#eCommerce website designer
freelanceweb · 1 month
Redesign your Shopify Store in India
Looking To Give Your Shopify Store A Fresh New Look? Are you not happy with the current design of your Shopify store? Do you feel like your competitors are better than you? Don’t worry, let our Shopify experts level up your store and set you apart from your competitors. The e-Commerce Site is Outdated or Looks Amateurish If you started an e-commerce store ten years ago, you may have just put it…
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9ecommerce · 6 months
Top 10 BigCommerce Apps To Increase Your eCommerce Sales In 2023
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In the competitive world of eCommerce, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses looking to boost their online sales. Fortunately, BigCommerce, one of the leading eCommerce platforms, offers a wide range of apps to enhance your store’s functionality and drive revenue growth. 
Yotpo is a powerful app that enables you to leverage user-generated content and customer reviews to build trust and drive conversions. With Yotpo, you can easily collect and display customer reviews, showcase user-generated photos, and implement a robust loyalty program to incentivize repeat purchases.
Omnisend is an all-in-one marketing automation platform designed specifically for eCommerce. This app allows you to create personalized email campaigns, automate abandoned cart reminders, and implement effective segmentation strategies to target customers at the right time, ultimately boosting your sales.
Google Shopping:
Google Shopping integration is a must-have for any eCommerce business. By syncing your BigCommerce store with Google Shopping, you can reach a wider audience and increase visibility for your products. With BigCommerce shopping cart development, you can showcase your products at the top of search results, driving qualified traffic to your store.
Justuno is a conversion optimization tool that helps you capture leads and increase conversions. This app allows you to create targeted pop-ups, exit-intent offers, and customizable promotions to engage visitors and encourage them to purchase. By implementing Justuno, you can effectively grow your email list and drive more sales.
For businesses offering subscription-based products, ReCharge is an essential app. This app seamlessly integrates with your BigCommerce store, enabling you to manage and optimize subscription orders easily. With ReCharge, you can offer flexible billing options, track recurring revenue, and provide a smooth customer experience.
Efficient shipping is vital for customer satisfaction. ShipStation simplifies your shipping process by consolidating orders, generating shipping labels, and automating tracking notifications. This app supports multiple carriers, allowing you to streamline your fulfillment operations and provide reliable shipping to your customers.
Klaviyo is a powerful email marketing platform that specializes in data-driven personalization. By integrating Klaviyo with your BigCommerce store, you can send targeted, behavior-based emails to engage customers at every stage of their journey. Klaviyo’s advanced segmentation and automation capabilities make it a valuable tool for increasing sales and customer retention.
Building customer loyalty is crucial for long-term success. LoyaltyLion offers a comprehensive loyalty program solution that rewards customers for engagement and purchases. By implementing LoyaltyLion, you can incentivize repeat purchases, increase customer lifetime value, and foster a strong brand community.
Like LoyaltyLion, Smile.io is a robust loyalty program app allowing you to create customized reward programs and referral campaigns. With Smile.io, you can encourage customers to engage with your brand, refer friends, and unlock exclusive perks, increasing sales and customer loyalty.
Upsellit specializes in conversion rate optimization through personalized upselling and cross-selling strategies. This app uses intelligent algorithms to analyze customer behavior and present targeted offers during checkout, increasing average order value and maximizing sales potential.
Hence, integrating these top 10 BigCommerce apps into your eCommerce store can significantly enhance your sales and drive business growth in 2023. Whether leveraging customer reviews with Yotpo, implementing automated marketing campaigns with Omnisend, or expanding your reach through Google Shopping, each app offers unique features to optimize your store’s performance.
Additionally, as a BigCommerce partner company, we understand the importance of a well-designed and developed eCommerce store. Our team of experts specializes in BigCommerce store development,store design, and other services tailored to meet your specific business needs. You can leverage our expertise and experience to create a high-performing BigCommerce store that maximizes your sales potential by partnering with us.
Don’t miss out on the opportunities that these top-rated BigCommerce apps provide. Increase customer engagement, streamline your operations, and boost your sales with the right combination of these powerful tools. Stay ahead of the competition and make 2023 a year of remarkable success for your eCommerce business.
9ecommerce – Recognizable BigCommerce Partner
9ecommerce is proud to be an authorized partner of BigCommerce, one of the leading eCommerce platforms in the industry. As a trusted partner, we have a deep understanding of BigCommerce’s features, functionalities, and best practices, allowing us to provide top-notch services to our clients. Our team of skilled professionals is well-versed in BigCommerce store development, store design, and customization, ensuring that our clients’ online stores are visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for conversions.
