#dw i also hate that uprising is in there so many times i hate this movie why is the newmann so good aaaaarghhhh
gh0stlymoth · 2 years
top 5 newmann moments (canon or headcanon/made up)
U r getting both. Also, this is long bc i have "can't shut up" disease :[
Top 5 Newmann moments (canon)
1. "Say it with me, my man. We are gonna own this bad boy" / "By Jove, we are going to own this thing for sure"- like what can i even say about this scene, the first time i watched it, i had to pause the movie, everything about this scene is just so good, the awkward handshake, the fact that Newt says "my man" and "bad boy", the fact that Hermann smiles at him with a smile rivaling the sunniest of days as he awkwardly holds Newts hand, the fact that they are drift compatible i just. Yeah.
2. Uprising Hug - Hermann breaking his PDA rule to bodily throw himself at Newt, do i need to say more, this was not a normal side hug, this was a "i missed you i missed you so much i am so glad you are back and christ we just did that" hug and newt maybe doesn't even know about it and i bite bite, precursors meet me behind the walmart.
3. Passionate and Fascinating Letters - they had no reason to include this as canon lore but it kills me inside, especially cause i am pretty sure they had emails but these two nerds just decided to do the most yearning thing of writing, assumingly, pages upon pages to eachother, disscussing theories, sharing research, slowly dropping in more private stuff... looking forward to coming home after a day at the labs or wherever they where at the time cause maybe there will be a letter waiting for them in the mail box i am ngh.
4. The choking scene - listen i love angst, i think deKnight or whoever else was responsible for editing out Newts tears in this scene is a coward, but this scene. The emotional impact of it? Hermann not fighting back? Newt looking at him like that in one of the only moments we get to hear and see the real Newt shine thru the Precursors control?? Newt saying "I am sorry, Hermann." Newt in the novel saying: "Help me, Hermann" Yeah. Yeah.
5. In uprising when they pan over Hermanns lab and you see that's it's kinda messy with cups standing everywhere (with. Heavy implication that it's because of the Drift with Newt) and him having a fucking picture of the two of them on his desk even though at this point it's been 10 years, i am ;_; even after Newt left him... he never left Hermanns mind... Aaaa
Honorable mention: the hug cockblocked by Tendos entire body - the little taps on the back, man. The taps.
1. The little time between Hermann finding Newt seizing on the floor and getting Pentecost bc Newt must have gotten from "unconcious" and "one the floor" to sitting in Hermanns little green shivel chair, concious with a glass of water, also Hermanns quiet "I don't know what to do" when he comes in with Pentecost heavily implies that Hermann did try to comfort him in a Hermann way and listen. Listen.
2. Their first meeting in real life - "they instantly disliked eachother" lives in my head rent free, i want to know what happened, did Newt role up in Kaiju themed shoes while Hermann overdressed because he was nervous? Did they both missread eachothers nonverbal communication things because talking in real life is way different than just writing? What happened that they looked at eachother and mutually went "yo fuck this guy"
3. Newt saying goodbye to Hermann to go to Shao and the build up to that bc i am a glutton for angst, imagine Hermann and Newt after the drift finally figuring some shit out, Hermann maybe thinking no matter what comes they will be together and then Newt slowly starts to pull away. Not that noticable at first, maybe he gets a bit quieter, but then it ramps up, Newt spends more time away from Hermann and then one day he tells him he is leaving for Shao and Hermann has a little crisis over it because how did he missread the signs so bad, ofc Newt would not want to be with him but it hurts watching Newt leave their lab for the last time and i am a big fan of that concept. Bonus points the first few days of Hermann discovering something and wanting to share it with Newt, only to turn around and see that his station is cleaned up and empty and yeah ):
4. I like to think that when the war in the first movie was under full force, they had little moments of vunerability between eachother. Stuff like after a especially tiring day they just wordlessly find their way to the others room and the talk in for them unusual quiet voices and maybe they allow themselves to cry in those moments and it doesn't really matter because they can hold eachother up in these moments. Them learning over time to read eachothers signals. They still yell at eachother and fight but who is gonna call them out if Newt plays his music a little quieter when Hermann is having a bad day or Hermann leaving out food for Newt if he gets too focused on science to take care of himself
5. This is self indulgent but that they have the typical german riveraly of "we come from diffrent regions and we say some words differently and it's common knowledge, but i will fight you because this is not how you say that word, i am correct you are wrong /light hearted" and they tease eachother every chance they get about it
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jungnoir · 5 years
ik uve gotten a lot of asks for this but i just reread battlecry for what i Believe is the 7th time and i just. 😭😭 you said we’re never getting a sequel but can i get a crumb😭😭 a single sentence about what happens after, ANYTHING 😭😭😭 spare content maam, spare content?? will she and jaem have a falling out.... will she and JENO have a falling out...... how will her parents react.... would jeno feel too guilty and give her up, despite what she wants...... the possibilities.... r endless....
