pinkeebwui · 1 year
Every time I reread the Queen’s Thief series it makes me want to eat the walls like a fucking termite
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pinkeebwui · 1 year
Nimona brain rot re-opened 🥹👍🏻
It’s honestly amazing and fantastic to see how far this story has come. I remember reading it way back as a web comic, I remember being super excited when it came out in my library and I got to hold the book in my hands. I’m so! excited! it’s gotten this fantastic adaptation, cause Nimona so deserves it.
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pinkeebwui · 3 months
Lychee drinks are IN. Pocari is IN. Drinks with salt in them are IN.
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pinkeebwui · 7 months
started watching anime again, but only romance and sports because they don’t use insane vocabulary i can’t begin to guess at 😂
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pinkeebwui · 2 months
Tagged by @figthefruitfaeth heeheehoohoo
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)
I’m still working on the same project as last time but I had to work for real job stuff over the weekend so the last line is presently like. Kinda nebulous (the section it under construction). So, for now, this:
Be careful.
Theodoros curls his palm around the words once Aster is done. It feels comfortably like a promise, though it does not entirely loosen the guilt. He squeezes Theodoros’ hand once before letting him go and rising slowly to his feet.
Tagging: @merrygentlemen @star-studded-whales @averageicewitch and whoever else might like to do this
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pinkeebwui · 4 months
I wouldn’t say I’m particularly scared of spiders especially but Man, there is Nothing to jump scare a bitch like turning one’s eyes onto a huntsman spider at head height in the dark
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pinkeebwui · 5 months
Babel has me gnawing at the walls
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pinkeebwui · 2 months
Tagged by @lazydaisyhuntlow
Last line challenge: post the last line you wrote
Finding a place where a wanted man assumed dead and a man seen as a monster can live feels farther from reach in the light of day than it did in vague dreams beneath the earth.
What a line to get without the other like 26k words of context www. It’s liable to disappear or move around, though, because I got myself stuck which means the problem is likely in this section or the one before it and something needs some reworking.
Tagging @figthefruitfaeth and whoever else might like to participate. Braincell is empty rn
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pinkeebwui · 3 months
Confirmed I cannot do cozy little no stakes Romance™️ books, not even when they are almost unbearably queer. Sorry girlies, I like more batshit stakes in my media of debatable quality.
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pinkeebwui · 3 months
Reading a new danmei is like well we’re only 300 pages into this novel with over half remaining but our MC has obviously been double crossed and doesn’t get it and he’s also in prison now so how are we getting out of this one
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pinkeebwui · 6 months
Last three lines
Tagged by my beloved @figthefruitfaeth
rules: post the last three lines you've written and if has been over a week, write something new in a wip
Ngl I have noooootttt been writing very much lately. Just got out of slowly descending into madness deskwarming for the day but here’s some shit I wrote yesterday.
He lets out a quiet, mirthful hum. “It is. Not the same earring, though.” He reaches up to trace the arc of the hoop with his forefinger, stabilizing it against his thumb.
Tagging my stinky little goblins @averageicewitch @star-studded-whales
No pressure and other mutuals etc can join if you like
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pinkeebwui · 4 months
Caught up w the dungeon meshi anime and Chilchuck is so fucking funny
“おっ、やったなー。心の中にしまっとけ!” Lmfao??
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pinkeebwui · 5 months
Btw for those of you who don’t partake. I’m heavily back on my aftg bs. 🫡
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pinkeebwui · 6 months
greco bnb for the writing prompt my liege!
On it, boss!!
This one is funny because one might think, idk, mama Mia potentially? But actually the similarity ends at Greece adjacent(?) because this one’s about mythology, boys. Specifically that cow headed bitch because I think just he’s neat! I’ve thought so for a bit but I saw a joke a coupole months ago in like December or January and it hit at the exact right time while I was deskwarming to get me in words mode. It wasn’t even serious, just activated the sleeper mythology braincell lol.