When you choose 9ecommerce as your authorized partner for BigCommerce, you gain access to a wealth of expertise and resources. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the eCommerce landscape, allowing us to implement cutting-edge strategies and techniques that drive success for your online business. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing BigCommerce store, our dedicated team will work closely with you to understand your goals and deliver a tailored solution that meets your unique requirements. Trust 9ecommerce as your authorized partner for BigCommerce, and let us help you unlock the full potential of your eCommerce venture.
If you’re ready to take your BigCommerce store to the next level, contact us today to discuss your requirements and hire a trusted BigCommerce development company. With our comprehensive services and industry knowledge, we’ll help you unlock the full potential of your online business.
Remember, success in eCommerce lies in staying proactive, embracing innovation, and utilizing the right tools. By incorporating these top 10 BigCommerce apps and partnering with us, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of online retail and achieve your sales goals in 2023 and beyond.
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sabelacarsonsblog · 9 months
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Revolutionize Your Online Sales with an Ecommerce Website Designer
Seeking a skilled Ecommerce Website Designer? Explore high-quality design solutions today, and unlock the path to your success.
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leezdesign · 1 year
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  If you are looking for web designing company in dehradun  | web development company in Dehradun  (9897870965) then Leezdesign help you set up your local store and go online through the Website, which allows you to promote and market your products online around the world. Instead start with us with your online marketing project. We have improved the number of e-commerce web applications for our customers. 
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itwebandcloud · 1 year
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Ecommerce Solutions for Small Business Belfast NI, Ireland UK
Our Ecommerce Strategy Consulting Agency will first lay emphasis on the implementation of best techniques for improving site visibility via search engine results. These services are effective for enhancing your ecommerce site and bringing in more patrons. With our technical SEO audit services, you can improve the user experience of your ecommerce site.
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mobicommerces-blog · 1 year
Learn why it's important to work with an ecommerce development company in Saudi Arabia to scale your online store and achieve long-term success. Get expertise, customized solutions, and scalability with companies like mobicommerce.
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dcpweb · 2 years
Advantages Offered By Ecommerce Website
Regardless of the size of the company, whether it is big or small, every company wants to expand its business. They want to use all possible means to market their products and services. Businesses run marketing campaigns to spread the popularity and reach of their business. E-commerce Website Design London helps businesses create a personal connection with potential customers and consumers over the Internet. Today, e-commerce applications and solutions are becoming essential for any business or organization to have an online presence. An e-commerce website helps a business to support its products and/or services all over the world in the shortest possible time.
There are several e-commerce website and applications created every day to meet the needs of various businesses. However, to survive in the cut-throat competition, a company must have a highly effective e-commerce website design. A well-designed and user-friendly e-commerce website ensures high sales and business income.
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E-commerce sites are specifically designed to encourage visitors to buy products and stay on the site longer so they can spend more. It includes a business look and feel, reflects the company's vision and philosophy, has an organized layout and professional design, includes neat navigation, clear and market-friendly content and customer-friendly interface, as well as easy checkout and easy. shopping cart These sites are integrated with a professional gateway to ensure smooth and hassle-free online payment.
Designing an e-commerce website is a very professional task. Creating and designing e-commerce websites is not a job for a layman. It requires very skilled and talented store web designers to design a store that can eventually succeed.
A good e-commerce website designers should ensure that all the above important and necessary elements are integrated into the website. An e-commerce website should also have a comprehensive product page that contains detailed information about all the products on offer. Products should be displayed in a way that is both attractive and informative. The design should also convey a sense of professionalism so that visitors feel safe buying products from your website. The payment page must ensure a high level of privacy and security.
A good e-commerce website is no longer something that only big companies can create. Small and medium-sized businesses also have the option of getting a professional e-commerce website, and this can be done with or without hiring an expensive e-commerce website designer. There are several really good ways to build an e-commerce website, one of the best of which is to use an e-commerce software solution. This is probably one of the cheapest and easiest solutions.
Source & Reference: https://dcpweb.edublogs.org/2022/12/06/advantages-offered-by-ecommerce-website/
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web99official · 2 years
Ecommerce Website Design Orange
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The days of Potential Customers calling you to know more about your services are history. They have taken an easy route to gather more information, your Website. If you own a business and don’t have an online presence, you’ll stop getting new customers & will start losing the existing ones. Web99 is the best Ecommerce Website Design Orange out there.
