#eddie munsom x female reader
hllfireclb · 2 years
What about catching Eddie while he cries? He‘s the type of person to hide his true feelings from others, we all know that (cafeteria scene with Jason, that’s all I’m saying)…there‘s probably no one who knows the real him. The real Eddie. Not even Wayne. Eddie sits in his room late at night, all high or drunk while playing some sad melodies he has written himself when he feels it. He feels how hard it gets to breathe and how his eyes go all blurry. Not every night is like this, most of the time he‘s way too stoned, that he just goes to bed after making himself some "food" (cereal because our poor boy can’t cook). But tonight it’s one of the fucked up nights. The nights where he thinks about how his "father“ left him, his mother died, his grades and the fact that he‘s been trying to graduate since forever now. He feels useless, dumb, like he‘s worth nothing. He can’t even help his poor uncle with the bills and he really tries to help. But the drug deals don’t make enough money to survive. So when he finishes the last few notes of the song he can feel how hot tears start to stream down his face. Everytime this happens he just feels so embarrassed, so pathetic, so sad. No one ever cared for him in that way, he hates to admit it but it breaks his heart. Knowing that there‘s no one who truly understands and accepts him. The real him. Suddenly his bedroom door opens and he never swiped away the tears so fast. He looks to his, now opened, bedroom door and sees…you? It‘s literally 1am, what would you do at his trailer at this time ? Sure, you two of you are best friends for a while now but he doesn’t remember giving you a key for his home. Your eyes meet his and it doesn’t take you long to realize what you‘ve just interrupted. "Oh my god, are you okay?!" You ask and walk over to him, taking his soft hands into yours as soon as you sit in front of him. His eyes lock with yours against, tears filling them insteadly. No one ever asked him if he‘s okay. It‘s a simple question and it breaks his heart. You see how his lips start to wobble a bit, how his cheeks turn red and his tears start to spill. Your arms wrap around him insteadly after you put away his beloved guitar, pulling him in for the softest bit most immediate hug ever. Your hand finds it’s way to his hair and you start to stroke his head slowly.
"It‘s okay Eddie…I‘m here, You’re Safe. I promise"
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vivwritesfics · 1 year
Working Nine to Five
(Part two is called What a Way to Make a Living)
1040 words
Dramatised version on true events, themes of stalking and foul language used in these
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Having a nine to five in a rarely visited record store was... exhausting.
With the lack of customers there was nothing to do but sit behind the counter all day. The moment somebody came in and actually bought something, the shelf it came from would be restocked in three seconds flat.
Y/N sat in the chair behind the counter. The chair was taller than most, allowing her to easily see over the counter she should have been stood behind. A pen was in her hand as she tried to remember what stock they needed for the coming month. As always, it wasn't a lot.
This happened to be the day that Eddie Munson came into the store. He'd been to every record store in Indianna, if felt like, bar from this one. This one was dimly lit and always empty. Eddie had gone past it a few times in the past, only noticing it when he saw a girl outside, putting up a poster.
It wasn't the record store that caught his attention, it was her.
When Eddie went into the store, he wasn't noticed. The only employee was too busy scribbling something down on a piece of paper. As he browsed through the collection, he wasn't noticed. It was only when he found something he vaguely recognised and took it up to the counter was he finally noticed.
"Oh, shit, sorry," she said and pushed away her piece of paper. Picking up the record, the girl looked at it for a minute before looking at Eddie.
There was slight judgement in her expression. "What?"
"Nothing, you just don't look like a Queen guy, that's all."
In truth, Eddie wasn't a Queen guy. He just knew everybody and their gran seemed to love them. They were a safe option to take up to the pretty girl at the counter.
"Don't get me wrong, it's a good album, definitely worth a listen," she said and Eddie paid for it. He left the record store that day with a red face.
That wasn't the last time Eddie went to the store. Only a few days later he went back in. It was the same bored, pretty girl sat behind the counter. This time she noticed him, perking up when he came through the door.
"So," she began as he strolled towards the counter, "how did you find that album?"
Slowly, Eddie nodded. "Listened to and enjoyed," he said, but his face told a different story.
Y/N grinned at him. "Do you want help finding something a bit more you?"
