#eeee excited to see what y’all think!!
septnautical · 1 month
"I heard you shout. Nightmares again?"
I think this could fit schneep and Marvin?
(Used this as an opportunity for a big reveal of some new stuff for Marvin! Happy Mermay!!)
Another night- another horrible nightmare plagues Marvin’s mind. They always feel so real…
This one is… different though. He’s staring at… a version of himself. Himself stuck in his warper state- those bright pink alien eyes staring straight through him. He watches his other self get stiffer- become more robotic- and he feels himself following after. He panics- wanting to fight the sensation but his body is locking up. The warper him just barely tilts his head towards Marvin before speaking.
“Why are you denying what we are?”
“W-What?!” Marvin stammers in fear.
There’s no emotion on the other him’s face, “We are not like the other hybrids. We are not organic, we are not human. We are machines, made to serve a purpose. Why do you keep denying what we are?”
“Because I’m more than that!” Marvin shouts back, “Warpers may be machines but I… I'm me! I’m Marvin!”
“Your feeble attempts to cling to your humanity are making you weak,” The warper him says, “A human mind has so much potential. So much to unlock. You could be more powerful than any warper ever made. Maybe even on par with the architects. Yet you turn away from what you could be. Why?”
It suddenly warps so it and Marvin are face to face, pink eyes meeting teary blue.
“Are you afraid, WH-005?”
And for a moment… the voice sounded just like Zeke’s.
Marvin shoots awake and gasps, pushing himself up in the sand to shakily try to breathe. Fresh water over his gills seems to calm him down as he grips over his heart. His… heart that he can see through his chest- beating and pumping blood. But, he feels so disconnected from it. Like his body was turning into metal. And it scared him to his very core.
He yelps in surprise and fear as he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. Then, he sees a goggled face and relaxes some. It’s just Henrik…
“I heard you shout…” The stalker hybrid says quietly, “More nightmares?”
Marvin is quiet but then slowly nods. His voice cracks a bit as he mumbles, “…t-they just keep getting worse, Hen… I-I…!”
Henrik is quick to wrap up the younger brother in a hug and shushes him gently. “It is only a dream, Marvin… they cannot hurt you.”
The warper mer is quiet in his arms for a few beats, trying to find comfort in his embrace. But the dream still lingered like poison in his mind. He pushes himself out and swims upward. “T-That’s just it, Hen! It’s… it’s not just a dream… I-it’s things I’ve been worried about- worried that I’m… I’m too different f-from…!” He cuts himself off as he bites his lip, trying not to let tears linger in his eyes.
“M-Marvin what are you-?” Schneep tries to say. But Marvin hurriedly swims past him, towards the mouth of the cove.
“I- I need to look for answers…!” Marvin says quickly then warps away before Henrik can even get up to chase after him.
Marvin appears in the lost river and he blinks in confusion. “…why… am I here?” He asks, his voice echoing slightly in the dark cavern. He shudders, holding his arms tight around him. He hates it down here… here is where Zeke-
You want to find answers, right? A thought echoes through his head. And with the thought comes a feeling. Pulling him forward. Like an instinct. A need.
Marvin trembles, his tails juddering in place. But, maybe there were answers here somewhere. He shakes his head and swims after the feeling, going towards the strange alien-like arches that lead to his destination.
Though, whatever this feeling is… it’s not leading him to where Zeke had him. That was a small white suit wreck- a crude Alteran attempt at making warpers themselves… at least from what he can remember. It was all really fuzzy. But now… this is leading him to a really scary looking building. One that it seems even the white suits don’t touch. Probably because it looked like it was destroyed by… something. Something big. And the entire thing was submerged underwater. Which served Marvin just fine.
Still- looking at the strange glowing green structure hidden amongst the darkest parts of the Lost River sent shivers down the warper’s spine. But, he swallowed his fear and swam inside.
Inside was a confusing labyrinth of architecture he had rarely seen. Strangely glowing and… there were so many things locked behind glass structures. Marvin swam into an open room and gasped as he saw fuana specimens tacked onto displays. He felt sick as he saw a rabbit ray… and a huge egg that kinda reminded him of Anti.
He quickly swam out of that place- seeing massive claw marks scratched into the walls and dents of damage. But soon enough he entered a place that felt way too familiar… yet like nothing he had ever seen before.
It was horrifying… an expansive room filled with- warper parts. Several parts just left in construction- an inactive warper discarded and thrown on the floor, leaving that horrid green cage open. Just like the one that Zeke kept him for weeks, back in that wrecked Alterra copy. Clearly it had been a poorer copy of this. This… this is where the original warpers must have been made.
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Seeing this all has Marcin’s heart pounding wildly, his skin raked with goosebumps. Still… this place had to have the answers he was looking for, right? The answer to what he was… was he human? Was he a machine? Was he too different from his brothers? …looking around this place though, he’s not sure this has the answer he wants to hear.