Your Website is like your office that never sleeps! It assists customers whenever they need it. So it’s critical to have a Well-designed, Customised & High-performance Website. It can help your customers shop easily, get more information about your services, know more about your Business & book an appointment with you.
For this, you’ll need the Best Web Designers. At Web99, that’s precisely what we offer, fully custom Website design services.
We have assisted Dentists, Tradies, Solar Companies, & NGOs in Sydney with their custom website needs.
Our Services
We offer comprehensive Web-designing services across Sydney, Canberra, & Orange.
These services include
Custom Websites DevelopmentE-commerce
HTML Website
Custom WordPress Website DevelopmentHow do we roll?
We are a team of passion-driven Website-designers offering services in Bella Vista, Fyshwick, Blacktown, Penrith , Mitchell, & Gungahlin. Unlike your average designing agency, you will talk with experts whenever you call us. We are focused on delivering stunning Websites that act as your 24x offices. From Design & Development to Performace, everything is tailored for you.
We understand the importance of a Google-friendly website & how it can impact your Business. So we ensure your Website is built as per the latest Google standards so you can get the best results. Our Google-certified teams are well-equipped to handle any Google updates & help you stay ahead. Web99 is the best Ecommerce Website Design Orange out there.
Our Process
1 Understanding your needs
This is the most crucial step for us. We sit with you for consultation & understand your goals in detail before we start. We precisely note every detail that you want on your Website for your 100% satisfaction.
Whenever necessary, our experts offer their inputs too.
2 Wire-framing & Prototyping
Once your goals are finalised, our designers start working on wireframes. These low-fidelity designs offer an overall view of how your Website will look like.
Any changes in design as per you can be done at this stage. Once done, our coders craft a fully functional prototype.
3 Rigorous testing
We believe a perfect website is one that rarely falters once launched. So once the prototype is ready, we perform exhaustive tests in real-world conditions.
Such testing allows us to identify & fix any flaws in the design.
4 Final Launching
Any flaws are found in the prototype are fixed & all the last minute changes in design are incorporated. Once everything is good & merry, we make your Website live.
5 Maintenance
But that’s not the end of the road. We keep a vigilant eye on your Website for any glitches. We also help you stay on the top of Google with our top-rated SEO services.
What’s different about Web99?
We don’t boast of being different or doing things differently. WE MAKE THINGS SIMPLE, FOR YOU & FOR US, that’s it. Web99 is the best Ecommerce Website Design Orange out there.
How do we do it?
1 Single point of Contact
You will be assigned a dedicated expert who will handle all the communication with you. So whenever you have a query, you will be assisted by the same expert.
This will save your time & ours too, as we will be able to help you more efficiently.
2 Customised Design
We understand your Business is unique, so you’ll need a unique design to stand out. So we craft Build a website around your Business. Such a Website attracts more customers, helps you stand out, & boosts your Brand Credibility.
3 Services across Multiple Business niche
We have served clients from different niches, including Dental, Entertainment, E-commerce, Tradesmen & Renewable energies in Sydney. Such experience is a clear indication of our commitment to deliver outstanding results across any niche.
4 Scalable & Google-friendly design
When your Business grows, our websites grow with you. So you don’t have to burn a lot of money to get a new website every now & then.
Also, our websites are built as per Google’s latest algorithms. This helps your Website appear on the top Google results as compared to your competitors.
5 Extensive Experience
Experience is the key, & we have tonnes of it. When you work with Web99, you get access to the unlimited talent pool in our team. This team has more than 27 years of collective experience, making us the perfect choice for your Website designing needs.
6 Proudly Australian
We are an Australian owned & Australian-based Agency with offices in Sydney & Canberra. We know how to get things done in Australia. Don’t you think you need an agency that has an office where you can visit? Think about it!
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hellofareed · 2 years
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ecommerce web design ecommerce development ecommerce website designer ecommerce website development ecommerce development company
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ecommercewebb · 2 years
Defined Steps for Developing a Social Media Strategy
We cannot just have a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach for social media marketing as each and every organization running today has unique goals & targets to achieve. For example, let’s say a company’s goal is to augment the online visibility of its web pages and its social media handles. In that case, the aspects that will determine the quality of the webpage(s) and the content publishing schedule will be different from those companies whose goal is to achieve lead generation(s) along with quick business growth. Following are the defined steps to develop a social media plan for your business: WordPress Website Designer in Indirapuram
Step 1: Define Your Goals
A social media strategy is created for generating leads and also for increasing online visibility of the brand, and/or generating traffic, or maybe all three together. For example, two separate companies may have two different social media plans. Like one may limit this only to strengthening its corporate presence and promoting its work culture; while some other firms make create a professional website with the purpose to generate more online traffic that in turn converts into leads and generate maximum revenue in the form of augmented business sales. This brings us again to the idea that varied goals require different social media methodologies.