Visibly, Eddie deflated. "Yes," he cried in a rather dramatic fashion. He straightened himself up before saying, "yes please."
The two searched through the shelves. At points Y/N would pull out a record and show it to Eddie. But he either owned it already or knew he hated it. This guy had specific taste and, as much as he didn't want to admit it to the gorgeous sales assistant, they probably wouldn't find what he was looking for.
It had been close to an hour when they found a Metallica album. Eddie already had the record, of course, but he bought it anyway. "Thank you... Y/N," he said, reading across her name badge. "Huh, pretty name."
That definitely wasn't supposed to come out. He went red and looked down at his new records. "What's your name?" Y/N asked, playing it cool. But, inside, she was freaking out.
They shook hands, like they were in some business meeting.
Eddie took that as his leave. Things were already uncomfortable, he didn't want to make them any worse.
But he came back. This time, though, Y/N was nowhere to be seen.
Eddie strolled into the shop with a beaming smile on his face. He looked to the counter, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light. But, when he saw who it was, he stopped.
This guy was maybe in his late 40's, early 50's. He had shitty tattoos up his arms, pierced ears and dyed black spiky hair. He held a cigarette in his hands as he stared blankly at Eddie.
"Can I help you, Sir?" He asked, too excited to be doing his job.
Eddie stepped back when the other guy went to move out from behind the counter. "Uh, I'm looking for Y/N?" He questioned.
"All right then," the guy said quietly, clearly unhappy as he moved back behind the counter.
A moment later, Y/N appeared from the back room. Balancing on her hip she had a box of records. "Eddie," she beamed, excitement lacing her voice.
He rushed over, taking the box from her.
It was clear as they restocked together that Eddie wasn't there as a customer. They talked and laughed as they restocked the shelves. When the other employee in the shop came over, Y/N went quiet, her face like stone. "Can you please just alphabetise the pop section," she said to him, still looking at Eddie.
When he was gone, they went right back to talking and laughing. At one point Eddie got real close. For some it was probably too close for comfort but for Y/N, it was perfect. "So, what's the deal with that guy?" He asked, his voice a hushed whisper.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "The old manager let him do whatever he wanted and never told him how to do the job properly. Every time he made a mistake we'd just fix it without telling him. The new manager is trying to get him fired because of how shitty he's been since he started," she confessed. Her eyes were always on the other employee.
When they were done restocking together, Eddie knew it was time to take his leave. "Come to the counter really quickly," Y/N said when he tried to go. She pulled out a bit of paper from the register and quickly wrote down her number. "I get off at six."
"Then I will be calling you, Madame, at six thirty." Eddie even added a bow as he walked out of the shop. But, at the way she was grinning and laughing at him, he'd definitely won her over.
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eddieclubs · 2 years
pov: you show up with a different look at nancy’s house
nancy: its not just the haircut… you look like a…
you: what? i look like a what?
eddie: you look like a hooker
you: you think?
you blink at eddie
robin: this is not a compliment, y/n!
you: from eddie? totally is
eddie: hookers are hot
steve: they really are
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hllfireclb · 1 year
Eddie would definitely get a tattoo of your name someday, even though you‘ve told him several times that he doesn’t have to do it and that he shouldn’t do it because you’re scared he‘ll regret it one day. He does it anyways because he loves you so much <3
Ps: he never regretted it
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hllfireclb · 2 years
Call me Valentine Munson | Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, mention of smut, mention of drugs, Eddie smoking a joint, some hurt kinda? If I missed any please let me know!
Word count: 1.9k
A/n: I hate Valentine’s Day. I actually wanted to go into detail more and make this a longer OS but my absolute hate for that day is too big (sorry) plus I couldn’t handle even more soft/ hurt Eddie. I don’t wanna cry in the middle of the night lol. I‘m also still working on requests, please bare with me😭🫶
English is not my first language, so I apologize for any kind of mistakes in the story. Feel free to send requests and please read navigation or check out my masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated but please stay constructive! Don’t like? Don’t read! Enjoy the story!