As he swims forward into the lab he tries to look around for something… he’s not exactly sure what. Surely there must be information in here… like a PDA or something?
When suddenly, his tail brushes against some kind of dark cube with glowing green lines- and lights and machines start to glow and whirl around him. Marvin freezes and whips around to look- only for some of those green metal bars and wires to crash into him and hold him in place. Marvin instantly starts to panic and fights against the cage, “no no!! Not again! L-Let me go!!”
He tries to warp but whatever this stuff is made of is suppressing his powers! He feels panicked tears welling up in his eyes and tries to struggle out more, using his claws to try to get out but the cage grabs his arms and pulls them taunt to the side. Ringing is starting up in his ears, he left his mask at the cove! He can’t lose himself here! But he feels his second pair of eyes trying to open, feels his warper instincts trying to claw their way to the surface through his panic.
One of the 4 pronged fabricators creaks loudly across the ancient ceiling as it comes to rest in front of Marvin. A blue light washes across his body, scanning him. Then, a robotic voice garbles out, almost too glitched and corrupted to understand:
‘Warper agent active but incomplete. Processing power not at full capacity.’
“What?! W-What does that mean?? P-Please just let me go! I’m not just a warper I-I’m-!” Marvin sobs. But the machines don’t listen. The fabricator arm zooms around Marvin- then latches onto his neck, inserting sharp tips under his armor.
‘Detecting damage in miniaturized phase chip. Warper agent’s self-repairing technology impaired. Reactiviating-‘
A sharp shock goes through Marvin’s nerves as his back arches and he lets out a strangled gasp of pain. Something in his blood seems to pump faster, feels… different. The… the ringing… is it getting… quieter?
‘Self repairing technology back online.’
Then, the fabricator whirls and then soars over his head, latching attachments against his skull and digging in. He screams bloody murder and tries to thrash against the pain but the cage tightens around him- holding him still.
‘Expanding processing power of Agent’s brain. Please stand by.’
The computerized voice says- now clearer as if talking directly into Marvin’s mind.
Then, there’s nothing but bright blinding pain as something pushes into his skull and electricity fills up Marvin’s whole body. He’s not sure if he’s screaming or not- he feels completely detached from his body. All he can feel is the pain as something is pushed into his mind.
When he next wakes up he’s laying down on his back on one of the tables inside the warper facility. He doesn’t even remember passing out… he groans and holds his head. It’s aching and pounding. But then as he looks out- something in his vision has changed.
He sees- words. Human words. But he can fully read and understand them now. Everywhere he looks he sees things start to get highlighted in blue, like they’re being scanned before information pops up to explain it. Just like a white suit machine. Marvin screams and tries to scramble away but- he can’t escape it! It’s all he can see!
He curls up and holds hands over his eyes, sobbing hysterically in fear. “W-What is this?! W-What’s happening to me?!”
Then, he stiffens slightly and pink blooms in his eyes as words start to fill his mind. It hurts- it hurts and he tries to fight it but there’s just urge to just- repeat the words! Say them outloud- he needs to he’s programmed to-
“Warper agents' brains and central nervous systems been digitally augmented with advanced processing power and remote communications.” Marvin says in a robotic drone, eyes glazing over slightly as the information slips from his lips.
Once he’s done, the pink fades from his eyes and the pressure lightens as he gasps. His limbs begin to tremble again, no longer stiff and robotic. He claps his hands over his mouth and chokes on a sob. That fabricator- it did something to him! Did it make him even more like a warper? More like a machine?!
Marvin rockets off the platform and back out into the rest of the facility- the rest of its freaky secrets blurring around him in his panic. The second he feels like he can warp again he does- crashing into the wall of the cove with a loud thud.
Soon enough Jackie comes into view and tries to help Marvin up, “Marvin?! Marv what’s wrong? Are you okay?!”
The touch is electric, it’s too much- it feels like Marvin’s nerves are on fire! He pushes Jackie away from him and curls up, “D-Don’t touch me!”
Jackie looks hurt, “What? Marvin-!”
More bodies start to swim closer, Marvin can feel Jamie’s tentacles and hear Schneep’s panicking. Another hand tries to touch him and he shoves it off. “Stop please just- stop…!”
“Marvin, I need to see what is wrong…!” Henrik tries to say, “Is your head hurting? Do you need your mask?”
“M-Maybe we should call for Danan?” Chase suggests shakily.
Marvin tries to look out at his brothers- and he gasps as he sees his vision start to scan them. Messages pop up, showing their designations. No no- Marvin didn’t want to see those! He whimpers and the others tense as they see flickers of pink in his eyes.
“Anti, get Marvin’s mask, quickly!” Henrik shouts. The sea dragon hesitates then grabs the mask and hurries over to hand it to Marvin. “Here,” Anti whispers, looking slightly worried.
