#easily one of the most well-written games ive ever played. and i tend to struggle with dialogue-heavy games too
000png · 6 months
i know i'm 7 years late but i just finished playing night in the woods and damn.... DAMNNNN. what a gem of a game
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dm-clockwork-dragon · 3 years
Iv tried making some of my own stuff, subclasses, classes monsters and tables. Do you have any advice that could help out?
So as much as I would like to call myself one, I’m no expert on anything, but I can give you the list of questions I try to ask myself as I work 1. Can I get what I want with what already exists? Its really easy when you come up with an idea to jump strait to writing new content, but that’s not always the best option. One of the biggest “mistakes” I see people make is trying to homebrew an idea that can already be accomplished by just re-flavoring something else, or doing some sort of multiclass build. This doesn’t necessarily produce bad homebrew, but it tends to be lackluster, or just a overly specific version of something else 2. What makes this Unique The second big “mistake” I see, is when people try to build a new homebrew by just borrowing features and abilities from other classes/subclasses and the like. Its a really easy way to makes something, but it tends to just create a mix match that doesn’t feel unique. I try to start each project by asking myself what this homebrew does that nothing else can do, or how the class might do something similar something else, but in a new and interesting way 3. What is the scope once you know what makes your brew unique, you can start to figure out how much work you need to do. does this idea really need to be an entire class? or would a single subclass suffice? Is this a full race, or just a sub-race? Is this idea something that would work better as a powerful magic item, or is there enough here to build a subclass around? 4. What is your core mechanic? It's super important to have a core idea to build around. Your core mechanic is generally going to be the most complicated thing in your homebrew, and everything else should build on it, or modify the way it works. this helps everything feel whole and connected.  5. Is it Fun A Really easy mistake to make when producing content is to get lost in the mechanics and lose track of the fact that this is a game. Sure, mathematically, it might make sense to roll 3 separate dice every time you use an ability, but when you are playing the game, those extra dice rolls slow down combat and break the flow of the game. Always be asking yourself if the mechanics you have thought up are actually fun, or if they are getting in the way. 6. Does it all work together? I cannot tell you ho many times I have gone through and written up a bunch of really great mechanics, only to scrap them later because they don’t work together. Nothing ever happens in isolation. It’s all a complex system, and it’s Important to step back frequently and look at how your homebrew interacts with both itself, and other content. 7. Does it balance? Note that the question isn’t “is it balanced” but “does it balance.” See, the thing is, balance isn’t so much about weather any particular feature or ability might be over or underpowered. its bout how they all balance together, and what strengths and weaknesses that creates. Any powerful homebrew should have a glaring weak spot if you know where to look. 8. What does it do when? No one should ever feel left out at the table, so try to think about as many scenarios and playstyles as possible. If you make a class that is really powerful in combat, but useless in social situations, keep in mind that this means the player is being left out of the action when that action doesn’t involve a fight, and that not necessarily a good thing. Keep an eye one the action economy and make sure that a character or creature has something to do with every type of action. 9. What's in a Name? Now this one is just me, but I find that it really helps me to come up with names for abilities and features that all fit around a central theme, and I use those names to inform what sort of features I make honestly just as much as I name my features based on what they do. You would be amazed how much help it can be to just brainstorm cool ability names related to your core concept. Or to have a theme for how your subclasses are named. It can give you a square footing from which to build, especially when you are in uncharted territory and struggling for ideas. 10. Does it match the PHB Something that took me way too long to really learn was how to match my content to the language of the players handbook. Especially for someone who started from a different system, it’s important to keep track of how 5e says and does things, and try to word things similarly so that they can be easily understood, or so you don’t create weird loopholes in the rules. When all else fails, keep the PHB and DMG on hand just to look at how they phrase things. I really hope this sort of advice helps. I’ve been at this for almost 5 years now, just in 5e, and I’m still learning. There are probably plenty of people who would disagree with my advice, but It has worked well enough for me ^^
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the-blue-double · 5 years
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@jackjack-p Oh wow, that’s a lot! I can do that though!
1. What is your favorite pokemon?
Espeon! It was thanks to pokemon Colosseum and XD that I got attached to it, and now I love it a whole lot.
2. Favorite type
I always struggle with this question. I like psychic types a lot but I don’t know if I can call them my favorites. I also really like ice and ground types.
3. Favorite region?
Hoenn! Sapphire was my first pokemon game so I’m biased but I love hoenn’s variety in towns and cities, love the tropical setting, and I still wish we’d get a game with more focus on water routes again (was really hoping Alola would fulfill that wish, was a little disappointed when it didn’t)
4. Favorite gym leader?
By region: Either Erika or Janine Pryce Either Winona or Wallace Gardenia God I love all of the unova gym leaders I don’t even know Wulfric And as a bonus favorite trial captain has got to be either Ilima or Mina
5. Favorite villain team?
6. Offensive or status moves?
Offensive, usually (I’m experimenting more with status moves recently though)
8. Cute Pokemon or strong Pokemon?
Both! I’ll use anything that I like pretty much.
10. Monotype or multitype teams?
I go out of my way to avoid type overlap as much as I can most of the time, but I can appreciate a good monotype run (and I have one that’s technically been ongoing for years that I’ve never gotten back to finishing with normal types in Omega Ruby)
11. Legendaries or non-legendaries?
For the most part non legendaries, but occasionally I’ll incorporate a legendary on my team just to mix it up, and I have a few favorite legendaries.
12. Mew or Mewtwo?
13. Mach bike or Acro bike?
Mach bike, acro bike is more of a utility thing. I appreciate them giving you both in the remakes though
14. Shiny pokemon or regular pokemon?
Depends on the Pokemon. Some shiny forms look amazing, and some… don’t.
15. Jessie or James?
16. Best contest category? (Cute, smart, beautiful, tough, cool)
They’re all good, but I have fond memories of winning the cuteness contest master rank in emerald with my quagsire and getting it painted in the museum.
17. Best starter set? (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, etc.)
Probably either Johto or Hoenn. There’s not one region where I don’t like one starter less than the other two, but my least favorites in those two regions are by the least compared to the others.