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You knew that Valentine’s Day would be new to Eddie, especially because he told you that he hates this goddamn day. 14th of February. His official "hate date“ how he likes to call it. He told you that he doesn't understand the concept of valentine's day, that he doesn't see the point in showing your loved one, all of your "love" for just that one day and that if it was up to him, he’d show his girlfriend love all the time. You gladly agreed with him, with the fact you both hate that day and will never be like the cheesy couples as soon as you got into a relationship yourself.
That was exactly one year ago when you and him were best friends only, nothing more. But now? Now you‘ve been dating the, number one Valentine’s Day-hater and even though the two of you agreed, that you will show each other how much you love the other every single day and that Valentine’s Day was complete bullshit, you‘re still sad that you won’t get anything on that special day.Well that‘s what you thought.
Why should he gift you something on the day he abhors the most? Why should he surprise you with something? He thinks you hate the day just as much as he does, right? So it‘s pointless to give yourself some hope for a small present or a rose.
So you started this day just like every other. Going to school, studying your ass off in the library during your break since your beloved boyfriend decided to stay at his trailer with the lame excuse that "he doesn’t want to see all the cheesy shit in the hallways" like he said on the phone when you called him from school earlier.So instead of hanging out with the only person that could brighten up your day a little, you sit here, alone, studying for the next biology test.
What a great Valentine’s Day.
The day goes by slower than usually. It‘s always like this when Eddie‘s not around you. The world gets grey and boring without him by your side. Minutes feel like hours and your lips barley form into a smile on these kind of days.
So when you stop your car in front of his dark trailer you should be on cloud seven, happy to be able to jump into his arms and give him a big hug, followed by a passionate kiss. But today‘s different. Of course you‘re happy that you can be by his side now, snuggle up to him on the sofa while watching a movie together and eat some popcorn…but the fact that you had to see all these happy couples together today did something with you.
You‘re disappointed. Disappointed that Eddie didn’t even think about showing up to school, so you at least were able to judge all these giggling, feet kicking couples together. It would have been a lot easier for you of he would have been by your side.
You shrug off all your thoughts before you step inside his trailer, not wanting to seem upset or sad so he’d feel bad at the end of the day. While you start to take off your shoes and jacket, you notice something very unusual. The trailer is quiet and all lights are turned off. The only source of light comes from Eddie’s room. Normally Eddie would stand in front of you already, wearing the cutest smile ever while he’d reach out for you, placing a soft kiss on your lips afterwards. Some music would be playing quietly in the living room because he knows you don’t like it, to get your ears blasted away after a long school day…but today there was nothing. No music, no hugs, no Eddie.
Did he forget that you wanted to come over?
"Hey Eddie! I‘m home" you say, your voice slightly raised, expecting him to hear you. When you don’t get an answer you start to worry. Maybe he‘s in his room? You think to yourself to calm your mind down from the instructive thoughts that start to fill your head. Taking a big, deep breath before you start walking towards your boyfriend’s bedroom, hoping that he’d be there. Exuberantly you swing open his door, expecting him to be sleeping on his bed or maybe writing something new for his upcoming D&D campaign with the boys. You were expecting anything but definitely not what you‘re seeing in front of you right now.
The dim lights of a few lavender candles being the only sources of light in his room. Filling the air with a pleasant smell, mixing together with the smell of weed, cologne and Eddie. His, usually very messy, bedroom is cleaned up. The clothes that would normally lie everywhere are hanging in his closet, the bed is freshly made, the random stuff and trash on his desk and shelf is gone too and it looks like he even vacuumed the room.
In front of you, you see your reason to smile every day. Eddie. He‘s holding a small bouquet of roses in front of his chest, his hair looks washed and fluffy just how you like it. He’s wearing a black jeans without any holes in it and his tattoo covered chest and muscular arms are hugged nicely, by a white button up shirt. As you step a little bit closer you‘re able to smell his scent, or how you like to call it, your personal drug since you can’t get enough of it. He‘s showing you the beautiful smile of his as he starts speaking softly.
"Too much?" His voice is barely above a whisper when you stand directly in front of him, the flowers being the only thing that keeps you away from pulling him into a tight hug. Your lungs feel empty and your mouth turns dry in the split of a few seconds. Like it was said, you expected anything but that. Your boyfriend cleaned up his room and got pretty flowers, for you.