But all Marvin can see is Anti’s designation- SE-004. And the notes of ‘return to HQ at all costs.’ Marvin chokes on a sob and curls up as much as he can, digging claws into his head as he shouts out, “no no! G-Get- GET AWAY FROM ME!!”
As he shouts this- suddenly, his mask and any lingering tech around the cave start to glow with blue light. Then, they start to float in the water despite their weight. The boys all watch this in awe. Until- the objects all shoot off in different directions, causing even more crashing sounds.
Marvin dares to look up, his eyes glowing blue now instead of pink. The others stare at him with confusion and a bit of fear.
“M-Marvin…” Schneep whispers, “…what did you do?”
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liliansun · 10 months
Sweetie, tell me why I'm getting tsundere vibes from mal and then actual sunshine vibes from sal, like, is that how they are irl bc that's so cute?? I feel like, and we know this already, that mal is gonna be a bit resistant to jaemin, and he's going to have to break through her barriers (is it bc he's like, a player?) and does that then mean that all of renjun's friends are players? And then neowa, god that girl has patience, i love how protective she is of her friends, the literal epitome of gals before pals iykwim. i love her. sal is like the exact opposite of mal from what i noticed, like everyone kinda gets comfort from her, which is sweet, and like another anon said, i think she's gonna fall for jeno too quickly and then hurt herself, esp bc jeno is very quiet w his feelings. I can def see him thinking it's a casual thing and misreading her signals. and then ofc joy and mark are gonna suffer w long distance, which is the WORST. HATE that they all have to get hurt, boys and girls alike, but i think it'll be worth it for all of them. I HOPE you don't give any of them sad endings :( My heart would not survive any of them not ending up together,, if i could just hop on the jenosal skepticism - i would cry if she walked away from him :( YOURE GONNA DELIVER WITH THESE SPINOFFS YOURE SO TALENTED WTF NOT FAIR ILYSM BABYGIRL
me, joy and mal’s reaction to this: (mal wants to know where those cams are babe)
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okay i don’t even know where to start hold on,, okay but you’re not wrong w mal and sal. mal is more of wildcard and sal is a chaotic blow of wind, so soft and random and i love them both sm for the way they are (all of them really, neowa is just as crazy as mal and joy is just as crazy as i am)
and yeah they all kinda have gotten around iykwim but it’s not gonna be talked about them in action just their past actions and ik neowa really gonna have the most patience through this storyline like someone give her a trophy she deserves it at the end of the day and she might get hurt but i can’t say too much bc y’all already know everything 😭 (i can’t keep surprises i get too excited)
I PROMISE you they will have happy endings,, i don’t want any of them sad at the end :( AND THANK YOU BABY EEEE I LOVE YOU SM JESUSSSBHEHDS
pov: sals reaction
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dayas · 3 years
I’m! Getting! So! Excited! About! These! Fics!
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kixa · 3 years
Getting Tattoos/Piercings with HQ boys
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Pairing: Teushima x reader, Tendo x reader, Suna x reader gn!reader
Warnings: Some suggestive stuff but no nsfw, piercings and tattoos, edibles/weed
A/n: I’m so glad this popped in my brain this idea is scrumptious, sorry this took so long
@killkuma @byougen no explanation
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- So my man already has a tongue piercing and he’s in love with it
- Flaunts it and shit wants everybody to know
- I see him more as a piercing dude than tattoos even though he has some
- You have a couple tats but they’re fairly small and not really noticeable
- Teru has been bugging you to get a piercing for the longest (he wants you to get a belly button or a septum he thinks they look sexy asf)
- Once you finally agree he’s geeked asf and literally counts down the days until your appointment
- He decided he was going to get one as well but he wouldn’t tell you where, it was a surprise
- You settled with the belly button
- He waited outside the room because he wanted to be surprised at the outcome
- When you were done you walked out a little hesitant, Teru’s eyes searching for the piercing and then looking to you to pull up your shirt
- You slowly rolled your shirt above your belly button revealing the new jewelry on your stomach
- His eyes widened with glee as his hands reached out for you to pull you closer and get a better look
- He looked up to you and gave the biggest smirk and then he faced back to your piercing and started to lean into it
- “Aht Teru you can’t kiss it it might get infected.” You scolded. He pouted and sighed, “Ok…”
- He opted to give you a quick peck on the lips instead and started to move to the room
- After waiting for a hot minute he returns and once again that smirk had graced his face but he also look a little pained
- Your eyes scanned his body and face for another piercing but you couldn’t find it
- “Where is it?” You questioned and he just chuckled
- You made eye contact with him and you quirked your eyebrow
- He shifted his eyes down then back up, your eyes traveled down to his *ahem* and that’s when it registered
- “Oh…oh my. Teru are you serious?” All he could do was nod his head vigorously like an excited puppy
- “I can’t with you Teru…*sigh* just take care of it otherwise you’ll have a big mf problem,”
- “I know you’ll like it tho-,” he was interrupted by you playfully hitting his chest “ok ok ouch I’m just glad we did this together,” he said as he slipped an arm around your shoulder
- “Me too,” you replied taking his hand in yours
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- You would think Tendo was more of a piercing guy but he gears more towards tattoos
- But he does have gauges
- You guys already have a couple, he has one on his neck, a couple on his hands, and a one that stretches across his forearm
- You have *wherever you want your tattoos to be*
- One day while you guys were cuddling and you were playing with his hands you had an idea
- “Hey tori,” “yeah what’s up?” “Wanna get another tattoo together?” You asked
- “Sure whatcha thinking?” You thought as you traced his taurus tattoo along his finger, “Um… maybe a dragon”
