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No matter how independent or strong we are, there was a time we couldn't do it or make it through without the support and love from others. So, when you are up and you see another in need don't hesitate to be there for them. It's your turn to be the love and strength someone may be in need of right now. #DwaneseELove #TheCre8tiveSelfLoveTrailblazer #inspiringotherstoloveandappreciatewhotheyare #Cre8tingmentalstrengththroughthetransformationofthemind #MindTakeover2017
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Things don't always go my way and I may have to get back up after being knocked down a few times but you won't see me quit! Through the good as well as the bad, I will keep moving forward! I can't help it! Are you with me? #DwaneseELove #TheCre8tiveSelfLoveTrailblazer #inspiringotherstoloveandappreciatewhotheyare #allyouwillseeismemovingFORWARD
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Have you ever had a day where the non-sense was so surreal that you didn't even have the strength to address it? Looks like I'm not the only one.Today, I have witnessed 3 people whose characters have been challenged by what I call "unsusal suspects". You can't even get mad, though hurtful, when you see EXACTLY what's going on. Don't be a victim or even blame anybody. Trust me it's bigger than them... Just say NOPE NOT TODAY!! You can't have my smile, you can't have my healing, you can't have my emotions, you can't have my time, you can't have my focus, you can't have my journey, you can't have any of me Nope Not Today Bruh!! (sometimes you have to say it just like that lol) #DwaneseELove #TheCre8tiveSelfLoveTrailblazer #inspiringotherstoloveandappreciatewhotheyare #unsualsuspects #dontloseyourfocus #nopenottoday
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Had to repost this one. When you are working on getting your life together don't be surprised when chaos shows up at your door. Its coming baby! People will not always like you changing even if you are going in a positive direction . When they can no longer manipulate you don't be surprised at their reaction. It's all designed to get you off track or cause you to react negatively. And it's so easy to do so real quick! The test will come and its very easy to fail out of human emotions! Don't give up on your progress to be a better you. That's the key. Keep working on YOU! If perhaps you do react think about all the progress you made. Dont beat yourself up. Fix it quick and move on. Your forward movement is a journey. Stay as positive as you can. Those who are TRULY for you will understand. Love you ❤ #DwaneseELove #TheCre8tiveSelfLoveTrailblazer #inspiringotherstoloveandappreciatewhotheyare #continuetheworkonbeingabetteryou #dontstopmovingforwarditsvital
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Positive energy is what we should crave and give our full attention to! At our heights, things sneak in to cause disruption. Don't feed the distractions. Stop and simply tell it, "Nope not now, not ever" and address it no more. You have to stay focused ahead. #DwaneseELove #TheCre8tiveSelfLoveTrailblazer #Helpingothersloveandappreciatewhotheyare #Postivemindswastenotime #becarefulwhatyoufeed
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Life is like a roller coaster. Full of curves and mountainous terrains never a straight and smooth path. It’s a given that we will be knocked down a few times, we will lose sometimes however our victory is in our “get up”. No matter how many times life knocks you on your butt find the courage to GET BACK UP! There is a Japanese proverbs that says “Get knocked down seven times get back up eight”! You can do this but you have to keep moving forward!! #DwaneseELove #TheCre8tiveSelfLoveTrailblazer #Helpingotherstoloveandappreciatewhotheyare #yourvictoryisinyourgetup #getknockeddown7timesgetbackup8
#quotes #motivational #encouragement
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Life is like a roller coaster. Full of curves and mountainous terrains never a straight and smooth path. It’s a given that we will be knocked down a few times, we will lose sometimes however our victory is in our “get up”. No matter how many times life knocks you on your butt find the courage to GET BACK UP! There is a Japanese proverbs that says “Get knocked down seven times get back up eight”! You can do this but you have to keep moving forward!! #DwaneseELove #yourvictoryisinyourgetup #getknockeddown7timesgetbackup8
#quotes #motivational #encouragement
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Healthier life style changes are just as important than getting your money or finances right. My journey is to be made whole in every area of my life. Have to start somewhere. #DwaneseELove #SweetPotatoandKaleChili #healingineveryareaoflife #healthstartsinthekitchen
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I DARE you to keep going! Against all odds! Against all the tears, the rejection, the naysayers, the "saynothings"! You do what it takes for you to make it! There is no giving up! Not everyone will like the changes you make. Your journey to success may be a lonely one but you have to be determined to push through whatever comes your way! Along the journey you will be supplied with everything you need. For all the losses you will gain more but you will never know until you make up your mind to keep moving forward no matter what!!👊 #DwaneseELove #dontletnithingstopyou #getupandkeeprunning #FF #Lovelovelove
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Keep that momentum going! There is work to be done and you are just the one to do it. Hold on to that dream and continue to take the necessary steps. Once your passion ignites the fire will be so bright you can’t help but radiate! The blessings of others rest with you-your gifts, your talents, your purpose so keep pushing..you know what you gotta do👊👣🔥 #DwaneseELove #letyourlightshineon #purposeandpassion #theyarewaitingforyou #amazing
#quotes #motivational #encouragement
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Reminded of an old reggae song called Life Is What You Make It. 🎶Oh life, life is what you make it so come here my dear, try and make it I know that you will..🎶Know that one? Well its true. Life is really what you make it. You can let circumstances steal your happiness, your passion and your dreams. Or you can make the best of every situation and let NOTHING stop you!! Keep pushing!! #DwaneseELove #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #happinessisinyourabilitytoseethingsdifferently
#quotes #motivational #encouragement
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WINNING WEDNESDAY: When you are tempted to give up know it wasn't easy for them BUT they didn't give up!! So don't you either! #DwaneseELove #WinningWednesdays #theprizeisnotgiventothosewhoquit #keeppushing
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I want you to understand that there is power in your perseverance!! There are too many things designed to be roadblocks to our success in life. No matter what the area is. But there is a way to overcome it all and that is to be in constant motion. It doesn't matter who is for you. Stop getting tripped up on that. Know that WHATEVER is for you will be for YOU! The only thing we are responsible for is to make sure we don't give up! Challenge yourself daily and make sure you are present for you!! #DwaneseELove #theresnostoppingaforceinmotion #whenthefireislititilluminates #keepitmoving
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Things won't always go the way you want them to. You won't always get it right. But no matter what don't you quit! Getting to where you want to be takes time. Don't talk yourself out of what you want by saying its too hard or that you keep making mistakes. Continue to work on you. Continue to take the necessary steps towards what you are passionate about. If you know you want to change for the better then do that. Just keep moving forward! The more you do the quicker you will reach where you are trying to go. You will progress during the process. #DwaneseELove #keepdoingwhatyouaredoing #youwillsucceed #itsallabouttheprogressduringtheprocessbaby
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Heard this quote from Bishop T D Jakes to a man that was hurting that stuck with me because it is REAL. It's one thing to put on a fake smile for others and tell them you are alright but to tell yourself the same lie is a different story. It simply does NOT work. You have to be honest with yourself in order to truly heal. There is no short cut. Denying it doesn't make the issue go away! Don't be afraid to face the truth, your truth..the good as well as the bad (no matter how ugly it looks). Your healing depends on it! #DwaneseELove #beingtotallyhonestwithyourselfishealing #itstimetoheal #faceyourfearstolivefearlessly
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Life isn’t always easy for us. In fact it can be so hard at times we feel like there’s no use in trying. But we all know that we can’t quit…If we want to win we have many choices but giving up is not an option! Nope!! #DwaneseELove #givingupisnotanoption #weallcanwin #getupandkeepitmoving
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