#eepy lanayru :)
baileys-writing-desk · 4 months
Snuggle time with Lanayru
In which the entire chain falls asleep on Lanayru.
Traveling through a portal has always been an unsettling experience for Hyrule. And after the group’s tough battle with black-blooded moblins, this one has been no different, if not worse. A wave of dizziness courses through the traveler as he passes through.
But when he drops to his hands and knees on the grass, a sense of familiarity hits him. He knows this place. Almost like…
The buzzing of the LD-301 robots alert him, and he perks his head up, trying to blink the fog away. Lying some distance in front of him is—
Hyrule’s heart skips a beat upon seeing his beloved dragon companion, and the adrenaline soon takes over as he jogs forward. Lanayru is lying on his back, eyes closed, with hands by his sides. His breathing is deep and even. He’s asleep.
The rest of the chain is slow to follow, from weariness Hyrule presumes. But he only turns to look briefly before he’s already at Lanayru’s side, gently stroking the old dragon’s beard with one hand.
“Oh, I missed you so much,” he whispers, hesitant at first to wake Lanayru in the night. Glancing at the dragon’s belly, an idea dawns on him. He’s slept up there before, letting the rise and fall of Lanayru’s breathing lull him to sleep. There is plenty of room for them all…
“I…I hope you don’t mind, but we’re very tired—“
“Rulie.” Sky’s soft voice interrupts him. The others have caught up. Hyrule turns to see them standing close by, an incredibly exhausted Sky at the front. “You can…*yawn*…stay here, we’ll set up camp.”
Hyrule shakes his head. “No, you’re not going anywhere.” He gestures at the Thunder Dragon’s sleeping form. “I got a better place for us tonight.”
“Nuh-uh. You look dead on your feet. It’ll be much easier this way, watch me.”
A few murmurs are heard from among the group, but the excited traveler ignores them. He carefully boosts himself up onto Lanayru’s limp hand, nudging the palm with one foot in an attempt to rouse him. The dragon doesn’t stir, and Hyrule glances back at the Chain with a shrug.
“Well…we can’t get on his belly unless he’s awake to help us.” The traveler sighs. “It’s too high up.”
But Wind’s eyes go wide. “Wait, I got an idea!” He turns around and starts running toward the dragon’s lower body. Hyrule watches the sailor as he finally reaches the end of the dragon’s tail, nearly disappearing among the white cloud-like substance swirling around it.
The small speck of Wind climbs up onto the tail and runs across Lanayru’s body, coming into full view again. “Ta-da!”
“Woah, you’re a fucking genius!” exclaims Legend, throwing his hands up. He’s quickly followed by a stern “Legend. Language,” from Time. The vet scoffs in annoyance, and Hyrule chuckles.
Wind settles down on the old dragon’s large belly, watching the gentle blue light travel down in lines, almost in rhythm with Lanayru’s deep breathing. Rulie, meanwhile, turns his focus to how the fuck this commotion hasn’t woken the Thunder Dragon.
“Lanayru?” he asks, raising his voice. “Wake up, sleepyhead. It’s me, Rulie!”
No response. Hyrule sighs again, listening to the others’ conversing voices, and turns back to face them. Four, Legend, Sky, Twilight, and Wild are all following Wind’s lead up the dragon’s tail. As they get closer he can see the deep circles under all their eyes, especially Sky’s. The poor Skyloftian looks like he could pass out right on the spot.
Time and Wars remain on the ground, and Hyrule pouts at them playfully. “Come on, you two! Don’t be so stubborn. Get up there.”
“Hyrule, don’t you think we should set up camp or…” The old man gestures to the large clearing around them.
“No. This is our camp.”
“On a dragon’s belly??”
“Time.” Hyrule pleads. “We’re staying here.” He briefly glances at the rest of the Chain, all cuddling up amongst each other, and smiles.
Before the older Links can utter another word, a deep mumble fills the air. The hand underneath Hyrule begins to twitch, fingers curling slightly. He’s awake! He readies himself to jump off, but Lanayru groans and soon the traveler is being lifted up. Hyrule yelps and wraps his arms around one of the dragon’s ringed fingers for dear life.