18. Best Elite Four?
Aesthetically Kalos wins easily, I love all of their designs, but I think the Sun and Moon Elite 4 are the best as characters. Unova deserves honorable mention as another favorite,
19. Best Professor?
Either Birch or Sycamore. I like Birch as a professor who goes out and does field work, and I love Sycamore just for how obviously smitten with Lysandre he is.
20. Best storyline?
Black and White, no contest. Gen 5 is the ultimate pokemon story. Sun and Moon made a strong attempt and are another favorite, but missed some of the magic gen 5 had, and then USUM butchered a lot of what good they did have going.
21. Best Rival?
Silver, an antagonistic rival with a well written story and a logical background explaining why he’s the way he is, and character growth over the course of the game.
22. Do you nickname your Pokemon?
All the ones that I’m using, definitely! Oddly, the one exception is PMD, I guess since they just call each other by species name anyways it feels weird for me to name any pokemon except the player character there.
24. How long have you been playing Pokemon?
Pretty sure pokemon were some of, if not the first, videogames that I ever played, so uh, a long time.
25. Do you collect cards or other Pokemon merch besides the games?
Not really tbh, not to say that I wouldn’t ever be interested in merch of my favorite pokemon, but I’ve never really seeked it out.
26. Do you tend to win battles?
In single player yeah, 50/50 in casual multiplayer, I’ve never tried playing competitively.
27. Do you watch the anime?
I used to as a kid. I tried to check out the darkrai movie at one point a little while back because the one before was the last one I saw before I pretty much stopped watching the anime and movies, but I didn’t end up watching the whole thing and I haven’t watched any since then.
28. Switch or DS?
Switch, the mainline games aren’t out yet for me to compare, but I like the switch a lot as a system and I’m just a little too old to have much DS nostalgia. GBA nostalgia on the other hand...
29. Are you an avid Daycare user?
Yep! I’ve seen some posts on here ragging on people who spend all their time breeding for IVs or whatever as not enjoying the game the right way before, and it kind of hurt a little because that’s one of my favorite post game activities. It’s relaxing zoning out and hatching eggs going for whatever your goal is, and super satisfying when you finally get what you’re looking for. And then you can wondertrade the rest and give other people pokemon they may appreciate and get cool new stuff yourself!
30. What are your expectations for the next main series game?
I don’t even know, a return to a more normal gym system I guess, but maybe tweaked compared to the old gyms->elite four formula, some new possibly gimmicky game mechanic in the vein of mega evolution and Z moves, 50/50 chance HMs return because gamefreak loves turning back the clock on innovation, hopefully a larger region to account for the Switch’s extra power. A region that’s absolutely dripping character and personality, as the last few consistently have, maybe some connection to Kalos? You can’t have Britain and France regions and just not do anything with that after all.
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lukeysgirl · 7 years
Enticing | a.i
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anonymous asked: Could you please do an Ashton imagine?Any topic just ashton please lol. +
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Summary: He captivates you, and he asks you to express it. (combined request (+2))
Word Count: 7.9k+ (the longest ive ever written) 
Authors Note: my mind needs a Swiffer Sweep™ tbfh, hope ya’ll enjoy xx 
Warning: dirty, shameless smut (bdsm up the ass, eating out, profanity, vulgarity, whatever the fuck else i put here) oh and fluff @ the end xx 
Oh, that boy must have been created by something beyond God. 
It was something extraordinary that was gnawing at your ticker whenever you saw the curly-haired specimen. It made you wonder so much, but not because it was inexplicable. You couldn’t comprehend it, the way he made your heart throb and jolt whenever he did a little bit of anything, really. 
Walking, talking, eating, being. 
It frightened you, the amount of adoration that gushed inside when you studied him. 
His dirty blonde hair, curly and ever so messy but so inviting to be messed up even more than it already was. All you wanted to do was weave your fingers through it, to feel the softness of it, the way it’ll tickle them in such a welcoming way. You wanted to crawl your fingers from the nap of his neck up to the back of his head of hair, tug at it lovingly as you’d potentially make contact upon his lips with yours. 
Those muscles, those big, juicy arms just calling to you. You wanting nothing more than his strength to hold your hips strongly, firmly, until that boys’ fingers were denting into your flesh to conjure painful bruises. You wanted those mountain of callouses to pleasure you with it’s rough, tough mound of skin. 
His eyes, those gorgeous hazel-green eyes that could lightening up someones mood with ease. You’ve noticed the way they behave, depending on the situation the boy was put it. Whether he was shedding sympathy to someone or as elated as a person winning the lottery, those eyes still remained so damn beautiful and completed him perfectly. 
His voice was so clean, so pure that it was scary how it could be changed with mere mood. He could be as adorable as ever, talking cheekily about a simple hang out he had with a couple of friends. It would be so friendly and sweet, tooth-rotting that you would prefer just drowning in honey. But then he could be singing such a passionate song and it would sent a surging hot jolt down to your core. 
It was this one time you went to one of his lives he invited you to, where the band was showcasing their Sounds Good Feels Good album in California. 
The VIP section was fairly less crowd than the other seats farther from the crowd, seeming so cramped and stuck like a can of sardines. But you couldn’t say the VIP section had been perfect. Surely, the sweaty bodies that touched yours whenever they were jumping gleefully or shifting around for a better view of the stage. The screams surely left you deaf and practically broken at the ears. But you weren’t mad, as you found yourself drowning in a moment you’ve never seen before. 
Ashton Irwin, the sexy bastard, relieved himself of his drum set as Josh Dun wanted the honor to play one song. So the incredibly mouth-drying hunk abandoned the set and stole his mic in the process, walking towards the center walkway of it. He easily out-shined Luke, standing at the very front center of that stage that had every fan there pouring out hormones in his wake. 
