#edward teach is neurodivergent thank you for coming to my ted talk
queerly-autistic · 7 months
Stede sees that Ed's automatic reaction to upsetting situations is to hide under a blanket - that that's where he goes to try and feel safe when he's feeling vulnerable - and slowly but surely begins to amass a collection of different blankets in their bedroom. Different sizes, different weights, different colours, different thicknesses, different fabrics, different textures - all folded neatly under their bed, to make sure Ed has exactly what he needs to feel safe on any given day and in response to any given situation/emotion.
He also notes that Ed likes the pressure of being cuddled whilst wrapped in the blanket, that that makes him feel especially safe and secure, but it becomes tricky on those days when Ed just wants to be left alone (especially if the upset in question is some sort of argument between them). So, Stede writes to Wee John, and they put their heads together to find a solution, and that's how they invent ye olde weighted blanket.
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