“Lanayru, no!” he whisper-shouts as his back comes in contact with someone’s head. The dragon seems to notice the movement of heroes on his belly and is now trying to touch them. “Shh…they’re sleeping,” he continues, as if a half-asleep Lanayru could actually hear him. “Don’t move.”
“Mmmngh…wha…?” The Thunder Dragon moves his hand up to touch his face. Hyrule flies through the air, the breeze blowing his hair every which way, and he can’t help but chuckle.
The slight curling of Lanayru’s fingers causes the traveler to lose his grip, and he yelps as he lands right on the dragon’s face, near his nose and beard. Lanayru grunts in confusion, and Hyrule giggles again. Large bleary eyes flutter open, searching for whatever just hit his face.
“Hey there, it’s me! Sorry to wake you like this.” He taps Lanayru’s nose insistently, and the hand finds him again, feeling around his fluffy hair and slim body.
“…Rulie?” the dragon mutters, the thunderous voice still hurting the small Hylian’s ears.
“Yes!” Hyrule smiles. “Don’t try to get up…we’re, uh—sleeping. On you.”
“Huh?” Lanayru, clearly still groggy from sleep, wraps his hand around the traveler and holds him up. “Where did you…”
“We just got here. Shh…I’ll explain in the morning, alright? You can go back to sleep.”
Lanayru raises an eyebrow, taking a second to look Rulie up and down. His eyes are still heavy, and he lets out a long, tired yawn. The traveler soon does the same.
“You…look worse for wear,” mutters Lanayru.
Hyrule scoffs teasingly. “So do you.”
He hears noises behind him, of a few Links snoring soundly, and new footsteps joining the cuddle pile. It seems as if Time and Wars finally gave in.
“Rulie, I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Time’s voice sounds slightly annoyed. “Ugh…” The old man yawns as well, and Hyrule can hear the shuffling of armor as he settles down.
Lanayru is careful to not get up and rouse the group, but he slowly lifts his head enough to take a look. He chuckles quietly.
“Oh-ho ho, I see. You’ve made yourselves at home.”
Time whisper-shouts from behind, apparently aimed for the dragon. “He forced me to.”
“I did not!” Oops. That was a bit too loud. Hyrule grins sheepishly, for only Lanayru to see. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just stubborn.”
“I heard that.”
Hyrule rolls his eyes playfully, bummed that his back is still to the others as the Thunder Dragon holds him. Lanayru sighs, lowering his head back down.
“Ah, Rulie…” He blinks with tired eyes. “I missed you, boy. We’ll talk in the morning, ok?”
“Ok.” The traveler nods, smiling as his own fatigue catches up to him. “Just put me on your belly. With the others.”
“I figured. Sleep well, Rulie.”
He’s moving again, away from Lanayru’s face and over to the others. The dragon still grips him tight, as he hovers in the air face-down to finally see the pile of sleeping Links below.
They’re all huddled together. Well, for the most part. Time and Wars lie about an arm’s length from the rest, clearly valuing their individual space. The old man is still awake, but he’s closed his eye, the exhaustion having finally gotten to him. Hyrule smiles at Four’s head nestled in the crook of Legend’s arm, at Wild curled up in a ball and Twilight using his long hair as a pillow, at Wind’s hands resting on Sky’s wrists as they face each other. He floats over them all, moving as Lanayru is hesitant to release him, but there is plenty of free room behind the Skyloftian.
“Right here is good,” he whispers, using a free hand to nudge the clawed fingers wrapping around him. And then he’s slowly lowered down, lying on his stomach as the grip releases. With a grunt, he rolls over onto his side and scootches in, snuggled next to Wind and Sky.
The adrenaline from his excitement is wearing off, and he struggles to keep his eyes open. With the warmth of the soft Sailcloth on Sky’s back to curl into, and the gentle rise and fall of Lanayru’s breathing below him, he slowly begins to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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baileyboo2016 · 4 months
in which everyone falls asleep on Lanaryu? that sounds so fluffy!
YES 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thats the one i just finished, i just need to put it on the good ol’ ay oh three :D
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nodding off.
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baileyboo2016 · 11 months
i have to go to eep in like half an hour and i’m not even that eepy :(
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baileyboo2016 · 10 months
alright lanayru stans i am very eepy so eep time for bailey boo
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