#ebt Restructuring
tianaero · 2 years
Competency based training and assessment (CBTA Experts)
The International Tianaero Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA), and other industry partners jointly developed competency-based training and assessment (CBTA), the new paradigm for the training of all aviation disciplines. Modern EBT (Evidence-based training) and Multi-crew pilot license training include CBTA as a critical component (MPL).
AOCs and ATOs can restructure their training system and apply CBTA together with the anticipated new flight simulator provisions using the new EASA provisions (FSTDs). This offers creative ways to improve training efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness.
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julzonthego · 4 years
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Time to hit up your Congressfolk 🔥 THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DESERVE HELP NOW!!!! STOP BULLSHITTING AND DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS ... •MEDICARE FOR ALL NOW •STUDENT DEBT FORGIVENESS NOW •HALT ALL EVICTIONS NOW •PANDEMIC EBT NOW •NATIONAL FREE INTERNET FOR STUDENTS NOW •TAX FORGIVNESS FOR ALL ESSENTIAL WORKERS NOW •SMALL BUSINESS PANDEMIC GRANTS THAT HELP THEM RESTRUCTURE THEIR BUSINESS to FUNCTION AS EMERGENCY RESPONDERS .. EX. FOOD DELIVERY FOR SENIORS/Low income/children /High Risk #GETTOWORK @reprashida @repaoc @repayannapressley @repjayapal @repdebhaaland @repilhan @senwarren @senschumer @senduckworth @senhannahbeth @maziehirono @senatemajldr @senblumenthal @sendonnelly @repjeffries @repbarragan @reprokhanna @repdavids @reptedlieu @repkatieporter @repadamschiff @repmaxinewaters @repchriscollins @repjudychu @repjimmygomez @repcohen @repbobbyscott @repswalwell @repadrianoespaillat @repcardenas @repmgs @repmarkpocan @repalgreen @repgwenmoore @repbrendalawrence @repmarciafudge @repandrecarson @replucymcbath @repblumenauer @repchuygarcia @repcleaver @repraskin @repkennedy @repjahanahayes @reprubengallego @repraulgrijalva @reproybalallard @repnormatorres @replujangrisham @repjohnconyers @repbettymccollum @repkarenbass @repadams @sendonnelly @sengarypeters @berniesanders @lindseygrahamsc @senronjohnson @senjoniernst @senatemajldr @senatorhawley @senloeffler @senatortimscott @sendavidperdue @senatorchriscoons @senbrianschatz @senatorrandpaul @senatormyrie @senmikelee @senbrianschatz @senchrismurphy @sengarypeters @senwhitehouse @senatormastriano @chrisvanhollen @senatorjontester @senalexander @senjackyrosen @senatorbriggs @mcconnellpress @senatormenendez @senatorlankford @senmarkkelly @senatormartinheinrich @senatorwarner @senatortomudall @senjohnthune @senatorsinema @senategop @senatedems @senpattymurray @senatormarcorubio @senatorheitkamp @flsenrickscott @senatorparker @senatorromney @senator_elenaparent @senjeffmerkley @senthomtillis @shannongroveca @senbobcasey @senbobcasey @senatorjuliasalazar @senator.sharon.moriwaki @senatorcardin @sentoddyoung @senpattoomey @sendonnelly @sensusanrubio @johncornyn @senatorshelby @senator https://www.instagram.com/p/CJJAfgMgPEF/?igshid=p21995zhu6av
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christineamccalla · 5 years
US Department of Defense (DoD) assisted invasion in the US to help Eastern Nations and Kingdoms invade and prepare for future invasions through the alleged distribution of nuclear / nucular substances and fluids, lights, vibrations, et al, by McCalla, Christine Ann
From: McCalla, Christine Ann and all variations thereof
Date: Wednesday, September 6. 2017
Re: US Department of Defense (DoD) assisted invasion in the US to help Eastern Nations and Kingdoms invade and prepare for future invasions through the alleged distribution of nuclear / nucular substances and fluids, lights, vibrations, et al
DoD's attempt of a botched invasion attempt with the Eastern Nations and Kingdoms to create and facilitate a mushroom distribution line
DoD's escort of representatives of the Eastern Nations and Kingdoms to indulge in rape and greater offenses while cloaked with defensive and offensive technology, including alleged women allegedly in University of Michigan - Flint area including McCalla, Christine Ann and all variations thereof. As McCalla is homeless, she has peed several times on and nearby the property on which she is staying. During the accosting, she walked around the spots where she peed and some clouds with speckles / spots would drift to the men and the transfer from one to the other which I guess to be infectious diseases. Previously, In one of the spots, Candi in her business line or occult distributed some powders during or in the process of allegedly having an orgy a few nights ago and in the process of interrupted sex, she peed. But where ever Candi was geographically, she appeared to McCalla as scaled in reduction, in person, and peeing approximately 3 - 4 feet from McCalla although Candi did not physically arrive and walked towards her. McCalla approached the same spot and peed the same time as Candi. The powder is the sort that was used in the "trash", "montgomery county trash report" and now Candi is allegedly verbally accosted as I can hear my location (same place). Candi whore, whore Candi, they talk about her pussy, and her identity theft. The voice follows her and numerous persons became concerned regarding public safety and the magnitude of the crimes have reported it, and Candi was allegedly arrested for murder. Her crimes allegedly include using my social security number, my name, using my information as hold in business matters, impersonating me and my name, and now in concert with allegedly this Portia character.
