#eddie the ungrateful tenant
the-metatron · 8 months
How dare you threaten to evict my brother. He has done nothing to you.
The whole Morningstar family is ready to throw hands.
@e-w-w-morningstar refused to vote for me, his benevolent landlord, father of his best friend and flatmate, @angelo-rib-shack
The Morningstar family may 'throw hands' if they wish, though it isn't something I'd recommend, considering you all will run out of hands eventually and will no longer be able to type. Unless, of course, you're throwing other people's hands, which I believe is illegal.
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allsoulspriory · 1 year
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Kept For Jesus Christ
From Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to those who are called, wrapped in the love of God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ. — Jude 1:1
The word keep rings like a refrain throughout this letter. It suggests a power that originates in the Divine will and operates through the Holy Spirit’s energy within us. Behind our willing and working, our choosing and electing; behind all the influences that are brought to bear upon us, there is a gracious and Divine movement, in virtue of which we are being “kept for Jesus Christ.’” Our spirit is being kept for His Spirit to tenant it; our soul is being held that His mind may energize it; our heart is being honored as the bowl of a fountain that His love may flow in and out; our imagination and fancy are being kept, that He may utilize them as He did Bunyan and Rutherford; our body is being held that He may have the use of its members—a vessel meet for the Master’s use! Let us realize how much Christ needs each of us and how much we shall miss if we neutralize the very purpose for which we were born and sent into the world.
Do not presume on the Divine keeping power, for there is always the dread possibility of neutralizing it. Keep yourselves, therefore, in the love of God! Have you the light? Follow the sparkle! Are you in mid-current? Do not get turned off into a back eddy! Are you being used by God? Keep under your body and bring it into subjection, lest after having preached to others, you may yourself be rejected.
There is One who can keep us from stumbling, not only from within, by a garrison, but from without, by sentries which keep watch and ward. We are more significant than worlds or suns, more incredible than time or space, more powerful than the universe in which we are found, as the child is greater than the royal palace because the Lord hath need of us. We are “‘kept for Jesus Christ”; let us not be unmindful or ungrateful, for, throughout the ages, this prayer never ceases to rise from the heart of our Redeemer: “I pray, not that Thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldst keep them from the evil.”
We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, that Thou hast called us into the fellowship of Thy Son. Keep us by Thy mighty power through faith unto Thy salvation and service. Amen.
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