omg wait just realized i might have sounded a bit pushy or just. Annoying and kinda rude in general in the last ask IM SORRY THATS 110% NOT MY INTENTION
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no dw bb you’re okay!! this ask honestly made me laugh ashfisjf and yes there are so many possibilities!!! I guess I can give you insight into one of them,, perhaps. it’s been so long though so I apologize if it’s disapointing. tw: light gore, mentions of torture, pretty dark. kinda just real sad in the beginning. here’s battlecry for those who haven’t read it. also, the song this is named after is really good and I recommend it!!
when the bones are good;
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“Wretched boy,” whip, “wretched, cursed boy,” whip, “you’re a devil! You bring ruin to my family!”
One would think that after weeks of this, Jeno would be used to the blinding pain of a horse whip at his back. The first few hits reopen old wounds, ones that burn against rough fabric and heavy metal and the sweat of a day’s work protecting the kingdom. It just gets worse the longer they go on, until he’s crying into his bindings, wishing the saltwater would melt away the rope and he could try to run. He tried so many a time before. What made him think he had a better chance this time? Or the next? Or the next? Because there would always be a next.
Jeno no longer pleads. He takes the punishment in stride, hoping to the gods that have abandoned him to at least spare him a moment of ignorant bliss. No pain. 
A choked sob leaves his throat and by some miraculous mercy, the whip hits him no more after that. He slumps against the disgusting chamber floors that are covered in the remains and innards of everyone who has met their fate here. Traitors, thieves, murderers, him. 
He is only held up by his tied up hands, keeping him from laying fully on the ground, suspending him in the air because his legs are too weak to do anything but give out. He’s lucky to still have his trousers, for his shirt is all torn to shreds in a corner of the chamber somewhere, so the cold stings against his bleeding wounds relentlessly. He huffs and puffs and with each breath, a cloud of vapor follows. It’s going to be freezing tonight. They may as well just kill him here.
Jeno can hear the king’s footsteps but he doesn’t dare open his eyes or look over his shoulder. He doesn’t get a choice though, when the king spins him around harshly and his back is pressed up against the jagged stone wall. He cries out again, being met by a sharp slap to the face. Jeno is silent at once. “Why I ever showed mercy to that abhorrent wench of a mother you have, I will never know. I should have killed both her and you that night and you know it.”
Jeno nods, knowing that if he refuses to respond he’ll just get hurt more. He’d really like to go to sleep now. 
“To think,” the king spits in Jeno’s face, “I gave a bastard peasant boy a place to sleep, food to eat, a place as close to my dearest jewel no man but me will ever have… and you had the audacity to come here in your mother’s name, knowing full well what I’d do to you if I found out. The very arrogance you have, walking these palace grounds for so long, plotting my demise… I ought to hang you in the square where everyone can see you for the treacherous demon you are.”
Jeno could imagine it. The townspeople taking turns to spit on him, calling him a devil child, sentencing him to death beside his mother. He hadn’t seen her since the day she laid the curse on you, the day he’d been found out by the king for his relation to the witch. That was the day the torture started, and if it wasn’t for how suspicious his sudden disappearance would be, Jeno would already be dead by now. 
Things were stiff now that all eyes were on the king. He couldn’t easily dispose of the witch’s spawn like he’d been doing to the others like him for the last few decades, lest the uprisings really take flight. For now, he’d have to wait until the excitement cooled down, and then…
“Leave him here. Hopefully the night will kill him before I have to. I’m far too exhausted to exert the effort.” Jeno hears the king’s voice as he stands and walks out of the cell, followed by the clang of the door slamming shut. It leaves a ringing in his ears that makes him whimper. He, too, hoped the night would kill him first. He couldn’t bear to see your face after your father no doubt fed you some lies about him being the reason for your curse in the first place. The hate you’d harbor for him as he made his way to be executed… he didn’t dare to imagine it.
