viragosoul · 2 years
*   magnets   ⏤⏤⏤⏤    @efhemra
she only said yes to him because she thought he was joking.
because that's what their relationship seems to be comprised of ⏤ amusement, quips, a sense of no holds barred with thinly veiled teasing. he's a welcome distraction to the disarray that currently makes up her life, the bar becoming an unforeseen point of solace amongst this stagnant town. siyeon has almost gotten used to placating the feelings of others with watered down remarks, but with every jab thrown her way, kojirō makes sure that she doesn't get too comfortable. it's irritating as much as it is enticing in the way that he easily catches every insult she attempts to throw his way, entertaining the words in a way an adult does with a child's toy, that knowing simper before throwing something back of his own. she hopes that enough alcohol will kill the flutters that coat her stomach.
at least the intrigue is mutual, she thinks. when it was revealed that siyeon would have her own space at the exhibition, somehow the topic of conversation would always circle back to him insisting on helping in some type of way ⏤ something about wanting to learn her craft, in his own words. super corny, she replies. there's something about letting people in during her process that makes her feel exposed in a way that's hard to explain, would honestly prefer to work alone so she could be as erratic or obsessive as she wants, but by his third time of bringing it up ( and with a help of a drink he mixes, despite the fact that she downplays how tasty it actually is ) there's a date she gives to swing by the studio after classes to see how much help he truly can be.
that exchange nearly slips her mind as the days pass, throwing herself into the project once the idea gets going. it's only when a flash of ash blonde is comes into her peripheral view that it comes into the forefront of her memory, dark eyes moving from the bottom of her sculpture onto the sight of kojirō at the entrance, widening as they do so. "shit, you were being for real?" she questions with a couple of blinks, then her next thought is something along the lines of how she should have looked more presentable than how she does now ⏤ brunette tresses tossed into a messy bun, on the floor surrounded by wood shavings and decrepit, thrown away planks of wood in several assortments. "well, come on in then. we'll finally get to see if you're more than just a pretty face and a lame mouth," laughter follows as the woman rises to her feet, brushing the wood particles off of her clothes and hands before moving closer, "did you actually come here to learn something or work? or was that just your way of trying to be alone with me?" a raised eyebrow, a set up for another possible punchline.
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