#ebw plays forgotten realms
enbyboiwonder · 6 months
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Okay this is going to have to be enough potions for the orb because I literally cannot carry any more.
All I remember of this fight is never-ending waves of undead, Burning Hands tornado, and “Crap, I’m out of potions!”
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enbyboiwonder · 4 months
Yeah, okay, I’m starting a game on Extreme after all. I know I should probably be playing the cleric so I can become familiar with her spells, since some of them I’ll be giving to Misao in some form or another, but! I like playing Ysuran! Also I wanna try and get him all flawless equipment.
I should also start a new game in NWN as a cleric (and maybe another as a necromancer, give me some more ideas), but idk when I’ll do that. I can really only focus on one game at a time lol
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
I never noticed Bartley (the shopkeep) had heterochromia until the second game, but now that I know, I can see it in the first too. On the one hand, the screen of the TV we had the GameCube hooked up to was bigger than the Switch screen, but on the other hand, the picture quality was worse and also it was farther away from my face and also I am blind (nearsighted/never notice things), so yeah I’m not surprised I never noticed.
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
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So I remembered that the boss was a beholder, I remembered the floating rock platforms you gotta jump across before they fall and send you tumbling into the chasm, but I didn't remember these little sentry eyes that vaporize you as soon as they catch sight of you. Oh, gods.
Actually, now that I think of it, I don't remember fighting the beholder, either. I have no idea how this fight is gonna go.
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
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Oh, god.
And of course they fall in groups, not individually. No wonder this section always took me so long to get past.
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enbyboiwonder · 9 months
Do I need a game for each of the campaigns started at once? No. Am I starting Hordes of the Underdark anyways? Yes.
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enbyboiwonder · 4 months
Hhhhhh I forgot how much I hate starting out as a mage class, especially since I can’t adjust my stats. I died in the prologue. After the initial ambush, the mage outside the door hit me for 4 of my 5 HP before summoning two goblins and disappearing, then before my character could actually drink his healing potion, one of the goblins killed me. Lovely. Luckily I saved before the ambush, but I really need to get back in the habit of saving often; I’m not used to being able to save whenever and wherever anymore.
At least I didn’t die during training. That would be. incredibly pathetic.
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enbyboiwonder · 4 months
I never go for necromancers, so I didn’t realize it wasn’t its own class in NWN. I may have been thinking of the Pale Master prestige class.
And I had, when I didn’t see necromancer, thought it was like a wizard specialization or something (I always choose sorcerer, so I don’t know if NWN does anything like that), but? The Pale Master class description reads: “Necromancy is usually a poor choice for arcane spellcasters. Those who want to master the deathless arts almost always pursue divine means. However, an alternative exists for those who desire power over undead, without losing too much of their arcane power. Enter the pale master, who draws on a font of special lore that provides a macabre power all its own.” Here I’d always assumed necromantic spells were arcane…
So that’s NWN’s necromancer class, and it’s restricted to non-good alignments, of course. So I guess I’ll be making one cleric character and one wizard/Pale Master character, then.
Ah, yup, the wizard class comes with several packages, two of those being “Wizard, Necromancy” and “Wizard, Pale Master” (I wonder what the difference is? They both give you the Spell Focus (Necromancy) feat, and nothing stood out as being different…), plus Necromancy is one of the eight schools of magic that a wizard may choose to specialize in. Its prohibited school is Divination: “Diviners are capable of looking forward in time to anticipate what will happen next. Although mostly useful for gathering information, several divine spells help the caster in combat situations.” 1) The “divine” related to “divination” is a verb, not an adjective; 2) well now I wanna choose that to see what spells fall under the Divination school of magic…
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enbyboiwonder · 4 months
Okay I spoke too soon about not needing to worry too much. The slimes are still kicking my ass. But I haven’t died yet—if narrowly—and that’s what’s important.
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enbyboiwonder · 4 months
Dark Alliance II unlocks Drizzt as a playable character after completing the game once on any difficulty, and he’s got Twinkle and Icingdeath of course, but no Guen! They totally coulda given him a skill that allows him to summon her! What a missed opportunity
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enbyboiwonder · 4 months
Finished Dark Alliance II! And I still haven’t beat the first one yet lol
Man, I wish the third one had gotten made…
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
Switched to playing Dark Alliance I for a bit, since 1) I’m nearly finished with it, and 2) I have never once finished this game before. I’m not sure I ever even made it to Act III.
Ohhh myy godddd I hate those giant full-plate automatons with the double spinning weapons. I’ll take the gold ones that spew poison out of their chests any day. I don’t know how many times I’ve died because I accidentally let them get too close. I think I’m gonna switch back to the second game for a while…
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
I find it kinda funny though that when Karne showed up, I told him I’d be a tougher opponent now that he couldn’t strike at me from the shadows like a coward, and then my strategy for the fight was to run in circles around him, avoiding his knives and hurling magic missiles at him, and then run around some more when he came after me with his sword until he decided to start throwing knives again—like a coward lmao
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
Oh no, the jumpy bit is in the thieves’ guild, isn’t it. I am so not looking forward to this part…
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enbyboiwonder · 6 months
Actually I don't remember if I ever beat Dark Alliance or not. I know I didn't playing on my own, and definitely not with my sister. I got at least as far as the displacer beasts, but no idea if that was solo, with my sister, or both. But my dad and my sister got to the final boss once, and I know I took a stab at it when they were having trouble, but I don't remember who ended up beating them. In fact, all I actually remember of it is that we used that save file to start the next game with the endgame sword…
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