#eddie munson fluff onehsot
toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Somebody to Love, Queen}
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Program: A lazy day in, hidden from the world. It's the perfect excuse, as if you ever needed one, to fall further in love with Eddie Munson. But one little quirk of his makes you skeptical of some of his habits.
Pairing: Eddie Musnon x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Pet names (Dewdrop, Dove, and Baby), Reader is described as "sleepy little self" once but not in reference to physical appearance, Mentions of Dead Poets Society (nothing specific to the ending, bc at this camp we also mourn that ending and cant accept it), Make out but not graphic
Length: 1200w
Counselor Notes: This for @staygoldwriting who sent me the warmest request ever. But I am a rainy day duderino, and it's the first time it's rained in a month. I couldn't not make it a rainy, lazy day in. <3
Camp Upside Down Masterlist
Rain patters echo through the trailer as they drop against the roof and dribble down the porch awning. Soft gray clouds coolly illuminate the inside of the Munson home and wash everything in a sleepy warmth. The hum of a faded Queen record plays from the living room so quietly that it just barely accompanies the storm’s symphony.
Eddie leans against the kitchen counter and the cool bite of metal against his side sends shivers of content. Sweatpants shift lower on his hips as he putters in place to grab breakfast makings. It’s not often the helltown of Hawkins decides to be quiet for a day. Where every critter and person agrees to stay bundled at home and enjoy the sleepy day without a worry.
The refrigerator door clangs and clashes as the condiments on the door shelf scatter, and Eddie winces from the frosty nip that bites his shirtless chest. Pulling out the milk and softly closing the door while he moves back to the counter, Eddie hopes you’re already awake as he pours two glasses of milk and sets the carton on the countertop. He scratches his tousled curls in thought unable to remember where he put the Honeycomb in his rush to make it to school yesterday.
Cabinets doors closing and tired mumbles greet you when stumble into the kitchen. Bleary eyes soften while you watch Eddie dance around the kitchen and trip over his own feet. His hums send warm, gentle waves through your body. You quietly pad over to him and press yourself to his back while wrapping your arms around his tummy. Rubbing your cheek into his warmth, you mumble, “Morning, baby”.
Shocks of tenderness shoot through Eddie where you touch him. One arm raised and pulling the cereal box from its hiding place, Eddie peers around his shoulder and melts at the sight of your sleepy little self tucking yourself into him. 
“Morning, dewdrop. How’d you sleep?” Eddie whispers, his morning voice rumbles in bliss. He turns to lean into the counter with his side once more and pulls you into his other.
“Would’ve been better if I woke up with you,” you pout, lightly nipping at his exposed pec. You narrow your eyes at his lighthearted chuckles
“Can’t waste a rainy day by sleeping in, dove,” Eddie rubs the small of your back. Taking a handful of Honeycombs in his other hand, he then drops a few in his mouth and takes a gulp of milk. “Better to be up and enjoy a lazy day together. How about we stop by Family Video and pick out some flicks for a marathon today,” he mumbles with another mouthful.
You scrunch your nose at the few falling crumbs that tumble onto you. “Stop eating all the cereal, or we’re not gonna have any for breakfast,” you try to steal the box away from him. His arm presses you into an inescapable hold. You freeze as Eddie lightly digs his fingertips into your side. 
“Don’t. You. Dare,” you hiss.
Eddie’s soft smile slowly warps into a shit eating grin that blinds you. The silent command for a flurry of butterflies to attack your stomach when his fingers press into your skin. Your shared giggles and squeals rise over the music and rain in an adoring crescendo. Your chest pounds, begging for relief. Eddie’s curls don’t help either and instead of acting as his hideaway, they now join the tickle fight. Brushing against your neck, his soft tangles burn your skin with the feather light touches.
“I work so hard,” Eddie laughs, “to make us breakfast for our cozy day in, and you don’t even notice?” He launches a sneak attack and blows a raspberry where your ear and jaw meet. When you thrash in his hold in a desperate attempt to escape, he pulls you in close with both arms. Squeezing your waist, Eddie guides you to sit on top of the counter and stands between your legs. 
As your chest heaves, drinking in as much as air your lungs desire, your eyes flutter close. Eddie’s soft lips trail across your face and scatter small kisses everywhere they can. Happiness buzzes through you when Eddie makes his home in the crook of your neck. Carefully cradling your cheek in one hand as his other rubs little circles on your thigh, he litters little pecks up and down your neck. A sigh graces your smile from the buzz Eddie gives you, and he takes it as the opportune moment to lay a soft kiss to your lips. Slowly moving with each other, both of you are absorbed in each other’s presence.
Lazy nips to your bottom lips that bring out gentle groans.
Teasing traces of tongue leave you dizzy and searching for more.
Little scratches at Eddie’s neck ground you as best as they can. Trying to hold onto reality, you so eagerly want to fall into a daze only focused on his love.
Squeezes to your body, hold Eddie in reality. Completely ready to disappear from the world with you, he knows that today will be the day to bask in each other’s love. Sealed away from everything outside as the rain hides you from the sight of peering eyes.
Pulling away, Eddie presses a few more quick kisses to your pouted lips when you whine in protest. He hands you your glass of milk and balances the box of Honeycombs between your bodies as he takes his own glass. 
“Just give it a try,” Eddie nudges your knee with his.
He looks at you with wide eyes with an encouraging look of ‘see, it’s not so bad’ as he drops some cereal in his mouth and takes another gulp of milk. You shake your head and unceremoniously grab a handful from the box. With an unimpressed look, you meet Eddie’s excited gaze as you repeat his actions.
As you chew the sweet, dry crisps and follow with a sip of cold milk, shock washes through you. It wasn’t world changing, no. It was just mundane. A lazy solution for not spoiling any additional dishes. So why is giddiness bubbling into a surprised look of realization?
Eddie raises his hands in victory, “I know. I know. I’m a genius, baby”. He leaves a little kiss to the temple of your head and giggles pour from both your lips. “S’the perfect lazy day breakfast,” Eddie concludes with another mouthful.
Swallowing his bite, Eddie trails his free hand up your leg and squeezes your hip: “Still interested in that movie marathon?”
“Only if we get to watch Dead Poets Society,” you counter. Your free hand rests on his upper arm and responds with a gentle tap.
“As if that’s a question,” Eddie huffs, “We need more people like Mr. Keating in this world, and it’s the best cozy day film”. Eddie taps you, a now serious look shadows his previous light expression, “Only if we stop it after the cast bow”.
“As if that’s a question,” you tease and press a gentle kiss to his lips.
Falling into each other’s embrace once more, the lovers enjoy their company with a blanket of hominess enveloping the Munson residence.
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