russianminerva · 5 years
Early Reign 1762–1764
Most of my early days as Empress were spent securing the throne. I was quite insecure as I had a son growing up who would be crowned when he became of age, but he was also quite sickly. Then, there were the rumours that surrounded my ascension to the throne: many speculated I ordered the murder of my husband (which I did not), some speculated on the amount of partners I had, some even questions my loyalty to Russia. On top of this, I was surrounded by those to whom I owed my position on the throne. They risked their lives for me and were deserving of reward. It was a difficult time in my reign. 
I had ambitious plans regarding both domestic and foreign affairs. I knew that a number of influential persons considered me a usurper, or someone who seized another's power illegally. They viewed my son, Paul, as the rightful ruler. I took every opportunity to win favour among the nobility and the military.
As for general policy, Russia needed an extended period of peace in order for me to concentrate on domestic (homeland) affairs. I understood that this peace could only be gained through cautious foreign policy. I appointed Count Nikita Panin in charge of foreign affairs. He had once taught my son and I thought him both competent and loyal.
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