#education paging and intercom communications
crystal-in-nagasaki · 2 months
saying goodbyes
I’m finally heading home in a few weeks after almost 3 years in Japan. I’ve made so many connections with my coworkers and students, community members, and friends. The week before last, I said goodbye to each of my four schools, the BOE staff, Omura’s mayor, and my taiko group. It’s been very difficult finding the right words to say goodbye and express how much each relationship has meant to me, and I spent the week making many many many speeches. I’d like to share just a bit about what the process has been like saying goodbye to my workplace and my taiko family.
I first made a visit to the Board of Education office to say farewell to the superintendent and give a speech to the BOE members, the same as I had done when I first arrived. Talking to the full office of many BOE members is very scary, but I didn’t tremble this time. I didn’t even have a speech prepared and just spoke in Japanese from the heart about how wonderful my experience has been in a clear and confident voice. The contrast between my trembling legs when I first addressed them and my unplanned speech when I said goodbye really showed me how much I’ve grown and faced my fears here, and I felt so happy.
After this, we next met with the mayor of the city to chat with him. He’s a very kind man and listened kindly to our experiences and asked us many questions. At the very end, he took a Charlie’s Angels style photo with us and it was really silly and cute, but unfortunately my coordinator didn’t get access to the photo. But it exists somewhere! We got this very normal one instead.
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Next let’s talk about the farewells at my schools. My two small mountain schools which each have less than 30 students across six grades both set a class period aside to hold farewell parties for me. In both parties, we played some final games together, then I said a few words, and they finally presented me with personal messages written to me by the students. At one of the schools, we played a version of the Newlywed Game, and students tried to guess how I would answer questions like my favorite food, animal, and even my favorite Pokemon. It was so cute and made me happy to see that my students remembered many things about me (including how much I love bread and hate natto). My other school has a taiko club, so they prepared a final performance to me and I was very moved by their music for me.
At my smallest school, they made this framed collage of all of their goodbye messages, with a picture of my face. It's so beautiful and I was so moved when I received it. My other small school gave me a laminated booklet with a page for each student and teacher.
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At my bigger elementary school, I spent the day going to my regular classes and having goodbye activities in each one. One of my 5th grade classes played a Kahoot I made asking them how well they knew me, then they surprised me with their own Kahoot quiz, in which every student submitted one question about Nagasaki or the students’ interests. It made me really happy and it was so fun. I felt so happy answering specific trivia about Nagasaki and Omura, and realized how much I had come to know the area’s local history and products.
At this school, many students I didn’t have class with approached me in between classes and during recess to give me letter they had written to me and gifts of origami or other crafts. Many of them also asked me to sign their textbooks, which was so cute and I felt like a famous person as they lined up down the hallway to get my autograph.
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I have a farewell speech to this school over the intercom in the morning, since the school has over 500 students. I told them that I was happy to have fun with them and what I would be doing when I return to the US. Many students wrote in their messages that they’re rooting for me, and it made me so happy for their support.
At the end of the day, I gave a farewell speech to the teachers in the staff room, thanking them for their kindness and guidance over the years. They gave me a gift of several Japanese cultural items so that I wouldn’t forget Japan, including a cute folding fan with cats on it and chopsticks with my name engraved on them. Then all the teachers made a tunnel outside the doors and gave me a send off with applause as I left the school. It was so incredibly kind and warm, and I drove away wiping away bittersweet tears.
Like my very first day of work all the way back in 2021, my last day was at my junior high school, which felt nostalgic and fitting. It was the day of closing ceremony, so there was only one class period in the morning before the ceremony, and then students left for summer vacation. Many students came to the staff room to bring me message books they wrote to me, and they gave me words of encouragement about returning to the US.
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I went to this school every Friday, and at the start of class when I asked the routine questions about the day, date, and weather, I would always cheer when they said it's Friday. Sometimes the students were tired or bored, but I would always get them to join in the Friday cheer to be excited for the weekend. I received this message about my Friday cheer, and it moved me to tears. I'm so happy to see when I can make even a small impact on students.
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Just after closing ceremony, I did a short speech over the school broadcast to all of the classrooms and then received a bouquet of flowers and a goodbye message from some students.
From there, I returned to the staff room and got ready to leave because I had to run some errands with my coordinators to end my utilities, internet, and banking services. I think my teachers had wanted to give me a big send off, but weren’t aware that I was leaving early. So I approached one of my coworkers who I’ve worked with since the beginning and who has shown given me so much support and guidance, even taking the time to write a recommendation letter for me while I was applying for jobs. I gave her a personal farewell and her and another coworker gifted me a very lovely kitchen knife to bring home with me.
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The few teachers left in the staff room followed me out and gave me a send off, and I drove away waving at my coworkers through my rear view mirror. With that, I finished my job as an ALT in the city of Omura.
On Thursday night of that week, I went to my last taiko practice and then had one final performance on the following Saturday. I had a stomachache the day of the performance, but pushed through the pain and heat stroke (it was also INCREDIBLY hot) and was able to put all my power into my final performance. After playing our signature three songs, my taiko teacher introduced me into the microphone and announced that I would be leaving soon. He asked me to say a few words but I was nervous and unprepared so I just shouted “TAIKO IS SO FUN!!” in Japanese into the microphone and everyone laughed. After that, my teacher let us play about one minute of a song we had been learning so that I could have the chance to perform the flute part on the stage at least once. I was so happy and felt I could leave the group fulfilled that I could demonstrate the flute part I had been learning.
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After the performance, we took one last group photo together and my teacher presented me with messages that all of the members had written for me and pictures of us from over the years. It moved me deeply and I cried telling everyone goodbye. From the start, my taiko family accepted me kindly and always gave me so much support. It was truly a great experience of my life, and I’ll never forget them.
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Saying goodbye has been a long process, as I’ve made many relationships with many of people that have taken care of me. I’ve been making monthly visits to a mental health clinic to refill my antidepressants for the last two years, so at my final meeting with my doctor, I thanked him and gave him a small gift. I also did the same with the hairdresser that has been cutting my hair for the past 2 years. Even these small acquaintances have contributed to my life here, and saying goodbye to them is also difficult. My doctor always supported me learning Chinese and tried to practice with me, and my hairdresser gave me many local travel recommendations. I’ll miss them and the small comforting role they've played in my life here.
As my final two weeks pass by in a blur, I’ll have to say even more goodbyes to my closest friends. I know they will be very painful, but I know that my closest relationships have been forged for life, and we will see each other again someday.
This is a sad post, but also a happy one. Saying so many painful goodbyes is a reminder of being loved and welcomed into my community. Even when I leave here, I will think back on everyone I met with so much fondness and gratitude.
Thanks for reading <3
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vivencyglobal · 1 year
School Bell System - PA System Based School Bell Solutions | Vivency Global in Dubai.
Vivency Global PA system-based school bell solutions. School Intercom PA - Bell system for improved safety. Paging and Bells System for School.
Efficient time management is crucial in educational institutions, where the smooth transition between classes, breaks, and events is essential. Traditional bell systems have limitations in terms of audibility and flexibility. PA system-based school bell solutions have emerged as an innovative alternative, leveraging the power of public address systems to provide clear and customizable audio signals. In this blog, we will explore the benefits, features, and applications of PA system-based school bell solutions, and how they optimize time management and communication in educational settings.
Benefits of PA System-Based School Bell Solutions:
a) Clear and Audible Signals: PA system-based solutions utilize powerful speakers and audio amplification to ensure that bell signals are heard clearly throughout the school premises. This eliminates the possibility of missed cues or confusion, improving overall efficiency.
b) Customizable Audio Notifications: Unlike traditional bell systems, PA system-based solutions offer flexibility in audio notifications. Administrators can customize bell sounds, tones, or even incorporate recorded messages, providing distinct and recognizable signals for different events or schedule changes.
c) Centralized Control and Scheduling: PA system-based solutions enable centralized control and management of bell schedules. Administrators can easily program and modify bell timings, ensuring synchronized signaling across the school campus or multiple buildings.
d) Integration with Communication Systems: PA system-based bell solutions can be integrated with other communication systems, such as intercoms or emergency notification systems. This allows for simultaneous announcements or emergency alerts alongside bell signals, enhancing safety and communication.
Features of PA System-Based School Bell Solutions:
a) User-Friendly Interface: These solutions typically offer user-friendly interfaces that allow administrators to easily program and manage bell schedules. The interface may include dedicated software or hardware controllers, enabling convenient access and control.
b) Multiple Zone Configuration: PA system-based bell solutions support the division of the school campus into multiple zones. This allows for different bell schedules to be set up for various areas or buildings, catering to the unique needs of each zone.
c) Scheduling Flexibility: Administrators can easily modify bell schedules to accommodate exceptions, special events, or changes in routine. PA system-based solutions offer flexibility in adjusting bell timings, ensuring smooth transitions and minimizing disruptions.
d) Emergency Notification Integration: These solutions can be integrated with emergency notification systems to provide real-time alerts and announcements in case of emergencies or drills. This enhances the overall safety and preparedness of the educational institution.
Applications of PA System-Based School Bell Solutions:
a) K-12 Schools: PA system-based school bell solutions are particularly useful in K-12 educational institutions. They facilitate the timely signaling of class transitions, recess, lunch breaks, and other routine activities, promoting a structured learning environment.
b) Colleges and Universities: Higher education institutions can benefit from PA system-based solutions to manage complex class schedules, exams, events, and campus-wide announcements. These solutions ensure clear communication and timely signaling across large campuses.
c) Sports Facilities and Auditoriums: PA system-based bell solutions find applications in sports facilities and auditoriums within educational institutions. They can be used to signal the start and end of sporting events, performances, or special assemblies, ensuring smooth coordination and audience guidance.
d) Public Spaces within Schools: PA system-based bell solutions can be extended to public spaces within schools, such as cafeterias, libraries, or outdoor areas. This allows for the clear signaling of specific activities or events, ensuring effective management and communication.
Considerations when Choosing PA System-Based School Bell Solutions:
a) Audio Quality and Coverage: Ensure that the PA system-based solution offers high-quality audio output and sufficient coverage to reach all areas of the school premises. Consider the size of the school and the required sound levels for effective signaling.
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paging-system · 1 year
Paging System in Wireless Communication System | Pagers
A paging system in wireless communication is a method used to alert or notify a specific user or device within a wireless network. It is commonly employed in mobile communication networks to deliver messages or calls to targeted recipients.
Here’s how a typical paging system works:
The paging system begins with a paging transmitter, which is responsible for generating and broadcasting the paging messages. The transmitter is usually connected to a central control system or a network operation center.
The paging message contains information about the intended recipient, such as their unique identifier or address. It may also include the content of the message or a signal to indicate an incoming call.
The paging transmitter sends out the paging message using a specific paging protocol. This protocol ensures that the message reaches the appropriate recipients efficiently. Different wireless communication standards, such as GSM, CDMA, or LTE, may utilize their own paging protocols.
Paging Area:
The wireless network is divided into specific geographic regions known as paging areas. Each paging area consists of multiple cells, which are individual coverage areas served by a base station.
Paging Channel:
Within each cell, there is a dedicated paging channel used for transmitting paging messages. The paging channel carries the paging messages from the transmitter to the mobile devices within the cell’s coverage range.
It’s important to note that the paging system operates in a one-to-many communication model, where a single paging message can be broadcast to multiple devices simultaneously within a specific paging area. This allows for efficient and targeted message delivery in wireless communication networks.
Does any company still make pagers?
Yes, there are still companies that manufacture and provide pagers, although their usage has significantly declined with the advent of smartphones and other advanced communication devices. Pagers, also known as beepers, are primarily used in specific industries where instant communication is crucial, such as healthcare, emergency services, and certain government sectors.
Syscall Paging Systems
Syscall Wireless Calling Systems and Paging Systems, Direct Paging Systems are advanced RF communication devices, where there is a clear communication demand from sender to receiver.
Who Uses Paging System
Paging systems are used by various industries and organizations that require efficient communication within their premises or across multiple locations. Here are some examples of entities that commonly use paging systems:
Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities :
Paging systems are widely used in hospitals and healthcare facilities to enable quick communication between doctors, nurses, and other medical staff. Paging systems help notify staff members of emergency situations, patient requests, or important announcements.
Corporate Offices :
Many corporate offices use paging systems for internal communication. Paging systems allow employees to receive messages, notifications, or important announcements without relying on personal devices or email. They can be particularly useful in large office buildings or campuses.
Manufacturing and Industrial Settings :
Paging systems are commonly utilized in manufacturing plants and industrial facilities to facilitate communication among workers, supervisors, and different departments. They help coordinate tasks, announce production updates, or relay urgent information.
Educational Institutions :
Schools, colleges, and universities often rely on paging systems for intercom communication, especially for emergency alerts, school-wide announcements, or schedule changes. Paging systems ensure that important messages reach all areas of the campus quickly.
Hospitality Industry :
Hotels, resorts, and restaurants utilize paging systems to streamline communication between staff members. They enable efficient coordination between front desk personnel, kitchen staff, housekeeping, and other departments, improving customer service and operational efficiency.
