#early veronaville project
dystopianam · 10 months
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Some early Capp family moment!
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tanjavda · 8 months
My Veronaville
As mentioned in my previous post I started some sort of project in Veronaville, which I called very creatively 'My Veronaville'.
It's basically me creating an early Veronaville (inspired by a post on a facebookgroup) with the addition of the original townies, and some of the NPC's (maids, police officers, repairmen, gardeners and burglars), who I put together in families. The last part is highly inspired by @anibats. She recently posted a video where she shares how she's setting up her downtown for playing, with the downtownies being the families. That's what I plan to do for the townies and NPC's in My Veronaville. The original sims will start with Consort, Patrizio and Isabella as adults with their offspring being teens, children or toddlers. I'll be giving some of them extra siblings, because I do like singe child household, I don't like all my families being like that. I have it all planned in my head, and on paper, but haven't gotten around to it in game.
I have to admit, I planned to work on this during my 3 weeks off from work, but I only managed to renovate the community lots.
And after all this text here are the before's and afters:
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5 Pentameter Parkway
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Veronaville Market
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431 Globe Street
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Stratford Strip
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daydreamingdrawerette · 9 months
Navigation for mobile users
My Sim households
Tellier (Veronaville)
Monty Ranch (Veronaville)
Summerdream (Veronaville)
Haas (Windenburg)
Other stuff
My German Veronaville project -> tagged under #Softlism stories
My Simming Goals 2024
My drawings -> tagged under #Softlism sketches
Random CCs -> tagged under #dl: mine
My Sims 3 posts + screenshots -> tagged under #ts3
TOU & requests
You may edit my CCs. But if you share it, please credit me with a link. Tagging is appreciated bc I want to see your edits 😊
Keep my work for free (no shortened ad links and no early access/paywall)
Recolors/walls/floors: as long as you credit me, you may include it in your Lots and Sims and you may recolor using my textures
Requests: only open for Sim recreation requests, but it can take a couple of months before I get around creating them for you.
WCIF friendly
My builds won't be available for download because I use tons of CCs and possibly modded walls. But if you want more screenshots to recreate them yourself, my Ask and DMs are open (anon is disabled).
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gutosimmer · 2 years
~Early Woodland Park~
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I wanted to thank you all so much for 300 followers!!! So i wanted to give a little gift, i renovated the park from Pleasantview so that you and i could replace the Maxis one in my Early Pleasantview!
I wanted to give a reno to all community lots in PV as a gift, but i couldn't do it in time lol, and i'm working on renovating Veronaville for a lil project 😏👀
It's a completely CC-free lot and it was thoroughly cleaned!
Download and Pictures under the cut!
Recommended :
Sims2Pack Clean Installer :
Download the lot here
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I hope you enjoy it!!
Let me know if you encounter any issues, i'll fix it as soon as i can!
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cobycobsy2k · 2 years
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Project: "Genie in A Bottle".
Alpinloch (BETA version)
Hood Bio:
Alpinloch is a small town inspired by the late 60s early 70s. It is a small town whose tourism is declining (Because some families are going to places like Veronaville, Desiderata Valley or Riverblossom Hills), will the local youth be able to stay in Alpinloch or spread their wings to go to other places? .
Alpinloch is inspired by places like Louisina (United States), Rye (UK), Calais (France) and Florence (Italy), which are places that I love because they are so beautiful!
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lavenderlight · 3 years
Some Gameplay Rules and Changes to The TS1 Hood™
Old Town/Willville/Sim Valley/Early Pleasantview
I am having a lot of fun with this, but I like to play my hood with goals in mind. Since the BACC fell apart, I thought about it and came up with my own.
Goal: To build a thriving uberhood based on the TS1 and TS2 hoods.
What this means is I’ll be retconning when my sims went to TS1!Downtown lots and will be playing just Neighbourhood 1-2 and Old Town. Sims’ taxes will go to unlocking new subhoods and such.
1. TS1 Downtown
Fully unlocks the Slacker, Culinary, Criminal, Architecture Careers past Level 5. 
Sims can own businesses and go out on dates.
2. Vacation Island
Vacation Subhood, obviously (still not sure how to do this since TS1′s VI is basically both a Tropical and Mountain vacation spot in one)
Oceanography, Adventurer careers past Level 5.
Mermaid lifestate “discovered”!*
3. Magic Town
Paranormal, and Entertainment Career fully unlocked.
Vampires, Faeries lifestates “discovered”*
Witches and other supernaturals have a place to be “open”, rather than having to hide or be shunned.
5. Studio Town
Show Business, Dancer, Music, and Journalism careers fully unlocked.
IDK what else tbh.
**Llama Interstate
Road to Veronaville! “Unlocks” that as a subhood, along with the full Business Career.
