#edric storm 01
ofmargaery · 4 years
There’d been something close to a sense of wonder as she’d entered the venue. Of course, she was used to such shows of extravagance but she always had possessed an unwavering sense of curiosity. It was impossible for her to ignore that itching feeling that seemed to beg her to explore it all more deeply. She struck a bargain with herself - she was allowed to wander between the rooms as long as she had some form of company. After all, the opportunity for networking was too good to pass up. But even though she had been doing her best to charm some of those she did not know so well ( and her best was always good enough when she had a natural way with people ) she couldn’t resist the draw of a familiar face. Light steps closed the distance between herself and Edric, appearing at his side. “Have you seen the aquarium yet?” 
Amusement sparkled discretely in doe eyes as she indulged in something of a private joke between the two of them. “It’s not quite an Aston Martin or Shelby but I’ve heard it’s worth a look.”
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blight-magic · 3 years
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I posted 275 times in 2021
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249 posts reblogged (91%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 9.6 posts.
I added 363 tags in 2021
#gif chat - 116 posts
#queuebomination rise - 99 posts
#inspo - 29 posts
#blyrr - 29 posts
#para - 21 posts
#rarity - 16 posts
#about - 15 posts
#ameity - 15 posts
#the blights - 12 posts
#ryght - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#i just made up agatha's law ok i dont know what it is im just trying to sound like im deeply steeped in this practice lmfao
My Top Posts in 2021
Boo! || The Blights
Amity was exhausted. 
She had spent most of her day down at Town Hall in the art studios, toiling away at her new golem, trying to create...well, something. But she was uninspired and the golem was strange to her, its reagents nothing like the reagents she normally used to create with. She kept sculpting only to smash her clay into one big ball, until her hands sucked the clay of moisture and the reagents dimmed inside. She’d left the studio having created nothing, frustrated and-- disappointed. 
She missed her own studio. Or the studios at Hexside. Something.
Storming into the inn past dinner time, she’d snapped to have something brought up to her room-- feeling badly about her behavior two seconds later but whatever, she was paying them, they were supposed to cater to what she needed. 
Maybe after she ate, she’d feel better. 
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Amity pushed open her door and something flew into her face. 
She screamed. 
8 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 20:35:54 GMT
Abominations, Attack! || Ryght
A light was on in the Hauntley Inn. 
Amity had been trying to go to sleep for hours, but dread gnawed at her like a stomachache, her mind circling back over and over to Edric and Emira’s sudden arrival, her horrible day in the studios, her lack of research thus far, and her mother’s mysterious silence. She almost longed for the burn on her neck and a reprimand. It would mean that she had a reason for crying. 
But she didn’t. She just cried because she was weak, and stressed, and alone. What else was new?
She’d gotten her tears under control at least. She sniffled and grimaced, sitting up and then reaching for her robe. She needed something to distract her from this awful feeling. The kitchen hours were long over; she could call for the staff, but with her eyes all red and puffy like this?
She just slipped into the hall and down into the kitchen, staring for a moment at all the clean appliances. She’d never cooked before.
But she was an animation witch. 
With another sniffle, Amity tied up her hair and let her magic rush to her fingers. With a snap of her fingers, the stove lit, the faucet ran, and the tea kettle shuffled over into its direction, its lid popping off. Alright. Alright. She could do this. 
Stay focused. Close her eyes. Breathe. 
And the kitchen breathed with her. 
Soon, she had the vegetables on the cutting board and oil on the pan and knives flying through the air of their own accord, dicing in expert cubes. She grasped her mug between both hands as she leaned against the counter, taking gentle sips, pushing today from her mind, Ed and Em from her mind, everything everything-- god, she was going to fail, wasn’t she? She was going to fail and her parents would never let her come home--
The fire on the stove burst, and the wall caught on fire. 