Retail Stores :
Paging systems are employed in retail environments to notify employees about customer requests, price checks, or staff meetings. They help ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction by enabling real-time communication.
Warehouses and Logistics :
Paging systems are used in large-scale warehouses and logistics centers to communicate with workers spread across extensive facilities. They help alert employees about incoming shipments, order updates, or urgent tasks, facilitating efficient operations.
Public Safety and Emergency Services :
Emergency services such as fire departments, police stations, and paramedic units may use paging systems for quick and reliable communication during emergencies or to summon personnel for urgent situations.
Supplier of Paging System In UAE
The wholesaler of Syscall paging solutions. SET Al Sindan Electrical Devices Trading LLC SP based in UAE since 2002. Leading the market with 21 years of experience in on-site wireless paging solutions. Thousands of reputable businesses and establishments are using our solutions across the GCC. Affordable prices high-quality Korean-made paging systems syscall call button. 
Paging System Products
Wireless Paging Systems
Wireless paging systems
Wireless Bell Systems
wireless bell system
If You Want More Information Click Here Or Call Us
Tel: +971 6 5728 767
Mobile no: +971 56 474 6715
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tiesthatbind-tf · 4 years
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I sell the things you need to be I'm the smiling face on your T.V. I'm the cult of personality I’d exploit you, still you’d love me I’ll tell you one and one makes three I'm the cult of personality
An unrepentant, manipulative schemer and a social chameleon with the gift of gab, Stefan Scavarro or ‘Starscream’ as he’s become known in the Decepticon ranks was never meant to rise above his station as a military-commissioned Cold Construct, but through wit, determination, and questionably-underhanded tactics, managed to claw his way up the political ladder and eventually, the Decepticon chain of command.
Most will tell you to never take his words at face value and to listen, and listen carefully, because he’ll tell you first and foremost that he doesn’t stoop so low as to lie to your face—-not outright anyway, no. 
Despite all this, it would surprise people to find that everything he did to tear his way out of the box society had set for him, and behind every whispered threat, is the genuine desire to do good for those under his jurisdiction and to make a better world  than the one that created him.
He just knows from first-hand experience that not everyone has the privilege to do that from a position of playing by the rules and keeping their hands clean—-If the deck is stacked against you, you’d bloody your hands by  breaking the legs of the ones doing the stacking.
It’s complicated, he’s complicated, is what he’d say, and he’d leave it at that.
(More under cut)
Stefan started out his life as a Cold Construct made for the Italian Air Force and was raised from childhood at a military academy. Here, he was trained to be a government asset—-taught to shoot, to fight, to fly in jet simulations.
It was a cutthroat environment, with young Cold Constructs who didn’t preform to expectations being pulled out of the academy to be ‘conditioned’, and his fear of seeing what they became when they came back—-emotionless, monotonous machines—pushed him to excel in what he did beyond his handlers’ expectations.
He learned to ignore pain and abuse as much as he could—-he would heal they said, and they were right; he healed faster than anyone else, and he prided himself in it. He learned to read people to know who he had an ally in or who could be easily manipulated for him to benefit from—-everyone here was either someone he could use or a rival and he was hell-bent, in knowing that Cold Constructs like him were often expected to die on the field,  on getting through this ordeal in one piece.
Despite all this, he still couldn’t break away from the military chains until he found out that class exemptions existed as ‘gifts’ for those in the lower classes who rendered exemplary services to the government or someone of importance. However he knew that his superior had become too comfortable with his presence at their beck and call to let him go, and so began scheming to buy his freedom.
He took action the next time he was on the field during a skirmish with insurgents at the border, deliberately sabotaging his superior’s intercom prior to taking flight so it would only page to him when they needed help and he laid in wait for them to be cornered by enemy forces. At the most critical point, he swooped in to make the dramatic save and managed to save them when they were shot down. While they were hospitalized for their injuries, he spoke to their wife and children, painting himself as a humble pilot whose only thought was of saving their captain during their skirmish.
As he expected, they became his advocates and combined with his superior’s sense of gratitude, he walked out of the Air Force base a free man at 20.
He enrolled in a night class at a community college, studying  political science part-time while working manual jobs in the day time to support his education, and it was in this period that he became involved in unions and working class movements. He felt a powerful sense of solidarity with their struggles and made it his mission to put his knowledge of people and politics to good use, by taking their fight to the Senate.
He decided to run as the district’s younger senator, riding on a wave of grassroots support as a charming, affable man in touch with people with a wining smile, and won enough votes, beating a government-favorite to represent them on the Senate floor. (This remains his the proudest moment in his life for a very long time)
At the Senate however, he faced pushback and classism  from the old vanguards who were career politicians taking umbrage with his youth, ‘lowly’ background and lack of polish. Here, he was a fox among wolves for the first time and he truly realized why it was so hard for changes to be made. His first attempt to pass a bill to push for more rights for Cold Constructs failed miserably, but his earnest attempts to fight for a cause no one else would caught the attention of Senator Shockwave, who saw a kindred spirit and decided to take him under their wing.
With Senator Shockwave who was the first true benefactor he’s ever know, he found a noble, caring figure as beautiful inside, he thought, as they were out, and the two of them spent more and more time together doing legal research to introduce reforms and looking for legal loopholes to use to fight for the working class. At this point, he grew to love Shockwave although never admitted it to the man. 
When the Decepticon movement began growing and two Senators who were openly supportive of their cause were murdered, which lead to whispers of corruption within the Senate traveling  around, he became Senator Shockwave’s trusted confidante and followed then man on the ground as they touched base with ‘Orion Pax’, a former cop now-dockworker who had been running an underground publication spreading Megatron’s samizdat writings ‘Towards Peace’ which was fostering a revolution around the world, and Megatron himself.
He formed a friendship with both and all four men began working together to uncover the depths of the Senate’s corruption, all while staying one step ahead of an increasingly-oppressive Clampdown.
When Megatron began resorting more and more to violence however, Shockwave and Orion Pax began distancing themselves from the man’s rhetoric and Starscream sought to follow them even as he took with him Megatron’s warnings that they had to ‘speak the Senate’s language’.
His uncertainty fired up into rage however when, during a mission which he couldn’t be part of due to his presence being required elsewhere, Shockwave surrendered to government agents to save the lives of Orion Pax and members of Shockwave’s institute.
In that moment he decried Orion Pax as weak and unwilling to do what it took to get the job done (he had made Orion promise prior to the mission that Orion would not leave Shockwave’s side) and went to Megatron’s side, seeking for a way to rescue  Shockwave and enact vengeance on the Senate for the full extent of their crimes.
If he was to speak the language of the Senate to the, he would make sure they were floored (in a pool of their own blood) by the time he was done with his soliloquy.
(And then of course, a certain delegate from  the Caminus colony came around and made things interesting for him)
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oriana-la-fay · 6 years
US Public Education
Wanted to explain some of my experiences
1) My first grade teacher assumed that I had problems with reading based off one experience when I had to share a book with my neighbor and their hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't read the words on the page. My teacher cut me off, passed the reading onto the next person after scolding me, and then placed me in the lowest group of readers.
2) I was bullied in third grade. One student repeatedly stole my things and when I told the teacher she did nothing about it and refused to talk to the student about it despite me mentioning it after every incident.
3) My fourth grade teacher made fun of my best friend for struggling with math and called her out in front of the entire class for needing a multiplication chart on her desk. I didn't need help, but I raised my hand and claimed I did so I could get a chart as well and after I was given one, half of the rest of the class admitted they needed one and suddenly weren't afraid to ask as I asked and they thought I was the smartest kid in the class.
4) In fifth grade I had my reading level tested for the first time. I had a college reading level and probably had for a while. I was banned from reading anything outside of my reading level at school. The library had two books at a college reading level.
5) In sixth grade my communication arts teacher sprayed kids with a water bottle in front of the entire class on their birthdays while the entire class sang to them. This was not optional. If your birthday was in the summer then she got you during the last week of school.
6) In seventh grade I made friends with the family and consumer sciences teachers and thus was the only student who didn't have to do any bookwork (and she assigned a lot). This made a lot of kids hate me.
7) My reading teacher on the first and last day of class lead us outside with no explanation, picked a leaf, ate it, and then took us back inside with no explanation. He also had an illegal website selling shrooms and talked about it in class constantly.
8) My freshman year of high school, my history teacher either spent class comparing his ex wife to Satan, talking about how all of us would show up to his funeral with "Honey badger don't care" t-shirts, playing movies constantly, or playing pimple popping videos. Maybe 15 minutes were actually used for "teaching" most days.
9) Sophomore year my math teacher went over the homework everyday at the beginning of class and gave us all the answers and let us grade our own papers. He then went around the room and recorded the grades we told him were what we got. He didn't check for any work or answers or anything. I literally never did homework and still had a 90% in the homework part of class because of this.
10) Junior year I had a Spanish teacher that was so hot and cold it made me want to scream. She would be speaking a normal sentence, talking about vocabulary or whatever else and in the middle of the sentence she would start screaming at some random student for one thing or another and then start cursing the student/entire class in Spanish. I eventually decided it was better for me to flat out ignore her if I didn't want to get suspended and started watching Netflix the entire hour every single day and I did not try to hide this fact at all. She yelled at me once for it, I ignored her, and then we ignored each other for the rest of the year.
11) Also Junior year, I slept throughout all of AP Government except it was this weird half sleep thing where I could still hear everything going on around me so whenever something interesting came up and I wanted to give my opinion, I would casually wake up and give my opinion only to promptly go back to sleep. This was what I did every single day.
12) Still Junior year, I had half days because I went to tech school for early childhood training for half of the day. So during lunch I would eat with the tenish other students in tech school and we were not watched at all. One day I decided to skip out on the cafeteria and ran to McDonald's which was fairly close by and then ran back (yes, literally ran. I didn't have a car), but I ended up missing the bus to tech school so I just didn't go. No one ever found out about my absence from there or that I ditched on lunch.
Other things I saw or heard about other people doing:
1) Kid jumped out the window on the first day of school, teacher ran to lock the side door so he would have to pass by attendance if he wanted back in. Stupidly, he came back, but attendance didn't care and he just walked straight back into the classroom.
2) Guy got arrested for raping a girl in the gym storage room.
3) School played super annoying songs over the intercom during passing times at a loud volume until the students paid them enough to stop them. Like, we literally paid them.
4) Cheer Squad forced all their cheerleaders to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket challenge. Even the ones who had to go to work right after (read: me and some other girls).
5) Teacher was fired for having child pornography.
6) Random drug testing that you had to sign up for???
7) Multiple people got arrested for fighting in the halls.
8) English teacher told stories about how she found her cat dead on the furnace after the cat accidentally hung herself and laughed about it.
9) I bought a wheeling backpack just to be able to make people trip over it in the halls and no one stopped me.
10) Asked to test out of English 2. Denied opportunity to even try because they didn't allow testing out of classes despite the fact that it's state law that they have to allow it.
11) Educated my guidance counselor (who was in charge of all the other counselors) that they had stopped doing the GED in Missouri and several other states over a year ago and then educated her on the replacement of the GED, which is the HiSET and gave her the facts and benefits about the HiSET. She then repeated my exact words back to me two months later when I told her that I was dropping out.
I'm sure there's a ton of other stuff, but this is all I could think of right now. Public high school is messed up, and yeah, most of the things I talked about were arguably just me things, but I mention them because I LOVE learning, but the environment was horrible and I managed to get away with all the shit I pulled I think because most of my teachers realized I already knew pretty much everything they were teaching or understood it immediately, but I couldn't deal with the pace of classes and immaturity of my peers.
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rachel-bertsche · 7 years
Why some schools are suspending kids for joining gun control walkouts
Students across the country participated in school walkouts this week to demand action on gun violence, and two more widespread walkouts are planned for the next two months — on March 14, to mark one month since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, and on April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting. (A major Washington, D.C., demonstration, the March for Our Lives, is set for March 24.)
The protests are drawing attention not just for their impassioned plea, but for the ways in which various school districts are reacting to the organized action.
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Students expressing anger over gun violence in the form of protests are being met with disciplinary action at some schools. (Photo: Getty Images)
Consequences for students participating in walkouts have been drastically different across the country. At Needville High School in Texas, students were threatened with a three-day suspension if they participated in the walkouts, according to a note posted on the school’s Facebook page by Needville Independent School District superintendent Curtis Rhodes.
“The Needville ISD is very sensitive to violence in schools, including the recent incident in Florida,” the note said. “There is a ‘movement’ attempting to stage walkouts/disruptions of the school through social media and/or media outlets. Please be advised that the Needville ISD will not allow a student demonstration during school hours for any type of protest or awareness!! Should students choose to do so, they will be suspected from school for 3 days and face all the consequences that come along with an out of school suspension.”
The school’s Facebook page has since been taken down, but the note, which went viral after it was posted on Tuesday, was captured in screengrabs. “Life is all about choices and every choice has a consequence whether it be positive or negative. We will discipline no matter if it is one, fifty, or five hundred students involved,” Rhodes wrote, adding that even those who had notes from parents would not be spared from discipline, and asking the community to understand that “we are here for an education and not a political protest.”