**The Road to Nowhere 
Road to Strangetown! “Unlocks” that as a subhood, aliens are ”discovered”*. Natural Science career is fully unlocked.
* “Unlocking” a supernatural lifestate means I can make sims of that lifestate openly. Right now, I do have a hidden fairy townie but that’s it. ** Whichever highway project I reach first will fully unlock the Architecture career.
I’ll have to sit down and come up with the prices for these things, but yeah!
Also to further add some ~spice~ to the game, I’m going to try and play set in the early 2000s and work my way up to 2020-ish through the generations. This means selling a lot of my households’ computers, and using lower tech. Also allowing newspapers again haha. It’s still The Sims so will keep the sci-fi-y things.
Okay that’s that byyyeee!
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danjaley · 7 years
Yeah, there's a store urn that for whatever reason, only wants to sit on the floor. So irritating.
I was thinking it might be because it’s a geostate of the large gravestone - but all the other gravestones aren’t supposed to sit on tables in their stone-form either! Anyway, if I use urns there, they’d be the medium ones anyway. Sims who died early usually get those. simsmidgen replied to your photo “I found a solution for those bridges. This version of the world should...”
Great idea!
simnights replied to your photo “Capp Side, graveyard I’m feeling nervous about adding my own buildings...”
it looks awesome!
itsyuiri replied to your photo “I found a solution for those bridges. This version of the world should...”
Love this solution! Really fits the town's overall aesthetic as well :)
simnights replied to your photo “I found a solution for those bridges. This version of the world should...”
*heart eyes emoji*
tyrellsimsoficeandfire replied to your photo “Another thing learned about The Sims 3: There are three different...”
I liked the Restaurant Story. With open for Business I had Isabella run a fine bakery with Antonio as her Chef �� hope you'll do some kind of llama farm, too. Maybe abandoned after the Monty Capp feud began.
That’s a cute idea! Really brings the restaurant story to life! The llama farm is on my list and will be put on the “Silofarm” lot. itsyuiri replied to your photo “Capp Side, graveyard I’m feeling nervous about adding my own buildings...”
Wow, what a great job! Totally looks like it could be straight out of Veronaville, so no need to be afraid! ��
Thank you! Seriously I already learned more about Tudor style in this project so far than ever at university! simsmidgen replied to your photoset “Demon Deer: *crumples to ashes* [I have no idea what happened there]”
When nature says "stay away" XD
That’s why I preferred not to save after that!
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dystopianam · 10 months
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Since gutosimmer doesn't give any more news of his Early VV (😭) I started making it myself and...damn it, this project is fucking fun.
At the moment I only have the two main families installed in the game (the Capps and the Montys) and I'm using the genetically corrected versions.
Since the children have the vanilla parents' genetics, I used the original Patrizio, Consort, Isabella and Contessa, because it wouldn't have made sense to use the genetically correct ones if the children didn't look like them.
Also because the genetically corrected Patrizio, Consort, Contessa and Isabella were so ugly that I didn't want to have generations of monsters 💀
Tomorrow I will install the Summerdreams, then all the rest of the family trees of all three families and finally I will install the families of the partners 💀
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dystopianam · 10 months
Early VV Family bios!
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Hood Description
The feud between the Montys and the Capps has been going on for generations. Ever since the smart Cleopatra Capp tricked the powerful Bassanio Monty, almost bringing him to the ruin of his family.
After generations, the hatred between the two families should have been resolved slowly, but frequent offenses and murders between the two families has led that small power rivalry to become a real war between the families that now divides in two the beautiful Veronaville.
Will the new generations be able to restore the peace or will the story go on like this for many many more generations?
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For generations a noble and powerful matriarchal family, every respectable woman who belonged to this family is described as ambitious, smart and without any qualms about getting their hands dirty of the blood of those who stand in their way.
However, times have changed, since the death of the previous heir, Scribonia Capp, Contessa, her daughter, seems to want to change the rules.
She has no hatred for the rival family, the Montys, and she longs for peace instead. An earlier romance with the current heir, Patrizio Monty, seemed to finally bring peace in Veronaville, but the story ended very badly with the arrival of Prince Consort Thebe, who snatched the beautiful Contessa from the arms of his best friend, Patrizio.
Contessa is a strong and intelligent leader as her ancestors, but despite her immense authority, how could she stop her husband Consort from hating the Montys when it all happened because of her fickleness?
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Patrizio Monty never forgot Consort Thebe's broken promise.
The two were once best friends and business partners, and the savvy business demon Consort had even managed to get Patrizio himself out of debt, helping him to save his family's reputation for years chipped by the constant attacks of the fearsome women of the Capp family.