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Where was home?
With his mother? The witch who’d bred him to be her revenge, abandoning the just cause of protecting her coven and avenging her fallen witches in order to spill the king’s blood? The witch who sent him as an agent, meant to orchestrate her plan in slaughtering the royal family for their continued persecution of witches? The witch whose magic sizzled in his veins? The witch who abandoned him the moment he’d confessed “I’m in love”? 
Or was it with you before all this happened? The golden summer days of adolescence where the two of you were just children in love, and there was no curse, and there was no Jaemin, and the king and queen still thought of him as good? With you, the loving princess who didn’t emulate a single ounce of her father’s true nature?
Or was it in the night, when sparks of forbidden energy flowed through his fingertips and created images of a life where Jeno was happy and safe? Was it in the comfort of his “dark” magic, the very thing he kept hidden to save his life?
Home was… it was a rocking carriage. 
Jeno bolts upright and instantly regrets it when his back protests, making him cry in agony. He doesn’t know where he is, only that he’s moving, like he’s being carried somewhere. A hand on his cheek makes him alert to his surroundings at once.
It’s quiet and dark and there’s a hooded figure staring down at him. A familiar voice coos at him, “Please be careful… your wounds only just stopped bleeding.”
It’s you. You’re there. He can feel warmth wrapped around his body and he looks down to see bandages curled tight around his ribs and chest. A loose, peasant’s shirt is hanging off his body but it’s still thick enough to keep him warm, and then there’s a blanket hanging off his shoulders too. 
There’s a small lantern in your hands that lights up your sweet face. Jeno so badly wants to kiss you again. Instead, he blinks back his overwhelming love and asks the burning question on his mind, “Where are we?”
Your hand flutters from his cheek, leaving the boy whining softly in the loss of contact, but it’s only to help readjust his blanket. “The woods. We’re headed for the Na Kingdom.”
A hand much different from your own touches his shoulder, and before Jeno can react the way he’s been bred to, there’s a another blanket being draped over him. Jeno chances a look over his other shoulder and finds another hooded figure, and though the light scarcely meets his face, the features are apparent. 
Jaemin’s lips are pulled tight in a small frown, but he cannot hide the softness in his eyes when Jeno meets them. “It will be a long journey, and we will have to stop a few times for supplies and such. It’ll be trouble trying to smuggle so many people out of the kingdom after the ordeal.”
“I like our odds,” you perk up from beside Jeno, leaning in close to him to provide some warmth, “Renjun knows this land like the back of his hand, and Mark’s been working on cloaking spells for months now.”
It’s only then that Jeno recognizes a sleeping figure at the far end of the carriage, a boy curled up in some hay and sleeping peacefully, no doubt the court mage he’d been watching monitor you for weeks. He could only then assume that Renjun was leading the carriage from outside. His mind, putting things together slowly but surely, wonders how you’d both convinced them to come with you. “Did something happen…? Did your father threaten your life?” 
“He might as well have.” Your voice hardens, but it’s not directed at him. No, your anger is saved solely for the man who raised you, “To beat you… to dare lay his hands on you the way he did… he might as well have done the same to me. It hurts me just the same.”
You were doing this for him. 
Jaemin shuffles a little closer at his other side, adding even more warmth to the freezing boy, “…you have been my friend these past few weeks and I could not ask for more kindness from you even if I was that selfish,” Jeno shudders, unable to comprehend, “what happened… we can discuss at a later time. Right now, your safety and the safety of your people is all that matters to me. We cannot let the king get away with his atrocities. When we get home, I’ll see to it that the treaty is ended and that my father rights her father’s wrongs. I promise that all witches will be safe.”
Jaemin was doing this for him. Why would anyone…?
“That’s right. Jaemin’s kingdom is safe for all. We will make this right, Jeno.” You place a soft kiss to his forehead, enveloping the boy in a hug so tight but so loving that he can ignore the pain for now.
With one hand on your arm, Jeno places the other on Jaemin’s, shocking the prince, “Your highness, I swear to you my life. I will protect both you and (Y/N) even if it kills me.”
