#dye your hair crazy colours. cut it all off. pierce your tongue.
slashingdisneypasta · 1 month
My mum on my sister asking to get more piercings: Look at me, I'm perfectly pure. No piercings, no nothing. Hannah's pure, too, Look at h-
Me: Nope. No. Do not lump me in with that, thats gross. Nope.
Her: But you are!-
Me: Noooooope. Nope. Nope.
*she drops it and we all continue talking*
*2 minutes layer*
Her: Can I mention my pure ears again?-
Me: I'm out. *leaves*
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yanderenightmare · 3 years
I have been reading and rereading your hybrid aus for the past week and they are just *chefs kiss* but how would you feel if it was reversed and the boys were the hybrids? 👀 (And what animals would you think they suit?)
I can also imagine this in like a "golden compass" au. These would be their daemons.
TW: predator x prey stuff, yandere
Striped hyena.
A carnivorous omnivore.
Will eat anything he can scavenge.
Doesn't mind living off scraps as long as he's surviving.
But he sure does love hunting.
He's a stalking predator.
Enjoys playing a bit with his prey before finishing them off.
Always snapping at their heels until they exhaust themselves.
Poor little thing falling to his feet all tuckered out and defenceless.
No energy spared to fight him back.
Tan jagged birthmarks lining his pale skin.
Running along his ribs and neck where they go side by side with his battle-scars and those scrapes he has from relentlessly scratching at his throat.
His white hair fluffy, pulled back up into a mohawk mane that runs right between a pair of large pointy ears.
The fucking smile he pulls.
With those sharp canines.
That swivelled-eyed look of utter insanity on his face.
As he chortles and cackles out that horrifying gut-wrenching laugh.
Sharp black claws and a long thick tongue.
Slobbering all over his prey.
His favourite meals are adorable antlered or horned herbivores.
Likes how hard they try to escape only to realise that he's been toying with them from the start.
Lone artic wolf.
And a predator through and through.
Every word has a little growl in them.
But will result to an omnivore's diet in desperate times.
Though, he cannot survive on it for long.
He'll grow weak and thin.
Disgraced like a retched street-mutt.
Starving in back-alleys and underpass-bridges.
No home. No pack before joining the league.
Black tear ducks and waterlines, further intensifying his cold cyan eyes. Looking like a rockstar's eyeliner.
Fur white like freshly fallen snow.
If only he didn't dye the locks black all the time.
A dozen piercings running up and down his shaggy pointed ears.
A couple of cuts on them too.
They're so annoying to colour...
The paint always trickles inside his ear canals.
But his tail is even more of a hassle.
Thick fur constantly growing back out white.
Not to mention he isn't able to put a cap on displaying arousal.
His bushy brush always giving him away, wagging and whipping about like crazy.
Even when he's chewing someone's throat out.
His favourite meals are bleating cloudy-furred lambs.
They're like forbidden fruit in his eyes.
Pretty and untouched and so adorably naive.
Grizzly bear.
Classified as a fearsome carnivore.
He's way more of an omnivore in reality.
He's far from a beggar, but he'll use anything he can get his paws on to his advantage.
He's a fine diner though and doesn't find himself in a need to lower his standards too often.
He loves raw salmon in sashimi and sushi.
And berries and apples for a snack.
And has a habit of putting way too much honey in his tea.
He has a little tassel for a tail.
People tell him it's cute. Quite like a bunny-rabbit's cotton-dot.
Kirishima will even dare squeeze it every now and again to tease him.
He hates it. Always has his shirt covering it.
Not to mention his adorable round ears.
Which are a bit harder to hide even as they sit in the thick bush of his hair.
But he's far from cute all over...
Heavy footsteps.
Just massive in size and stupid strong.
Large sturdy hands, thick sharp claws.
Growls in his sleep and on every loud-mouthed gaping yawn.
Showing off those strong jawed fangs that can so easily snap a bone in half.
Likes smaller prey.
Like frisky flighty gibbering little squirrels with frilly red-brown bushy tails swishing about behind them.
Saltwater crocodile.
Purely carnivorous.
Always so kind, people forget he's deadly.
Cute snaggletooth in a mouth full of knifes.
A laugh so disarming you forget regarding the razors of his smile as made for tearing flesh.
Tough skin with some rough rocky scales.
Scattered in places they're needed.
Like knuckles, kneecaps and elbows.
Sharp claws. Solid, thick and sturdy.
Always marring the furniture and tearing textile.