In the 'hood it's rumored that the friendship between the two ended due to a dangerous love triangle between the two men and the beautiful Contessa Capp, but no one knows that the story is much more complicated and profound than it appears.
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Titania Summerdream and Oberon Gossamer have been best friends since childhood and have spent centuries and centuries together, in the woods of the mystical Moonlight Falls, until the two realized they had a strong feeling for each other and together they decided to try to lead a quiet human life in the beautiful but currently at war, Veronaville.
Will their presence benefit the families who have hated each other for years? Maybe the two will be able to bring some magic and love into their hearts as well?
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Richard Norman and his wife Anne wish only the academic excellence for their only heir, Albany, but the boy, despite having the head on his shoulders and being very studious, seems to have distractions on his mind.
Despite his young age, Albany already wishes a family of his own, a wife to love and numerous children, and it seems that the he has already fallen in love with the beautiful Goneril Capp, of the Capp family.
Will Albany be able to obtain the permission of his parents and her parents to be able to court the girl or will his father Richard stop him thinking that at the moment a love story can only be an obstacle to his studies?
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Rich, powerful, but underappreciated by other families due to their unfriendly nature, the Danes want only one thing: to excel. It doesn't matter which way, any way is fine, even the most dishonest way.
For this reason, although he is still only a child, Hamlet Dane has already arranged a marriage to his son Cornwall with one of the youngest daughters of the Capp family: Regan Capp.
Will Cornwall be able to make his family proud and carry on with their plans to excel even more despite the fact that he does not seem to have much sympathy for the young Regan?
The price to pay is really high, but the compensation... is even more!
Money, that's the only motivation that moves anything in the Dane family.
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Mysterious but elegant, the Gales are the complete opposite of the Danes.
Appreciated by many for their outgoing nature and good manners, although it is unknown where they came from and what their origins are, this family of redheads seems to have already won everyone's hearts!
Prospero hopes that his son Caliban can grow and maintain this kind of reputation for years and years and that he can pass on him his immense knowledge for business, but despite appearances, it seems that a dark secret is hidden within the walls of their house.
A dark and mystical secret, similar to the Summerdream's one, but very different in many ways.
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The Arlecchino family is very different from all the other families in Veronaville. This, in fact, has no noble or royal title, but is a simple and normal family that unfortunately suffers of poverty.
The young Hero seems to have taken a liking to one of the sons of the Monty family, Antonio, but people immediately pointed the finger at the poor girl, accusing her of only wanting to make a social climb by taking advantage of the status of the young Antonio Monty.
This is not the truth, Hero has a deep and sincere friendship for the other child, but who can silence those rumors?
The Arlecchino may not be rich in money, but they are rich in love and creativity.
Will this family be able to bring some humility to the families of Veronaville or will they low social status and the judgments of others destroy them?
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For generations a powerful and noble family made up of doctors, there is no disease known to man that the Dottore are unable to cure, but does this also apply to heart problems?
Will the Dottore be able to cure even the sentimental ailments of the distressed families of Veronaville or will their talent stop at the physical ailments of medicine?
And above all, will the young daughter Olivia follow her father's footsteps and also become a doctor or could her mother's intentions, to try to arrange a marriage with the youngest son of the Monty family, Claudio Monty, hinder her from this path?
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dystopianam · 10 months
Capp Manor Makeover
Monty Ranch Makeover
The videos suck and lags a lot (the game doesn't lag like that, I have to adjust some settings) but I didn't know how to show well the lots with the screenshots, so I made some videos to try and learn how to use OBS… 👉👈
The Reshade Preset I used is this edit by @nonsensical-pixels
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dystopianam · 9 months
I can't wait to be able to play with my Early VV because I can't wait to see how the offspring of premades with the correct genetics will be born.
I just...hope that Tybalt will born with his killer cheekbones taken from his mom, that's a feature I don't want to lose 👉🏻👈🏻
And it will be curious to see if Cordelia and Caliban's children will be born blond or red since both colors are colors that have 50-50 to be inherited without any preference
AND...Caliban is a sorcerer, who knows who of the three will inherit the magic (I have a mod to inherit it) 👀✨
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dystopianam · 10 months
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Early VV Progress Update!
1. I've completed the Summerdream and Gossamer family trees.
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2. I've finished installing all the playable families!
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These are extras. I won't play them but they are the biological parents of Puck and Bottom. Right now I need them to keep the babies until I have to put them up for adoption for the Summerdreams.
(As I explained in the other post, Bottom is a toddler and not a newborn because I can't demote her. And Bottom's mom isn't bald, but her hair doesn't show in the preview.)
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And these are all the ancestors of the Capps, Montys, Summerdreams and Gossamers!
To do:
Install the other families' ancestors.
Adjust the personalities and interests of all sims.
Dress all sims properly.
Create memories on simPe.