That’s something that no one ever has done for you yet and it just feels so personal because you know Eddie hates this goddamn day…plus he cleaned up for you. If there‘s one thing he hates more than Valentine’s Day, it’s probably cleaning up. Especially because he‘s known for his Organized "Munson Mess“ how Wayne calls it. He even got you pretty flowers that look quite expensive and you know he‘s probably low on budget again. How could you still be mad at him for not showing up at school after all of this?
When you don’t answer Eddie it‘s his turn to feel worried. Maybe it’s too much you? Maybe you don’t like anything of this cheesy stuff? You‘ve agreed with him back then, when he told you that he "hates“ Valentine’s Day.
Truth is, Eddie doesn’t hate it. Yes, he gets annoyed by the couples at school every single time..but that was only because he used to be alone on this day for twenty years straight. He never got love from anyone expect Wayne, but you can’t quiet compare this love with actual love. So he decided to walk the easy way and hate on this one, stupid day of the year. But deep down Eddie Munson is, and always was, a hopeless romantic.
"I knew it would be too much…I‘m so sorry Sweetheart! I just- I just thought it would be cute to give you something..I didn’t come to school today just to prepare some things for you!" He starts to explain himself while putting away the roses. Before he can continue his small rant about how stupid that idea is, you stop him by pressing your lips onto his own. Soft but passionate. Confusion takes place on his face when you softly let go off him, smiling like an idiot.
"It‘s perfect Ed‘s. I Love it! I actually was kinda sad that you left me all alone in school today earlier but now? I couldn’t be happier right now." you whisper against his lips, before crashing your own onto his again. He happily joins the kiss, pulling you even closer to his chest as his hands find their way to explore your body. They squeeze the flesh of your ass and thighs, he even massages one of your boobs slowly to give himself some comfort.
A few moments pass before you pull away from him to get some air, still smiling like an idiot who‘s in love...and you are. After Eddie explained the whole situation, why he had to take a day off school, so he could prepare this whole surprise and get everything for it, the two of you sit down on the sofa like you usually do. Some random movie plays on the TV while Eddie feeds you with the food he ordered before you arrived at his trailer. It’s actually a miracle that you didn’t smell any of it when you walked inside earlier.
His shirt is opened slightly, just enough to present you his beautiful chest with it‘s soft hair on it. You‘re sitting between his legs, facing him with a smile on your lips as you play with the buttons of his shirt. "I‘m sorry again…that I left you alone at school today y’know? But to be honest, I‘m happy that I didn’t have to witness Jason Carver’s cheesy-ass speech for Chrissy. Most of the stuff he says, is probably bullshit" Eddie says while he places the empty plate on the small coffee table in front of the sofa.
His comment making you giggle softly. His eyes meet yours, the sound of your soft voice causing him to join you with a deep chuckle, while he teaches for the already rolled joint. "God we‘re just like these weird couples at your school. You know, the ones we always judged?" You offer him a smug grin but all he does is shrug.
"So what? Call me cheesy because I am. You made me this way!" He grins back at you, his fingers poking into your sides just enough to make you squirm under his touch, causing another chuckle of his to leave his mouth. "I will be your personal Valentine if you want me to be princess. I‘m going to shower you with kisses, love, gifts and a good fuck. Call me Valentine Munson“ he adds with another smug grin before placing the joint between his lips.
All you do is roll your eyes at him playfully evoke handing him the lighter. When he has finished his first drag on the joint, your lips immediately find his. They‘re just way too addicting to not touch them in any kind of way, Eddie doesn’t complain at all though. The smoke of the joint slowly fills your lungs as he blows it into your mouth, causing a soft whine to leave your mouth.
And just like he promised to you, he ends your day as your own, personal Munson Valentine with kisses, hugs, lots of love and a sleepless night ;).