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Photo: Getty Images
Other school districts made similar threats. According to the Los Angeles Times, Steven Walts, superintendent of Prince William County (Va.) Public Schools, wrote an email to parents and students noting that there would be “disciplinary consequences” for “students who cause disruptions or leave school without authorization.”
On the other end of the spectrum, Jerry Kalina, principal of Papillion-La Vista High School in Omaha, Neb., joined his students for a 17-minute walkout on Wednesday, one minute for each of the Parkland victims. “I thought if kids are going to walk out, I want it to be controlled, and I want it to be a respectful situation in which our kids focus on the victims and their families,” Kalina tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “So I got on the intercom and we took a moment of silence for the victims, and I told the students that if they plan to walk out, that was their choice and they wouldn’t get in trouble.”
When the bell rang to end the class period at 11:55, Kalina says, about 250 kids joined him outside in 18-degree weather. “I roamed around the crowd — kids were worried, they had looks on their faces I hadn’t seen before,” he says. “I wanted to let them know that we are here for them, and to show some compassion and love. I didn’t want to be a dictator; I wanted students to know that hopefully this is the start of something that will create change.”
In St. Charles, Ill., administrators took a similar approach. “Once we were made aware of the walkout, the high school principal sent a message to staff saying that if a student tells you they are walking out, please allow them to do so,” Carol Smith, St. Charles School District 303 spokesperson, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “We made sure there was supervision. Students met under the flagpole. They had conversations about what this meant, and when the 17 minutes were up they went back to school.”
Smith says that at St. Charles North High School, about 27 students participated in the walkout, and at St. Charles East, there were between 150 and 200. That discrepancy, Smith says, is likely because two St. Charles East students were killed as a result of gun violence just last year. “It’s been very, very difficult, so these students understood what they were doing,” she says. “As one of our students said, ‘We may not be able to vote yet, but we’re a movement. We’re starting to show people that we care and that we can make a difference.’ As a school district, how can we say no to that? How can we discourage them from doing something they are passionate about and they feel can make a difference [about] on a national level?”
Plenty of schools seem to still be hashing out how they will handle the upcoming walkouts. On Tuesday, Todd Gray, the superintendent of the Waukesha School District in Wisconsin, sent an email suggesting that those who participated in a walkout would face disciplinary action, according to the Journal Sentinel. By Wednesday, Gray had amended his message, explaining that students would be allowed to participate if given permission by a parent.
Legally, schools can discipline students who ditch class for any reason, according to a blog post by Vera Eidelman, a William J. Brennan fellow with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project. “But what the school can’t do is discipline students more harshly because they are walking out to express a political view or because school administrators don’t support the views behind the protest,” she writes. “In other words, any disciplinary action for walking out cannot be a response to the content of the protest.”
Much of the backlash against Rhodes, the Texas superintendent who threatened suspension, seemed to be the result of the content of his message. “It’s a quintessential First Amendment violation, and most Americans have an instinct about that,” Georgetown Law professor Heidi Li Feldman told the Washington Post. “What’s really weird about this is that they announced they will suspend people over the content of their off-campus protest. Content-based restrictions on speech are anathema to the First Amendment. So this looks like a total problem.”
Back in Omaha, meanwhile, Kalina says he believes that any good school administrator should react to specific situations rather than apply a blanket rule as moments like these come up.
“You have to use the common sense approach; you have to be compassionate. I could sense even as our day started on Wednesday that things were different; they’ve been different since this happened. Kids seem on edge,” he says, noting that 17 minutes of the school day wouldn’t be especially disruptive to a school that goes through seven five-minute class changes a day. “Young people need to be heard; we have to trust them and give them boundaries and a controlled setting and let them know that we’re here for them. I didn’t want to talk suspension and punishment — that’s not what my students needed to hear. They needed to hear the opposite — that they will be taken seriously, and they will be safe.”
Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: 
Gun control rally in Tallahassee; Parkland students meet with lawmakers 
Teens hold a ‘lie-in’ at White House calling for gun control
Are school lockdown drills helping?
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day.
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karilamari · 5 years
Coronavirus - Schools
K-12 National School Closings: Map + List; 
Educations Week also has an ongoing list of articles  they're producing on Education and Coronavirus. Including: how to deploy school nurses, who gets paid and how if schools are shut down, lessons learned from remote learning, how education companies are adjusting. 
Most Districts Wont Be Ready for Remote Learning...has links to some digital learning resources from curriculum development to groups doing advocacy
Mountain Brook Schools in Alabama started developing an emergency e-learning strategy while preparing for the H1N1 virus in 2009. Schools ended up not needing to close for that event, but the district still developed an “eDay program” and learned some valuable lessons, according to Donna Williamson, who retired last year as the district’s chief technology officer.
Individual districts could lift each other up as well. After a particularly snowy winter closed schools for numerous days during the 2017-18 school year, South Windsor Public Schools in Connecticut began developing “Snow Day Scholars,” a distance learning program that includes online components but doesn’t require students to have internet access or a digital device at home.
“Students Are Lonely: What Happens When Corona Virus Forces Schools Online” - Important takeaways re educator’s transition to online learning and some approaches from the international community. A learning community that has relative access to resources tho.
“In general, teachers and schools are not used to an online environment,” explains Watts, who taught for years in Hong Kong but is now based in Princeton, N.J. “So much of teaching is a relationship—and understanding what that looks like online is a completely new venue to figure out.”  One enterprising principal she knows created a Google folder for schools to share their virtual learning plans. Another educator started a burgeoning Facebook group for international educators to trade tips and began a detailed list of helpful online tools, including the digital portfolio platform Seesaw and the ebook library Epic.
However, teachers can run the risk of assigning too much work or feeling pressured to spend too much of their time connecting with students. On the international educator Facebook group, teachers cited a need for setting boundaries, describing 12 or 18 hour days that can leave them exhausted.
To lessen demands on his time, Lee Shawver often has students wrestle with problems alone or in groups, using the distance imposed by virtual learning to get students problem solving or thinking critically. “I’ve been very deliberate about that,” he says. “Sometimes saying to my kids, ‘Hey, I’m not ignoring you. I’m not being rude. I’m trying to build a skill here.”
Though LeClair says her teachers are also mindful to assign screen-free activities, such as recording the details of their physical activity and building things out of household materials.
“Parents can be forgotten in all of this because their kids are home now and they’re having to be like the lead teacher or tutor for their kids,” says Lee Shawver. “It’s just turning families upside down.” Recently, the Shawvers’ school in Qingdao began a program called Mindfulness Mondays, where students complete writing reflections on a weekly theme—this week it’s superheroes—with podcasts and activities for parents and teachers as well. “We’re trying to think of ways to build community through this,” Robin Shawver says. “Just so people can kind of lighten the load of both the work and the anxiety that everybody’s feeling.”
Those that typically perform well in the classroom are adapting well to the online environment. Other students, however, are struggling. “Students are bored; students are lonely,” he says. “It’s much easier to hide in a digital world. And we have students who are just completely absent.”
The Case for Shutting Down Schools Instead of Moving Online
For instance, a Washington State community college study found that most students on average do worse in online courses compared to face-to-face ones, but younger students, Black and Latino students, and students with low prior GPA do even worse.
In MOOCs, we found that students whose parents didn’t earn a BA were more likely to drop out than students whose parents have a BA. And that effect was most pronounced for the youngest students.
I won’t second guess the folks in the trenches who have to make these hard decisions. But if your school does go online, the first question should not be “what tech should I use?” The first question needs to be "How do we support our most vulnerable students?”
If you do go online, figure out how you will make ongoing, human connections with your most vulnerable students. The best online teachers I’ve met tell me that most of their time is spent tracking down students who need help, especially those who don’t ask for it.
Pod Mapping for Mutual Aid - identifying individuals and community resources. Has a worksheet that can be replicated pretty simply and includes link to printable worksheet. 
Visual breakdown of military spending v. spending that could be allocated towards fighting the coronavirus.
"Amid Coronavirus Fears, the CDC told Schools to Plan for Remote Learning. That Harder Than it Sounds” Re vulture tech companies
This has opened up an opportunity for tech companies trying to market products enabling distance learning, though experts caution districts not to rush into making big investments.
Companies are jumping at the opportunity to showcase products in districts that are at least considering remote learning. This week, the for-profit education company K12, one of the largest providers of online curriculum in the country, started contacting school districts in counties that have been affected by the new coronavirus in Washington and California to offer their services in the event that schools are closed.
Free online services: The company behind the popular online quiz site BrainPOP is offering free use of its tools to schools closed due to the virus. Outschool, an online learning program that’s often used for home-schooling, is offering free teacher training about how to hold classes online by video. And Khan Academy, a nonprofit that offers free online lessons and quizzes, is drafting a page aimed at helping new users get started if they are facing school closures.
Other research has found that students don’t suffer much academically from occasional snow days, but they do post lower test scores after longer spells of closed school.
Interim Guidance for Administrators of U.S. Childcare Programs similar break down as... California School Guidance for Corona Virus - Has had to experiment a little more with remote learning bc of recent increase in forest fires... Broken down by 4 categories:
Preventative Measures
Coordinate with all partner organizations serving students to ensure consistent practices
If two or more cases of people being exposed in the larger community
Develop a plan to communicate with the school community
Consider alternates to congregate or group programming within the school including any large or communal activities such as assemblies. Alternate approaches which limit close contact may include conducting assemblies via webcasts or intercom announcements.
Consider implementing staggered recess times to limit the number of students who are together; and if possible, group recess by classrooms
If one or more people in your school are exposed
Implement communication plans for school closure to include outreach to students, parents, teachers, staff, and the community. Include information for parents regarding labor laws, information regarding Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave, and Unemployment Insurance.
If one or more schools in your district are exposed
Determine the timing of return of students and staff, and any additional steps needed for the school to reopen, in consultation with the local public health department.
Petition made to Chairman of FCC Ajit Pai for bridging digital divide in response to COVID 19 -using post-Katrina as an example.
Coronavirus: Wisdom from a Social Justice Lens - heard that this is a good podcast from multiple people but havent listened yet. Centers people with chronic illness + disabilities.
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Canny: Customer Success Manager
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admoveosolutions12 · 5 years
Network Based School Speaker Systems To Increase Efficiency In Communication
Schools need to take care of two elements to have control over the proceedings of the day. Comprehensive communication with classrooms and accurate and punctual time keeping of the school time table is what a school administration has to take care of. If these two elements are in control then   it is half the battle won for the administration. School speaker systems are a necessity in a K-12 school as it has to address classrooms for giving instructions, directions and carrying out two-way dialogues among the school attendance.
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You have a huge option of PoE speakers or Ethernet speakers and Wi-Fi speakers to choose from. Both these speakers are versatile in their own way and are the pioneers of modern technology. You can expect these systems to deliver crystal clear communication throughout the campus without being cacophonic. These systems can perform multiple functions that include live messages, automated regular and special messages that are pre-recorded and also carry out dialogue between staff, administration and classroom using 2-way intercoms. With the Wi-Fi speakers you can avoid the spread of cables on your campus as audio signals will be transferred using wi-fi internet. Your paging system can be hooked in to your office PC or smartphone so you can keep things at your finger tips.
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Similarly the school clock systems of the advanced allow you to keep control over bell/break timings on a tight leash. The Ethernet based clocks or the Wi-Fi clocks can deliver uniform time to entire school and each of these clocks are connected to your existing computer network or to the master clocks system via wi-fi. This makes the system highly flexible and has control over the clock timings from your desk with ease. Manually synchronized clocks can be erratic owing to human fallibility but these network based clocks cannot go wrong at any point of time. Installing them in your campus will increase accuracy and efficiency and with it the school discipline which is the center pillar of the pursuit of education. For state-of-art school speakers & school clock systems call the expertise of Admoveo Solutions, LLC, a US based time management company with thousands of success stories. Use number (800) 964-574 for instant communication.
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cecillewhite · 5 years
Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion – 2019 Edition
If you’re familiar with Talented Learning, you know we’re fiercely independent consultants focused on one goal – to help you choose the best extended enterprise LMS for your needs.
The “Extended Enterprise” Worldview
What exactly do we mean by the term “extended enterprise”? Think of learning programs that reach beyond employees. For instance, in the corporate world, that could include customers, prospects, channel partners, franchisees, contractors, suppliers and perhaps employees, too.
However, serving diverse audiences can be tricky. And with more than 1000 enterprise-class learning systems available, finding the right solution is more challenging than ever.
When faced with so much complexity, how can you choose a solution with confidence?
Recently, we helped association leaders answer that question with a special “LMS Buyers Companion” post, filled with free resources for continuing education providers. Its popularity spread like wildfire.
So now we’re publishing a similar guide just for corporate learning decision makers. We invite you to bookmark this page as a handy virtual reference. But if you need direct guidance at any point, feel free to contact me to request a preliminary phone consultation at your convenience.