His caramel muscles of his arms were shiny, glistening from the hot sweat he developed from drumming so profoundly. The stage lights struck at it so well, flaunting it adoringly as he stood there stiffly. His black tank top, the sleeves cut down enough to show off his side boob as well as moist side. His curly locks, though patted down from sweat, were curling even more and darkening from how heated he’s become. And he stood there, that tall, 6′ foot glass of water scanning the large stadium of people just shouting his name and explicit words. 
But as most were still dedicating their time in analyzing the boys torso, you were too fixed upon the crotch area. Being one of the 4 infamous for wearing tight skinny jeans so frequently, his black skinny jeans could not dare hide the developing bulge that was struggling to remained contained. It didn’t seem like Ashton notice it much, but it was likely a small facade to keep from drawing attention to it. 
You bit your bottom lip, yearning for a cop, a feel. Seeing such an enticing man before was too much for your heart to actually take or comprehend for that matter. Because like many of his hormonal fans, you just as much wanted this boy to throw you down a bed and show you who’s the damn man. It sent you over the mood to see him up there, so high and mighty and fuckable. 
A sudden, searing jolt was sent down your heat once more when the incredibly sexy drummer peeled the soaked shirt from his torso. 
Look at those defined fucking collarbones, seeing them glisten from his natural liquid seeping from his pores. His stomach had light, but evident, abs developed, likely being worked on slowly as he does work out. He was a divine specimen, as you found your mouth going completely parched as your eyes followed down his defined v-line leading down to the wonder that was his dick. 
You watched still, refusing to become rowdy and lose control of your hormones as you watched Ashton raise his microphone to his mouth to begin the proceeding song without music. 
“I’ll take what you’ve got, got, got,” Ashton sang, his voice deep and clean, straining his voice at the last ‘got’ as he licked his watermelon licks wet with his saliva. You noticed his hazel eyes dazing around, seeming like he was seeking something. They were lowered at the VIP section. “I know it’s not a lot, lot, lot.” 
He dragged the last ‘lot’ so beautifully. 
Those hazel eyes finally caught you, the pupils dilating as you locked eyes with him. He stared in a trance, a twinkle at the upper right of his color. You rose your lips to form a pursed smirk before parting them slightly. You dragged your tongue along your inner bottom lip, feeling the smooth gum upon your pink tongue. Ashton could only smirk, entertained but intrigued as he brushed the microphone upon his loving lips. 
“I just need another hit,” Ashton sang, winking at you as he resumed straining his ear-fucking voice. “You’re the thing that I can’t quit.” 
You knew he attempted to tease you, knowing as fact that you desired him. So payback was due since he wanted to play these silly games. You popped open your leather jacket, allowing it to slide on the ground, growing cold and forgotten to reveal an immensely provocative top that definitely widened that boy’s eyes. 
A crop top, skin-tight and black with lace patterns of ivory roses. It showed small slivers of your skin between the patterns, noticing how Ashton’s eyes moved very little along the shirt to notice all of it. He also widened at the fact that you lacked a bra under, but there was so much lace focused where your nipples are that he couldn’t even get a glance of the nubs. 
It was known that you and Ashton held a connection that was like no other. Your eyes met with such ease, knowing that each pair of eyes were searching for one another. The way you two moved when around each other was some sort of ballad, a dance that required no music to be ensured. Ashton’s hand would not wrap around your waist, but rather his finger tips would be lightly pressed upon your upper back, being sure they were spread enough to touch at your scapula. 
Everyone found you two as the perfect couple, and they didn’t have the wrong idea. 
Not at all. 
“Get that pretty little ass over here, Y/N.”
Ashton’s demanding voice and his words fucked you alone. They sent shudders all through you, knowing that this man was going to get what he asked for. Not only that, but with your complete blessing. 
You were now stood in the dead center of this man’s dressing room, your periphery surrounded by rolling racks of outfits. Couches were spread carelessly around the room, with cans of beer and bottles of alcohol ornate all over. Magazines and snacks sat perfectly on his oak tended table, with the white lights illuminating the room for the two of you. You noticed his torso was now swallowed up by a plain white t-shirt with some sleeve on it. 
No windows, sound-proof walls. Nothing less for Ashton Fletcher Irwin. 
“You did great today,” you breathed, swaying your hips as you approached your loving boyfriend. Your arms remained to your sides, standing still once you were just few inches from touching bodies with your desirable hunk of man. “Like you always are.” 
“Oh, but you were watching a different performance, weren’t you, love?” Ashton growled, his right hand floating up to capture your chin between in index finger and thumb. His thumb brushed upon the very tip of your chin, having you bite your bottom lip from his teasing touch. “Your eyes were somewhere else before I stole them away.” 
“Mm.” All you could do was hum, wanting more of his touch to expand beyond your chin. And he obliged, tilting his hand up for your thumb to reach your bottom lip. You let it go, allowing his thumb to graze it lovingly. 
“What were you looking at, beautiful?” Ashton whispered, his hazel eyes darkening, his lips slightly apart, white from being chapped. You watched his tongue brush along his own bottom lip, moistening it. It glistened upon the light striking it with ease. “What was enticing my divine beauty?” 
“You enticed me,” you whispered, your eyes firmly locked on his own as he tilted your head a little higher. “Rather, you entice me. Everything about you, takes my breath away. Every single time.” 
“Oh?” Was his reply, enlightenment rolling off his tongue so cleanly. “But this is a given, beautiful. You say it every time.”
“And I mean it every time I do, too,” you spoke gently, giving your boyfriend a soft smile as his thumb resided at the center of your bottom lip. “I just want to remind you in case you ever forget, baby.” 
Ashton smirked at this, a light snicker playing at his face as he quickly let go of your chin. He instantly replaced that touch with both of his hands cupping your cheeks. You felt the rough, calloused skin hold your face, seeing Ashton study you wistfully before grabbing you forward to force his lips upon yours. And honestly, you felt just a bit sated. 
Just a bit. 
His warm lips sucked on yours eagerly, paying much attention to that bottom lip of yours as he nibbled passionately. You could feel him immediately put effort into it, feeling the tips of his teeth to graze it upon your lip. He’d nibble on them properly, feeling him tug upon it. He hadn’t held it enough to hurt, but rather to keep your lips upon his without any access for air. 
