#edit late8r
guys guys guyss
Eros and Psyche Prinxiety AU???
Roman is Eros because love and god damn Eros is a dumbass he stabbed himself with his own arrow in awe of Psyche's beauty not joking
Virgil is Psyche because gorgeous and everyone loves him but no one actually interacts with him, they worship him from afar and hes a sad boi
uhh who would be jealous of virgil?? you know what, Remus is our aphrodite, hes a brat and wants people to worship him too so he calls up his bro like "hey theres this prince can you make him love a gross monster thx" and Roman's already kinda gay at prince but he agrees, scoots down to the mortal world, but oh fuck hes adorable and in awe stabs himself with his arrow
so later Virgil goes to the oracle(deceit ig) who says "yeah youre gonna fall in love with someone even the gods fear totally not lying" and following the 'prophecy' thats definitely legit, Virgil sits at a cliff waitin for his scary bf and gets carried to a mansion/palace by the west wind(uhh Patton ig??)
so his bf is invisible and its like "so im your bf and you can stay in this dope palace and chill but im invisible okay" and Virgil's pretty chill with that deal so hes cool but then in a while idk his jealous siblings(fuck uhh orange and pink side sure) are like "hey what if your bf is a terrible murder monster whos planning to kill you,, you should check and kill him first if so" and thats really bs but Virgil's anxious so that night he has a lamp to illuminate him and a dagger to maybe kill him but then he sees that the bf is Roman and oh fuck hes adorable and then the dumbass stabs himself with one of Roman's arrows and is double in love
but oops the lamp oil thought he was hot too and jumped??on?him?? wtf is mythology i swear thats from the og myth anyway lamp oil hurts so Roman wakes up and he feels betrayed and hurt so he flies off and goes to Remus all "remusss he burned mee im dyingg" like the dramatic bitch he is and Remus is like 'well at first i was kinda just playin but now this is a personal attack' and he scoots down to the mortal world and goes "oh you want your bf back?? earn it hoe" and gives Virgil impossible challenges but Virgil gets helped by some spiders, this water spirit or somethin, and zeus(Thomas) himself because even Thomas knows this is bs
by now Roman's done being a dramatic wimp and wants to go back to his bf now but Remus is still an angy brat and won't let him. the last challenge he gives to Virgil is to go to the underworld, get persephone(uvugtv fuck it Logan) to put some magic or somethin in a box and come back,, so Virgil goes there, Logan seems to do the thing, but as he's walking back he's like "hey this is the freakin underworld and the king just put magic in the box wtf does underworld magic look like??" and his curious opens the box and he fucking dies(yeah in the og myth persephone was just sending aphrodite straight death what a legend)
Roman aint havin this shit, gets Virgil, says "ayo Thomas can you like un-dead him, im love him and as incentive, it'll piss off remus slightly" and Thomas is like "oh fuck yeah an excuse to piss off the gremlin" and revives Virgil as a god and yay a greek myth that doesn't end tragic!
I wrote this so impulsively ill edit it for grammer mistakes but like mythology guys im a slut for it,,
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