Inside the “Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion”
This free collection of LMS selection resources includes:
PODCASTS – “Hot topic” interviews with business-minded learning practitioners and innovators on The Talented Learning Show
BLOG POSTS – Independent advice, straight from our analysts and other experts
WEBINARS – In-depth sessions focused on key extended enterprise LMS issues and related business strategies
WHITEPAPERS – Relevant insights you can download and read anytime
AWARDS – Our choices for this year’s Top Extended Enterprise Learning Systems – including our rationale for each selection
Read highlights and listen to complete 30-minute interviews from The Talented Learning Show:
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1) Why is customer education gaining momentum? Customer Education 101 – With Dave Derington of Outreach
2) How do channel education networks drive revenue? Extended Channel Training – With Doug Gastich of BlueVolt
3) How does a modern LMS support franchise success? The Inside Scoop on Global Franchise Training – With Chris Shanks of Dairy Queen
4) How can training providers share online content more broadly? Extending Learning Content Availability – With Troy Gorostiza of Course Container
5) Why pick open source as an extended enterprise learning foundation? Open Source LMS Advantages – With Lars Hyland of Totara
6) How do subscription businesses help customers succeed? SaaS Customer Success – With Samma Hafeez of Thought Industries
7) How do brands drive training engagement among franchisees? Franchise Training Adoption – With Trista Kimber of Hooters
8) How is xAPI transforming enterprise learning analytics? Business Benefits of xAPI – With Mike Rustici of Watershed
Independent advice from our analysts and expert guest authors:
1) Top learning systems trends: 2019 extended enterprise market guide Which technology and business factors are shaping the extended enterprise LMS market? Check key issues and opportunities…
2) Starting a customer education program: The inside story What does effective customer training look like? Prepare for success with advice from customer education expert Adam Avramescu of Slack…
3) How do you find an LMS that nails extended enterprise learning? What’s the best way to select a learning system that truly fits your extended enterprise needs? Walk through a real-world scenario…
4) What to expect in a partner-focused LMS What features should you look for in a channel learning system? Here’s what you need to run a successful sales partner training program…
5) Marketing never ends: How does product education help? Converting leads to customers is only part of the modern marketing mission. Product education is also key. Intercom’s customer engagement leader explains why…
6) Should you use an employee LMS for extended enterprise learning in 2019 and beyond? The top question we hear as LMS selection consultants: “Should we use our employee LMS for external learning programs?” Here’s how we respond…
7) Customer engagement metrics: What marketers can teach learning pros What kind of business impact should you expect from customer engagement? Marketing consultant Laura Patterson outlines 3 key success metrics…
8) What’s the smartest path to the right LMS? Ask a learning tech analyst What should you consider when determining your extended enterprise LMS needs? This Q&A addresses common questions…
9) Extended enterprise learning systems shift into high gear Why are extended enterprise learning systems gaining ground so quickly? These factors are driving demand…
10) Is your business data worth keeping? Business data is vital. But are you collecting too much data for your own good? Digital transformation consultant Daniel Newman weighs in…
11) Should you use an RFP when choosing an LMS? Requests for proposal are highly controversial. Some love them. Others hate them. But here’s why you’ll probably want to use an RFP the next time you select a learning system…
12) Define your LMS requirements like a pro Learn how to outline your needs so you’ll find the best solution at the best price…
Register for any one of these free sessions, and you’ll gain access to our entire library of webinars and other resources at The Talented Learning Center!
1) How does partner education lift business performance for all? Roundtable with Gary Brashear, VP Marketing, BlueVolt Laura Pierce, Marketing Communications Director at Shurtape Technologies
2) How does product training accelerate customer time-to-value? Featuring Samma Hafeez, VP of Customer Success, Thought Industries
3) What steps lead to extended enterprise LMS success? Join me one-on-one for this special how-to session
4) How can you drive learning in hard-to-reach places? Roundtable with Bill Mastin, EVP of Sales & Alliances, PeopleFluent Carrie Hancock, Director of Sales, PeopleFluent Ross Coxon, Director of Learning Collaborative, Humentum
5) What’s the anatomy of a high-impact learning experience? Roundtable with Paul Morton, Regional Director, CrossKnowledge Anja Emonds, Research Manager, CrossKnowledge Academy
6) How does extended enterprise training drive growth? Roundtable with Lars Hyland, CLO, Totara Learning Charles Ackerman, Sr. Solutions Strategist, Remote-Learner Darren LaRue, Product Training Specialist, JLG Industries
7) What techniques engage external audiences in learning? Featuring Kevin Hanegan, CLO at Qlik
Download insights from our analysts – free when you register at the Talented Learning Center:
1) Connecting Training to Franchise Success
2) Visualizing Learning Impact: How Can Analytics Connect the Dots?
Which corporate extended enterprise learning systems stand out from the rest? Learn about our 28 choices for 2019 and why we recommend them. For the full story, see our awards analysis: Talented Learning LMS Awards – Corporate Extended Enterprise Systems
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BlueVolt Community Brands Crowd Wisdom Cornerstone OnDemand CrossKnowledge Docebo eLogic Learning Learndot by ServiceRocket LearnUpon NetExam Northpass OnPoint Digital SAP Litmos Skilljar Thought Industries Totara
Absorb Accord LMS Degreed EdCast LogicBay MATRIX LMS PeopleFluent NetDimensions Saba Schoox TalentLMS Together JAZZ by Skylab Italia UpsideLMS
LMS Selection Step-by-Step
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With hundreds of learning systems available today, finding the right LMS for your unique extended enterprise needs can be tricky. What exactly should you do to choose the best solution?
Walk step-by-step through a real-world example with John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning. You’ll learn:
How to develop a relevant business case and success metrics
Methods for researching and defining use cases and requirements
When to issue an RFP (or not)
Tips for creating a viable LMS shortlist
How to make the most of vendor demos and proof-of-concept projects
  Still confused about which LMS is best for your association’s needs? I’m here to help. Feel free to contact me anytime to schedule a preliminary phone consultation:
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  The post Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion – 2019 Edition appeared first on Talented Learning.
Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion – 2019 Edition original post at Talented Learning
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jamiekturner · 6 years
Must-have animations for Chatbots
A story of failing to get animations into the product
A few months ago, when I was designing the chat panel for a video conferencing desktop app, I included a “typing…” UI in the design mockup. During the design review, engineer colleagues told me that they couldn’t implement this animated UI.
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Idea to show “typing…” in a group chat (Credit: BlueJeans meeting experience)
I felt bummed about it.
When I put this UI component in the design mockup, I didn’t think much about why we needed that UI. It’s such a typical UI indicator to imply when “someone is typing…”. Since most chat apps (Facebook Messenger, Slack, Discord) have it, then why don’t we?
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I tried to push the idea to have this UI again with the engineers by stating that indicator creates an assuring feeling of receiving feedback. As a pending state, it alleviates the frustration, anxiety, and uncertainty on waiting for someone’s response.
However, as many other product designers may also experience when working closely with engineers for implementing new features, I couldn’t get the design idea across and convince them how critical motion designs are as a part of the entire user experience. My colleagues pushed back and deprioritized the animation. In the end, the “typing…” UI didn’t get implemented in the product, and it resided in the design mockup forever.
What I learned
I learned that implementing motion designs and micro-animations takes extra engineering efforts. Animations are not a part of UX flows, which demonstrate critical functionalities of a product feature. Also, animations don’t generate specific metrics for product KPIs. It’s hard to measure and say an animated Gif or a splash screen contributed to a Net Promoter Score.
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I also learned that I could improve communicating design ideas better in a more constructed way. I need to become an advocate and educator for my team to promote animations to my colleagues. I could include a section for motion designs in the design guidelines to introduce different types of animations, their use cases, and some examples of the Dos and Don’ts.
Animations have contributive values to the usability of a product. They connect screens and UI elements to create a fluid and coherent user experience. They provide graceful degradation when a product is not performing at its best, and they add playfulness and a sense of human touch to screen interactions.
Animations for chatbot designs 💬
Animations are a big part of the user experience for chatbot designs. Many software companies use chatbots to provide customer support and nourish the growth in the relationship with prospective and existing customers. When you visit a shopping website, if there’s a chat icon sits at the bottom right of the screen, it implies that there’s a chat service ready to bring you into a conversation.
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Intercom Messenger By Jakub Antalík
Chatting with a user and getting the user to purchase something at the end, the design of a chat experience is thoughtfully fleshed out through creative copywriting, UIs and animations.
Instead of having the user mess around with navigating, typing and searching to find what he/she needs, chatting is a more intuitive and personalized experience. So what kind of animation and motion effects are must-haves when designing a chatbot? What are the attributes of the animations that contextualize a fluid chat experience?
A list of must-have animations
1. A warm welcome to put a grin on user’s face
Having an animation or a graphic breaks the ice at the beginning of a conversation. When a chatbot characteristically introduces him/herself, it’s more powerful than just saying hi. It fills up the blank spot to help the user naturally familiarize its presence.
A “Do” example is Poncho — a chatbot that delivers weather forecasts. Poncho’s character is a cat, and it welcomes you by sending you gifs and illustrations, just a like a friend who shares emojis and funny gifts with you daily.
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Start a chat with Poncho
Oppositely, a “Don’t” example is the waving feature from Facebook Messenger, which is designed to represent the action of saying “hi” instead of saying “hi”. It receives critique as it’s a force interaction that requires a “wave back” response. It overuses animations to copy interactions that only make sense in face-to-face interactions.
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Wave feature on Facebook Messenger
2. Indicator to reconcile frustration during pending
A good conversation flows. Different from in-person communications, it takes a few seconds for a message to be received and reviewed. These few seconds create blank spots with zero feedback to inform users what’s going on, and they block a conversation flowing from one end to the other. An animated typing indicator reconciles the curiosity and frustration when a user is in a passive pending state — waiting for a response.
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Typing indicator on Facebook Messenger
To create the feeling of a constant presence for both ends is essential. The way we interact with a chatbot should be no different from chatting with our friends on messaging apps.
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Typing indicator on Slack
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Typing indicator on Discord
3. Cohesive transition in displaying content
When a user clicks on a card to view more detailed content, the transition from the main screen to the sub-screen helps users understand the in-depth correlation between screens. The transition for displaying content in a web browser to displaying content in a chat widget should be consistent.
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Here’s an example of applying this rule to a VUI interface. A beautiful transition makes it very enjoyable to receive content and feed from a chatbot.
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An example of creating transition between chat & displaying content (By Valentin Salmon )
4. Emphasize on users’ input
When a user is filling out a form, animations emphasize on the user’s input and provide instant feedback on the result of an action. This type of animations is an enhancement of user’s behaviors like swiping, tapping, and typing. They indicate a point of action and confirm that the action was received. Material Design has also specified this type of motion effects, and they call it creating choreography in motion.
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Login animation by Jakub Antalík
5. Creation for displaying options
Most chatbots are designed to assist users to accomplish tasks. In the context of a chat, a chatbot will use UI widgets to enable in-depth interactions like selecting, editing and purchasing. For example, Facebook Messenger bots support chat extensions that appear like a web-view interface in a chat thread.
Chat extensions can display a list of options, allow single select or multi-select from an options menu, and provide a personalized message in response to the user’s input. Here’s an example of how the beauty chatbot Victoria Belle navigates the user to choose a free birthday gift based on a user’s information on gift and skin type.
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Facebook Messenger Victoria Belle
The use of animations here subscribes to the same interaction model when we browse and interact with a web page. We scroll down to view more content, tap on input fields to type in information, and tap on the back or close button to navigate between different screens.
Closing thoughts
Animations and motion effects are an essential subset of the static screen and flow designs. Sometimes the efforts on animation designs for the product development haven’t been recognized. Also, since the implementation of motion effects varies from one framework to another, the same animation that appears on the web could look differently on mobile.
I’ve heard many times since last year that chat will become the new web. It’s not to say that chatbot services will replace websites and web applications, but it’s an on-going momentum when we see emerging services like e-commerce, customer support, collaboration and productivity tools are all branching out to chatbots. I can see animations will play a big part in a well-designed chat experience.
Other great reads if you’re looking for references:
Apple Human Interface Guidelines — Animation Google Material Design — Motion Design Facebook Messenger Platform — Messenger Bots
The post Must-have animations for Chatbots appeared first on Design your way.
from Web Development & Designing https://www.designyourway.net/blog/user-interface-design/must-have-animations-for-chatbots/
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jobswzayef · 4 years
Director Mena
Director Mena
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Ecosystem Development Programs that partner with governments foundations and corporates to accelerate nascent tech startup ecosystems around the world. Programs include
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goodra-king · 5 years
Transcript of What All Businesses Need to Know About Website Design
Transcript of What All Businesses Need to Know About Website Design written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
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John Jantsch: Hello. Welcome to another episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast. This is John Jantsch and my guest today is Chris Martinez. He is the current CEO and co-founder of DUDE Agency, dudeagency.io. An outsourced web development firm in Tijuana. Mexico, so, Chris, thanks for joining me.
Chris Martinez: Thank you so much for having me.