- He paused for a minute then jumped up startling you, “Sounds sickk let’s go” he exclaimed
- You quickly caught on but were confused all the same, y’all are getting the tattoo now? It didn’t really matter you were down anyway
- Basically an impulse tat
- On your way there you were looking at more ideas for the tattoo and talking about it with Tendo, he decided that he would get a medium size one on the back of his shoulder while you were getting one closer to your lower back
- When you got there you were in two different rooms but before y’all split he pulled you close for what you thought was a “good luck kiss” but instead just him in your ear, “You know this is gonna look real good on you right?” He let a cute smirk grace his face he did this every time y’all went to get a tattoo just to gas you up
- You playfully push off of him knowing that this was Tendo being naturally flirty and this wasn’t the time to give in to his corny antics
- “Good luck Tori,” you yelled off to Tendo as you walked away “You too cutie,” he replied
- You rolled your eyes laughing softly to yourself
- For you it took about 3 hours give or take since yours was pretty simple and not that big
- Two hours later Tendo finally came out, he was so excited and had a beaming smile
- He turned around to show you the art that now cover his left back shoulder but it looked a little red puffy plus it had the plastic covering it
- Despite the low visibility of his tat you could still make out a dragon in red ink and that shit looked really cool
- “Whoa…Tori that looks hot,” you said a little awestruck “eeee I know it’s so cool,” you had never seen him this excited
- You turned around to show him yours and you were met with silence, “Does it not look good?” You craned your neck o look at the tattoo and then at Tendo
- “Huh? Oh yeah yeah…y/n yours is really hot too,” he said with a dazed look examining your new body art
- Don’t get him wrong he loves it he’s just never seen something like that on you…it looks really badass
- He jumped up to his normal height after crouching down and hooked arms with you and began walking
- “We should do impulse tattoos more often,” you both said at the same
- He cocked his head to the side, “So we’re copycats now huh?”
- “Boy please,” you dismissed “You know you love me y/n,” he shot back
- “Uh huh,” you replied sarcastically
- So now impulse tattoos are y’all’s thing
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- Suna is a tats and piercing’s guy so he has a fair amount of both
- A snake on his side, skeleton hand atop his hand, one between the collarbone and neck area, and a couple more
- Meanwhile he also has an industrial piercing and snake bites
- The weekend before Suna’s birthday he said what he wanted for his birthday was for y’all to go the shop and get whatever type of body art
- You settled with a tattoo on your wrist and ankle, Suna just went with his septum
- Although Suna is a chill low-key dude he was about as geeked as you were…on the inside though
- …y’all ate ✨brownies✨ before you guys went in, not the best idea
- It was a literal mess like you were giggling up a storm in one room and he was just stone faced staring at the ceiling dazed as hell
- Anyways when you were showing the artist what you wanted your eyes were lighting up like stars and Suna thought that was the cutest thing and he was just gently smiling at you the whole time
- You were a little confused as to why he wasn’t getting anything too extravagant considering it was for his birthday
- “It really doesn’t matter what I get as long as I’m spending time with you,” he answered (please that’s so corny)
- You both split off in to your respective rooms, and of course Suna was done before you because he only had one piercing
- When he looked in the hand mirror he though it looked absolutely sickk 😎
- Guys with septum piercings good god
- He waited for what felt a little like forever, he felt a little bad because he could hear you wincing and sighing in pain a little bit
- I know everyone’s pain tolerance is different but wrist and ankle tend to be the ones that hurt the most
- When you finished before he could talk about your tats you immediately fawned over his new nose ring
- “Omg Suna…this looks so cool, it looks really good on you,” you rambled
- He let a small smile grace his lips, “thank you y/n, let me see yours”
- You about swooned right then and there because of Suna’s smile
- He gently grabbed your wrist being cautious of it’s tenderness and examined the *whatever your tat is*
- After his eyes flicked to your ankle to see the correlating tattoo he was pretty silent then he looked to you
- “These are really cool babe,” Suna commented, he’s a man of not many words but you knew he really liked them
- When you guys left and got into the car he stopped and waited for you guys to get settled then turned to you
- “Um…y/n I know I’m not very expressive when it comes to gratitude or affection but I want you to know that I’m really thankful for you and all you’ve been through with me,” he stated
- You gushed and smiled widely, you leaned in to give him a little peck and he followed suit
- “Oh and remind me to not let us eat any edibles before we come again, because I was really baked and I can tell you were also” he added
- “Omg yes the lady doing my art kept telling me to stop laughing because I was moving my body too much I’m embarrassed now,” you chuckled
- “I’m really hungry now though you wanna grab something?” You questioned
- “Taco truck?” He asked “Taco truck” you answered
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First Date HCs With David Webster
warnings: meh some cursing but nothing major, it’s also very long I’m sorry- but the rest is just fluff, so eeee I hope you all like them! <333
words: 1.6k (ajsajhk i got carried away on these headcanons, i couldn’t help myself)
Taglist: @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi,@noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @gutsandgloryhere​, @hihosilvers, @rayleighshughes, @floydtab, @wexhappyxfew, @sherlollydramoine, @meganthesunflower, @3milesup​, @jamie506101​, @sunflowerchuck​, @softlieb​, @k-websters​, @punkgeekchic​, @speirs-crazy-ass​, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​, @stressedinadress​
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First Date Headcanons with David Webster
So you see, of course our favorite Harvard boy will take you to the fucking aquarium (Cliche and obvious? Yes. But like where else, I mean seriously??)