Always indenting his palms with bloody leaking holes as he makes fist to calm himself down when he catches a whiff of blood on the breeze.
Abnormal eyes.
Blood-red iris with a black vertical slit for a pupil.
Made for discerning the strong form the weak.
Not picky when it comes to prey.
He's an opportunistic-hunter.
He'll grab about anything that dares come close enough to get snagged on his teeth.
But he only picks on things much smaller than him.
Things that are easily snagged and held down by his razor sharp claws.
Retractable so they not dull.
Only used when pouncing on prey, climbing to escape or protecting himself through fighting.
Or threatening terribly soft skin.
Has a mouthful of strong pointy teeth.
Two long sharp fangs decorating both the upper and lower row of jaws.
Made for killing small prey with a single bite.
Large and all-yellow with a drop of pitch-black.
Black waterlines and sharp tear-ducts.
Stylish dark spotted stripes in his blonde main.
Two fine pointed ears decorated with a tuft of black on the tips.
The signature bobbed tail, small and misleadingly cute.
He doesn't look too dangerous next to his friends but...
Good luck running from him.
He's quick as lightning.
It's really too bad his meal of choice are pretty birds that leave him in the dust.
With his speed he could catch about anything on the ground.
But he always seems to go for those who're just barely out of reach.
Loves the sport of hunting.
But will devour anything he can get his fine paws on.
Silent, fast, cunning, deadly.
Always watching...
Always thinking...
You won't see him coming and you won't see him leave.
You won't even know he's there.
Glowing green eyes.
Teeth small, but sharp. Always smirking.
Black tip on his pointy ears.
White tip on his thick fluffy tail.
He'll always tease with it, snake it about and tickle exposed skin.
Has a sick adoration for pretty little cottontails.
Can't get enough of their large innocent eyes on him.
And rubbing their soft fluffy lop-ears...
Finds them mouthwatering.
Snowy owl.
Swoops in like a blizzard.
Merciless like the firestorm.
Eyes left human.
But no less abnormal.
One grey and the other cyan instead of them both being a deep unsettling yellow.
Majestic wings. Like a royal cape.
One as white as winter in the north.
Pearly feathers strict like pure starlight.
The other red like fire.
Bloody plume stark like the crimson glory rose.
So pretty, people mistake him for a swan half the time.
Only if it weren't for his curved and piercing talons.
Strong and ruthless.
Once those black claws tear into soft tissue...
They're not prone to ever let go again.
His favourite eye-candy are adorable little lemming.
A twitchy nose and bucked teeth.
They always scream so prettily for him.
Imagine he has four more arms.
Three of them sprouting out on each side plus his legs.
He'd hold squirming little things down so easily.
Two hands pinning his tiny prey.
Leaving him with four hands spared to explore...
Fine silken string shooting from his palms.
Making the softest bonds.
Tying his prey up nicely.
Bringing new meaning to the art of shibari.
His main eyes left human, milky eyeball with a lavender ring surrounding a pool of black.
But the rest of his eyes aren't as normal...
With three slightly smaller ones decorating each of his cheek bones.
Pitch black looking like obsidian marbles.
Eight eyes in total.
Always watching.
Tusk-like fangs within his mouth. Behind that devious smirk.
Teeth secreting a special type of venom, seeping into his victims bloodstream.
A type of drug that has his prey weak to disobey his every little dirty command.
Andean Condor.
More commonly known as the Black vulture.
Considered the largest bird of prey in the world.
Despite the fact that their talons aren't nearly sharp nor long enough to catch and kill prey other than small rodents.
Like rats.
They mostly have other animals kill for them and swoop in at a later time to feast without needing to lift a finger themselves.
He'll wear gloves to conceal them.
Never allowing anyone to think of him as less a predator than what his other menacing features show off.
Wings as black as night.
Feathers sharp like blades, carving through the air.
With a wingspan reaching farther than twice the length of his height.
Third widest wingspan of anything gracing the sky.
Always flying above the fray.
Looking down at people as though they're all mere maggots wriggling about in the dirt beneath him.
Signature plague-mask always adorning him.
A curved beak complementing his natural bird-like features.
Feathered collar lining his bomber-jacket.
Also compensating for those vulture-traits he was left without.
Golden brown eyes.
Small and slim.
Regarding everything with disgust, judgement and scrutiny.
Rarely goes hunting for prey and therefor doesn't have a favourite.
But once he fixes his eyes on something... he's not quick to give up.
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