echoesinthedeep · 8 months
on the bandcamp situation and my patren
it seems that bandcamp has been bought and then quite twisted up by very unfortunate changes, thanks to frankly disgusting misuse of them as a business by their new owners. for now i will continue to host my music on bandcamp, but i'm planning to switch to putting my music on my itch.io as soon as becomes feasible for me. watch this space.
i also have finally unpublished my patreon - it was an interesting experiment, but several flaws came up. mostly it was just a place where some of my friends were supporting me, which i greatly appreciated, but essentially 30 dollars a month wasn't really enough to be anything more than disposable income while i was living with my parents. more importantly, my unmedicated adhd and issues with other stuff/lack of motivation to compose as of late has made me a far slower composer than i was years ago, and i was basically skipping like three months in a row where i had to remember to pause billing again... i originally set it up in the hopes it'd encourage me to compose at least something on a regular basis, and it worked for a while, but it's clear it's just not helping me make stuff or posts anymore. so i've decided i'll just start posting music when i make it
on the plus side, this means i don't need to fret over posting music whenever i create it anymore - there's no need to worry about when people get access and so on. since i'm currently employed it's really kind of ridiculous how much different the amount of money i make from a 7-4 is compared to the amount i make trying to sell my art online, which is unfortunate, but that's just how life is. this acc will continue to be a whole bunch of queue posts but i'll post any updates in this tag.
thanks for supporting dying eyes!
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echoesinthedeep · 1 year
your art is so cool. your pixel stuff continually reminds me of the nightmares i have when im sick and am high off cold meds. its sooooooooooo good
why thank you! half of my art is not drawn willingly but instead the manifestation of dark and terrifying patterns echoing out of my hindbrain and out through my hands, a stream only vaguely guided by my conscious mind desperately striving to push things into a reasonable assortment. as such, it is perhaps not too surprising that they would have manifested from the same tragic abyss wherein nightmares dwell.
i do hope that you have less nightmares from cold meds and instead get your fix for horrendous things from this account instead. may the dark beings speed your actions
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