When you first got together the first thing he promised you was an aquarium date, and well looky here, he fulfilled that promise.
Ok, so y’all pull up to the building and you can see waves of literal euphoria coming out of him. He’s just so adorable and he has a little bit of pep in his step when walking towards the entrance. 
And then every time he walks, his poofy brown hair bounces up and down and the way the suns hits it is *chefs kiss*-
Even before you get to the entrance, your boyfriend is gushing about marine animals. They were short descriptions of a multitude of animals but they were so detailed and captivating, you couldn’t help but listen.
However, his voice was a bit distracting at times and you could find yourself zoning out while he talked. 
A look of awe is plastered on your hand and your hold on his hand tightens ever so slightly.
It’s safe to say that you learned more about ocean animals in those brief moments than you ever could from your years in school.
Y’all bust in the aquarium like the iconic couple you two are (I’m so proud of you) and boy oh boy is David cute as hell.
Here he is-- a grown ass man who went to Harvard and literally served in WW2-- looking like a child discovering a shiny rock. You love it-
David is indecisive as hell and he had no idea where to go. He turns over to look at you with those beautiful eyes of his and you can’t help but smile.
You two pull up those maps of the building and you two plan out the rest of your date. Your fingers trail over the paper, trying to figure out where to go first.
You two make up this intricate schedule and you knowingly look at each other when your eyes find where the shark exhibit was.
But at the beginning of your date Web held your hand as you two viewed various wildlife vibin in the water behind the glass.
You were in heaven when you saw how the water played so beautifully on the your boyfriend’s face. 
David was oblivious to how you stared at him in awe and you were oblivious to whenever he did the same to you.
You named a crab after Johnny and a particularly cute clownfish was named after Babe. You two had a heated discussion on who Winters was. 
(Y’all never settled on anything. Web thought he’d be a red snapper. You personally think he’d either be a blue marlin or a swordfish.)
He called you his angelfish and you hit him on the arm for being so cheesy. After that he said that you were a flame angelfish instead and you could only playfully roll your eyes at him.
Get prepared for literally a shit ton of fish trivia this boy will never shut up and he just wants to gush about it to you, it’s very wholesome and sweet actually.
He knows a lot because he either has a whole 100000 page book about the sea printed on his brain or something or because he has the literal ocean in his eyes.
Look I can’t tell at this point-
The two of you were going to every single exhibit this aquarium had to offer and there was no stopping you.
Sadly that intricate schedule is unceremoniously yeeted out the window because when you head over to the next place you're stopping at you two see something else you like and head there instead.
“(Y/N)! I thought we were seeing the penguins next-”
“But Web, the seals! Look at the seal exhibit!”
You’re gripping his arm and looking at him with your stunning face, how could he say no to you? 
So he lets an exaggerated sigh and nods his head as he tries to contain his grin.
You two went over to the seal exhibit instead kasjhd- Y’all still got to see the penguins, it’s all ight.
While gawking at the beautiful fish species you saw, Web seemed to know a heaping mount about a lotta of em. The facts he didn’t tell you earlier he says now and you’re just like “look at my smart Harvard boy go-”
The amount of times you wanted to just make a scrapbook that is dedicated to this day alone is nearly impossible to keep track of. The both of you wanted to cherish this aquarium date for all eternity.
Cause literally there’s this one moment where you’re looking over at tropical fish and Web was reading the description. Oh what would happen next-
As you’re admiring the way the small fishes swam gracefully Web legit goes on a rant on how they got some information on the Tiger Barb wrong.