Here are the 1st paragraphs from the monster and the damned, so to speak.
Aster did not always live beneath the earth. Long before he was confined to the closeness of dark like night, before the boundaries of his world became stone ceilings and floors and walls, before the air grudgingly filling them had to filter so far down hidden shafts that it no longer smells of anything but dust and more stone, before that, he knew the taste of life. Though it is distant now, he remembers the warmth of the white hot sun on his skin, the kiss of salt-breezes drying his sweat, the tickling of grass against his skin and the song of birds and bugs in his ears. He remembers the forgiving softness of soil, real soil, not accumulated, dead sand, beneath his feet, smeared rich-dark on his skin when he played or walked barefoot or dug in the garden at his mother’s side. He remembers the touch of his mother, whose face is now distant in his mind, as tender, warm; hands that never hurt him, not even in scolding. Gentleness is more distant now than her face, more distant than the breezes, the sunlight, the sky that surely must still stretch above the earth that hangs over his head in its stead.
Theodoros was not born the eldest son. Before him was his brother, Heliodoros, five years older and as bold and bright as his name. Though he was confident, comfortably carrying the title of their father’s heir, he was not insufferable like some of their cousins; he was kind to his siblings and tender with his mother, boisterous as he was close to his friends. He had burned bright and constant right up to the moment he was thrown from a horse at twenty and snapped his neck, snuffed in an instant like a candle flame. His loss left something gaping and cold in their family, and their father turned into a more brittle, harsh version of himself, like a swift come winter.
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pinkeebwui · 6 months
for the WIP game: leeches! :o
Leeches! One of my a for affort wip titles www.
I came up with this one on the bus when I was bored out of my skull back in 2022 and then wrote like 5 chapters. I’m not working on it consistently per se but I picked it back up recently to scratch around in it hehe. I just think he’s neat and having a terrible unhinged time.
Basically, our mc Ronan, a very not cis selkie, is living his best life, flirting with and fucking the girls in the nearest village if he’s not helping his grandda with the fish market or such, when he gets kidnapped by noble mainlanders. They are in an annoying spot politically and their son needs an heir, and they’ve heard some talk, so they kidnapped a selkie for a bride rather than idk any normal option. Now Ronan is stuck with the worst in laws known on his earth and a man so spineless he may as well be a jellyfish. Don’t know where it’s going but Ronan is dear to me bc I think he’s neat!
Anyway, a taste.
“You should have stayed on the damned bridge to wait.” Ronan hisses it, holding his head as far above the water as he’s capable while ferrying Tiernan’s added burden. A hint of color tinges Tiernan’s pale skin. He opens his mouth to speak, closes it to avoid getting a mouthful of moat water, and determinedly opens it again after a moment.
“How could I, when they were all questioning my sanity and duty as a husband?” Tiernan spits the words like they actually mean anything, and Ronan loosens his grip enough to let him splutter a little. To be goaded into something so foolish for the sake of an image of himself. Ronan’s relatively certain even Una will be displeased with the decision. He resists the urge to glare upward and instead moves Tiernan toward the wall of the moat.
“Any fool would know it’s better to wait when you’re more trouble wet than dry.” Ronan reels Tiernan closer and puts his mouth near Tiernan’s ear. “I’ve swum since my mam was still nursing me and you swim like shark bait. They probably wanted us both to drown, and you were fool enough to indulge their fantasy. Now we’re both stuck here until somebody fetches us. You should count yourself lucky I fell in first.” Ronan bites back from saying he wouldn’t have followed Tiernan, if only barely.
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pinkeebwui · 6 months
WIP Game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by the delight, @lazydaisyhuntlow
Brain’s been evil but here’s the list:
Greco bnb
Brain bits
Tagging @averageicewitch @star-studded-whales @willthewhompingwillow @figthefruitfaeth and whomever else might like to do this one
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