Ashton then shoved his tongue into your mouth, instantly worming through your teeth as the tip of his tongue hit yours. You swirled around his, attempting to remind on top to push it down to the floor of your mouth. But Ashton hadn’t tolerated that, his strong tongue swerving on top and keeping you down with his hot, moist tongue. 
As you allowed the drummer to swallow your desperate moans, you felt his scruffy beard tickle your face at the same time. Giggles danced around with your moans, feeling pleasure and immensely ticklish at the very same time. Ashton ignored it at first as he removed his tongue from your mouth to swipe it along your lips, starting from the bottom. But his prickly hairs quickly tickled your chin once more, causing you to snort quietly. That’s when Ashton stilled before pulling away to study you. 
“What’re you laughing at, sweetheart?” Ashton murmured, his hands still holding your face as he leaned again. The tip of his nose touched yours, having you go pale as fury swished in his eyes. You began shaking your head quickly, folding your lips into your mouth as you bit them down. 
“Nothing,” you squeaked. If you admitted the truth, Ashton would probably rub his very shaved beard all along your neck until your lungs gave out and you were completely breathless. But he raised in eyebrow, curious at your anxious tone. “I swear it’s nothing.” Ashton stared at you for a moment, blinking once before nodding. 
“Into the room, Princess,” Ashton announced, his voice throaty as he sadly released your face from his hold. You stood there, frozen, hoping that he wasn’t mad or saw through your facade. “I said go to the fucking room, Princess!” 
Flinching, you quickly sped over to simple white door that was the extension of his dressing room. Your clammy hand touched the gold knob with ease, finding relief in its coolness before twisting it to open the door. Ashton suddenly brought a slap upon your ass as you hurried through the very small, dimly lit corridor to walk into the ‘secret bedroom’ in the very extension. 
Inside was the dimly lit room, the light bulbs white but at a low setting. Dead center of it all was a King sized bed, the sheets a combination of silver with teal blue pillow cases and a pattern of the two colors acting as the quilt. A single drawer was the only other item in the room, which held all of Ashton’s condoms and favorite play toys, if he wanted to play with you like that. 
It was an amusing story how Ashton got an official dressing room at The Forum.
“Ash?” You breathed, halting before the bed to turn around and find your ever so tall boyfriend tailing after you slowly. His hazel eyes scanned you up and down, his lips wincing as if distaste played on his tongue. He then clicked his tongue, an idea spurred into his mind before sniffing. 
“Strip.” A one word command, one that sent your arms crawling with goosebumps. His jawline clenched, his eyes drowning in lust as he studied you. You gulped before nodding obediently, your hands incredibly still as you raised them to do what he asks. 
You reached to the lower hem of your crop top, fooling Ashton quite a bit. Just for the entertainment of teasing. You followed the hem to the back of the crop top before crawling your hands up your sides till the tips of your fingers touched your exposed shoulders. Ashton’s jawline clenched a bit, the muscle of his lower cheek moving just a bit. 
“You best be going faster, love,” Ashton growled, having you softly smirk as you brought your hands at the midpoint of your sides and slid them to the back. You reached up for the zipper, slowly dragging it down so Ashton could hear the metal come undone. Finally bringing it down and unzipping the two parts, you rushed your hands to the upper hem of the shirt and wiggling it in front of you, still keeping your breasts from your boyfriends eyes. “Y/N.” 
You allowed the lacy garment to drop to the floor, pooling at your feet as your torso was washed with coldness. From the change of temperature, your lovely buds rose almost immediately. Even with the dimness of the room, it was clear that Ashton became distracted from the warm mounded that yearned for his touch. But unfortunately, he and you had to wait until you were completely nude or until your demanding boyfriend was sated. 
You shimmy your body a bit, allowing your breasts to bounce a little for Ashton. And, as you predicted, his lustful eyes darkened and he placed the tip of his tongue between his teeth. He wanted you, wanted to touch you so bad, but it was all on him to ask you to strip. You gave him yet another teasing wink before guiding your hands to the hem of your shorts. 
You gave yourself an A+ for wisely choosing white booty shorts for the concert. You swayed your hips as you turned around to give Ashton a view of what was yours. With your back turned to him, you bent down before the bed with your hands pressed upon its silky texture. Insuring your ass was up and stretched, you lowered a little more until your face met the smooth texture as well. You even wiggled your ass a little, feeling your ass cheeks bounce a bit from such a teasing movement. 
“That’s fucking it.” 
Before you knew it, you felt the mans rough hands take your hips and push you roughly upon the bed. You squealed at this, your body bouncing a bit from the impact before lying completely still on your belly. You twisted your torso a bit to look back, but Ashton’s hand suddenly clung onto the nape of your neck and kept your head down, your face digging into the Downy-scented sheets. 
“You stay exactly like this, you hear me, Princess?” Ashton growled, having you nod as you felt the mountains worth of his callouses dent into your neck. He then let go, the sudden lack of warmth paining you while you listened to Ashton’s footsteps distance themselves from the bed. Flipping your head to face the drawer, you watched the tall man open the top drawer and sift through it. You could hear the toys hit along the wooden structure as he resumed his search. But then you saw the reveal and felt your core heat up in anticipation. 
His hand slowly pulled out a fairly short chain which had had two even shorter chains branch off to create a ‘Y’ structure. At the ends of those branches were cuffs of course, the entirety made of pure silver with the cuffs bedazzled with valuable pink gems. ‘Anything pretty for my pretty Princess,’ Ashton quoted when he had presented them to you. Where all the chains met was a small, metal ball which rolled whenever Ashton wanted you on either your sides, stomach, or back. He picked out a black blindfold, and something else you couldn’t make out as he chose to hid it from you. 
Even in the dimness, you could see a mischievous smirk playing at that boy’s lips. 
“Alright, Princess,” Ashton hummed, hiding the mystery object in the back of his pocket as he walked to approach you with the other items. He looked down at you, his lips curved in pure amusement. “Do you remember the safety word?” 