Step 2: Do an Ample Research of Your Targeted Audience
Not every audience is your targeted audience! This is suggested by most social media strategists. Research well to find the best audience for your business by making use of special tools like Social Media Analytics, Google Analytics, Social Listening, etc., or you can even take the survey(s).
Step 3: Review Your Competitors’ Social Media Strategies
Now, as you know well about your business goals and targeted audience, use these as proper filters for determining which competitor(s) you can explore for doing competitive research. Take a few days to thoroughly study them.
Step 4: Finally, It Is Time to Build the Social Media Strategy
Following are some defined metrics based on which one can build a fine social media plan:
Assigning Roles to Team
Visual Content In-charge
Content Supervisor  
Trained Executive for Social Media Postings
Paid Ads Executive
Planning the Budget
You can use either paid or free tools.
You can run paid ads occasionally or quite frequently.
You can assign either one or maybe multiple roles at one time to an executive, depending on the salary.
Choosing Social Media Platforms for Content Posting
Drafting a Good Content Strategy
Hashtags and Keywords to Be Targeted for Search Optimization in Social Media
Scheduling the Frequency of Posting Content
Wrapping Up!
Making a definitive and well-performing social media strategy could be a herculean task for you without professional intervention as everything will take a lot of meticulous work to make it run well. Also, it is not possible to develop these strategies in one single day. Additionally, a content targeting plan, hashtags, and keywords should be set up in advance. A solid social media strategy would need a team that can do thorough research of the market competition, perform meticulous consideration of the company’s budget, and also does an appropriate examination of different social media platforms and their effect in the context of the said business. All this demands the serious involvement of a professional.
Read More: PHP Web Development Company in Indirapuram
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tiikiboo · 5 months
I'm a Web developer
Hello, my name is Bettina and i'm 27 years old. I live in Sweden 🇸🇪 but i'm born in Hungary 🇭🇺.
I'm currently studying web development focusing e-commerce. I've done it for a year now and i have one year left in school. I have not had my internship yet.
The languages i'm learning:
JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, expess.js,
I've even experience UX-design, web design, digital marketing, SEO and entrepreneurship. And i love talking about problem solving and accessibility 🪄🪲
Currently i'm developing wordpress with PHP, HTML and hierarchical CSS.
So, if you are into this stuff, especially wordpress and php, talk nerdy stuff with me! I would be so happy if i had more connections with people who are into this stuff, especially women. 🌸
My github:
My portfolio:
It is not done yet, i will update it soon 🫣🐢
🌦️ A weather app made in our Javascript course:
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vsmglobaltech · 3 months
👩‍💻🧑‍💻Our Promotion in Social Media Marketing📢✈️🖼️
Unlock your brand's potential with our tailored social media marketing services. We specialize in driving engagement, boosting visibility, and maximizing your online presence. Contact us today!
DigitalMarketing #marketing #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #business #seo #branding #marketingdigital #onlinemarketing #entrepreneur #instagram #advertising #contentmarketing
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9ecommerce · 6 months
Selling on Marketplaces vs. Building Your Indian E-Commerce Website
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Irrespective of whether you’re a novice or a seasoned online seller, this guide will furnish you with a comprehensive understanding of the avenues available for selling your products on the internet. Even without experience operating a physical store, you can commence online product sales for a profitable outcome.
There are 2 ways to sell online.
Sell Online on Marketplaces
Sell on your website.
Both choices seem appealing. We’ve compared the characteristics of running your online eCommerce company in India and selling online via the marketplace to help you decide. In this manner, our comparisons will be accurate.
Customer base
Marketplace: The biggest USP of any marketplace is its ability to draw a sizable customer base. Clients approach you. You are cashing in on the trust that online shopping websites like Amazon, Flipkart, or eBay have built up. You are not required to run marketing initiatives or use social media frequently. You need to set up your seller account and wait for sales (and reviews) to start flowing in.  
Own an online store: You must work harder to draw customers to your online store. Your responsibilities suddenly include storytelling, branding, branding campaigns, Instagram presence, and SEO. However, the benefits are also greater.