The small frown on Jaemin’s lips wavers some at that. Jeno can’t tell what it means, only that he hates seeing the prince look so pained. He’d gotten used to the smiles and laughter. He hated knowing he was the reason for its absence. He would do anything he could to fix-
Jeno is startled when the prince suddenly collapses into his side in a fit of soft crying, tears rushing out of his eyes so fast that the shoulder of Jeno’s blanket is soaked in seconds. The prince has wrapped himself tight around the knight, tight like you, and yet again, the pain is bearable. “You’re an idiot, Jeno,” Jaemin swears through gritted teeth, “don’t talk to me like a knight. Talk to me like you talk to (Y/N). Talk to me like I mean something to you. I care about you.”
You, too, are sniffling into Jeno’s opposite shoulder, rubbing at his arms to fight against the night air.
It’s strange. “I… care about you, too. I’m sorry.” He says and you lay down like that, fall asleep like that. It’s so, so strange. This feels pretty close to a home.
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I was tagged by lovely @gallifreyan-uprising, thanks ^^
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my dad 3. Text message: my boyfriend 4. Song you listened to: I HAVE NO IDEA (last.fm says it was Coldplay -Gravity, it was 5 days ago xd) 5. Time you cried: Sort of today
6. Dated someone twice: Sort of? I guess? 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: sometimes I think that yes? 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. blue 13. yellow 14. burgundy
15. Made new friends: yep 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: yep 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so 19. Met someone who changed you: I think we change a little all the time 20. Found out who your friends are: maybe 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: aye
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: about 99% 23. Do you have any pets: a dog, my brother bought a gerbil recently, it’s cute 24. Do you want to change your name: no, I like it 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Spend the whole day at uni, then had hot-dogs with Szymon and the next day I saw Don Juan. I liked that birthday. 26. What time did you wake up: 6:20, that’s unusual 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching House with Szymon? Probably. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: CHRISTMAS I just realised I don't have anything I'm particularly looking forward to. That’s new. Also I wanna get married and be a mum, can I? 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Friday 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: being a bit less awkward could be helpful 31. What are you listening right now: nothing 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the whole world, recently this damn website, people using too many abbreviations 34. Most visited Website: tumblr ehh
35. Mole/s: yes 36. Mark/s: yes? 37. Childhood dream: to be an astronaut. And a doctor. (I just wanted to be a Time lord, let’s be honest) 38. Haircolour: dark brown 39. Long or short hair: a bit longer than shoulder length 40. Do you have a crush on someone: aye 41. What do you like about yourself: I think, I’m steady in my beliefs, I like it 42. Piercings: only ears 43. Bloodtype: A something I never remember 44. Nickname: no, I’m not cool enough
45. Relationship status: in a relationship 46. Zodiac: taurus 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favourite TV Show: Broadchurch, House, DW 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: no 52. Hair dyed in different color: nope 53. Sport: not anymore, I used to play a bit of football and volleyball 55. Vacation: I didn’t go this year 56. Pair of trainers: I have 4 pairs of converse, one vans, and lots of different shoes, because I love them
57. Eating: is my mission in life 58. Drinking: I don’t really like alcohol half glass of beer is too much, I don’t like vine, I never tried vodka so, I’m not a true Polish person. I try to drink water but forget about it, I like lemonade, drink too much coca-cola (pepsi sucks), love tea, the non-alcoholic mojito is cool. I enjoy just one coffee from Starbucks menu, I suffer drinking any other coffee and hate the aftertaste. In fact if i drink coffee it’s more like milk with a splash of coffee. By the way, Milk is cool. I love tomato juice. Yeah, that’s me. Ask if something is not clear. 59. I’m about to: search for some design inspirations   61. Waiting for: Szymon coming back from Warsaw? 62. Want: to go to London, be fully happy 63. Get married: as soon as possible 64. Career: I don’t see me in anything. Can I be a mum? 65. Hugs or kisses: Not sure, love both 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: I don’t know? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: I tried whisky and cognac, I hated it 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t wear them 77. Turned someone down: sort of 78. Sex in the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: I don’t know? Hopefully not? 80. Had your heart broken: yes 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yes
84. Yourself: I’m not sure xd 85. Miracles: Again not sure 86. Love at first sight: maybe 87. Santa Claus: YES 88. Kiss on the first date: idk maybe 89. Angels: yep
90. Current best friends name: Szymek, Marysia, Klaudia, Gosia, Daga, also there is Mikołaj and we talk like 2-3 times a year, but I still think about him as one of my best friends? 91. Eyecolour: green-ish? 92. Favourite movie: Love Actually
I tag: @doctortenny, @calibvn​, @belatrixstrangr​ I mean if you want
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