#eddie is fine btw he's in steve's basement
plumfondler · 9 months
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This is basically what it says right.
Anyway s5 is going to be a wild shitshow. The Suffer bros want Steve and Nancy back together for some powerfully hetero reason that makes no sense for either of their character development, and part of me actually thinks Eduardo isn't lying for confidentiality reasons about not coming back. idk. I could be wrong. I mean, the whole "welcome to the club, right" exchange about Argyle last season was perfect and they can do so much with him, but I seriously wouldn't put it past the show runners to write him out in favor of other storylines they want to focus on, especially since it's the last season, depending on their budget and how many episodes they got.
Finally, I really don't have any hope for any satisfying conclusion involving Eddie's story, and I'll leave it at that. I'll just stay cozy here in the fandom!
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pizzaqueen · 2 years
Would you be willing to report the ficlet? I’m very interested in reading it.
Hi anon! Well, seeing as you want to read it, I will post it again just for you (and thank you btw!) 😄
Oh, and I t’s not a whole ficlet, just the first idk how many words (where Steve and Eddie have been kidnapped by a cult who sacrifices a couple every Halloween but Steve and Eddie aren’t actually together yet—they’re currently tied up against their will so CW for that and don’t keep reading if that kind of situation is upsetting for you) but here you go (and I hope you enjoy it!):
ETA: the whole fic is on AO3 now!!
Steve struggles against the ropes binding his wrists, but it’s no use. They’re too tight. He can’t work them over the joint of his thumb no matter how hard he tries. He sighs, slumping back, swallowing down the panic rising in his throat like bile.
“They’re too tight,” Eddie says from behind Steve, “you’re just going to hurt yourself.” And, even if Steve hadn’t been able to feel Eddie struggle behind him for about ten minutes before he gave up, he’d be able to hear it in his voice.
“I know,” Steve grits out, then softer, “I just…” He swallows again. His arms are trembling and it’s not just from the strain of them being tied behind him for so long. “If I could reach my Swiss army knife—”
“Where is it?”
The hope in Eddie’s voice tangles in Steve’s chest. Especially when he has to say, “My front pocket.”
“Shit.” Eddie shifts his weight and his shoulder pushes into Steve’s.
Any other time, the feeling of Eddie so close would be comforting, or even thrilling if Steve let himself think things like that, but when they’re tied back to back to a supporting beam in some weirdo’s basement? Not so much.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You got a knife or something?” The ache in Steve’s wrists throbs in time with the pounding in his head. He takes deep breaths, hoping it will stop him from puking. “Preferably somewhere you can reach?”
“No, I’m not in the habit of carrying knives.”
“Okay, sorry, I—”
“And if I had one I could reach, don’t you think I’d have used it by now?”
“Okay.” Steve’s throat clicks as he swallows. “I just—”
“I know.” Eddie sighs. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Steve lets his head fall back against the beam behind him. “I mean, none of this is fine but…”
Fuck. This was just meant to be a fun weekend away, hanging out with the only guy friend he has who isn’t five years younger than him—even if Steve sometimes wishes they were more than friends—and to get away from Hawkins and all the memories there. It had been Dustin’s idea. He’d said Eddie and Steve both looked like they could use the break and now they’re tied up in a basement. Some R&R, huh?
“I’m going to strangle Henderson the next time I see him.” Not that it’s Dustin’s fault but it keeps Steve’s mind off things, like whatever happens next.
“We probably won’t see him again.”
Steve’s stomach twists. That’s exactly what he’d been trying not to think about. “Can you please not say that?”
“Sorry,” Eddie repeats. The brush of his fingers against Steve’s makes his skin tingle. Or that could be the lack of blood flow to his hands. Either way, it’s a small comfort in what might be the most fucked up situation Steve has ever found himself in and that’s saying something. And then Eddie says, “Wait! The glass!” and Steve startles.
“What glass?”
“That weird piece of glass I picked up earlier. The one you told me not to.”
“It’s in my back pocket.”
“Do you think you can reach it?”
There’s movement behind Steve and Eddie grunts in frustration. “No, but… Maybe you can?”
“Uh, yeah, okay.” Steve shuffles around as much as he can while being trussed up, feeling around behind him until his fingers brush what must be Eddie’s belt. “Wait, which pocket?”
“The back one.”
“Yeah, but which side?”
“The left so your…”
Steve huffs and slides his fingers lower, barely feeling the denim with his almost-numb fingers, before they slip into the back pocket. His arm is burning from twisting around; he can feel the glass but he can’t grip it. “I can’t—”
“Here.” The beam creaks as Eddie moves around. “How about now?”
Ignoring that he’s basically touching Eddie’s ass—because, you know, they’re probably going to die and this is a last ditch effort—Steve manages to close his fingers around the smooth piece of glass moments before there’s noise from upstairs.
A voice comes through the closed door: “Why do I always have to check the sacrifices?”
“Did they just say sacrifices?” Eddie whispers.
“Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.”
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