John Jantsch: So let’s talk about websites in the big picture. For businesses, particularly small business, I have a lot of small business owner listeners, what’s the role of the website today? What’s its job?
Chris Martinez: I think that there’re several jobs, but overall, if you’re looking big picture, it’s got to be a revenue generator for you. It’s got to be a way that you can capture and then with some other software integrations, nurture leads and eventually convert those people into paying customers.
John Jantsch: I read a statistic the other day that said something along the lines of 82% of people that visit your website are, first of all, doing it for the first time, and secondly, won’t take any action that first visit. I mean if that statistic’s true and I think that we can all agree to some extent it is what does that implicate for somebody building or somebody using a website in their business?
Chris Martinez: I think it’s very, very accurate. I think it’s very accurate for the majority of people who have websites. I also think it’s reflective of just the world in general because the first time that you meet somebody you don’t really … If you were to walk into a store for a first time, you never knew who they were a lot of the times you don’t buy anything. People are trying to gather information and then once they have some information and they feel they can make an educated decision, that’s when they get further down into the funnel and they’re ready to make a buying decision.
John Jantsch: So with that in mind, if somebody comes to you and says, “I want a website,” and they don’t have any real ideas in mind, in your kind of checklist of how to design a site, are there some must-have elements that at least for today you would tell pretty much, obviously, different industries have some different things, but for the most part, are there some elements that you think need to exist in some way on every website?
Chris Martinez: So that’s kind of a loaded question and I’m going to give you a plug right now because it absolutely has to start with a strategy, right? You do need basic fundamentals of your message, identifying your market and then having some sort of offer. And then once you have those fundamentals in place and you have their overall strategy, then you can start going into the website and you can basically transfer all the things that you created as a part of the strategy to the website. So in terms of things that you absolutely want to have, I mean you have just a couple of seconds to capture somebody’s attention when they come to your website for the first time. So you absolutely need to be able to communicate to them what it is that you do, how you help them and what that person is supposed to do next.
Chris Martinez: And I’m kind of swiping that from Donald Miller, sorry. I almost a Dennis Miller. Donald Miller in StoryBrand because that’s a lot of what he says is like, “Passing the grunt test,” and so those are three elements and that’s more along the lines of copy. But in terms of layout and design, you absolutely want to have those three things above the fold, meaning before somebody has to scroll down a website, that’s what that visitor is going to see. And then a call to action, a primary call to action and then a secondary call to action.
Chris Martinez: And then as you scroll through the other things that we recommend are like testimonials and social proof. A very, very simple explanation of how you help a client go from point A to point B, so ideally it shows your three or four-step system. And so that’s basically it. I also like a simple thing is images, right? You want images that show real people. So real images are always going to outperform stock images and you want to show images of people who look and seem like your ideal client.
John Jantsch: So over the years, design trends seem to come and go. So homepages are very small, they had a lot of navigation, options on them, and essentially it was like an index page. That’s what we actually called them, right? And so the goal was somebody, “Here’s every option,” like a table of contents, “go find what you’re looking for.” Today, it seems like we have the long scrolling kind of journey page. You see times when people use a lot of stock photos and now it seems like we’re into a lot of illustrations that are very light and airy and a lot of white space. How do you manage as a design firm? How do you manage the fact that or balance maybe the fact that that people want to kind of see … They want their site to look updated, but then we’re jumping on one trend to the next, I mean, is there some sort of balance or I guess another way to ask that is are there trends that are driving your design today?
Chris Martinez: Yeah, design definitely matters. It’s really hard to pinpoint if you do X, Y, and Z, you’re going to hit the ball out of the park every single time. Every business is a little different. Every industry is a little bit different. Design does matter. But what matters most is your ability to convey how you help people. So let’s look at the flip side of one of the most ugly websites in the world that crushes it, Craigslist. Now, everybody has used Craigslist for the most part, and if you’ve never heard of Craigslist, please go type in craigslist.com or.org and look at it. It’s the ugliest, most simple website ever. But it absolutely conveys what it is what they do and it helps people get what they’re looking for. So at the end of the day, you do have to show people how you help them, whether that be through a video or actual text or even like a podcast interview. And that is what really is going to help you to generate more leads and sales.
Chris Martinez: And then the other thing that you want to think about is how are people coming to your website? So maybe they heard you on a podcast interview and they’re like, “Oh, my God, the story that John just told is amazing. I’m really, really excited.” So when that person comes to your website, they’re already a little bit further down in the funnel so the design might be different or the impact that the design has might be different based on where that person is coming from. If they heard you from Yelp, it’s a different story. If it’s the first time that they’ve ever heard you because they Googled you and your name popped up for a marketing agency, then that person’s going to be at a different stage. And so design matters, but there’re all these other things that you need to take into consideration as well.
John Jantsch: So that leads me right to my next question. I think there was a time when people would say, “Let’s go get a website.,” as it was kind of a separate element of everything else they were doing. They had all their other channels and I think a lot of websites were designed that way. I remember, in the early days, people would have sites, they wouldn’t have their logos on them, they would be different colors. I mean, it was like nobody actually talked to anybody else at the business when they designed the site. But today, I mean it’s clear that you can’t have a useful website without a ton of content. You can’t have probably a useful website from a marketing standpoint without considering search engine optimization even in the design phase. I mean, so how do you balance design content and SEO? Because I think they almost have to be done together, don’t they?
Chris Martinez: Yeah. So the easy answer is to hire somebody who knows what they’re doing. Because if you’re a business owner, it’s very, very difficult for you to be able to implement all these things yourself in addition to running your own business. But everything does need to work together and it needs to be congruent in conveying your message. So for design, for example, I’m not a designer. We have a lot of designers here and I’ve hired many of them, amazing ones. And so there’s a thing called color theory and basically, color theory is that different colors convey different emotions. So depending on who your client is or company that you have in your value proposition, you want to have certain colors that reflect and convey emotions to that perspective visitor.
Chris Martinez: In terms of copy, I mean, copy is unbelievably important because people are going to read what’s on the page and that’s one of the ways that they’re going to determine whether or not you can help them or not. And then in terms of development, designers can design amazing things or you might have some concepts in your brain as to how you want things to function on the website, and a developer has to come in and be actually able to make those things come to reality on a website. And then from the marketing team, “How are we going to drive traffic? How are we going to optimize things and basically, get the most leads that we possibly can and making tweaks and changes as we go along the way?”
John Jantsch: And now a little word from our sponsor. Intercom wants more of the nice people visiting your website to give you money. So they took a little chat-bubble in the corner of a website and packed it with conversational bots, product tours, NPS surveys, all sorts of things that amplify your team and help you reach more nice people. Intercom Customer Unity got 45% more loyal users with Intercom in just 12 months. Go to intercom.com/podcast to start making money from real-time chat. Then see everything else Intercom can do. That’s intercom.com/podcast.
John Jantsch: Okay, so we’ve talked a lot about the importance, the overarching importance of a website, and so I think that puts a lot of pressure on getting it done. So you actually you have a certain model for working with business owners and you work with a lot of agencies. You’re a partner of Duct Tape Marketing. Let’s just kind of briefly define what are kind of the options out there for somebody trying to get a website built? So they realize maybe they’re starting a new business and so they’re starting from scratch. What are the many options that they have available to get a website built?
Chris Martinez: I mean, I like to say that there’re really only three options. You can do it yourself, you can hire an in-house team to do it or you can outsource it and basically contract an agency or your local web development company to be able to build that for you. And most people when they’re starting out, they opt for option one, which is doing it themselves or hiring a company to be able to do it for them.
John Jantsch: Well, and really over time, it’s gotten easier. I mean, you’ve got WordPress as a core, CMS and there’re lots of themes and there’re lots of page builders, so in a lot of ways getting it done, I mean just physically getting it done has gotten a lot easier. But again, I think the question comes down to getting it done well is one consideration. And the other consideration for a lot of business owners is, is that a good use of your time? I mean, I know I used to actually put together WordPress websites and I mean, you can go down a black hole and two days have passed and you haven’t eaten, you haven’t drank any water. I mean, if the site’s done, but maybe that wasn’t a good use of your last two days. So I’d like to give you an opportunity to kind of explain your model at DUDE Agency because I think it’s a bit of a hybrid.
Chris Martinez: Yeah. So we work with digital agencies. So those companies that are building out the websites, they’re typically very, very good at the strategy and they’re very good at selling, so they work with the local businesses and they come up with this overall plan. And then where they struggle is they have a hard time in the operations and actually getting these projects completed on time and on budget. And that’s basically where we come in and we give the agencies, the people as well as the processes so that they can take on more projects and get these projects done profitably. And so our process is basically, we run a subscription-based model. We have a team of people, my company’s like you mentioned in the beginning of the show, our company is actually located in Tijuana, Mexico, which nobody ever thinks of when it comes to web design and development. And when most people think of Tijuana, they’re thinking of other things that we won’t talk about, but we all know what they are.
Chris Martinez: So yeah. So we give these agencies a team of people to help them set up and implement. So the strategy’s already created, the instructions are given to us and then we’re able to build everything out and any tweaks and changes that need to be done we have our team here in Tijuana to be able to help get all those things done. And one thing I do want to mention is that a website is never finished. It’s always a work in progress, not just like fixing tweaks and changes. Actually on my own website yesterday, for some reason a button was showing really, really strange on the website.
Chris Martinez: So I sent a little a support request over to my team and I said, “Hey guys, can you fix this?” And they were able to fix it really right away. Those little things happen all the time. But on a bigger scale, once you start driving more people to the website and you start collecting data because that’s another function of a website. This website that I should’ve mentioned is it’s a data collection center. So once you start to collect data, then you can make updates and changes to the site to help improve what we call conversion, getting more leads.
Chris Martinez: So maybe your offer that you had up there for the free consultation is just bombing and so you want to change it. And so maybe instead of free consultation you change the verbiage and it could be meet your new consultant, or maybe you change it all together and it’s like download an eBook and then it goes into something else after that, after you’ve built a little trust with that perspective visitor. So all those tweaks and changes are gathered by an agency and then interpreted into, “Hey, this is what we need to do to optimize,” and optimization is always, it’s always ongoing so it never really stops. And so all those support tasks, technical and design-related, those are the things that we help agencies with.
John Jantsch: And you mentioned a support ticket. And one of the things that I think I is, in my experience, I’ve worked with a lot of business owners and we’ve come into websites that in various different ways and some needed a total overhaul, some needed new content, some had been around forever and they were on this old platform. And I mean it didn’t ever seem like two of them are alike. How have you been able to streamline the process or actually create process that has allowed you to really move pretty rapidly through what sometimes can be a clumsy process?
Chris Martinez: Yeah, this is one of the things that I nerd out on and that I really, really get excited about that most people are like, “God, get this away from me,” But it’s like standard operating procedures, right? And being able to see, “Okay, these things might all look different, but how can we identify what’s similar within all of them so that we can create standards and processes for that?” So one of the things is standardizing your onboarding process. So the way that you’re collecting information from the customer, and this actually can apply to any business.
Chris Martinez: If you have a new client let’s standardize the way that we’re collecting all the information that we need so that we can start implementing the solution. I mean I’m talking about scripting it out, asking the same questions, inputting the information the exact same way with every single client and new client project. And then once that gets conveyed over to whoever’s going to start that implementation process, having that person do that process the same way every single time. And basically, just breaking down all those things into very, very small, manageable steps.
John Jantsch: So I think process is great, but how do you also fight the inevitable client or two clients that say, “Well, we just want to do it this way. I mean this is how we’ve always done it.” And then you don’t want to lose the business so you bend a little and next thing you know you’ve got 10 different variations of the process. Have you been able to wrangle that in?
Chris Martinez: Yes, and I believe that that starts in the prospecting and sales conversation. So when you work with somebody, you want to establish yourself as the expert. I’ve torn both of my Achilles, believe it or not, and so I’ve had two very, very different experiences. The first time I tore my Achilles on my left leg, I had absolutely no idea what that process was like. I didn’t know that there were different doctors with different skill sets. I didn’t know that there were different procedures. I didn’t know that there were different ways to rehab it. So I went into the first guy and it was a disaster. I mean, I play soccer, I’ve played soccer my whole life and my recovery with that was over two years. It was horrible.
Chris Martinez: The second time I did it, I went into the doctor knowing exactly what I wanted and I told the doctor, “Hey, I want this type of procedure,” and then he said, “Perfect. I understand exactly what you’re looking for. We’re going to do this, this, this and this and this and we’ll have you up and walking again within 10 weeks,” and I was like, “This is fantastic.” Now, I did not question the second doctor’s procedures at all because he completely understood what I was looking for and he had the social proof to back it up that he could give me the results. He could have told me to eat a can of lima beans every single day and I would have done it because I had that much respect for his expertise. And he had the proof. On his walls, he had all these pictures of professional soccer players that he had worked with.
