#dw i do right by sansa bc thats my no.2 girl
falllpoutboy · 11 months
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From chapter 22 of The Waiting Place
To her right, Lady Brienne gave her a sympathetic look, having obviously heard her. Sansa didn’t reply, only gave her a grateful look in turn.
Her good-sister and sworn sword was of great solace lately. When Sansa had prayed for a friend, a true knight to save her when she was trapped in King’s Landing, she did not expect Lady Brienne to be that person. Although they had only crossed paths twice in the Red Keep, Brienne was no more than Ser Jaime’s unconventional (and heavily rumored to be salacious) wife who claimed to have been the sworn sword to her mother. But on both occasions, Sansa made it clear she wanted nothing to do with her, her grief for her family made her angry and unfortunately, Brienne was the target when her anger spilled out. She just couldn’t understand how someone who claimed to be her lady mother’s sworn sword could willingly join House Lannister, other than the rumors that seemed to be proven true by way of their hasty marriage.
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