Alleged use of identity for sale by federal agents Angela Hope Dawes for the purchase of a car, to Candi Buriss for general use and to supplement her income including games of confidence, schemes, and other crimes including an alleged attempted murder when she was apprehended. Her description of this event coincides with McCalla's armed robbery in February 2004 which was reported at the time of the event which occurred one block from the Takoma Park Police Station. There are allegedly different people involved for different purposes including Portia, Candi's friend, both of whom are alleged as strippers, uneducated confidence women impersonating numerous professions including legal and auditing and in proprietorship with Department of Defense. They are also known to participate in prostitution in services rendered in the execution of the occult. There are also numerous allegations of my bank accounts being used in the past to cash checks using brokerage services including Terri McKnight, Andreas Alexandrou for substantial amounts including over $9K and <$5K. Montgomery county police had this practice and it was reported earlier. This certainly explains why the service provided by DHHS is barely there. My alleged planned kidnapping in the state of Michigan where numerous governance members are involved. Furthermore, the circumstances mimic those occurring in the past where some Medici personnel kept alluding to required bribery and organized crime which incites this behavior within the state government and particularly law enforcement. This crime occurred earlier where Terri McKnight and several of her employees were visiting Michigan and their party seperated. Terri and Sara Kennedy were kidnapped and kept in some dream-like state and when the alleged ransom of over $200K+ was paid and they were release. It began when they were unhoused or unable to find suitable housing or some housing distress similar to mine where I am homeless. The firm Gelman Rosenberg and Freedman does wealth management and as a result has accessible resources, as are my alleged listing of patents and owed incomes from Interpol. They were strangers as am I. And now I have threat of kidnapping from a woman at the Flint Transit Center.
One night, there was a strange interaction at DHHS Union Street, where it appears 2 men were talking with one in the building and one outside. The one inside appeared to slid an envelope through the locked door, but the strange thing is that the man outside only appeared there and then left. He did not walk to and from the front door as one would expect. One was saying something about I have a will inside the building where 1/3 of it is given to DHHS who then distributes it. In the meantime I must get nothing and EBT is to be denied. It is alleged the governor in Michigan and other states are attempting to create pressure to me by withholding any benefits including EBT and shelter to create pressure to bribe. This attitude has also been reflected by Interpol and the general public to the point multiple execution orders are being given, and it makes no difference. It is being said to me over and over through the use of amplifiers by just about everyone, particularly the east with their incantation to get money from any source necessary. This is illegal and forced prostitution, now rape, and murder. Now I know the source of my chronic unemployment.
Resolved, review of the calibre and quality of service of homeless outreach program within Flint and similar places in Michigan - a few things could be added or used to enhance the program. Facilities that open early in the morning where the client can receive a cup of coffee or other warm beverage to warm and some breakfast or at least some pastries. If they have day labor or some sort of job maybe sandwiches / meals to go to help, a place they can take respite as being homeless including all day rest from the weather and wash hands, shower, and do laundry. I am sorting out the laundry business and I have to take a bus, and I am not certain as I am still waiting on confirmation. There is some form of prescription assistance, but one provider said limited in their listing. If the client has infectious diseases, the entire community is at risk. Currently there is shared facilities for meals where on weekends and holidays they provide lunch and dinners everyday regardless - reliable service. Some clients can walk to this location and others must take a bus, which can be a stretch if they client has no money. If they have debilitating diseases e.g. Diabetes or hypertension, this becomes a greater problem. Scheduled shuttle bus runs would help and make a great difference to the client and the size of the program. I recommend that some grant meeting be held where the participants bring there grants, understand the general and special conditions in advance, so as to have everyone acknowledge where there are deficiencies and strains if the service provider range while still cost effective and within budget. There was the matter of me being denied food stamp because I am a full time student. The operative words are homeless and unemployed, and I am not the only one. It is rumored the US federal government is restructuring and terminating employees, and the general public needs this support. Otherwise, the Bureau of Prisons will need additional funding to keep up with the crime wave. I just received a donated blanket for the first time last night, but without it in 40 degree weather it was tempting to stay in a warm parking garage or just wonder into a building for heat. In the summer, sanitization, hygiene, and rain are the issues. In the fall and winter, death becomes more imminent. Additionally, a night drop-in center could make the difference where the clients have the opportunity to be safe all-night from the elements and the weather  if there is no shelter space. There could be chairs where they sit in or sleep, but no beds. Meals and refreshments could stop after certain time, and or begin at certain time say 4:30, 5:00, where clients could vacate the label of homelessness as they have a fixed place to sleep / stay, keep jobs, and accumulate salaries.