This adorable idiot I- I can’t even at this point.
But Web holds you in his arms as he buries his face in your hair while looking at fish send tweet. 
He also wraps his arms around your waist and he rests his head on top of yours. He makes comments about some of the fish and you just sink into his embrace.
Also one thing you did keep from your schedule after not following it was visiting the petting pool after you two ate lunch.
When I say that you two nyoomed over to the petting pool area I mean y’all nyoomed-- Like full Speirs mode on-- because Jesus Christ this is an aquarium and David will obviously take you to the petting pool.
You two arrived there and my Lord you swore that David was holding back a squeal. The two of you immediately rolled up your sleeves and went over to dip your hands to touch the animals in the pool.
The look you gave Web when you touched a cownose ray-- it was precious. 
You also couldn’t hold your excitement as a few more smaller rays glided under the pads of your fingertips.
Then there were the horseshoe crabs and yknow those tiny fish that like swarm your hand and tickle you, yeah those too.
Y’all also chill it out and get to wash the jellyfish. The way the room was dark gave it a whole nother vibe, my loves. 
Like in  that jellyfish room, you two will most definitely just hold each other while gazing at the glass.
Bro, in the dim room, he’ll just pull you close and place a chaste kiss on your forehead and lips.
The bioluminescence of the jellyfish illuminates Webster’s face, making his features appear more sharp. Simping time commence, you two are a fine af couple.
Now time for the real kicker- It’s shark time
After dragging your ass to almost all of the other exhibits in the aquarium, Webster saved the shark exhibits near the end of the date.
Ohoho, was this boy eUPHORIC-
David is gripping your hand tightly and he’s constantly sending you smiles as you two walk closer to the entrance of the shark exhibit.
This is where Webster ascends out of his body, this is the second time he has (first time was when he met you and started dating). 
You share his happiness and the utter vibes comin off from your boyfriend makes you so soft and full of glee.
Yknow his constant face when his eyes are focused on something and his mouth is just slightly parted? Well that is his face most of the time during your time there.
M o r e   f a c t s.
Webster did write a wholeass book about them, what did you expect?
The utter passion and fascination in his voice really stands out whenever he talks about these beautiful babies- 
Like sure, David sounds happy when he talks about other sea animals, but with sharks? Whole nother level. 
It’s one of his biggest quirks and my goodness do you just stand there taking in all his facts as he goes on a tangent about different types of shark species.
The light in his eyes as they trail over as they trail over a sand shark swimming by. He’ll also just stare at a leopard shark while smiling because he loves them.
After leaving the shark exhibit after spending 1 hour in there with your boyfriend, you two decide to go home- But first, y’all buying some things from the giftshop. 
Webster will spoil you and will buy you anything you want in the aquarium gift shop.
Wallets beware, you’d also do the same for him.
There was this jellyfish theme hat you saw and you made David try it on- He looked so fucking stupid but like a cute kinda stupid.
You regret not buying it when you had the chance-
However- You two got shark plushies together. You got a tiger shark plushy and he gots a hammerhead. 
You two absolutely love them and you could’ve sworn you could’ve just burst from happiness when he showed you the tiger shark plush he got for you.
You two also bought those chonky seal plushies because I mean... I mEAN- Just look at em, they’re stunning of course you and Web had to get em.
With a day well spent with your boyfriend you just wanted nothing more but to lay with David on your bed as you run your fingers through your hair.
So you two leave the aquarium building smiling and laughing. Webster leans in a gives you another soft kiss on your lips and you let out a giggle. 
The two of you are noticeably happier, and you two head back to the car. The date ends with your hand in his and your four new plushies in tow.
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a/n: it’s been so long since I posted a fic or writing of any kind. unfortunately, i’ll have to put a hold on my pt 2 for the roe fic i made and im procrastinating by writing hcs kasjadjk. i decided to make these for some of the lovely people in my discord server. i hope y’all enjoyed these hcs with web!
i love you all very much, stay safe and i send yall another round of my good vibes 😩💕💕
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vntwritesomeshit · 4 years
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Hey wassup y’all. It’s Antonio Valentine and I’m steppin’ into The Shade Room. @tsrhq​ @aehqs​
❛Thanks for stepping into TheShadeRoom, I’m a big fan! I’ve been watching your page lately, and I just wanna start off by asking how that’s been going? Any new developments or things we should expect to see in the near future?❜
Hey, what’s goodie? Thanks so much followin’ my journey n’ shit, but you know thing have been pretty much chillin’. You know I be chillin’ and enjoying this beautiful life of ours. I just released my second novel about 5 month ago now and things have been going pretty well. My next book in the series should be out soon so, I’m excited about that. Mad love and good feedback I been receiving so far. Hopefully, I can keep the interest and continue on my writing journey.
