monriatitans · 8 months
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Sunday, February 11, 2024
“If you find yourself enamored by the genius of men I would suggest that you are too easily pleased and too quickly fooled.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough
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apapachoazul · 4 years
The paint scam Vol. 1
Days 163 - 27/02/2021 
On Saturday, 27th of February I got up in the morning and made some phone calls to my family. While sitting on the terrace a man walked by the house shouting that he is selling paint. Paint... that’s something I need since I have hundreds of m2 of walls to paint soon. So I walked to the gate and asked him what kind of paint he’s selling. He explained that he has a job here in town where someone ordered 19 buckets of paint from him and in the end only ended up buying 15 so he has 4 extra buckets to sell. It sounded like a believable story but I wanted to be careful. So I texted my worker Erick and explained the situation to him. He told me to be careful cause sometimes people go around selling paint what in the end is just a bucket with colored water. He said I should demand to see the paint and check if it is sealed. Ok. I’ll be careful... 
I walked back to the guy and said that I would like to see the paint. He said he’ll go get his truck. After a few minutes he pulled up in front of the house and started demonstrating the buckets. 
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It all looked rather legit. The buckets seemed sealed and he took the lid off of one bucket of white paint and from what I could tell it looked like paint. 
I hesitated for a bit but he gave me a flyer and expanded his story saying that the paint is of “medium” quality but good paint and that if I use it for outdoors it would last up to 6 years. He would sell me one bucket for 450 pesos. Normally, a bucket that size is 1800 pesos. So I decided to buy the 4 buckets of white and one bucket of blue (thanks to the influence of my friend Claudia who recently had made fun of me for painting my whole house in boring white...). 
I paid the guy 2000 pesos for 5 buckets of paint and felt quite accomplished. 
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charliehopper · 8 years
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You dumb babies. This is why we spent the last two weeks telling you, "Get down, get down!" But you insisted. #easilyfooled (at City of Noblesville)
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oldguardaudio · 5 years
Let the backpedaling BEGIN! John Brennan admits he ‘may have been fooled’ by bad info on Trump’s Russia connections
Let the backpedaling BEGIN! John Brennan admits he ‘may have been fooled’ by bad info on Trump’s Russia connections
So is John Brennan backpedaling or having some sort of mea culpa? Admitting he ‘may have relied on bad info’ for his attacks on President Trump …
Pardon our French but man, this guy is such a jacka*s.
If one of our top ex-intel officials says he got fooled by "bad info"… what does that say about the intel community structure? #EasilyFooled #CirculatingBadInfohttps://t.co/C7BUuGuPBU
— Sharyl…
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musicspeaks1505 · 10 years
I should be past all this stuff already...
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