Marketplace: In a marketplace, customers are frequently presented with temptations in the form of the goods of their rivals. Whether the sale comes from your store or one of your rivals, they want a sale. While SEO may not be a concern for you, it will be important to think about how to outrank your rival for eyeballs by ranking higher in the search engine results.
Own an online store: You can compete fairly by having your own online store. You don’t have to accept undercutting deals that make your rivals’ products appear more affordable. There isn’t any opposition. People frequent your shop because they like it and aren’t lured away by other goods once they’re there. And also an eCommerce web development company will also help you in website SEO for your website ranking.
Design flexibility
Marketplace: Since these have design limitations, listing your stuff there is simple. Although you can add pictures and descriptions, the main design follows the marketplace’s standardization strategy. Your company ends up being an afterthought.
Own ecommerce site: Creating your own website using a platform and a reputed eCommerce development company in India allows you a lot of design flexibility for the look and feel of the site. Your store and your merchandise are both yours. You can select from various layouts on most online store platforms. This is your greatest option if you’re trying to stand out in a crowded area.
Marketplace Vs. Own Ecommerce Store
Online marketplaces in India, like Amazon and Flipkart, are at the top of the list as global eCommerce sales increase. You can post your products on these marketplaces and directly engage with clients. Every marketplace has a different target market and pricing scheme. You must compare its features to pick the marketplace that fits your store and brand the best.
1. Selling on Amazon
Amazon, which began in 1994, is now the most successful online retailer in the world. More than quadrupling from 2014’s $88.99 billion to 2021’s $469.81 billion, Amazon’s net revenues are expected to continue their meteoric rise.
Amazon Prime members can access perks like free two-day shipping, video, music streaming, and more when they sign up. Most of its shoppers find it to be the best option available.
2. Selling on Flipkart
Flipkart Private Limited recorded income for the fiscal year 2021 of over 433 billion Indian rupees, according to a poll. Additionally, the e-commerce player saw a 25% growth in revenue from the prior year.
Flipkart, a niche player than Amazon and supports fewer vendors, is a fantastic place to conduct online business.
Creating Your Own Website
A poll revealed that 52% of the sellers only sold through their own website, 42% sold through an e-marketplace in addition to their website, and only 6% said they exclusively sold their products on e-commerce websites.
2020 saw more than 50% of repeat purchases across all categories going to private labels, per a different survey. In the cosmetics sector, approximately 75% of repeat sales were observed. Repeat purchase trends were similarly higher in the other categories—grocery, wellness, furniture, etc.
The benefits of selling your products on your own eCommerce development company in India are as follows:
The platform is yours: Although you will be in charge, setting up and maintaining an e-commerce website is far more expensive than selling your products on a marketplace.
No commission: Even in your own e-commerce business, selling things online will incur transaction costs for each sale, but after that, the profit on the products is all yours. Typically, commissions are set up for third-party websites where you sell your products. These commissions may even be paid to the third party before making any sales.
Deductions from Earnings: In addition to sharing a portion of your profits with the e-commerce platform you utilize, you should anticipate incurring various expenses. These may encompass subscription fees, referral charges, and more.
Analytical Insights: Rather than solely relying on the data furnished by your e-commerce platform, you can employ your analytics tools. Google Analytics, for instance, can assist you in pinpointing your top-selling items and most frequently viewed products, monitoring buyer behavior, and so forth.
If you want to start your online website, 9eCommerce can help. 9eCommerce is an eCommerce design company in India who helps you to make your own ecommerce website that will increase your ROI.
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samparoy · 2 months
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Entopia Entrepreneurial Enterprises, LLC
Step into the world of Entopia Entrepreneurial Enterprises, where innovation meets affordability and style intertwines seamlessly with practicality. At Entopia, we're not just offering bags; we're providing a gateway to a new era of convenience, where saving time and money is as fashionable as it is functional.
Website: https://a8567a-46.myshopify.com Email: [email protected] Address: 4780 Interstate 55 North, Frontage Road, Suite 100, Jackson, MS 39211 Owner Name: Charles Edward Smith, II Phone Number: 202-714-7679 Payment Option: 9 am to 6 pm Monday thru Friday Business Hours: PayPal
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digimanisha · 9 days
The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Search Engine Optimization
🚀 From choosing the right keywords to optimizing your site's performance, SEO is your secret weapon in the digital world. Ready to unlock the potential of your online presence? Let's master SEO together and watch your website soar! 📈💻
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itwebandcloud · 2 years
Reach out to the most trusted ecommerce solutions provider in Belfast. You can count on our ecommerce SEO company to obtain specialized SEO services for your business website.
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