“Yes,” you replied firmly, looking him in the eye to ensure assurance. He blinked once before gently hitting your bum to move more of your body on the bed. Crawling up towards the dark oak headboard, Ashton tossed the blindfold to the side as he brought the long end of the chain towards it. There was a pillar he got carved in the very lower-middle of the headboard as he chained the cuff of the chain around it with a quick, confirming click!
“Can you say it for me, Beautiful?” Ashton hummed as his fingers trailed down the chain to hold up the two cuffs made for your wrists. As he took your hands up to them, you nodded and studied his hands. 
“Lucky,” you breathed, feeling goosebumps collected along your forearms as Ashton clicked the cold metal cuffs around your wrists. You wiggled your wrists a bit, allowing yourself to familiarize as Ashton came down to your face and smiled. 
“Good girl,” Ashton hummed, planting a sweet kiss on your lips before escaping behind you. Your heart began to race excitedly, feeling as Ashton’s finger tips lightly began brushing down your exposed back where your spine resided. You then felt two of his fingers cling into the hem of your shorts, getting a good grip before robustly tugging it down to your upper thighs. 
“Ah!” You exclaimed, shocked at his outstanding strength. You felt his hands immediately cup your under-ass, squeezing roughly. Ashton released a dark chuckle, massaging your still covered ass with very strong grabs. You couldn’t help but emit moans from his overwhelming strength and adoration of your ass. “A-Ash...” 
“Ah, ah, ah, Princess,” Ashton began, halting all his movements before removing his large hands from your ass. “What’s my name?” 
“I-I’m sorry, it’s Daddy,” you stammered quietly, shifting uncomfortably from worry that crossed your stomach. You hear Ashton sigh once before you felt his fingers grab the waistbands of your lacy black panties. He slowly guided it down with your shorts, having you left to wonder what he was doing. “Ash?” 
“Baby, what did I just ask?” Ashton asked quietly, evidently vexed as he pulled off your shorts from your legs and tossed it to the side. He was slowly doing the same for your panties, which you knew as fact that they still held your arousal. 
“I’m sorry, Daddy!” You quickly spewed, yearning for forgiveness while Ashton took off the panties from your legs. But unlike the shorts, he kept it in his hand, moving it around to feel the dampness of it from your arousal. You couldn’t see it, but an entertained smirk was painted on his lips as his fingers rubbed upon the wet splotch you produced. 
“So,” Ashton announced, walking up slowly around the bed so you could see him stood straight and tall. Your eyes were leveled with the suffering bulge in his pants before quickly winding up to meet his eyes. “You want Daddy’s cock, yeah? But you’re not listening and behaving yourself badly like a good girl shouldn’t do?” 
“M’sorry, Daddy,” you murmured genuinely, meeting his hazel eyes with desperation likely evident in yours. “I-I just forget was all...”
“Yeah?” Ashton repeated, his tongue sucking his top row of teeth, emitting a popping sound before throwing your thong aside. “How about a punishment then so you’ll never forget again?” Your heart paused, letting his words sink in. You felt yourself pale a bit in nerves, your bottom lip quivering. But you remained quiet, knowing as fact that he was not going to change his mind regardless of your disagreement of his suggestion. 
Wordlessly, Ashton swiftly walked back to your ass again, feeling your arousal pour itself onto the sheets in suspense. You felt one hand crawl up your waist and on your ass, rubbing the bulbs of ass adoringly. Biting down on your bottom lip, you prepared yourself for the impact right when he lifted his hand from your ass. 
Slap! One strong impact that came just seconds after the removal of his hand. The mere gesture was not too bad, considering you’ve been spanked many times before. It sent excitement coursing through your blood as your hands tightened themselves into fists. 
“Count.” Ashton’s demanding voice pierced into your ears, having you nod before humming out ‘one’ from your first spank. “You’re getting 10 of these, Princess.” 
“Two,” you breathed out as another spank landed on your ass. It began to stung, but not painfully. 
“Th-ree,” you choked, his force seeming to increase with every impact his does on your ass. 
“F-four,” you stuttered, the palm of his hand strongly hitting your ass. You felt a searing brew upon your asscheeks, knowing that they’ll be red, and stay that way for just a bit. 
“F-five, six, s-se...ven!” 
Ashton spanked you 3 times in a row, feeling your ass now sting painfully. It seared just a bit, not enough for you to wail out and burst into tears, but enough to realize that you could truthfully only deal with 3 more. Right as you thought that, Ashton spanked you to roughly, you choked out a curse. 
“F-fuck, eight!” You yelped, your fists shaking some as you felt your nails digging into the flesh of your palms. 
“Woah!” Ashton loudly spewed, spanking your ass as soon as it tried to soothe. “My Princess does not own a potty mouth until my cock is in my pretty girls cunt. Do you understand, Baby Girl?” 
“Y-yes, Daddy,” you hissed quietly, burying your face into the safety of the bed. “D-did that one c-count as nine?” 
“No,” Ashton spoke firmly before giving you yet another harsh spank on your ass. You wailed, feeling the moan leave your mouth straight from your throat. “This one is nine.”
“Nine,” you whimpered out, nibbling down on your quivering lip as you anticipated the last spank. But Ashton became mute and nothing happened. Silence became still, having the your ass sear in attempts to relax itself. It somewhat frightened you, the silence that rolled in as you took heavy breaths in and out to ease the pain and your darting heart. “Daddy?” 
As soon as you glanced back, a strong, heavy spank came from two hands rather than one. The large hands spanked each ass cheek, feeling your heat pour out of you as you ark your back in pure, aching pleasure. You let out a fairly muffled moan into the bed sheets, your heart hammering against your chest. It was exhilarating, all the things this man did to you. For his pleasure, and ultimately, for yours. 
“Ten...” You let out, your tone slightly defeated as you felt sweat forming upon your forehead and shoulders. Your neck was feeling incredibly warm as well, beads likely forming as you breathed heavily against the bed. The heat from your warm breath was no assist in cooling you down. As you emitted audible, gaping breaths, Ashton quickly surprised you by planting warm kisses on both cheeks of your ass. 