Chris Martinez: And so that’s the type of relationship that you want to establish with your new client even before they become a client. So that then they know that you’re the expert and they’re essentially hiring you because of your expertise. And the big thing with clients is that in many ways they want to be told what to do, but they just want to feel like they’re a part of the process. Nobody wants to feel they’re there having information jammed down their throat. And so you could actually build that into your onboarding process by asking them, “Hey, so when we initially spoke, you said you’re looking for this, this, and this. Tell me a little bit more about that.”
Chris Martinez: And then once they give that to you, now they feel like they’re giving you information. You might actually disregard everything that they say, but still, they feel like they’re a part of this process. And now as you move into the next stage, you can basically deliver your solution that you know is going to work and then also say, “Hey, and this is how we integrated in your recommendations or your requests.” and now they feel like this is a teamwork type of project.
John Jantsch: Yeah. And I’ve always contended that you get ideal clients by teaching them how to be ideal. And if you have a process that you know is going to deliver value, that if they adhere to it, then I think you can get pretty confident about saying, “No, we know this is good for you.” And I think you’re right. I think, if we don’t guide clients they just assume that it’s up to them, to design the process, and so I wholeheartedly agree. So, Chris, where can people out more about you and your work at DUDE Agency?
Chris Martinez: Yeah, so you can go to the website at dudeagency.io and then we’re also on Facebook, facebook.com/dudeagency and then Instagram dudeagency.io and then also on YouTube too. So we have a lot of really cool videos, fun as well as educational and stuff. And then we also have our podcasts on our dudeagency.io website, and I do know a certain somebody who is going to be on that very, very soon, so it’s a great, great listen. Yeah.
John Jantsch: Awesome. Yeah. Thanks, Chris. And, of course, we’re going to see you at the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network Summit in October and Savannah. Yeah.
Chris Martinez: I cannot wait. Cannot wait.
John Jantsch: Yeah. Looking forward to it. So thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you soon.
from http://bit.ly/2pqiBf1
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] The Appraisal
Hello, thank you for deciding to read. I hope you enjoy. It is a bit longer than other posts I've seen on here FYI.
The Appraisal
(Short Story)
Part 1: The Tootsie Incident
During his first term in office, John Mueller, the 47th President of the United States was set up to have a date with Russian supermodel Anastasia Petrovksi. They were seen together on Valentine's Day at the Russian Tea Room in New York, right next to Carnegie Hall. The following day the headline in the New York Daily News exposed “The Tootsie Incident” as referenced by the famous 80’s movie. Ms. Anastasia Petrovksi had once been Mr. Igor Smirnov. The youngest male ever recorded to have a sex change, Mr. Smirnov became Anastasia at the age of thirteen. In the Presidents defense, he claimed to have never known Ms. Petrovski was formerly a man. Regardless of that truth, the press had a field day that made Watergate seem like the latest TMZ gossip.
The outrage amongst citizens and paranoid politicians led to the formation of The Human Appraisal Committee (HAC), who now provided oversight over the general public and businesses alike. For those of you who don't know about the HAC, it is a government organization that ensures all of its citizens have accurate online profiles based on actual facts surrounding their identity.
After the "Tootsie Incident,” the government warned that misrepresentation with social media was a threat to national security. Petrovski was one of millions of misleading online profiles, and so in the best interests of the people, facebook and all other platforms were outlawed or at least ran through the HAC.
At the age of twenty-two years old, every citizen would enter the system, having their appraisal with objective facts, such as their education, ethnicity, net worth, and of course profile picture. The HAC was more than just a way to connect, it was an evaluation of your decisions and your assessed value as a citizen, your social ranking. In the beginning, the government’s aim was to make sure its people felt safe, though they quickly realized they could cash in on everyones obsessive nature with social media.
As Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh stated before enacting the legislation, “The American people deserve to know the truth!” And so now they could get that truth.
At the right price of course.
This brings us to September 13, 2028, Chase McLeary’s 23rd birthday. He carefully placed the red sticker across the pocket of his new blue blazer. The sticker red Hello!, and underneath it read 6747 written in permanent marker. Tossing the sticker’s paper backing into a trash bin, Chase entered a large room that looked just like the DMV but was actually The Human Appraisal Committee’s office for his district of Minnetonka, a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Chase took an empty seat near a woman dressed in white and gold. She reminded him of a Greek Goddess with all her necklaces and bracelets. Like most people on the day of their appraisal, she was dressed to impress. Chase himself had spent over $150 dollars for a stylist to groom him for today, which was much more planned than last year where he wore his green satin suit from prom and mop top hair cut.
Leaning over to the woman, he inquired with a friendly whisper.
“Hey, hows it going today?”
In that moment, the woman was on her phone, scrolling online through the “newest and hottest seasonal wear for cats.” Chase had obviously interrupted, which was apparent by the sneer she gave him. With her drawn on eyebrow rising, she assessed Chase top to bottom like a stray dog. Accessing the HAC phone application, she pointed her camera at his face, to bring up his profile. After a quick read through, the woman stood up, and moved two seats away.
Chase was obviously of no interest to her.
This didn’t bother him too much though, most people these days would divide themselves based on their social ranking. Looking at the hundred or so seats available in the room, more than half the seats were available, and no one was sitting next to each other.
Twiddling his thumbs, Chase decided it might be better to keep to himself until after his appraisal to avoid any further embarrassment.
Focusing his attention on the hands of the large old circular clock at the front of the room, Chase supposed he had about an hour before he’d be out of there. Then as fate would have it, the most beautiful woman Chase had ever seen sat down right in front of him. Her tight black dress fit around her body like an extra layer of skin. Chase could feel that people behind him had already begun taking pictures of her as she walked, to bring up her profile.
Chase thought he might be in love.
Part 2: The Beautiful Gloria Dominguez
Moments of silence, interrupted only by the ticking of the old fashioned clock in the room made Chase McLeary feel anxious. He could not avoid the perfume from the woman he was head over heels for. First her beautiful physic, now her smell had caught his lust, like blood to a shark in the water. Getting up to get a drink from the metal fountain at the front of the room, Chase pulled his phone out at his hip and began taking picture surreptitiously in the woman’s direction. All he would need is one decent image, for the facial recognition technology to work.
After a dozen attempts, Chase felt confident that he got one good shot, and returned back to his seat to pull up her HAC profile. He successfully accessed her first page which showed the following:
Name: Gloria Dominguez:
Age: 28 years old,
Ethnicity: Italian & Spanish,
Hometown Minnetonka Minnesota
Education Level: Bachelors in Communications, University of Miami
Profile Picture: Gloria wearing a tight blue dress.
“Pay to Access More Information Here”
Reading the final words on her account meant one thing, Gloria ranked higher than Chase in value. Unless you were friends or family through the HAC, the government required an Evaluation Match between strangers to access more personal information such as her occupation, the city she currently lived in, and of course more pictures. Chase had never paid to access a persons profile before, so he decided he would approach Gloria the old fashioned way through face to face conversation.
Then, just as he was contemplating his opening line, the voice of god entered the room which was actually the administrator working at the front of the building.
“6739, please come to room 101” projected out through the intercom.
It was for the woman in white and gold, as she stood up only a few feet away. She began her strut towards the door at the front of the room, directly in front of them both. Her jewelry must have weighed a lot, as with every step she took it seemed to take an inordinate amount of energy. Chase swore he heard a chuckle from Gloria, and saw this as an opportune moment.
“Who invited Cleopatra to the party?” he joked in Gloria’s direction a little too loudly.
Like a harpoon out of a spear gun, his words reached the old woman right as she was about to enter the Appraiser’s office. Instead of entering, she turned around, and scanned the crowd until she found her assailant who was ripening up like a tomato.
Melting away in his seat, Chase was unsure how to recover. He was holding his breath, waiting on Gloria’s response when his body produced a pocket of gas which had been held up in his stomach for the last half hour. The result was a loud croak that made Gloria jump from her seat.
“Ay dios mio” she said in Spanish or (“oh my god”)
With her hand over her heart, Gloria turned around and said something in Spanish to Chase that he didn’t understand. His head hanging low in embarrassment, retreated to his original idea of “keeping to himself.”
Defeated from his feeble attempts at conversation, Chase struggled to located a positive thought in his head. He reminded himself that very soon he would receive the good news of his new recorded value for the 2029 year.
Burying himself in his work, Chase exceeded the expectations of everyone in his office in 2028, making over $85,000 in his first year. Sacrificing his time was necessary as his mom had gotten sick, and his father was struggling to pay off his little sisters college tuition. Every month, Chase would wire $1,000 to the University of Minnesota to lessen the burden on everyone.
Though he felt empowered by helping, he sometimes compared and thought negatively when he saw people he went to school with receiving praise and recognition for they’re HAC rating. In one case, there was Stephen Oleander who barely graduated college, but still managed to be in the top 80% because of money his grandfather had left him.
In relation to the rest of the United States Chase was valued at 73%. This put him the Evaluation Bracket of anyone between 0-74%. Receiving that score post college made 2028 tough, underestimating the impact an HAC profile could have in certain social circles. It wasn’t easy to make or retain friends when before he had a chance to talk, someone was already judging him for his C-rating.
Chase pondered this, and began to wonder exactly how much higher Gloria might rank than him. Opening up the HAC application, his hand hovered over the “pay to access more information” button.
Taking a deep breath, he looked at the woman in front of him and decided that he would approach her after the appraisal. Hopefully after his increase, they would be a match after all?
Then, just as he was about to close his phone, a women tapped him on his shoulder, the result was a loud authoritative voice to projecting through his phone. He had clicked the button.
“Please say Yes or No, if you would like to pay to access Gloria Dominguez's HAC Profile"
Immediately Chase tried to exit out of the application, but accidentally turned the volume up and so the voice repeated in its automated response.
“Are you sure you would not like to access Gloria Dominguez’s profile, please say yes or no.”
There were giggles and whispers throughout the room, and Chase felt worse than he did earlier. Gloria only a few feet away had overheard the response, but was ignoring it. In truth, she was used to this kind of thing and learned it was better to just pay no mind than get in the middle of it. Also, her english was broken, so she willing to “play stupid” rather than force a conversation like she had done in previous incidences.
“I am so sorry sir.” Apologized the person who had caused the catastrophe.
At a glance, Chase noticed the woman over his shoulder. She was older and seemed a bit underdressed, wearing a white blouse, jeans, and flats. Her hair was blonde, with streaks of grey in parts. If Chase were not wearing his emotions on his sleeve in that moment, he would have saw that her blue eyes were friendly and sincere.
His angst and fear however had caused him to instead mumble weakly.
“It's okay, it's okay” half talking to her, and half to himself.
Then, the voice of god broke into the room again.
“6747, please come to room 109”
Chase stood up, and straightened himself out before walking towards the left side of the waiting room. The woman watched him move across the room from a distance, she felt quite horrible for what happened. If Chase were to have pulled out a picture of her HAC profile, he would have seen her name was Sasha. She was in the top 90% in the United States.
Part 3: Meet your future self
Opening the door, Chase walked into a room that was about the size of a two car garage. The walls were a cream color, and empty except for The Human Appraisal Committee logo and Minnesota State flag. The logo consisted of large block letters leading to a percentage symbol, sort of like this :
Sitting down at the large desk, Chase folded his hands in his lap. There was the same model computer monitor from last year where he would see his score. Last year he remembered, seeing 0 net income, as well as the $20,000 he owed in student loans, now all paid for.
Across from him sat his appraiser for this year.
"Hello Chase, I'm Julie I'll be taking care of you today”
Julie just turned 30 years old. She had worked her way up through the HAC after college, and didn’t disappoint, given her background in sales, growing up working on a used car lot. On the shelf behind her, Chase saw a number of awards from 2025-2027, they each read Top Appraiser of the Year for Minnesota. These were in reference to the commission she would make by selling people back privileged information only the government had access to.
Her tactics were simple: Press on the insecurities of everyone in the most genuine empathetic way possible, and sell them back data behind their life problems.
“So would you like your pictures before or after the news, sweetheart?”
“Could we do after?” Chase answered with a smile.
Julie was attractive. She wore a denim dress and high heels. Her dark hair, green eyes, and pale skin and freckles gave her an authentic look. Chase wondered what her percentage might be.
“Not a problem Chase, we’ll get you taken care of right away” Julie began to run the most updated version of their algorithm, the HAC 4.0.
Within seconds the results were up on the screen.
“All right Chase, lets see here okay, the results are up on the screen. It looks like you are in the 73% for the 2029 year.”
“I’m sorry can you please run the numbers again, that is my percentage from last year”
“Hmmm, let me see. You are Chase McLeary right?
She continued.
“Did you get a chance to read our updated terms with the HAC 4.0, you should have received notice for it in the mail?”
Thinking back, Chase had received a large amount of mail over the last year. He moved home to help take care of his Mom. In retrospect, there was a chance Chase may have accidentally threw it away with a pile of credit card solicitation’s.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get a chance to read it”
“Okay, well I can understand then why you are concerned then about your score. Our analysts have included more data and factors regarding you personal records, families records, credit card statements, spending habits, economic trends, and even your health records to give a proper diagnosis of your value. You know who we have doing these calculations right?
Chase nodded his head. He knew who it was the same people who predicted sports gambling in Vegas, they anticipated their results to be 98% accurate.
