ava-avery · 5 years
the fear of falling apart II Marya & Ava II blackout
It had been one of those mornings where she woke up feeling worse than when she’d fallen asleep. The black cloud following her had darkened as she’d remembered her one order of business that day; lunch with Aiden. Surface level it sounded like a perfectly lovely day out. Except it wasn’t. Aiden was her brother, the only one left. They should be closer than ever… and still, she felt him slipping every day. 
Hogsmeade was another story. It had been a year, and still her heart had been in her throat as she apparated into the village. It was as nothing had happened here; the entire world seemed to have moved on. Everyone but Ava, and the brother that was slipping out of her grasp.
And slipping further. She had kept a vague optimism while he verged on fashionably late. A dying hope when it turned rude without a damn good reason. An hour later, Ava just left. There was an overwhelming feeling that she was tugging at a connection that was already lost. And to be fair, who could blame him?
The ironic sentence of the day not getting worse played in her mind second before she registered the world going sideways.
«No,» she whispered. It had been so long, so peacefully long since it had last happened. Since the world had shifted around her like this; idyllic streets blinked out, replaced by the chaos that was constantly threatening to overwhelm her, a chaos that wasn’t real. By the shouts ingrained in her brain, the glimpse of spells, the masks. Ava pressed her palms against her eyes, breath catching and heart beating too quick. Her mind playing tricks, the nightmares haunting her even awake. But when her hands fell and the static died from her vision, it didn’t disappear. The world didn’t shift back to normal the way it always did. The vision relented, shifted, grew.  Her breath hitched harder as she stumbled backwards. Because this wasn’t real.
She stumbled further back, into someone. It took a moment to comprehend, her brain matching the pieces between past and present. The blonde woman didn’t fit into the equation of her nightmares, removed from the situation. A childish instinct connected Marya with something tangible; not part of the usual illusions. Ava was too far removed to care how scared her voice sounded when she said; «You’re real, you’re-» choking on her own reassurances.
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redmour-pd-it · 6 years
Kelsey used her body weight to hold the door shut. She had ducked into the closest place that was open trying to escape the hunters though she happened to now had a few scraps and a twisted ankle in the process. If anyone ever felt like a fox during one of those English fox hunts, it certainly was Kelsey. However, she would do everything that she could to survive. It was then that she saw a figure in the room that she had shut herself into. She panicked a little, but realized if it was a hunter than she was dead meat anyways. “If you aren’t here to kill me, at least help me barricade this damn door so they can’t get in and kill both of us.”
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gabriel-bastian · 9 years
“God I hate being underground and there are so many damned people here its cramped.. God I hate this.” He frowned as he paced back and forth two meters, talking to himself.
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