❛Sounds interesting, we’ll make sure we’re tuned in! Now, you know what the people wanna know. How’s that love life? You single and ready to mingle, taken or what? You think we’ll see any love interests/conflicts on the show? Maybe got a lil’ heart eyes for anyone on the cast so far?❜
Haha, damn y’all coming at a nigga already like that? I mean yeah, it’s some beautiful peoples here all around, but I like to keep some things private. I am single as of right now though, I’m staying focused on my writing tip you feel me? But, I can imagine there will be some drama somewhere because that’s a part of any space. Hopefully, it don’t include me.
❛Oop, okay! I see you doing your thing, sounds juicy. Speaking of relationships, what’s the worst break up a situation that you’ve had? Were they crazy as hell and toxic or are you the crazy one?❜
Damn, I mean I wouldn’t say it was crazy. Most of my breakups were mutual. Sometimes that person isn’t what you need in that moment and vice versa, but I try to make sure things don’t stay sour between an ex for too long. But I mean hey, people could see me as toxic. I wouldn’t know you’d have to ask. I try not to down talk any ex though. They know what happened between us.
❛Yikes! I don’t know how you made it through that situationship. Stronger than me, I’ll tell you that. Now, what’s the craziest rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself? ‘Cause I’ve seen a lot of crazy ones, if I do say so myself.❜
The craziest thing I ever heard about myself was that I was in jail. I mean damn I know a nigga ugly, but shit I know I ain’t the ugly enough to survive in jail you feel me?
❛Really?! I actually kind of believed that one, you look like the type…kidding! Since we’re here, some of the fans were actually wondering what happened with you and Emmanuel ( @manny-da-poet​)? Any hard feelings?❜
I mean Manny is my brother so we always gonna clash here and there, but everything is good now. We had our disagreements in the past, but at the end of the day nothing is gonna come between two twins. I respect him and he’s doing his own thing. We both out here writing and I’m proud. 
❛I feel you, I feel you. Well, you know regardless, TheShadeRoom had your back. Before I let you go about your business, one last question. What’s one song to describe the energy/vibes you’re bringing to this season of Atlanta’s Elite?❜  
Prolly The Box by Roddy Rich, but just because of that eeee errrr noise the nigga be making. I don’t know how that would explain what I’m finna be on, but that shit catchy as fuck.
❛Oh, that’s how you coming? I see you! We’ll we’re definitely rooting for you on this side, and we can’t wait to see you do your thing. Enjoy your night.❜
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loxxxlay · 5 years
Your dark!Thor fic looks so good! Regarding what you said about the different dynamic, that's actually what draws me to it--I normally don't do dark!Thor fics, but this is such an in interesting psychological mess. I was wondering, too, is Thor coming back to himself and realizing what he's done going to be a part of it? Because there's so much angsty potential there.
(since this was a while ago, linking to post that I think sparked this ask)
Oh friend.. I have.. thoughts.. that.. I’m trying to decide whether to Spoil everyone on or not.. al;skdghl;skhgda… 
While I decide whether or not to undermine myself lmfao - 
I agree with what you say Like, something about dark!thor really makes you have to bend the character because.. While pre-thor!thor is completely Out of Control ™, I still just can’t see him raping anyone. Not even a Jotun*. Not even one he is arranged to be married to.
*I realize it maybe unclear, so clarifying that I’m saying this from thor’s perspective lmfao… uh, Jotuns are clearly People and not lesser -_-
And don’t get me wrong. My id will devour all the nonconnish dark!thor arranged marriage to Jotun!Loki fics with a fucking vigor, but I do understand what you mean because I have a difficult time writing it that way. D: So having an in-universe reason for the bending of thor’s character is really exciting for me!
Also the power dynamic is so different, too! Because of the Grandmaster’s influence, neither thor nor loki are really in control. thor just thinks he is. for the time being.
which leads me to my terrifying decision to spoil part of it (regarding the answer to whether thor gains back his normal personality and realizes what he’s done).. but behind a Read More cut to give y’all some agency:
[spoilers beyond]
Does the Grandmaster undo the mind-bending-shenanigans? No. :’) He never does.
But does thor realize what he’s done? Leading to maximum angst? Yes :’) 
How can these two things be true, you might ask? MWAHAHAHAHAHA YOU WILL HAVE tO WAIt AND SEEE, but i will say that the day i decided the Grandmaster never undoes the spell is the day I became hyper-fucking-focused on this fic, so (I hope, anyway) that it will live up to your expectations nonetheless! *_*
Anyway thank you so much for this ask, you are the sweetest, and this made me smile so big. And maybe gave me some motivation to write some more tonight. EEEE, thanks!
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diaryofanormalkid · 6 years
Eeee 😍
There’s this guy at my work who I always found attractive but never really like cared much to consider him a crush, because I have so many.
For a while I couldn’t really tell if he was attracted to me or just very friendly. He always is very friendly if he see’s me. Not in a talkative way though, just by facial expressions.