“Yeah its supposed to be very accurate. It just doesn’t make sense, if you saw the year I just had, you would be surprised by these results too.”
Reaching her arm across the desk, Julie took his hand, and locked in on his eyes.
“I understand this is tough. We see it all the time, and it's not always fair, but what we can do for you is help you better understand why you’re so lowly rated.”
Pulling his hands away, Chase felt the pitch coming and so prepared himself.
“How much is this going to cost?”
Not missing a beat, Julie responded
“I can get you a high level overview at a discounted rate for $500 today, and we can send you an updated version 6 months from now. If you want the full year, we can do it for $850 and of course there is tax.” Julie offered a friendly smile, reading his reaction.
Chase felt uncertain. In his heart, he wanted to leave the HAC and never come back. Another year of social inadequacy sounded unbearable. He calculated before today how much he would make in this next year with his trajectory which was more than $120,000.
“Lets just take the picture, and get this over with.”
Standing up, Chase walked over to where the camera was. He thought about Stephen Oleander and what his HAC experience might be like. He imagined him in the same seat as he was in the waiting room, and the type of interactions he may have had. Maybe Gloria would have preferred to talk to Stephen.
“Before taking your picture Chase, I want to run one more thing by you.”
Julie had trotted around the desk and was now literally in front of him. Her heels were 4 inches high which made her Chase’s height of 6”0. She had one final shot to reel Chase back in and so taking his hands in hers she began with a prayer.
“Dear lord, we don’t know why these things happen but they do and we must accept….”
Julie’s eyes were closed and Chase didn’t really know what to do. He hadn’t been to church in over 20 years, though majority of the community practiced regularly. Instead he tried not to focus on how sweaty his hands might feel to Julie.
After about one minute, she opened her eyes and gave Chase a hug.
“Hey, I know the new algorithm is brutal, but I think I have just the thing to help you increase your score for next year. It sounds like you might be interested to see your expected value appreciation over the next 10 years given your hard work this last year. Is that right?
“My expected appreciation?”
She was not scooting back around to her desk.
“Based on market trends and your performance in the office, the HAC 4.0 considers your current path and where it might lead.”
“That actually sounds pretty cool. How much would that cost?
“Well, if you just wanted to do a single analysis for today, we can do one payment of $275, and you’ll have everything you need in the short term.”
Chase thought it over quickly. What he couldn’t get over were the giggles and laughs he had heard in the waiting room while he genuinely tried to connect with others.
"Okay run it”
“Okay, great!” After pressing a few buttons, Chase heard a ding on his phone for the charge.
“So Chase, you grossed over $85,000 last year, and have a current net worth of roughly $16,987 in savings, which is good. Hmmm it says however that you have over $60,000 owed back in student loans. So basically, your head really isn’t above water yet.
Taken back, Chase became furious. He had paid off his student loans. The ones they were referencing tied to his little sisters college tuition. He heard these words, which felt immoral. He was being judged for helping his sister now?
He didn’t know what to say or feel, because he knew couldn’t hold this against his sister or that because his Mom had gotten stomach cancer and had to quite working to start chemotherapy.
“So that mostly explains why your percentage didn’t go up. Does that make sense?”
“It does.”
Checking the time on the clock, Julie noticed they were approaching the 30 minute mark and she was satisfied that she had closed her deal.
“So Chase, we’ll just slide through the rest of this information and get you on your way”
Chase listened as Julie gave him the numbers which said the following:
In the next 10 years, he could at best be in the top 83% or below. These were all factored by his decisions, but considered heavily that his productivity in the specific market he worked in.
Even worse was his medical prognosis, which told him his life expectancy, 84 years old. In addition, based on his families medical records, Chase had a pre genetic disposition that within the next 5 years, his likelihood to begin balding was 20% dependent on stress levels, and that within 10 years he was 43% likely to be completely bald.”
“Thanks to his mother’s side," there was a good chance he would get diabetes between 35-50 years old depending on his diet and exercise. Also, because of his father’s history of heart problems, specifically of atrial fibrillation, the HAC recommended he look into natural and pharmaceutical enhancements he approached 40.
By the time Chase was propped in front of the camera, he looked as if he had been taken through the ringer. A nightmare of information which was now forever imbedded in his mind. The supposed truth of the future, all derived from an algorithm considered to be 98% accurate. It was an algorithm created by the same people who “used to” predict the results of sports gambling.
If Chase was a gambler, he would safe to put money down that by 45 years old, he’d be a bald middle class diabetic, one twinkie away from a heart attack.
The room was set at 68 degrees, though Chase had burned up to over one hundred. Sweat was beginning to build up around his forehead, and he was breathing irregularly. Small droplets of hair gel were making their way down his forehead into his eyes causing him to cry.
“Are you okay Chase?”
“Yes, its just... I did so much this last year, and I…”
“Here take a Kleenex” Julie responded cutting him off. The clock read 2:04pm, which was 4 minutes longer than Julie liked for a deal size less than $500.
“So how can I get into the top 83%?” responded Chase wiping his face.
“Just use the metrics in that overview, and work on the area’s that need fixing, okay? Thank you so much for coming”
Part 4 - An Unexpected Turn
Walking out of the HAC, Chase considered what the next step might be. He had a busy day at the office ahead of him, however in his depleted state, he considered just going home.
Taking a seat in the pick up area, he held his hands together and looked out to the clouds as they formed and separated in the sky. A light breeze from the North came through, which felt good on his forehead. Untucking his white dress shirt, he took off his jacket, and folded it across his lap which felt much better.
Pulling out his phone, he check out his new updated picture. His formerly groomed haircut was untamed, taking its natural curls. There were stains on the shoulders of his jacket from the expensive hair gel her purchased. Worst of all were his eyes, which looked lifeless and sucked in, like 2 marbles that had been left out in the sun for too long.
“Time to set some new goals” Chase thought, and so he began highlighting all of the area’s the HAC had pointed out. The thought of another of social isolated came to him again, and he wondered how his life could be so hard?
Then, as if on cue, Gloria Dominguez walked out of the HAC. She was now dressed in workout clothes, and seemed to have a heightened amount of energy. In truth, her HAC Profile had just increased 2% into 80% thanks to her husband. Chase didn’t know this, and couldn���t because they hadn’t spoken and he couldn’t access her profile.
With her headphones in, Gloria bopped around the ride share area as if ready to run out of a tunnel into a football stadium. Chase watched, intrigued by her physic, and confidence.
Pulling out his phone, he decided to do something out of character and snapped another picture of Gloria, and this time, with his headphones in. The same button appeared from last time. “Pay here to access more information.”
Chase clicked the button and within seconds he received a call from the HAC representative.
“Hello this is Mike with the HAC, am I talking to Mr. McLeary?”
“Yes, um yes hi”
“Great. How are you doing today?”
“Doing well.”
“Thats great to hear. I see you were inquiring for Ms. Gloria Dominguez. Is that correct?”
“Yes, I’d like to see what it would cost for more information.”
Mike was located in Boulder Colorado at a call center that strictly took inbounds like this. When he wasn’t at work, he spent his time snowboarding or mountain biking depending on the season. His goal was to eventually become an appraiser, so customer service was a step in the right direction for him.
“Certainly, and before we get into price… Was this for personal, professional, or emergency reasons”
“Um, Personal reasons I guess.”
“Oh alrighty then, well I am obligated to ask. Do you know or have any relations with Ms. Gloria Dominguez?”
“No, not really”
“Got it, well thats not a problem Chase, we can certainly share some more information with you, though it will be at an increased rate due to your non existent relationship with her, okay?”
Picking up his head, Chase saw that Gloria was still bopping around to her music. Shaking her hips left to right as if ready to hit the dance floor, Chase felt like such a creep. Behind her were a few older men sitting and staring.
“Oh, I'm sorry how much will that cost”
“Well considering your percentage of 73%, and hers of 80% let me run the numbers in our database.”
“Alright sir, thank you for your patience. Access to Ms. Gloria Dominguez’s personal profile is going to run you $200 for 1 hour, and since you’ve made a purchase with us today, we will also give you access to one phone call and an additional email sent through the HAC. How does that sound?”
“Oh, I’m sorry thats a bit high for me. Thank you though."
“Chase, Chase Chase, before you go”
Mike deepened his voice, and again Chase knew he was being pitched.
“Let me level with you before you go."
“Lets say you did take Gloria out on a date, how much would you expect to pay for the night.?
"I don't know maybe $100 or a little more depending on how it went."
“Exactly dude. I see girls ALL THE TIME, and they love to see when guys are willing to pay for this type of stuff. It makes them feel valuable, kind of a new age romantic gesture. Its damn near 2030, this is how we’ve got to do it these days. You know what I’m saying?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t.
“Alright, so the best I can do is a text message for $50 dollars, 20 words whatever you want.”
Chase closed his phone, and took a deep breath. The clouds overhead were now blocking the sun. And he decided that it would probably be better for him to go to work, rather than feel sorry for himself. He agreed that this year he would focus on making more money and fixing all of his problems. One day he would be in the 83%, and maybe happy eventually. In his phone he began typing out his goals for the year, when he received a tap on the shoulder.
“Hello, I just wanted to apologize again for what happened earlier.”
It was the woman who had bummed into him earlier in the waiting room. Chase noticed now that she had very kind eyes and friendly smile.
“Thats okay, I don’t think I had much of a chance anyway.”
Chase said this and laughed though inside he felt uncomfortable.
Taking a seat next to him on the bench she continued.
“Oh yes, that girl over there is very pretty. Is that who you wanted to talk to?”
Chase looked and saw Gloria now bent over touching her toes showing her full figure to the masses.
“Yup, thats her.” Chase said embarrassingly.
“My late husband was a lot like that girl, in certain ways.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear of his passing.”
“Thank you, its quite all right though. He carried a lot of demons with him in his final days, I wish he were happier towards the end of it all.”
Chase was unsure how to move forward in the conversation. Most people preferred to stray away from people they didn’t know. Why was this woman opening up to him about her personal life? Strange he thought to himself, this woman must be really down in the dumps willing to talk to someone like me. Still her eyes seemed genuine, so Chase continued the conversation.
“I’m sorry, when did he pass away?”
“This last year, a week or two after new years. He had a heart attack.”
“How long were you two married? Almost 23 years, he was 52.
The wind blew again, and Chase sat there still. Contemplating what was appropriate or inappropriate to ask, then She broke the silence in a laugh.
“You sort of remind me of him. I heard your comment earlier about the woman with the all the jewelry, I swear some people go through such inconveniences in life.”
“Oh yeah” Chase smiled to himself.
“That may have been inappropriate” Chase said out loud.
“Oh it's all right. She has her own story which she tells herself and thats her deal. Still, it’s not right to treat people so poorly”
“Yeah.” Chase took a deep breath, and continued “But thats the point of the HAC, and having our appraisal’s, to keep everyone safe and understand what we contribute or bring to society?”
She didn’t answer at first, and then continued.
“I think it is up to you to decide what you contribute to society. Like that woman Gloria, her husband of one year is twice her age and worth quite a bit, though I don’t believe the business he is in actually contributes positively to society.”
Chase wondered how this woman knew all of that information. She must be at least in the 80% or higher to have accessed Gloria’s profile, and to access even her husbands was privileged for the highest classes. Why wasn’t she at least dressed the part?
“My husband began working for a company, after we had our daughter. I didn’t know much about it, except that it brought us a lot of wealth. What happened in our relationship was an increasing distrust of each other. After the police showed up to our house a few days before Christmas, we found out that we would lose everything.”
Chase knew in that moment, exactly who she was. The newspapers had covered the story for almost 6 months, because it was such a scandal within the Minnetonka community. Engaged, he let her finish the story.
“My Henry had started lying to me for many years, and because of it I lost nearly everything except my Laura. When Henry passed, all the material items were taken away. The house, the cars, the jewelry, and savings all given back to the government. So yes, I’ve seen what can happen when we use the value of things to determine the worth of our lives. It can poison the mind and make you forget that other people have feelings to.”
Chase sat there, and digested everything she just said, and let these words settle.
“The question you might want to ask is: what is the most important thing in your life, if you lost everything today?”
“Are you, Henry Goldman’s wife.” Chase asked.
“Yes, I was once. My name is Sasha.”
The two of them shook hands, and for the first time that day Chase felt a little lighter than he had before. The calm breeze picked up again, giving him the chills.
“Mom, well that was fun. They clocked me in at 75%.”
Turning around, a girl a few years younger than Chase stood with her arms folded. Chewing a fresh stick of gum, she had her hair in pig tails and had the same friendly blue eyes as Sasha. Dressed in jeans, sandals, and a white Woodstock t shirt, she waited for her mothers inevitable introduction. She reminded Chase of Kate Hudson from the classic movie Almost Famous.
“Chase, this is my daughter Laura.”
“How do you do Chase?”
“Not bad, just got told my whole life story. And you?”
“Meh, I don’t pay attention to the statistics, I prefer to think of myself as the sole author of my own story.”