“Good girl,” he hummed sweetly. His kisses stung, but the gesture warmed your heart and allowed butterflies to flutter freely in your tummy. You let out a soft laugh, appreciating his kind words and notion. “Alright, Princess, let’s roll you on your back.” 
With the assistance of Ashton’s large hands gripping your hips, you rolled yourself over to your back. You felt a jolt of arousal hit your core as your nipples rubbed harshly against the soft sheets as you did what your boyfriend requested. You listened to the chains move from the request, tugging your cuffs a bit to adjust them comfortably for your wrists. 
You tilted your head up immediately, desperately wanting to see your boyfriend. And there he stood, tall and proud at the end of the bed where your feet slightly hung. He looked down at you, hazel eyes dark but washed with pure lust. His jawline was sharp and still clenched, with his bottom lip settled between the rows of his pearly whites. He was studying you, ogling you, having you reluctantly realize that you were completely raw before him. 
“So beautiful,” Ashton muttered as he pulled off his shirt over his head before tossing the white garment somewhere on the floor. He was quick to pounce on the bed, his sharp knees digging into the mattress. You felt the weight sink your lower body down before he balanced it out by slamming his hands down to the sides of your head. He was now hovering you, casting a shadow to darken your surroundings easily. His curly locks hung from his head, the blondness of his hair solely being seen by the little light provided in the room. 
“So,” Ashton hummed, the single word being hung momentarily as he slowly dipped down. His nose was so, so close to yours, you were tempted to just reach up and smash your lips on his. But you knew a punishment was due if you did such an audacious thing. “What exactly entices you about me, Princess?” 
Right then, he dipped down and latched his lips upon your neck. You moaned, tilting your head up to stretch your neck to make it easier for him. His curly hair tickled your face but you ignored it as bliss surfaced all over. His warm, chapped lips pressed stiffly on your neck as his pearly whites nipples at a tugged part of your neck. His tongue lathered it with his saliva, moist and warm as he kept doing this all over. 
“D-Daddy...” You let out, adoring the way he used his mouth. 
“Is it the way I suck on your neck like this, Princess?” Ashton hummed, the vibrations of his words as well as the heat of his breath made sweat trickle down your forehead. You felt your core ooze with your liquids, desperate for Ashton to quickly pay attention to your cunt. “Marking you up so everybody knows what’s mine.” 
“Or maybe,” Ashton began teasingly, peppering kisses down a trail to the center of your chest, between your breasts. You felt the tip of his tongue draw circles, having you toss your head back in euphoria. It slowly slithered towards your left breast, swirling around your bud but not quite touching it. “It’s the way I suck your breasts so lovingly.” 
“Nngh...” Ashton quickly takes your left nipple into his mouth, feeling the cooling sensation of his saliva as his tongue swirled around it. You ark your back, feeling pleasure getting triggered from his action as he sucked your nipple desperately. You bent your legs a little bit, cautious not to hit your boyfriend’s crotch as your toes curled around the small bits of sheet they could take. Your breasts gradually became hot as Ashton released your nipple from his mouth to plant warm, wet kisses all over the very mound. 
“You like that?” Ashton breathed, having you nod vigorously before he switched his mouth to the next breast. 
“Ha... ah!” Relying on his right hand to keep him hoisted, his left hand hovers over to your unoccupied breast and cups it. You felt his fingers dent the breast as he massaged it with his selected forced. His mouth was working wonders, kitty-licking the very tip of your nub as Ashton used his fingers to tug at your left nipple. “D-Daddy...!” 
“I love your sounds, Princess,” Ashton mumbled lovingly, taking your nub between his teeth so suddenly. You tilted your head up and watched him, seeing him flash you a taunting smirk as he bit down lightly and tugged it carelessly. 
“F-fuhh..” You moaned, using an immense amount of effort to keep from cursing. You decide to bite your tongue to refrain from doing so. After all, you definitely did not want another punishment, even if the first one wasn’t that gruesome. Ashton knew how to make them more cruel each time after the next. 
Pop! “Or maybe,” Ashton began as soon as he abandoned your nipple. The now moist buds were suffering coldness from the lack of his mouth and his hand. You could feel your arousal pool your ass and slowly drown itself down into the sheets. Ashton was back to hovering you, having you widen your eyes at his shiny lips from his suckage. “You were enticed by my cock the entire time you got to see it.” 
You stiffened a bit, feeling blood surge to your cheeks and flare up in heat. Your expression made it easy to uncover the truth. It was all over you, the evidence. 
“That’s what entices you the most, right, Princess?” Ashton teased darkly, his eyes burning into yours with such a lustful passion. You gulped, allowing the man to indulge in the truth as he smiled pleasantly. “That’s what I figured.” 
Ashton smashed his lips upon yours a second after his words. He forced his tongue inside, having you subconsciously raise your hands to cup his cheeks. The restraints stop you, having you moan in frustration for Ashton to swallow in and continue pleasuring your lips. His scruff once again made its comeback to tickle your chin, but it was easy to ignore as Ashton was making you feel so good. 
“Let’s prepare you for this cock then.” Ashton began as he detached his lips from yours. Your eyes sparkled, looking hopeful at the boys eyes before he disappeared from above you. You watched as he grabbed your knees and flattened them before spreading them. Ashton flashed such a roguish smirk, you couldn’t help but feel your heart throb. 
Ashton was quick to dip to your core, only to darkly chuckle at the sight of the small pool of pre-orgasm that you made. Surely, he couldn’t blame you, considering all that he’s done already. You felt Ashton’s fingers crawl up your inner thigh, his rough fingertips already making it up to your cunt and tugging at your labia. 
“Mm-ph...” You felt your moan strain its way out as Ashton gave one labia a good lick. He went from the bottom to top, feeling the cold, wet entity send all sorts of sensations throughout your body. He did the same to the other before sending his tongue to the source of your arousal waterfall. You felt it all ooze out as Ashton’s hot breath teased your entrance. Ashton quickly flicked your clit with his tongue, causing you to jerk before he plunged it in your cunt. “Fuck!” 
