#during jin qiu update
seasidesketches · 6 months
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I think devs noticed I came back 😭❤️
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birbcat · 5 months
Some headcanon info dump for Dislyte Chai, Javid and Jin Qiu.
More will probably be added on, so this will be updated whenever I think of more stuff to add.
**updated (4/19)
** updated (5/10)
* Chai being a hybrid (mountain lion/wolf) she's sheds a lot during spring time, which means a lot of grooming, to which she despises but Javid and Jin hold her down and do it for her because they hate all the fur (I would assume JQ sheds but not as much).
* Since all three have claws, claws covers are a common item as to try not to tear up bedding and such (tho all 3 hate it but also don't like constantly buying new bed sheets).
* Chai being more of a tomboy, she isn't one for girly stuff, but she is more than willing to help Javid (or JQ) with their hygiene and appearance
* Chai and JQ have similar chaotic energy while Javid is calmer. Javid is the referee for the two when they get into heated arguments and resolve by fighting it out (hand to hand, no weapons).
* Chai and Javid have more of a romantic relationship. Chai and JQ are more 'friends with benefits' relationship, but they do have their tender moments. Javid and Chai will purposely get all mushy in front of JQ as it annoys him.
* All three do engage in sexual threesomes
* Chai being part wolf, she does have some characteristics, such as having a strong sense of smell and excellent hearing. This annoys the boys as she over hears their convos and can tell when they are cooking what ingredients they should add
* Chai having huge fangs, she has to wear 'fang cushions' while sleeping
* The food truck Chai owns and operates is more stationary than movable. She operates in her backyard , which she turned into an outdoor restaurant (covers, heaters and such are available so she can operate in all weather). It can be moved but it's a hassle.
* Javid and Chai both love to BBQ so they each encourage the other while also taking turns cooking.
* Chai does hunt, so whenever hunting season is open, she will leave to hunt what she can. Her food truck is Mexican style but with a twist depending on the type of meat she can hunt (elk, deer, bear, duck, fish, etc.). She does offer carne asada, chicken and pork but it's the other meat that draws people in.
* Height in order goes: Javid, Chai then JQ.
* Javid and JQ have strength advantage, Chai is built for speed.
* Chai is extremely ticklish, and the boys know this, so unfortunately, Chai tends to lose wrestle fights due to this disadvantage.
* Chai is a stoner (4/20 all the way) and using Marijuana as a way to relax. Javid and JQ aren't fond of the smell but understand how it helps her.
* All three do sleep together. Imagine 3 big cats curled up with one another.
* Chai enjoys fall and winter so she is outside more often during those seasons. She has the fur to withstand the cold and snow. Javid can't really stand the cold, while JQ kinda can but doesn't like it.
* All 3 can hold their alcohol pretty well.
* Chai does have 2 older brothers and a mother. Her father passed away when she was twelve. Her brothers do have families of their own, so she is also an auntie.
* Chai, unfortunately, can't reproduce. Before she gained her esper powers, she had a life-threatening medical emergency that involved a hysterectomy and her ovaries being removed.
**updated (4/19)**
*Chai has recently had to wear glasses. It runs in her family so it's genetic. She isn't a fan and the boys each have their own opinion about her glasses. Javid think she looks cute, JQ makes fun of her.
*JQ and Chai are a dangerous combo. JQ having some loose screws and Chai having a rebellious side, the two together bring stupidity to another level. Poor Javid has to deal with this chaotic combo.
*Chai and Javid love language is very tender and sweet. From hand holding, random pecks of kisses, and cuddling. For them, it's the small gestures that mean a lot more than words.
* Chai and JQ have more of a tease type relationship. They are always annoying each other, critiquing, poking fun, and calling each other names. Others might think they are being mean to each other, but it's quite the opposite.
*Flirting is different between all three. JQ is EXTREMELY flirtatious to both Javid and Chai, and it works. Javid is more action over words flirting. Chai is a combo of both.
*All three can cook, each having their own specialties. Javid is more BBQ, open fire/grill. JQ is more seafood/Asian cuisine. Chai can cook pretty much anything, but she can't bake to save her life.
*Proper visual aid to show height differences between all three
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**updated 5/10**
"Death Cat" form
*Death Cat form is a transformation that turns Chai into a monster like creature (all black, skull head, ribs poking out)
*She can only transform with strong emotions (it's hard for her to do so willing)
*She is technically blind while in this form but can 'see' divine power auras and blood
*Her making her enemies bleed is essential (this helps her in certain situations; she can smell blood, so if she loses her glasses/contacts, she can sniff someout out)
*Chai can only last in this form for 10 minutes. Going over will cause her esper sync rate to rise, and she has a high chance of going insane and can't revert back
*While transforming requires strong emotions (more so anger), she needs to calm down before being able to revert back. She has found familiar smells can bring her to her senses, so she relies a lot on Javid and JQ to help her
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