#edit:omg i just noticed so mistakes in this fanfic i wanna crawl in a hole and die somewhere
imxeracus · 4 years
Baby Steps
Pairing: Gruvia ofc Inspired by FT 100 Years Quest Chapter 58. Sorry I took so long! But here’s one for the books. :) I used the “I’m glad you’re safe” part because a lot of people did the ballroom reference. I might do that one day but not now haha. Also about the places I’m not really accurate okay. I didn’t go check where everyone was exactly so please don’t attack me on it. Here you guys go anyway. Enjoy hopefully? Also this became too long I’m sry ––––––––––– “Damn, this town is confusing.”   Gray and Juvia sat down on a bench nearby, panting heavily. Before this were running across the streets looking left and right for any signs of their own guild members. They were surprised that they cannot find any in sight as they were just together not too long ago. It did not help that they were just fighting earlier on as well. Juvia was thirsty, and she wondered if Gray – well, was thirsty too after all that and wanted to suggest he ought to drink some water. Her water, to be exact.   She blushed at the thought of it. She did not mean anything else but it did seem a little awkward and she worried that it would ruin the mood they have been having. She shook her head. No, she thought. Gray-sama wouldn’t get turn off just because of this right? Things are different now between him and Juvia – maybe, but still…. She took a glance at him and sees that he Is still trying to catch his breath when Juvia already managed to compose herself. Without further ado she reached out for his shoulder to inquire when a voice was heard in both of their minds.   “Gray, Juvia, are you guys alright? where are the both of you?” This voice..   “Warren! Is that you?” Gray spoke up in surprise.   “Glad to hear you guys are alright. We are over at the west side of this town, where Natsu is. We went to find him.”   “That explains why you guys were not near us! We’ll head over there now. Thanks man.”   “See you guys.”   With that Warren shut down his telepathic powers and Gray got up almost immediately, Juvia following suit. He did not seem to be panting anymore, but excited to go back to where everyone else were. The duo continued to walk their way towards the west side, the distance way further than they expected. However, they eventually reached and sure enough saw them all, gathered around a battered, but very cheerful pink dragon slayer.  They were observing the scene — where Lucy was on the brink of crying as Natsu consoled her with a pat on the head. Juvia’s heart went giddy at the sight of it as she recalled how Gray also did something similar to that. She smiled to herself as she touched her own cossack hat, not daring to look at Gray to wonder if he felt the same. “’Yer look like a freak, smiling to yourself like that.” She felt a huge weight on top of her head as her body sunk down a little in surprise, and looked at the person who caused it with fondly discontentment. “Gajeel-kun.” “Yo.” Gajeel smirked. “Guess you two got ‘em good, huh?” “Gajeel! I was wondering where you wen- Oh, Gray and Juvia are back too!” Levy came and proceeded to hug Juvia with care, not hurting her belly. “I’m so glad the two of you are safe!” “Juvia’s glad too that everything worked out fine in the end.” “How did you guys defeat him? Was it with the power of love?” Levy grew a suspicious smile as Juvia blushed and mumbled incoherently at that bold statement, unsure of what to say. She wanted to say that it was, but Gray was rather vague and did not mention the word “love”. Even though she was rather confident it was, but she did not immediately dare to say so.  Before she could think of saying anything, Gray cleared his throat and it caught the rest of their attention. His head was hung low, daring himself to glance at Juvia with a look that she could not comprehend as he quickly looked away. “I’m gonna go rest for abit.” With that he took his leave, leaving all of them and Juvia, confused. He looked as if he wanted to tell her something but did not. What did his look meant? “Guess Ice Boy has some ants in his pants.” Levy lightly smacked him and reprimanded him for his rude statement, as Juvia walked away. She was curious yet concerned as to what he wanted to tell her. However, the bluenette decided to shake it off as went to rest. The guild was planning to host a celebration tonight before leaving the next day.  