#e-117 Sigma's included in the herons as well
elsannej · 4 months
E-100 series robots (& Metal Sonic) as birds - a 🧵
(And I do mean HC:ing them "as birds" - not talking about flicky battery stuff)
* = belong to the same order Pelicaniformes
E-102 Gamma: Great blue heron (Ardea herodias)*
1-1.4m (wingspan: 1.7-2m), 1.8-3.6kg
The first bunch of E-series give major heron/stork to me, with their lanky statures, long/prominent long bird feet and specialist roles. (See; herons' fishing tactics with their precise strikes!)
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Although, cranes (Grus grus) relay the same energy as well.
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E-123 Omega: Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)*
1-1.5m (wingspan: 2-2.3m), 2-5kg
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Pelicans are generally shorter and definitely heavier & stockier than their distant relatives (see above) with greater wingspan/height ratio. (Those shoulders!) Pelicans are kind of infamous for being absolutely unhinged with their generalist & opportunistic builds. They would eat you if it was possible (not from lack of trying) so they get the intimidation factor as well!
Look at this (more or less) majestic guy.
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(The brown pelican is the smallest pelican species, there being way heavier species (up to 13kg), but I chose it for the color scheme mostly.)
There's another species that's a good candidate for Omega, but another robot contender fits the bill (hehe) better:
NEO Metal Sonic: Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex)*
1.1-1.5m (wingspan 2.3-2.6m), 4-7kg
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Need I say more?
I say NEO specifically, because these birds are huge and actually way taller than what Metal even would be irl. They prance around a bunch and are known to make a lot of noise with their bills especially. So, yeah: NEO Metal. I'd argue they have Metal Overlord aesthetics as well.
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Meanwhile for Metal's base form:
Metal Sonic: Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
speed: 320km/h
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Naturally; it's the fastest animal which zooms in the skies. ("What would Sonic be then since he's faster?" Bro idk, he's a hedgehog.😐) They're yet another bird of pray, although, more evidently deadly than the ~piscivore species on this list (look at those claws). They've also got this cute-factor that fits that side of Metal, with the dark eyes, making them seem kind of sad:
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This concludes my self indulgent TED talk.
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