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eddieclubs · 2 years
you bleeding on the floor
nancy: hurry up whats your type?
you: long hair, metal head, plays guitar… always wering a denim jacket
nancy: …
you: looks like a bad boy but its actually cute as a puppy
you breath heavily
eddie: you really have the best type, dont u?
eddie winks at you
nancy: holy shit guys, her BLOOD type! does anyone knows?
steve: probably red, right?
eddie: its blue, bc she is definitely a princess
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this is so CANON right? this is definitely my favorite one
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eddieclubs · 2 years
you hidding under eddie’s bed
dustin: do me a favor, be sweet to y/n… she kinda has a crush on you
eddie: really? i had no idea
dustin: of course you didn’t
dustin roll his eyes, leaves and you finally come out
eddie: so hm… you have a crush on me?
you throw a pillow on eddie
you: shut up
eddie: dont need to be embarrassed sweetheart, the feeling is mutual
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eddieclubs · 2 years
eddie: if i was your husband i would poison you
you: and if i was your wife i would drink it
you wink at eddie while he roll his eyes
dustin: that seems like love to me
you and eddie: SHUT UP DUSTIN
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enemies to lovers are definitely my favorite
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eddieclubs · 2 years
you: what about work?
hopper: ok, other than work. and no TV!
you: eleven brooke the TV
hopper roll his eyes
hopper: so no computer
you: i need the computer for school
hopper: ok fine… so no…
you: …
you stare at hopper raising an eyebrow
hopper: no EDDIE
you: WHAT? you cant do that
eddie screams coming out of your wardrobe
hopper: oh but you better run YOUR CREEPY METAL HEAD
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eddieclubs · 2 years
you playing with eddies fingers, staring at his rings
eddie: i got the style, dont you think baby?
you: hm kinda… but i bet they would look better in me
eddie: well, they can be all yours if you are willing to be mrs. munson
you: actually i think this is a low price to pay for all of them
eddie: so this is a yes?
eddie take off one of his rings and put it on ur finger
you: yes, i can be your mrs. munson
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eddieclubs · 2 years
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pov: everyday you take a picture of eddie’s hands to put in your bedroom wall bc you are way too obsessed with them but he has no idea
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eddieclubs · 2 years
*you non-stop staring at eddie*
eddie: what?
you: i really like that hellfire shirt, you know?
eddie: yeah i know, you say it all the time
you: just in case you forgot
eddie: you should already know, i cant forget anything related to you
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eddieclubs · 2 years
music taste
just imagine... you and eddie have been friends for a while now and you definitely know somethings about him, including his music taste. one day he decides to ask about YOUR music taste and you gladly show him all your favorite artists and songs. you thought that he would laugh but instead he pays attention to everything you say. you even can feel a smile growing in his face when you start singing material girl and for your surprise he starts singing the chorus with you. something grows in you when you realize that he really wanna know about it, he really wanna know more about you and that feeling only grows when he tells you that he have been learning some of your favorite songs just to play them to you. a few weeks later your face is full of surprise when you get into his car for your daily carpool to school and he handles to you a box full of tapes from your favorite artists just for you to choose and listen to them during the way.
''i thought this wasnt exaclty your type of music'' you say looking at him.
''a really cute girl show them to me and for my surprise i really like them... what can i say... she has a good taste''
''glad to know you like her music taste''
''actually, i like everything about her.'' he winks at you, focusing his eyes on the street while you can feel your face blush.
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this is my first time writing something like this, so i would really appreciate any feedback <3 english is not my first language, pls let me know if there is any mistake i should fix and sorry about them!!
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eddieclubs · 2 years
*you singing paper rings near to eddie*
you: i like shiny things but i would marry you with paper rings.
eddie: w-what? you dont even need paper rings to marry me, i have lots of rings here, they could be all yours if you really want to be mrs. munson.
*starts taking off his rings and putting all of them in your hands*
eddie: choose your favorite.
you: you are really a cutie you know that, right?
eddie: i try my best, sweetheart.
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this is not good enough, i know :( sorry guys
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eddieclubs · 2 years
you sitting on eddie’s lap
you: eds why you always have stuff inside your pockets?
eddie: this jeans doesn’t have pockets, sweetheart
you get up, your face blushing
eddie: oh, you are not leaving
he says pulling you closer again
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eddieclubs · 2 years
would anyone be interested in reading an eddie munson x reader where he goes to prom bc he was forced by the hellfire club and then he finds reader there and they have a super fun night, with y/n inviting him to dance?
sorry if there is any mistake, english is not my first language :(
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