Edit recessive genes on simPe.
Take photos for neighborhood story and write descriptions for the families and the neighborhood.
When I finish everything, kill the ancestors.
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dystopianam · 10 months
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"Small" progress! (P.s: this is a private project, I can't share anything because I have a lot of ccs, custom foods, multi PT, multi IP etch 😢)
The Capp family tree is complete.
The Monty family tree is complete.
The Summerdream family tree is half finished, I have to finish it.
To do:
Summerdream Side: Add the rest of the ancestors.
Capp Side: Add Albany's family, Cornwall's family and Caliban's family.
Monty Side: Add Olivia's family and Hero's family.
In general: Edit the personality and interests of all ancestors copying the info on the wiki (I've already done this with all the main sims)
Create memories on simPe.
Check sims DNA on simPe and add recessive genes if necessary.
Kill all ancestors.
Small changes I made on my own:
In the Summerdreams and Gossamer family, all males are plantsims (I pretend they are elves) and all females are fairies. Only Oberon and Puck are fairies (as men)
I added both Puck's and Bottom's biological parents as townies. Puck's father is a dark fairy, Puck's mother is a goblin (a black witch to pretend). Bottom's parents... I don't know what creatures they are, but I made them both neutral sorcerers to give them magic.
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Technically, Patrizio's parents died young (as adults) but in the sims 3 Valentine died of old age and Silvia is still alive (as a elder) so I decided to make them old here as well.
I haven't done it yet, but I will: all of Caliban's family (Caliban included) will be witches and warlocks. So yes. One of his children (between Tybalt, Juliette & Hermia) could inherit magical powers. (I have a mod)
Technically Bottom is supposed to be a newborn but I couldn't make her regress. So to make up for it, I took days of life from Puck. So Puck will grow much earlier than her and I will keep the order of ages.
They shouldn't be born yet, but I didn't feel like installing them after a long time.
Chronologically Early VV is much further behind early PV & early ST, so to match, chronologically VV with the other two nhs, I will have to do more consecutive rotations playing ONLY VV until I get to a certain point that ages will coincide.
For the same chronological problem, I won't be able to play with the Summerdreams until Consort and Patrizio s grandchildren are born (since Puck is about Hermia's age). Otherwise I'll have to temporarily move Puck and Bottom to another family while I only play with Oberon and Titania and put them back in the family only when it's time.
Most likely Consort, Patrizio and Isabella will have to drink a lot of elixir of life to arrive alive when their grandchildren will be teenagers.
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dystopianam · 10 months
I dreamed that while I was working on Early VV, Gutosimmer came back and said "Well bitches, I'm back, and Early VV is ready"
And I was like
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I mean, I'd be very happy if his Early VV finally came out, but I've been waiting so long and putting so much effort into my own Early VV that I feel like I've done all the work for nothing 😢 also, I'm so sorry that I can't share my neighborhood because I have too many NPCs (multi PT & multi ip) 😭😭
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dystopianam · 10 months
I started working on Early VV from August 1st, today is August 19th and I can say I'm at a good stage with the project.
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I can say that the biggest job was the technical one of fixing all the information and the DNA on simPe, also because at a certain point I noticed that I also had to fix many Early PV and Early ST sims, because for some reason Gutosimmer did the job halfway? I don't know how to explain it, but some sims had the right info and some had it completely random. I noticed that he specially modified the info for some to make sense with his story, I left those unchanged, but many sims were like they had just come out of the CAS and this disturbed my disturb to have everything perfect. (This is not a criticism for GS, on the contrary, I invite you to download his Early neighborhoods because they are BEAUTIFUL, it's just a technical flaw that I noticed that disturbs me because I'm a damn perfectionist. Love ya GS 💓💓)
However, installing all the sims (including the ancestors) was not easy, because they were really, really a lot!
Now I'm working on the aesthetic part of the neighborhood. I've downloaded so many hood decos and now that I've finally got "better nightlife" working you can imagine how happy I am to be able to download all the hood decos I couldn't use before!
The English side of the neighborhood (the Capp side) is completely ready. The Capp house was also given a makeover on the inside, while the other houses had a makeover only on the outside. (Aside from the community lots, those have been changed inside as well)
The Italian part (the Monty part) of the neighborhood is under construction. Monty's Ranch has been given a makeover both inside and out. Arlecchino's house is a lot bin's lot that I remodeled to be in the Mediterranean style of Veronaville.
The Dottore's house has not yet been edited. And neither the other big house and the community lots on the Italian side.
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dystopianam · 10 months
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I just wanted to try some Hood deco and ended up starting to edit the lots of Early VV 😥
This is the Capp manor, isn't complete and I have to edit, add a change a lot of things, but...
(Bad quality pics 'cuz I'm from mobile right now)
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