chrismalcolmhnd2c · 4 years
Editing Workbook: Folio One Introduction
BRIEF: People Make Glasgow
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Where might you find good resources/ tutorials for the following? Name at least 3 sources of good online tutorials.
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Other programs: Make a list of other programs that photographers might use to edit enhance photographs.
1/         Capture One
2/         Affinity
3/         Pixlr
4/         Gimp
5/        PhaseOne Capture One Pro 20
Mobile apps: Make a list of useful mobile apps for photographers.
1/         Adobe Phone Apps
2/         Snapseed
3/         Geometry Club
4/        PicsArt
5/        Pixlr
File types refresher:
File type
+ The best quality image file is captured
+ Extensive options in post-processing and image manipulation
- Time needed to convert and edit photos
- Bigger file sizes mean more storage needed and longer post-processing times
+ Small file size so good for social media and emailing
+ Universal format that doesn’t need proprietary software
- Loss of quality due to image compression
- Less opportunity for image manipulation in photo editing software
+ Ability to manipulate photos extensively in photo editing software
+ Option to print at the highest quality and at much larger sizes
- Much bigger file sizes (more storage needed)
- Longer transfer and loading times due to file size
+ Small file sizes makes these ideal for use on the web
+ Files can contain animation
- Limited colours means it is not the best choice for photos
- Does not support partial transparency like drop shadows
+ PDF can be opened on any device with any operating system in exactly the same form in which it was created
- It’s not free to edit PDF files
- It’s easier to edit files in other formants than in PDF, because PDF files must be edited in specialised programs
Choose another that you might use
+ Ability to use image processing software such as Lightroom and Photoshop
+ Possibly guard against inability to open or access files in future
- Extra time needed to convert camera raw files to DNG (if your camera does not have the option to supply files in this format)
Choose another that you might use
+ Lossless compression means good image quality
+ The ability to maintain transparency
- Quality will not be good enough for printing at any size
RAW workflow: In photoshop.
Add an appropriate diagram from the web.
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Source: https://chriseyrewalker.com/my-complete-photography-workflow-in-10-steps/
Explain the need to develop a good digital workflow.
Why workflow matters
Photography workflow is the sequence of steps and actions you take to edit your photos, work them up to a result you consider finished, and share them with the world. Editing photos can be like baking a cake or assembling flat pack furniture. You start with raw ingredients, or loose parts, and use an ordered sequence of steps to put the thing together. In a good photography workflow, the end result is a perfectly crafted image, securely stored for future use, all with the least possible effort.
Efficiency is important. Without a good workflow, at minimum you’re wasting time. Worse, you run the very real risk of losing your most precious photos. Forever. A couple of years ago I knew a wedding photographer, then aspiring to become professional, who lost an entire wedding shoot because of relatively simple errors in her workflow. (In short, the mistakes derived from a convoluted importing method and totally inadequate backups.)
Maybe you’re only taking pictures for fun? If you’re planning to continue with photography, you still need to use an effective workflow. If you don’t, your photo archive will become a beast, very difficult to tame. And your images won’t look as good as they could. No fun.
When you’re starting out in digital photography, you need to develop good habits early.
Source: https://digital-photography-school.com/digital-photo-editing-workflow-better-images-capture-output/
1/ What software did you use to optimise/ name/ select these? Where did you store them?
File management
Name Three places where you will store your images.
Memory Card/USB Drive
+ Small and portable.
+ Easily share files documents with other devices.
+ Simple to operate.
+ Cheap to buy.
- Easily infected with viruses or malware.
- Easy for users to lose or break them.
Computer HD
+ Fairly affordable and easy to use.
+ Higher capacities than those available with small USB drives.
- This type of physical storage doesn’t last forever.
- Don’t usually come with password protection or advanced security features.
Cloud Based Back-up
+ Your data to be accessible from anywhere.
+ Allow clients to view select files through cloud sharing platforms.
+ Off-site storage so useful in disaster recovery.
- Security is a major concern for businesses using cloud storage solutions.
- Possibility of remote failure of server.
- Can be expensive.
Name File management software.
1/        Adobe Bridge CC
2/        CyberLink PhotoDirector 10
3/        Magix Photo Manager Deluxe
Explain the need for good clear file management.
Good file management is important to allow you to quickly and easily locate images.
1. Everything is easier to find
2. See how you’ve progressed
3. You’re forced to review the good with the bad
4. It will teach you to avoid recurring mistakes
5. Discover ideas you want to revisit
6. Find themes and begin developing a vision
Source: https://digital-photography-school.com/8-reasons-organize-your-photo-collection/
People make Glasgow: Editing tasks.
Manage files:
Store and rename you files.
Where have you saved these images?
Camera Memory Card, External Hard Drive and One Drive in the Cloud
Contact sheet:
What software did you use?
Adobe Bridge
Place an of your ‘People make Glasgow
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How straight forward was it to make this in your selected software?
Quite straightforward, I selected the shots I wanted in Bridge’s “Output” tab, selected the number and size of images I wanted on a sheet and exported them as a PDF file.
Explain two methods of Black and white conversion from an RGB original.
From Bridge, an image can be opened in Camera RAW and converted by selecting the “B&W” option in the top right-hand side.
In Photoshop, a new “Black & White” adjustment layer can be selected.
Choose three of your ‘People make Glasgow’ images and show before and after edits below.
Before: file name: _DSC0464.NEF
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After: CMalcolm_HND2C_PMG1_103.jpg
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Before: file name: _DSC0483.NEF
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After:  CMalcolm_HND2C_PMG1_007.jpg
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Before: file name: _DSC0496.NEF
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After:  CMalcolm_HND2C_PMG1_044.jpg
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Evaluate how the edits have changed/ enhanced the feel of the image.
For these shots, I first corrected the image in the “Optics” tab of Camera RAW to correct any chromatic aberrations. Next, I converted to B&W and checked the exposure and colour temperature. I then added a small amount of clarity and adjusted the contrast, shadows, whites and blacks. Next, I opened them in Photoshop and cropped them a small amount.
I think all the edits have worked well and by making the adjustments described above, I feel I have met the brief by providing more high contrast “gritty” and engaging images of Glasgow’s people.
People make Glasgow finished canvas, make a selection of your best images and display on one A3 300 ppi canvas.
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How do you feel about your final series of images?
I think the final series of images work together well to give a flavour of the different characters that make up Glasgow’s people.
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