#edit: cut did not work aldjslsjs
fox-guardian · 2 years
it is approximately. 1 and a half am. Which is prime time for writing some quick post-prentiss martim hurt/comfort straight into my tumblr drafts, as we all know.
After the Weather Clears
It wasn't too far from the work day's end by the time Jon let Martin go after giving his statement. Martin had had a long day, and was exhausted. Right now, he just wanted to get out of that horrible dead-worm-filled basement. When he got outside, finally circling from the back entrance to the front of the building, he was surprised to see Tim sitting on the front steps, covered in bandages and sitting stiffly, staring ahead but looking as though he's seeing nothing in front of him.
"Tim?" Martin called, getting only a vague hum in response. "I thought you were heading home already?"
"I was," he started, sounding exhausted, still staring straight ahead, "but then I remembered that you've been living here for months. Do you even have a place to go back to?" His words came out almost muffled, like he wanted to move his mouth as little as possible. Fair enough, for a man with holes in his cheeks.
Martin.... hadn't even considered that. He'd been so worried about the whole worms and murder thing from today that he forgot he had been living in the archives for so long. He hadn't exactly been able to receive his bills, much less pay them, so odds are he lost his flat. He'd had most of his belongings with him thanks to Tim and Sasha helping to retrieve them, but.... well. At least what few items of sentimental and monetary value he owned, he took with him in his little move.
"Yeah, I.... I don't know," he finally responded.
Tim didn't nod. He just gave another vague hum. "I figured. Figured you could use a place." He turned slightly, just enough to look Martin in the eyes and give him a small, painful smile. "How's mine sound?"
"Tim, you-" he sighed. He'd been to Tim's place before, a few times. It was a nice house with plenty of room for them both, and he enjoyed Tim's company, so it wasn't like he didn't want to go. He just didn't want to impose. Tim had enough to worry about, he doesn't need to worry about caring for Martin on top of his injuries. But it's not like he had much of a choice. "Y-Yeah," he finally said. "Yours sounds good."
"If it makes you feel any better," Tim said, starting to stand, "I'm also asking for more-" he grimaced in pain, struggling to lift himself from where he sat "-selfish reasons."
Martin instinctively reached out to support him under his arms. Tim winced at the contact, but allowed him to help him upright.
"I...." Tim hesitated, looking as far downwards as he could without stretching the wounds at the back of his neck, "I don't want to be alone right now. Sasha already left, and Jon.... I can't put this on him, he's as rough as I am."
Martin held his arms gently, applying as little pressure as he could. "I get it. I-I don't think he'll be out for a while, though. I-I mean maybe we should wait for him?"
"No offense, Martin," he said, glancing up at him again, "but I don't think Jon would want your help with his injuries."
Martin frowned. "Why not?"
"Hey, not saying he's not missing out. Just..." He winced and then sighed, a bone deep tiredness seeping from his lips. "I don't even have the energy to quip about it. You know he's stubborn, I'll text him or something later, saying we'll help him out if he wants. But...." He leaned into Martin just a bit, as if he wanted to collapse against him, but thought better of it. Then he spoke again, weakly, his voice cracking a touch. "Please just take me home."
And who was Martin to deny him?
He gently led him to the sidewalk, where he hailed a cab for the both of them.
".... And you do know that this isn't actually selfish of you, right?" Martin asked as the cab slowed to a stop in front of them.
"Yeah," Tim said as Martin opened the back door. "Was just trying to be funny."
Martin nodded and quietly helped him into the backseat before hopping in on the other side and giving Tim's address to the driver for him.
It had been a long day, but he had a feeling he still had a long night ahead. But he was happy to be spending it with Tim, at least.
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