But he’s shorter than me, so he lucked out. So anywho, I saw him yesterday and today on my breaks. First I’ll talk about yesterday since that’s the first encounter.
I was on my first break, talking to one of my coworkers in a different section about to find a place to sit down when I turned around and made direct eye contact with him.
This wasn’t on purpose, he just happened to be in my direct line of sight when I turned around. So it was pretty cute, like I was already smiling since I was talking to my coworker and she made me smile.
So it was almost as if I was smiling at him when I turned around, and he was already looking at me by the time I looked at him so we basically had like a moment to make eye contact and register each other.
So when it seemed like the right time to look away, I smiled more widely first and then looked away almost as if to show him that I acknowledged him as well.
He was so cute sitting there already looking at me, like I’m just wondering how long he was looking at me for because I was standing there for a while before I went to go sit down.
So the entire time on my break, he was in my view but to the right of me sitting at a different table. And then somebody came to sit down close to him afterwards.
So the whole time I was too nervous to even look in his direction because we already acknowledged each other and I didn’t want to make it more awkward.
Also I was taking so long to eat because I was self conscious of how I was eating around him 😩 idk I was so hungry but I couldn’t get myself to eat at my normal pace because of him.
So his break was longer than mine, I ended up leaving before him. And yeah, that was yesterday. I saw him walking in the halls while I was taking people’s orders but that’s it for then.
So today now, I saw him on my second break during lunch time. I was seated at a table with two coworkers already so we were just sitting peacefully eating our lunch.
And then all of a sudden I see him and two ppl sit down at the table right in front of us. So I was literally freaking out on the inside. I wanted to squeal of nerves and excitement but I had on the sickest poker face.
So while he’s finding his seat, he literally looks back as if he’s looking for me specifically because he must’ve known I was there, duh. And like MY HEART JUMPED OUT OF MY CHEST.
I was so fricking shook like I didn’t see that coming, that scared me like I wanted to blush so bad but I was trying so hard to keep my composure.
Like literally wiping my mouth with a napkin so many more times than I needed to, just so I could get my smile out. But the good thing was he had his face turned back to me.
So the whole time I was just eating in peace while he was turned back to me, so I didn’t have to feel self conscious thankfully. But here’s where it got like exciting kinda.
So he was on a phone call, so he started to get up to go take the phone call and as he gets up, he literally turns around to look at me AGAIN. I think this is when my coworker kinda saw it.
And this time I was already looking at him because he already had my attention from when he was getting up to make the phone call. So I technically got caught staring at him.
Once he saw that I was looking at him, he lingered for like 0.2 seconds and I did a kind of half smile thing but tbh I don’t know how it was executed on my face because in the moment it happened so fast.
But yeah he got up to go leave and take his phone call and then came back after a little bit. When he came back, i can’t remember, but I think he took a quick glance back at me again?
I’m not too sure though because by then a third coworker came and we were all talking so I was a little bit preoccupied. And then I had to go because my break was over.
But yeah, that was today. I was kind of a hot mess thinking about it for the rest of the day. Honestly this sounds like little action to y’all but to me this is about as exciting as it gets l o l
Like because idk in my head these two events kinda confirmed for me that he is at LEAST attracted to me. That’s kinda cool, because I’m attracted to him also.
Having someone you’re attracted to think you’re attractive is not a common thing for me, so that’s why I’m so excited about this.
I also wanted to make a note that the very first time I ever saw him, this is what happened:
So the cafeteria of where I work was packed one day. And like there were literally no seats after I sat down to eat for my lunch break.
So idk it was just too packed for everyone to sit. So I’m about to finish my lunch break and I was taking up a table that seats like four ppl or something?
But i really didn’t need to sit anymore because I was done my lunch and I literally had two more minutes or so of my break and I was out! So in comes him and another fellow trying to find a seat for their lunch break as well.
And I see them struggling to find a seat because everywhere is packed. I don’t even need the table, so why not offer it to them? So I start to pack up my stuff and I throw them out and grab my unfinished drink to put on the counter nearby.
And then they’re looking at me confused like? “Did she just leave just because we didn’t have any seats? because she can finish her lunch break, we don’t mind?” Idk that kinda vibe I was getting
And once I saw their confusion, I told them “I’m done, you can sit here now.” Just to make sure they know that I’m cool. So he was the one looking at me like “you can sit still if you’re not done like it’s fine.”
But he ends up actually saying “thank you.” Like a billion times, I’m not even kidding you. I just kept saying “no worries, no problem” over and over until it got too old to keep saying it.
Eventually I was nodding my head. Like he didn’t realize I was done anyways and I finished my break, so like it really WASNT a problem. It’s not like I gave up my seat?
I think he thought I gave up my seat so they can sit, so that’s probably why he was super grateful. But yeah that was our first, first encounter and ever since he everytime he see’s me he always smiles/looks at me like... idk how to explain.
But it’s always a pleasant look ☺️😊😌
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