot for L/L’s Rachmaninov program - I think the choreography and their performance pick up some of the nuances in the music in really lovely way, especially for a junior program:
And of course I also looooooove H/B’s FD from this past season. Classical music can get very repetitive in figure skating but they went at it from a totally different angle than is usual and I absolutely love the characterization and quirkiness of it all:
And uhhhh...I’m not sure if Nights and Days is classical music but it is instrumental and has the feel of classical music and is my favourite SD so I’m tacking it onto the end of this list:
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