13 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 01:04:25 GMT
Abomination, Rise! || Rarity
She had been in Swynlake for eleven days and had yet to properly practice her abomination magic. That was the longest stint Amity had ever gone. But it wasn’t like the Inn had space for her, and she didn’t even have a proper workshoppe anymore. 
Then again, these were just excuses. Amity Blight didn’t do excuses.
So although she hadn’t crafted new golem, she took what she had left from the Boiling Isles and headed south. She passed through a neighborhood of little English houses on the way there and then stopped near the edge of the woods, ducking into the trees for cover, but not going too far-- she hadn’t explored it properly yet and knew there were plenty of creatures in its depths that could get in the way of her practice. 
Amity drew the golem from the pot and commanded it to life. “Abomination-- rise!” 
The golem began to bubble and vibrate. It lurched into a column and then slumped down pathetically. Amity pulled her head back. That wasn’t supposed to happen. She was just building a simple humanoid! She’d mastered those when she was ten years old! They barely took any magic, she could do them in her slee--
That was the problem. Amity gritted her teeth. This terrible place was devoid of Boiling Isle’s natural power. She was actually going to have to try.
“Abomination--” she grit her teeth, fresh anger boiling in her magic blood as she pushed that magic forward, “RISE!” 
The abomination burst to life, sprouting legs and bulky arms, blinking a face full of eyes. They stared at each other, Amity’s hearts already beating fast, as if she’d performed a sprint. So embarrassing, using this much magic on such a pathetic excuse for an abomination. She literally could not stand this stupid town-- 
The abomination roared and went tripping away from her. “Wh-- hey, where the hell are you going! Abomination, stop! STAY! S-- SIT DOWN! HEY!” 
The abomination had other ideas, built from her anger. It wanted to destroy. It wanted to destroy-- Swynlake. 
It went barreling into the backyard of one of those small English houses, Amity sprinting behind it. 
27 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 12:35:29 GMT
Mud is thicker than water || Open
All clay was alive.
But not all clay was the same. Amity was used to the clay on the shores of the Boiling Isle’s acid pits, a clay that trapped fire, oozed heat. She knew how to work with that clay, but she could only bring so much with her. Amity had plans for monthly shipments once she found a studio. But in the meantime...
In the meantime, Amity woke up restless and nervous and went to the lake, hands seeking clay as a way to calm herself down. Tying her hair up, she kneeled down, the earth giving to the weight of her knees. The air was pungent with the clear smell of wet dirt from dribbling rain the night before. She’d never smelled something like that before. And what would the clay be like?
She dug her hands into the ground and started to dig. Her magic tingled at every trapped reagent. Summer rain. Smoke from a Friday bonfire. Late night conversations that bled into the ground... 
All so weird-- she’d never dealt with reagents like these before. 
She didn’t even notice when someone had come onto the lakeshore. Not at first. But then she saw them watching her out of the corner of her eye. She sat straight up. 
“I’m allowed to do this,” she snapped defensively. “It’s a public lake.” 
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67 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 12:58:50 GMT
Have A Mice Day || Open
Amity had never seen reagents like this before. 
Oh, the Boiling Isles had carnivals. Plenty of carnivals, and festivals, and most importantly, coven-exclusive bacchanals. At all these events, pure magic festered in the air like steam and the reagents multiplied. Amity had seriously low expectations of Swynlake’s own fall carnival, but after her conversation with Pendragon... fine. She’d give it a chance. So Amity took with her her abomination Sugar-- a clear-coated ceramic mouse with a magically amplified sense of smell. She’d find the best reagents in this whole place. ...Except as Sugar sniffed the air, Amity had her doubts. She’d never seen this stuff, so how would Sugar know-- 
But then Sugar squeaked and leapt from her palm, darting through the stands toward an especially delicious reagent--
“Stop moving! You’ll step on her!” Amity cried out as Sugar danced around a stranger’s feet. She’d found her catch. 
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94 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 19:24:35 GMT
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