#eastenders keegan bex peter jean
doof-doofblog · 5 years
“It’s Just The Way It Is!”
Monday 2nd March 2020
Good Evening folks! How was your weekend? I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and had a good chilled time. So, it seems there have been more #SPOILERS released over the weekend, I'm sure you've probably all heard them by now, but I love sharing spoilers on here and keeping everyone in the loop as to what is coming in the soap, just in case the news may have passed you by somehow! What do you guys think of the new-ish character, Suki? I know she's not had much screen time but I'm liking what I've seen so far and from what the new pictures reveal, I feel like I knew she was a wrong'un! Since the new Panesar family arrived on the square, it came to the viewers attention that the 4 sibling's mother was suffering with cancer and was desperate to get her relationship with her daughter, Ash, back on track. However, Suki has been lying to her family about having cancer and been manipulating Jean to get as much information as she can to make her story convincing. It new released pictures, it appears to show Jean grieving for Daniel and carrying his ashes. Everything Jean has been through in recent months, it's awful to see how someone can manipulate her and lie about having the same dreadful disease as her. Is Jean about to uncover the truth about Suki?!
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In other news, it's been reported that Ben will come across a familiar face in upcoming weeks. Paul Usher will be reprising his role as Danny Hardcastle. Most of you will remember his run-in with the Mitchell family last year when he kidnapped Louise while Ben went on a rampage against his gang. What does his return mean for the Mitchell family? What could he want with Ben? We know Phil has suddenly done a disappearing act, is he after Phil again for something?! I'm intrigued to see what else could happen between Danny and the rest of the Mitchell's.
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Meanwhile, tonight's episode, there was a lot of stuff to focus on I feel, loads of different things happening with different characters.
Firstly, I can't get over how tall Peter is! Compared to the rest of the Beale family, he's towering over all of them! I'm feeling really happy that Ian has now finally told someone what happened to Dennis, even though, when he told Peter, I thought Sharon was going to emerge from the kitchen and reveal that she had heard everything he'd said! I'm also enjoying seeing Bobby and Peter back together, it feels like it's been a long time since we had these two characters in the same room. Like Peter said "Everyone is here, except Lucy" ... That scene where the two brothers were having a conversation in the square, it was a really lovely moment. Bobby asking his brother to just blame him over anyone else. Could the two brother rekindle their friendship?   ... There has to be a reason as to why Peter is back, surely he will have his own secret to expose eventually? What happened between him and Lauren? Could there be a reason for Lauren to come back in the future?
Wow! No funeral for Daniel? Just an urn right there?! Already? Would've liked to have seen them have a funeral for him, or at least a memorial ceremony! I'm sure Jean will do some kinda of recognition in her own way, like Shirley suggested. I loved that moment when they were sat eating cakes. "They taste like feet! - I did find them in the Queen Vic toilet!" Shirley always has the best one-liners! Her friendship with Jean is just pure too, you might say Shirley doesn't really have that many friends, but the friendship that has blossomed between Jean and Shirley over the past few years has been amazing to watch, I always smile seeing them on screen together! Ahhh! So, is Jean already suspicious of Suki?! Did you see that little puzzled face she pulled when Suki made the story up about her doctor?! She looked so uncomfortable when they bringing the bed in for her, she can't keep up the pretence for long! Jean will discover the truth, along with Shirley!
Oh! Martin is back?! Where the hell has he been?! I don't think we saw him once during the anniversary week last week did we? If we did, can someone please remind me?! I can't even remember the last time we saw Martin?! Ha! Awww, so it looks to be the start of Bex's exit storyline, she's looking to go travelling with her friend Jade. Sonia didn't seem happy, but hopefully she'll be able to support her daughter's decision. That conversation Bex had with Kat about Zoe, I remember Zoe leaving, can't believe it's been nearly 15 years! It's about time Zoe came back to see her Mum AND her new little brothers! Who calls for Zoe to return?! .... Anyway, back to Bex .... what do you think of Bex's decision, we know she's leaving but, if she wasn't, do you think it would be good if she was to stay on the square? To be honest, I think it's exactly what she needs! After her attempting to take her own life, plus abusing pills/drugs and with her best friend Louise gone, what is keeping her at Walford? She needs to get away, have some breathing space and find peace with herself. Explore the world before she settles in a job or something. It'll be sad seeing Jasmine Armfield leave, but I am hoping she'll return to the role of Bex in the future.
Ahh so the pressure is really getting Gray, trying to do all he can for Kush and Whitney, putting on a front showing that he's coping being able to do both cases. It was only a matter of time before he was back abusing Chantelle, he lashed out again at her because he was feeling pressure of the work. Plus now the added pressure of finding Keegan a load for his new business opportunity ... Speaking of Keegan, I'm sensing a racial story-line happening, I probably should've noticed it earlier on, but this has been building in recent months as Keegan has been stopped by police numerous times, for nothing in particular. Is Keegan going to start causing trouble just to get back at police? He's an innocent man who has been treated like the suspect, I understand Keegan's frustration, he was only doing right by his wife and he gets mistreated for it, just because of his appearance?! I think this is another tough subject that EastEnders are now tackling, I'm intrigued as to how tonight's episode will affect Keegan, this is blatantly the last straw! He's had enough of being treated like the bad guy ... so will he purposely go out looking for trouble and causing havoc to the square, just to get to the police? Plus what will it mean for his relationship with Tiffany, if Keegan turns to breaking the law, how is Tiffany going to be able to stand there and support him? There are better ways to go about it, take a stand, protest ... or make a complaint. But who knows what could be in store for Keegan now?! I'm looking forward to finding out!
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I believe there is sadly no episode tomorrow night, due to football! (How dare they!) What did you all make of tonight's episode? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Will you miss Bex when she leaves? What did you think is going to happen now for Keegan? I'll be back on Thursday with another episode review and blog! Have a good Tuesday and Wednesday! Goodnight peeps! xXx
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