Laughing at this, Sasha invited Chase over for lunch. He only had to call in his work to explain he would be taking a personal day. The three of them entered the autonomous driving car, and left for Sasha and Sophia’s house for a cup of coffee.
submitted by /u/TheShortStories [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2VcJAqn
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ewebresults · 5 years
What are the key objectives and benefits of SaaS marketing plans?
This article was written by guest contributor Anubhuti Shrivastava of Arkenea.
Comprehensive marketing strategies have become integral for entrepreneurs in order to attain steady business growth and exposure. Well, the tech-driven landscape has given a plethora of opportunities and platforms to marketers for executing seamless marketing campaigns and initiatives.
It’s easy to market a tangible product, but what about promoting services without any physical presence? Yes, you guessed it right – we are talking about SaaS company marketing strategies.
Nowadays, SaaS enterprises have come into the mainstream. Here are just a few well-known subscription-based models:
Marketing “invisible” products can be extremely daunting, but it’s not impossible. Below, we list a few tips which SaaS marketers can use to optimize their marketing plans in order to reach and convert maximum customers.
What Is SaaS Marketing?
Before diving deep, let’s look at the basics.
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a business model where companies provide users with the ability to connect with cloud apps or other software products and platforms over the internet through licensing or subscription.
Here, the SaaS vendor is completely responsible for maintaining the product which is opposite to marketing on-premise software solutions where it’s a customer’s duty to look after the product once it’s purchased.
SaaS is a business model where companies allow users to connect with cloud apps or other software products and platforms over the internet through licensing or subscription.
How is SaaS Marketing  Different From Other Marketing?
It’s clear that SaaS marketing is all about promoting SaaS products, which are intangible.
This form of marketing is unique because marketing pros can’t keep on highlighting the new functionality and features of the products. Instead, they need to pay attention to the way in which their SaaS product will solve users’ pain points.
Moreover, SaaS marketers must have a complete understanding of their USP (unique selling proposition).
Also, they need to educate and keep their prospects well-informed on the specific features of the products and how they are better than similar alternatives available on the market.
SaaS vendors can’t afford to acquire new customers every time; hence, it’s integral for them to retain their existing client base.
SaaS focuses on marketing intangible products and services.
The SaaS Customer Lifecycle
According to Cobloom, the SaaS customer lifecycle can be divided into nine stages.
Let’s have a look at the SaaS growth funnel:
Source: Cobloom
Marketing experts can optimize each of these funnel stages and grab more quality leads which can be nurtured with a CRM for SaaS businesses.
Such a tool can streamline the customer relationship management for your SaaS venture and allows you to keep track of leads and manage communication for converting more customers into permanent subscribers.
What Are the Key Objectives of a SaaS Marketing Plan?
What are the Benefits of Having a Comprehensive SaaS Marketing Strategy?
A comprehensive SaaS marketing strategy is driven by a few crucial objectives which have to be accomplished. Let’s see the three major ones:
1. Seamless Customer Management & Communication
Foster Long-Term Relationships
Developing a healthy relationship with existing customers is one of the primary goals of a SaaS marketing plan. SaaS marketers must focus on satisfying their customers on a regular basis so that they never think of leaving their platform. Their ultimate goal is to keep clients happy and serving them for the longest duration.
“Software-as-a-Service is about Service (not Product)” – Chuck DeVita (President – Growth Process Group & SaaS Sales & Marketing Thought Leader)
2. Building Brand Awareness to Stay Ahead of the Curve in the Contemporary Competitive Landscape
SaaS marketing professionals must put sincere efforts into building brand awareness, as the USP can only make their business dominate others in the marketplace. They should leverage multiple channels to build awareness for their brands.
According to a report by Drift published on Marketing Charts compiled the top 10 tools leveraged by leading SaaS businesses. In this list, Marketo, an automation software for building brand awareness through better engagement, is at number three. Let’s look at these top tools:
Source: MarketingCharts
You can either purchase a ready-made suite for building your tech marketing stack or hire software developers to custom create a tailored one which suits your specific business requirements. Read this detailed guide on how to hire software developers if you don’t have that experience already.
Experienced programmers can easily build a tech-driven marketing platform seamlessly integrated with other systems which can help you in building brand awareness for your SaaS business.
3. Lead Generation to Build a Robust Sales Pipeline
Better Conversions
Better Customer Retention
Leads being the backbone to a SaaS business, the marketers have to design and develop multiple demand generation tactics to identify the sales-ready buyers and eliminate the doubtful researchers.
They have to think beyond offering free trials and focus on creating premium content, hosting webinars, begin guest posting, etc. for grabbing quality leads. Also, they should concentrate on developing a high-converting landing page integrated with strong CTAs which can easily attract potential customers.
In addition, SaaS marketers should also offer users with informational ebooks and live chat support which will encourage the already excited leads to interact with you. You can look after these quality leads with one of the top CRM tools and build a sales pipeline for your SaaS business which is brimming with leads ready to get converted and take a permanent subscription.
How Content Marketing Can Fix All This
Seamless content marketing can be your ultimate weapon to build brand awareness and generate demand for your SaaS venture.
According to Medium, the 2016 State of Inbound report given by HubSpot revealed that content optimization is the third priority for SaaS companies. Let’s look at the image below to get a better idea:
Source: http://bit.ly/2Wvrv5F
SaaS marketing pros can harness the power of data and identify different segments to create multiple sets of targeted audiences based on their locations, behavior, preferences, buying habits, and more.
All these customers can be reached individually by providing them with relevant, personalized content in accordance with their specific needs. Optimized content can motivate these customers to consider your plan and subscribe to the model immediately.
Having a well-designed SaaS marketing plan can be extremely helpful in getting more subscribers to your products, but remember to determine your specific business requirements and the market scenario before creating a marketing strategy for your SaaS business, as it can either make or break the customers’ experience.
What are the key objectives and benefits of SaaS marketing plans? | eWebResults – Houston, TX
The post What are the key objectives and benefits of SaaS marketing plans? appeared first on eWebResults | Internet Marketing Houston SEO Company.
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mrcoreymonroe · 6 years
Veteran Pilot Identifies Similarities In Younger Pilot
At the Barnstormer’s Grill in Williamson, Georgia, I sat in a booth next to myself at age 20. Okay, so he was redheaded and thin, but the parts that really mattered were all but identical. Similar socioeconomic upbringing, same struggle to continue higher education, same desire to fly airplanes for a living.
And friends, this young man could fly the stuffing out of an airplane.
Our paths crossed by way of mutual friend Kelly Leggette. Kelly, my friend, mentor and the benefactor who wrote a blank check noted “pay me back when you can” so I could finish the ratings to become a professional pilot back when I often searched my Toyota’s cupholder for gas money. Kelly owns two of the Zlin 526s that were part of the airshow team I grew up helping with, and every once in a while, we get together for a day of flying. Kelly’s a retired Air Force pilot who’ll leap at any chance for some formation work in the Zlins. For the better part of two decades, he’s kept me on his insurance for just this reason.
“Hope you don’t mind that I invited Nathan to come along today,” Kelly said.
I’d have been disappointed had he not.
As we had prepped for our $100 hamburger sortie, I strapped into the two-seat Zlin for a quick hop around the patch to polish a little on my tarnished tailwheel skills. This is the airplane my airshow team’s leader, Chris Smisson, had opened numerous airshows with, a red, white and blue airplane trailing matching colored smoke, flying to patriotic tunes, and taxiing in under a ruffling American flag; a somewhat conflicted performance given the airplane began life on the other side of the Iron Curtain.
The staccato snarl of its inverted-inline six-cylinder mill starting up puts a little tear in my eye every time I release the starter button. If anyone asks, I’ll swear up and down it’s the smoke, not the nostalgia. Once the engine temperatures came up, I pushed the canopy closed, drove the throttle forward, and clawed into the air for a couple circuits to make myself legal. Sometimes years fill the gaps between our dances together, but she’s always a familiar partner as soon as the music starts playing. With three patterns and about five landings under my belt, I joined Kelly and Nathan in the workshop where Kelly briefed up our flight. I’d be leading the formation, and he ran through all the procedures and techniques that once were second nature. We hashed out how the Atlanta Class B airspace had changed since I used to romp around beneath it, figured out our route of flight, brushed up on emergency procedures, frequencies and our plan for the traffic pattern once we got to Williamson.
“Let Nathan fly a little,” Kelly said. “Just point to the back of his head so I know I’m on his wing, and I’ll fan out a few feet.”
We fired up, taxied out, took off with a few seconds’ in-trail spacing, and formed up over the tree farm that’d been the setting for so many shenanigans back when we had an aerobatic box here. Nathan, in the front pit, armed with an iPad, called out a heading for me. I pointed our nose in the general direction, and he kept feeding me with corrections. “Hey, you’ve got a stick up there. You know where you’re going. Hold this altitude (the front altimeter is in meters) and take us there. You’ve got the controls,” I said with a small wiggle on the stick.
He locked onto the heading, held the altitude and beelined for our first checkpoint. With my copper-headed autopilot on the task, I put my feet on the floor, looked a few yards across to Kelly, and dramatically pointed at the back of Nathan’s head. Then I tucked both hands behind my head, and gazed around for traffic, slowly baking in a Plexiglas greenhouse beneath the hot August sun and making a big show of looking like I wasn’t doing a thing.
Then it dawned on me. I was exactly where some of my mentors had been, watching me grow as an aviator 20 years prior. “You’re doing great,” I offered, remembering the effusing praises heaped on my developing skills that’d helped bolster confidence in the young me. The kind words given me in spite of knowing that, back then, I was way out of my league, breathing rich air while living on lean-of-peak finances.
My sentimental reverie was interrupted when Nathan announced, “Hey, there’s the airport.” I had him lay off to the right, setting us up for an overhead pattern, and I took the controls as I waved Kelly to tuck it in tight for the break. I pitched out to downwind, then repeated the words Smisson had whispered into the intercom for me all those years ago, two-thirds ground, one-third sky, keep the turn coming as I banked around to final. With several kilometers of speed to spare, I wheeled it on and rolled long up the hill with some added power, giving plenty of margin for Kelly, who was floating down final behind us. He was invisible in my blind spot but clear in his position since we’d briefed it up. One man’s runway incursion is another’s formation arrival.
As we walked to the grill, I turned and shook Nathan’s hand, another habit I learned at his age. A handshake and the words “you’ve got good hands” were the crowning compliment of my early days as a pilot, and being on the giving end of a similar exchange was an out-of-body experience.
Seated around the table, Kelly and I shared a few stories from our day jobs flying heavy metal, and I floated a couple ideas for Nathan as he’s on the brink of his private check ride with concerns of cash flow, continuing college and chasing the dream of flight. The bar is even higher for him than it’d been for me: New hires in my regional airline class had sported fresh commercial tickets with less than 300 hours’ experience; now he’s tasked with reaching ATP minimums to do the same job. The flight school where he pumps gas presently seems to be welcoming him with open arms and hopefully will fast-track him to CFI status so he can build some time. Not having instructed was one of my biggest challenges in transitioning to the multi-crew environment: I’d sung songs and talked to the airplanes I’d flown but had rarely had to communicate to keep anyone else in the plane on the same page, operationally. Having to spend a year or so instructing will be great in helping him avoid the stumbles I encountered.
As we dragged our fries through the ketchup while plotting and scheming, it dawned on me: This was as close to writing a letter to my younger self—that trite and clichéd creative writing prompt—that I’d ever encounter. Don’t get preachy, I reminded myself.
For the flight back, I swapped to the single-seat bird, a Zlin 526 AFS. Clipped wings, dual ailerons on each wing, and a few refinements make this bird even more of a hoot to fly. We’d wanted to work in some formation practice on the flight back, some pitch-outs and rejoins for me to continue with the refresher, but the single seat’s fuel capacity is measured in drips, not gallons. Halfway home, Kelly called for a fuel check. I slid out a few extra yards and glanced to the fuel gauges in the wing roots. There was a lot more black than red showing. “Lead is showing 50 liters,” he said. “Two has 30,” I replied. “Let’s head home for some go-juice.” The Czechs built magnificent flying machines, but they designed them so that defecting was mighty difficult. I had about 15 minutes remaining on top of the VFR reserve fuel requirements and home was just about that far away. We landed and fueled up. I’d have to fire up to taxi back to its stable anyhow, so I went around the patch right quick for one last dance, quick and dirty. A quick run west got me out from beneath Atlanta’s airspace restrictions, and I held the stick against the left aileron’s stop for a quick roll, my phone’s camera button held for a burst of selfies, reminders that this stuff is fun, for the next rough day at the office.
On my return, I misjudged the flare, flew the mains right into the grass and ricocheted for two more bounces before a properly timed burst of power set her down to stay. As Nathan walked over to help me push her under cover, he smiled a knowing smile, having watched the big show, and offered these few words. “Most of those three landings weren’t half bad.” I chuckled at the good-natured brotherly ribbing.
Stay with it, kid. Don’t give up.
I mean every word of it.
The post Veteran Pilot Identifies Similarities In Younger Pilot appeared first on Plane & Pilot Magazine.
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