#eddie diaz homosexuality arc in coming!!!!! TRUST!!!!!!!!
blessyouhawkeye · 5 months
nothing hits harder than an eddie diaz pushing his girlfriend away due to reasons that can truly only be described as homosexuality arc
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liesoverthec · 3 years
7, 12 & 13 with Eddie ♥️
NIC!!! Hello how are you doing???
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Mmm Abby. I know she’s not a thing, she’s a person/character, but man when I was doing screen time she was just really rubbing me the wrong way. She’s just very judgy of everyone who comes on her call line, until she finds a reason to care about them. In contrast to Maddie, who cares about everyone from the start and if she laughs, it’s with them, not at them, it definitely was something that made me find Abby unbearable when before I did like her!
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
The lawsuitttttt. To me, everything that both Bobby and Buck did was really in character, bc Bobby DOES have a tendency to make decisions for Buck and Buck of course needs to feel like a part of the crew, so as much as it’s painful to watch, I think it was an interesting, in-character story line that HAD to happen to happen in some way or shape, if the writers wanted to stay true to the characters they made. It bothers me when people write “in canon” stuff but write the lawsuit out, bc I think they do it as a way to infantilize Buck and pretend he’s never done anything wrong, but he did and also I actually think he was right to do it, bc Bobby was wrong. Of course I also hate the fics where people use it as an excuse to write everyone being mean to Buck. But in general, I actually like that story and I mean, cmon, THE GROCERY STORE FIGHT?!? I’m not giving that up for the world.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Eddie my mannnnnnn. My unpopular opinion is that I don’t think he’s going to struggle with his homosexuality. SO MANY PEOPLE write him either freaking out, or wanting to hide it, or whatever, and I just don’t think it’s going to happen. For 1, the writers of OG have never even acknowledged that homophobia is a thing. And it’s something I really love about this show - they said that being gay is just a fact of life, and we’re going to give the gay characters stories that could happen to any other character, this isn’t like other shows where we use being gay as an excuse to torture those characters or to baby straight feelings, so I just don’t see them changing that streak with Eddie. Also, y’all are gonna look me in the eye and tell me that Edmundo Diaz, man who looked Evan Buckley in the eyes and said, “There’s no one in this world I trust w my son more than you”, who made Buck his son’s guardian just in case, is going to struggle with his feelings?? I’m sorry no, the only feeling I think he’s going to struggle w is jealousy. Canon shows us so clearly that when Eddie wants something, he goes and gets it, and I think the same thing will happen w his sexuality!
That one ended up being slightly Buddie-centric and I don’t want to make everything Eddie about Buddie so I’m gonna also add a second one- I think he’s getting enough screen time. Everything shows that he’s well within range of the other characters, so it’s still an ensemble, and he’s STILL getting way way more time than any regular, and honestly? Someone has to be last. And he’s the last billed actor among the mains, so if it’s him who’s last I’m fine with it.
Thanks babe!! ❤️
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