“I’m letting that one slide,” Ashton spoke against your cunt, having you jerk in pleasure from the vibrations of his voice. You could feel his tongue desperately trying to slither in deep, forcing your body to clench your walls around it for more stimulation. He began pressing further and further, feeling his tongue go as far as it can get, flicking around inside you to collect your juices.  You could feel it build up, your release-- desperate to reach that very climax you didn’t want, but need. 
“C-can you..” You struggled, the moan trailing off as your hands kept opening and fisting up again. You were desperate to either touch your boyfriend or grab onto the sheets, but neither option proved itself to be possible. “...inside, please...” 
Ashton quickly left your cunt, sitting up to show off his went mouth and chin with your arousal. You couldn’t help but heat up inside even more. “You want Daddy’s cock now?” You nodded rigorously. Ashton’s lips curved into his signature, sinister smirk. “Alright then, Princess. You’ve earned it.” 
Flutters were sent all over your stomach and ticker, having you watch as Ashton relieved himself from the bed and went over to the drawer once more. Opening the second drawer, he dug around while simultaneously removing his Converse with his own two feet. Biting your bottom lip, you listen to the sudden slam of the drawer closing as a plastic sound danced inside Ashton’s hand. Returning to your open legs, Ashton carelessly tossed several condoms on the bed, residing near your side with the black blindfold. You were still wondering his plans with it but refused to ask about it. 
Ashton finally stripped out of his pants, a large bulge stuck behind the garment that was his white Calvin Klein's. You watched him shimmy out of it with ease, having you ogle at the tall, built man before you. His dick, a soft caramel with veins of greens and blues popping from it, flung out after he had let it loose. You felt yourself drool, overly eager to have that finally in you. 
“Are you ready, Princess?” Ashton hummed, grabbing one of the condoms, ripping it open, and revealing the moist elastic. Your eyes marveled at it, complete prepared as you silently nodded. He snicked at you as he slid the condom over his dick and propped himself on the bed again. 
Then, without warning, Ashton plunged the entirety of him inside you. 
“FUCK!” You moaned so loudly, you were sure cities could hear it. You became a little light headed immediately, your fists clenching as your legs wrapped around Ashton’s waist. He remained still, allowing you to adapt to his length as beads of sweat recollected. “Fuck... fuck...” You felt your breathing increase rapidly, overwhelmed by how instantly you were stretched. 
“Can I move now, Princess?” Ashton asked lowly, his voice lower and more throaty as his large hands held your waist. You gave yourself a few more seconds, your chest heaving before you swallowed calmly. 
“You may, Daddy.” 
With the consent desired, Ashton slowly began thrusting out and in you, having you release several moans, sounds that you never thought you’d be able to produce. But with Ashton, anything that he does causes the most unthinkable things. You felt his cock exit and enter you so smoothly, feeling it reach your core with incredible ease. Sweat coated your neck and collarbone, your head thrown back as your hands shifted desperately. The chains rung your ears loudly, but Ashton’s moans came through so clearly. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby,” Ashton growled, his fingers digging deeper into your waist. He was guaranteed to leave bruises, feeling his thumb really dent into your at your outer pelvis. He gradually began to thrust faster, which only rushed your climax and became just a few seconds closer to your release. 
“D-Daddy, I’m gonna--” you started, quickly choking on your spit before regaining yourself, “c-cum--!” 
“Do it, then,” Ashton demanded, his words striking a chord as you immediately felt yourself let go. Sticky, warm liquid oozed passed Ashton’s covered dick and began pouring itself down to your crack and adding to the pool of pre-cum you had created from the start. 
“Shit, shit...” Curses left you like snaps, seeming unstoppable as they echoed in the room. But Ashton, for some reason, refused to pull out. So, as you slowly regained yourself and your breath, you caught Ashton’s gaze and blinked in confusion. “D-Daddy? Did you not cum?” 
“I didn’t.” Ashton said his words so simply, quickly pulling out of you to get on the floor. You felt the rest of your orgasm seep out with ease as Ashton picked up his skinny jeans. His large hand cupped the mystery item as he tossed the pants aside again. With his free hand, he peeled off the condom with pre-cum and tossed it to the ground as well. 
“Wh-what are you do--.” 
“Close your eyes, Princess,” Ashton asked firmly, his lips pursed. You looked into his eyes, searching for some sort of silent answer. But his hazel eyes were too clouded with lust, unsure as to what he was actually planning. But you seemed a little hesitant to follow through with his request, having his eyes soften a bit. “Do you trust me?” 
“Y-yes, of course--.” 
“Then close your eyes for me, love.” With his more gentle words, you obliged and allowed your eyelids to flutter close and keep your sights from the rest of the room. That’s when you listened to Ashton move to the side of the bed, grab something from it, replace it, and head to your face. You felt a smooth material touch your eyelids and immediately guessed it to be the blindfold. Knowing this, you lifted your head and helped Ashton to tie it from the back in his signature cute bow. “Thank you, baby.” 
You then listened (as your ears were the only reliant sense) as Ashton shifted around and pounced upon the bed once more. You felt yourself sink as his hands were by the sides of your head again. He used one hand to raise his cock to your entrance once more and plunged in, having you ark your back once more from the pleasure. 
“Sh-it!” You exclaimed, gasping desperately for air again as he began thrusting at a pretty quick pace. It was outstanding how much stamina Ashton really own. But he only gave you just a few thrusts before you felt the mattress float up again from the lack of his hands. He was now still, his hands now holding your inner thighs strongly. “Mmm?”
“We’re gonna do something a little...” Ashton trailed off, taking your left leg and twisting your waist some so it was now residing on your right leg. You moaned weakly from this, clenching around his dick as he moved your body. You fixed your torso to be lying on your side as well, curious about Ashton’s finishing word. “...new. How does that sound, Princess?” 