With nothing much packed, she wore her usual outfit and was relieved to see everyone doing the same. She was worried that it was going to be something grand and did not want to look plain — however this was her guild, she should have known it was going to be casual with lots of brawling involved. She caught sight of her beloved as he was having his usual brawl with Natsu before the reequip mage came and put it to an end, rendering them defeated and begging for her mercy. She giggled at the sight of it and went to take a drink herself as she sat with Cana, Lucy and Levy for the night. They were talking about the mother-to-be as the bookworm was expecting in a few months time. Juvia smiled as they converse, though she could not help but feel a little envious whenever she heard about her iron dragon slayer friend ironing out his life well with a partner and eventually, becoming a father himself.  She glanced at Gray from afar and wondered if they would reach that point of becoming lovers. Recently, things have been different for them despite him leaving her for the quest temporarily. She never knew the reason why, but today got her mind in circles. She’s my power to live. I’m glad you’re safe. .... I’m gonna go rest for abit. Juvia shook it off and knew that if Gray did not want to talk about it, she could never force him. Though she silently wished in her heart that he would tell her more. Eventually, the night passed but instead of staying back to drink with the rest, she decided that it was time to go as she would be leaving early the next day. She began to walk back in peaceful silence with her head titled downwards, deep in thoughts about her beloved ice mage. Juvia sighed as she wondered how she would to face him tomorrow. If possible, the bluenette did not want to leave before getting the clarification she so desired. “I didn’t think you’d be excusing yourself this soon.” Juvia turned in surprise to see none other than Gray Fullbuster – the man who has been in her thoughts – in flesh himself. “Juvia didn’t think it’d be wise to get wasted again before leaving tomorrow, what about you Gray-sama?” She quickly smiled as his eyes rolled in immediate response to her question.
“Me? No way in hell I’m gonna go through the Christmas drama again.” She giggled at how typical his response was, while Gray soften his gaze on her as she did so. He slightly blushed, knowing that what he mentioned was only half true. “Well...” The ice mage scratches the back of his neck, feeling a little nervous. “I also–um, saw you going out.” “Eh–? Gray-sama saw Juvia?” He saw her the moment she was feeling flustered earlier on. He heard her faint laughter from afar as he brawled with Natsu. He saw her as she went to sit with the girls.  He saw her leaving the place with a saddened look on her face, which hurt him so badly. His eyes became half lidded as he pulled her right wrist gently with his left hand, hearing a small gasp leave her lips. Little did she know – he too had been wondering how to talk to her before she goes back. He too, wanted her to know more about his feelings, but it was a challenge for a person like him. I was looking at you the whole time, Gray thought to himself, but struggled to get the words out of his mouth. Too many years has it been building up his own wall of ice, that it became difficult for him to tear it back down. “Baby steps.” He managed. “Let’s take baby steps together.” He looked up instantly when her body became feeble from his grasp to find Juvia in her lovestruck state. “G-G-Gray-sama wants to have a baby with Juvia!?” “I-I didn’t mean THAT!” Gray quickly defended as he tried to shake it off her with his hands on her shoulders, beet red as a tomato. “ Calm down Juvia! I want us to work out but I can’t go all the way yet!” Juvia eventually compose herself and Gray slapped his forehead, sighing as he wondered why did he not think through his words more. He wanted to crawl into a hole and die somewhere, but knew there was no turning back on the things he said. “What I mean is–um–I know I promised you an answer. I made you wait for so long and I know you want this to work. I-I want the same.” Juvia’s heart melted at the sincerity of his voice as he went on. “I know it would take a long time being the fool I am, but I want us to take small steps to our relationship. I’m really bad at my words, Juvia. I’m really bad at public affections but–um–” He nervously took her hand in his and gulped loudly, a faint blush tinting his cheeks. “This is okay for a start?” He averted his gaze. It was too much for him to bear after his grand speech. She too flushed at his actions, but managed to smile softly and squeezed his hand in response. “Yes, Gray-sama.” They began to walk together hand in hand back, feeling each others’ warmth. She looked at Gray’s back as he was ahead of her slightly and could tell how red he was by the ears. Her heart squeezed, knowing he was trying hard for her sake and she appreciated it. The water mage smiled to herself as could not believe how a simple journey back to her room became unexpectedly pleasant.  “When I get back, maybe we should have a d-date or something.”  And it could not get any better than this.
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