florescentiia-blog · 5 years
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hi everyone! my name is jane, and i started writing beth a few months ago and i have grown to love her oh so very much. fortunately for everyone, this will be the first time i’ve written her as relatively happy. but don’t be too comfortable! i live for angst, and because of that... beth is still sad, just not as sad as she normally is when i write her! i hope everyone learns to love my little bundle of joy as much as i do! please, don’t be afraid to hmu, and for those mentioned in her things... PLEASE come at me for plots! you’ll most likely get best contact with me through discord, iiimpasse#7313
Name:  jane
Age: 19
Timezone: GMT 2:00
Pronouns: she/her 
Triggers: suicide, especially involving guns.
Character you're applying for: beth Cassel
Face Claim: charlotte hope
List 3 or more headcanons about your character:
The Cassel's are no stranger to death: Rodrik Cassel lost all his previous daughters and all his former wives. The gods had indeed blessed him when the auburn-haired little girl took her first breath and cried her first cry. Blessed when his wife was there to take care of her, too. But all blessings came to an end when lady Eliza Cassel became ill. Beth was only 5 at the time, nothing but a child with no real concept of what death was. Lady Cassel only lasted four weeks before she died in her sleep.          i. Since losing her mother at such a young age, beth has struggled, especially with becoming close to other girls. Raised by a rough man, beth didn't really understand what it meant to be a lady, but that was what her father wanted to be, and so she did her best to do so. Determination has always driven beth headfirst into her success, and since she was determined to be the perfect lady, she was: the only one topping her in any of their sessions being lady Sansa herself, whom beth became rather close with despite the differences in age. To this very day, beth strives to be more like Sansa.       ii. Beth only has faint memories of her mother, and those memories define who beth is as a person. She recalls her mother being kind, gentle, unbearably loving - so that is who beth became; kind, gentle, unbearably caring. She could remember the sound of her mother's voice, singing soft tunes to soothe her aching heart. So she began to sing. she could remember her mother making silly little sketches whenever she had the chance, so beth began to draw.
Growing up, beth was very shy. Even as an adult, she was timid. She struggled to speak to people she wasn't used to, which made it hard for her to get used to anyone. Her father tried to push her onto the kids around her, doing his best to edge her towards the stark girls whenever she would come to watch him train the boys, urging the boys he taught to ask her to dance during any parties. She rarely accepted, but she became quickly and easily attached to the stark children; since she has grown, she had pledged herself to the family.         i. Beth had little to no friends. She mostly spent her time by herself, singing, drawing, sometimes dancing. If she wasn't doing any of those things, she was watching the boys train. Eventually, her solitude and refusal to leave when Rodrik was training, he began teaching her how to use the bow and arrow at the young age of nine. She caught on quick, and by the time she reached 13, she was a sure shot.         ii. Because of her lack of friendships, romance is something that beth is entirely clueless on. Although she's had crushes in her past: Arryk Stark, Rickon Stark, basically the whole Targaryen family (because they were beautiful: all of them), she had yet to ever experience love. She hasn't called someone hers, and she hasn't belonged to anyone before.         iii. Beth is consistently worried about the fact that she has not found someone yet: what was wrong with her, that no one wanted to love her? She did not believe she was cute, but she knew she wasn't the most terrible looking girl in Winterfell. She did everything a good lady, a good wife, should be able to do. She longs to give her father a grandchild, to have a family, to love a man, and give him a good heir. 
All growing up, beth believed that she would have her family started already by the time she was 22. But a long life of shyness has left her without anything, no husband, no babies, no home of her own. She fears she might be a failure, and that haunts her daily. She does her best to hide it, though. No one wants a sad wife.         i. Instead of having a husband and a baby by the age of 22, Beth Cassel was a sure-shot. She competed against others, won most of the medals, too. She often accompanied lord Arryk Stark on hunting trips, and in any case of battle, she would go with them. Because of her love of archery, she grew close with Theon Greyjoy. The two became friendly but competitive. Beth doesn't like that she isn't as good as him: she aspires to be so. 
birth year: 285 ac
marital status:  single
sexuality:  heterosexual
pronouns / gender: female, she/her
moral alignment: lawful good
sun sign:  Sagittarius 
positive traits: loving, loyal, understanding, cooperative, determined
negative traits: timid, naive, insecure,  skeptical, (too) trusting.
Beth Cassel is the only living daughter of Ser Rodrik Cassel and Eliza Cassel and is nothing but a rose blossoming in the snow. She was born in Winterfell in the middle of a snowstorm in 285 AC, known as the spark of life in the middle of all that death. Since she was born, she's had a love for the snow, for Winterfell, for arts of all kind. Although she does her best to talk and interact with everyone who crosses her path and leave them feeling better than they had before they met her, she's shy and has few friends, though she wants that to change. 
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arrykstark-blog · 5 years
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