“I’m up for anything for you, Daddy,” you whispered, your words somewhat shaky but you managed to get it out okay. You heard him quietly snort as you heard him shift a little. You heard an item get dropped near your rear as the top of his hand briefly brushed your ass. You listened to Ashton somewhat scrape something off the sheets, having you yearn for your sight. 
“Alright, just stay still for me, okay?” Ashton murmured, having you reply with a quiet ‘okay’ as you waited for his actions. 
One hand went on your more exposed ass cheek, his thumb firmly denting your inner ass cheek before tugging it away from your asshole. Your breath hitched at this, unsure as to where this was headed. But then you felt Ashton’s finger, moist and sticky, rub around the rim of the entrance. Holding your breath, you waited until Ashton plunged a finger inside. 
“I, I--,” you choked, attempting to refrain from squirming uncomfortably so Ashton could go through with his intentions. 
“Just stay still, baby, it’s okay.” His reassuring words somewhat soothed your nerves as he went in deeper. It was a completely uncomfortable feeling, which made you almost tempted to shout your safety word. But you didn’t as Ashton managed to shove his entire finger in. “Just another....”
Another finger joined the party and your body contorted uncomfortably at this. It felt incredibly odd, and you wanted nothing to do with it. But there he went, fitting two whole fingers as he let it sit for a moment inside. You were breathing heavy, attempting to keep your cool as you waited for his next move. But then, Ashton slowly started separating his fingers and jolts of intense pain stormed in. 
“Lucky!” You screamed, your hands fumbling to grab the chain of your cool restraint. “Lucky, lucky, lucky!” Your screamed echoed in the room, emitting painfully from your throat as Ashton immediately took his fingers out. 
“Shit, Y/N!” Frantic, Ashton pulled out of you and abandoned the bed. A few seconds later, you felt him quickly jingle the key of the cuffs in the holes and released you from them. You struggled yourself to sit up, your bottom lip quivering as Ashton undid the knot and relieved you of the blindfold as well. You saw his face torture you with worry as those light hazel eyes widened. 
Your eyes were coated with tears, the outer whites becoming pink as a few of the salty dollops began streaming down those peachy cheeks. You kept sniffling, crinkling your nose a bit in attempts to make it stop (which proved to be vain). And your bottom lip quivered, having you force it between your teeth to stop it from its nervous habit. 
“Y/N, fuck, I’m so sorry!” Ashton quickly grabbed your shoulders and pulled you against him. You felt your face press upon his broad shoulder as his hands pressed on your back. They felt shaky behind you, his anxiety obvious as he held you. “I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry, fuck!” 
“It’s okay,” you croaked quietly against his shoulder, tears streaming down rapidly to play upon his warm, sweaty shoulder. He tightened his embrace around you, his face burying itself into the crook of your neck. 
“It’s not okay!” Ashton quietly huffed into your neck, feeling his lips plant small kisses upon your marked neck. “I went too far, I went too far. I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N, I went too far this time.” 
As Ashton cradled you, obviously upset with himself, you blink a few times to clear your vision of the tears. No longer with a blurry sight, you looked over to the end of the bed to see the condoms, the stain you produced, and another item you were familiar with but haven’t used in a long while. A vibrator, the shape of a narrow egg, with a black cord connected to the remote of it. The purple entity remained still, having you connect everything with ease and sigh. 
Suddenly, Ashton let go of you, which forced you to sit up again to level with his eyes again. He crawled off the bed, having you watch ponderously as he grabbed his underwear and white shirt from the floor. He tossed the tee to you as he peeled off the condom and threw it to pull up the underwear. You pull the shirt on quickly, the large garment hugging your body kindly. Ashton then returned, sitting in a pretzel before you with an ashamed expression. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ashton repeats once more, his voice filled with agony as his broken eyes stared into yours. He swallowed once, his Adams Apple bobbing as he emits a shaky sigh. “I fucking hate myself, I didn’t mean to hurt you. That was far away from my intention, I swear to you, Y/N, I love you so fucking much.” 
You watched him silently as his eyes began to go more brilliant. They began to shine, gleaming sweetly as tears started to coat them. His jawline clenched uncomfortably, immensely discontent with his actions as he allowed the tears to pour out of the wells of his eye sockets. As much as you agree with him going too far, this was something that hurt even more. 
“Hey,” you whispered weakly, bringing your hands up to cup his cheeks. You felt his beard hair tickle your palms as you held him, flashing him a small, curt smile. “Don’t cry, okay?” You leaned forward and kissed his tears away at both eyes, rubbing the excess moisture with your thumbs. “I don’t like it when you cry.” 
“I can’t help it,” Ashton croaked, torment streaming off his tongue as he distantly looked down at his still hands. But if you squint your eyes just a bit, you could see the fingers merely tremble. “I swore never to hurt you, and I fucking did and I feel like utter shit about it.” You shook your head, pulling his head close to grab his gaze once more. The pupils dilate, his hazel eyes lightening as you stared into his brown orbs. 
“I forgive you, Ashton,” you mumble, shifting uncomfortably from the soreness he left you with. But you smiled warmly at the boy, rubbing his upper cheeks kindly. “I love you too, okay? I love you more than you’ll ever know.” You allowed the gaze to stay still between the two, seeing as Ashton’s tears quickly dissolve away. That gave Ashton the strength to crawl his large hands up to yours and hold them gently with care. With a few sniffles, a sad smile finally began to play at his lips as he stared at you. 
“You’re the best thing I’ve ever had, Y/N,” Ashton whispered, lightly tightening his grip on your hands as you widened your own smile. “You’re everything, and I love you so very much. I’ll be sure to love you much better from now on, out and in the bedroom.” 
You giggled, nodding gently in agreement. You then tugged Ashton’s head forward, having him lean over as you guided him closer to your face. Moving a few curly locks from his forehead, you press a soft, firm kiss upon it with your supple lips. 
“That sounds pretty rad. Thank you,” you spoke softly, your hot breath following the kiss as you pressed your lips upon it again. You smiled on his forehead, with the tip of your nose joining the contact. “And, in case you doubt it: you still entice me. You always have, and always will.” 
hope you enjoyed that xx 
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