The boisterousness of law enforcement has become quite alarming due to their beligerence, particularly the intimidation of the community due to arguing. Law enforcement and I have had history to the point where I have reported guns being stored in my Rainbow shelter locker, they have called me prostitute without knowing me, they want a suck and a fuck, they have stalked me in bathrooms using technologies, etc. These behaviors in combination represent a greater problem and a public health hazard as it appears some sort of addiction is present. Furthermore, in 2015 and after my family's execution there were allegations in their names of money running, counterfeit cash, vault services, etc. Now there is chain harassment by law enforcement where no state or country is safe, either to coordinate organized crime for my murder, the sale of my patents and others resources sold to Interpol, the accosting by police within the community as to my beligerence and they want my patents or other resources for sale. This behavior is appropriate and reflects several human capital management issues.
Firstly, management set the tone at the top and clearly the management here is poor. Secondly, what is unknown is the age, years of service, tenure of these offices, their ranks, and mandatory dismissal process and its compliance. In other words, does the mandatory policy require the dismissal after certain periods and for certain actions, and if yes, is it being followed. Are retirement years, periods, and ages being observed? Management begins at the top, so the supervising agency for all 52 states must be held accountable and then filters down. There are also instances of politically connected police officers and other support staff returning to work with compensation funded by debt without authorization (reported in some  context). Then there is the pension oversight where it should make sense. An employee cannot perpetually deposit 100% of all incomes to his retirement eternally. In some cases, the family can be sustained one of the party's income particularly if additional support is present such as an inheritance or other family to help.  And then the age of the children, empty-nesters may be able to do this but not indefinitely. So this area also needs scrutiny.
I recommend termination of law enforcement based on criminal actions and writs and personnel violations, and I am requesting guidelines, recommendations, and solutions in this regard. Terminations on a quarterly basis on an infringement basis should also facilitate the commited's reward instead of creating their despondency. The same should be applied to Interpol and other international agencies that display the same behavior.
Again we arrive at my payments where no demise is great enough for me to get. The most recent rhetoric is we don't know if she will be alive if we pay her.
Resolved, McCalla, Christine Ann and all variations filed a writ of keep, Interpol set eternally, transferable and attached along with a writ of no contest. It appears this decision was not completely thought out given the safety, caution, loyalty, and protection offered to the Baronies and their bloodlines, going back to infinity, et al. At the time of this writ of eternity, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, and Katherine Duchess of Wales have been usurpers and wardens to the Baronies safety and along with their bloodline.
Resolved, let it stand eternally, transferable and attached, through correction and inception, Interpol's existence shall be one of competition and completion only. It's 17% success ratio, slavery and murder to the baronies and their bloodlines must be taken into account.
Resolved, let it stand eternally, transferable and attached, any and every law enforcement, intelligence, and defense agency must prevail through competence, competition, and performance only. None shall be reserved for preservation through affection, time, or other means. Hopefully this shall correct the law enforcement belligerence behavior in which the US law enforcement officers emulated the behavior of Kuwaiti agencies and officers at their state of disgruntledness.
Resolved, the sovereign nations have become brazen and hostile enough to the point my demise is impending and foreseeable while owing significant sums to me. There have been invited and incited destructions including invasions to see what I will do and to create additional pressure and influence in addition to my daily struggle - poverty and homelessnesss.  
Resolved, all debt covenants must now be honored according to its agreement without extensions. Should the debt be scheduled for calling, call and do so timely. As the sovereigns have desired, they must now themselves at play without the Monarchi / Barony and the shield she provides. Any and all actions of the bloodline of the Monarchi / Barony are subject to the law.
Resolved, given the stringent measures the Monarchi / Barony has implemented without success, she is now considering invasions through the use of mercenies. Be aware. In this process, the British Empire and its defenses and intelligences shall be seized and used, and will be retained solely by her to ensure that payment is granted as the sovereigns are in need of her lowered bargaining position.
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