#egan dwicky
Dear Diary,
Parent says that I’m a lot like them who they used to be. They said that they used to draw and paint a lot too. I wonder why they stopped? I know that it can get really fucking frustrating discouraging when you can’t draw like how you imagine you could. I feel like quitting a lot of the time whenever something I paint doesn’t come out exactly as I saw it in a vision or a dream. Sometimes things just don’t work out. But I always return to the brush or the pen or the charcoal.
Yesterday was fun! Parent, Dad, Mom, Chance, Addie and the rest of the family came over for Dia de los Muertos. I got to meet Parent’s sister. She is very kind and she has ice powers. I wonder how her daughter came to have fire powers? This new family has me formulating new questions every day. I wonder when I will have the opportunity to ask them. I don’t want to pry.
Anyways, it’s a little boring without Chance over. Parent mainly watches Egan and while I love my little brother- I don’t love the shows he watches. And if I can be honest… I don’t like kids. There I said it. Kinda. I mean I just can’t communicate with them and they’re sticky and stinky and my dads never really liked kids either. They would yell at me tell me to shut up when I would cry as a kid. Maybe it was because they didn’t want to discovered. But even when we were in deep space they still didn’t like it. I think they were just preparing me for the real world. Crying gets you no where. Better to act than react.
I kinda miss my dads… but I also don’t. I think I’m going to really like my family. My actual family. I hope they never find me.
Cal Tiberius Dwicky
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(OOC: Since there are new people, here's a cheatsheet of some things. Please interact at your own discretion and with your mental health in mind.)
Edit 05/23/2022: If you’re just interacting with Johnny, then it is wise to note that currently they are brainwashed and being held captive, thus not going to be very like himself most of the time.
Name: Johnny C. Denivar
Age: Unknown, approx. mid-late 50's, physical form was created to resemble a mid-late 20's-year-old
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Height: 5'1"
Content Warnings: Homicide, suicide, panic attacks/PTSD episodes, mentions of past domestic abuse, torture mentions, weapon mentions, s/h,s/i mentions. I will tag as necessary, but these are the largest themes that will make appearances on this blog. Please let me know if you need anything in particular tagged, I will do my best to accommodate.
Partners: @leera-ozynite and @mr-dwight-dwicky
Siblings (including in-laws): @queen-of-lazuroth, @son-of-an-invader, @agent-moth-me-a-man , @zim-denivar
Children: @chances-r-high, @egan-first-of-his-name, @xxxstarxxxbunnyxxx
Other Family: @addie-bear (niece), @drun-in-a-million (nephew)
Friends: @kneltnotbowed, @sepulcretis
Enemies: @operator-edgar (creator/abusive ex, general piece of shit), @perfect-harmonia (has made multiple murder attempts on multiple loved ones and himself also a Terf) @tennofficial (helped kidnap him)
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 2 years
Dwight waits in his lounge, waiting for Ellie to arrive. He has her being heavily guarded and escorted because he's still terrified that this is some kind of trap, and yet...he also wants it to be real.
The last time he saw his mother he was finishing his undergrad, already job hunting. They went out for dinner to celebrate his up coming graduation. The next day he called her for some information he didn't remember. She didn't answer the phone.
It makes no sense. Where did she go? How could she possibly be here?
Leera helped him make some sandwiches, insisting in trying to make a good impression. It didn't matter how many time he said this was most likely not his mother. Leera was taking no chances. He at least was able to convince her to just be on stand by, to wait until he is absolutely sure.
He shudders to think how Johnny is going to react...
Finally the door opens, and the woman Dwight spoke to earlier walks in. Her icy blue eyes seem to take everything in with wonder. Her gaze falls on Dwight and she smiles. That's right. She's shorter than him. Around Leera's height. Her expression is softer now, almost taking away the lines of age on her face.
"Hello, Dwight," she says softly.
It's like there's a pull there all of a sudden. He can't deny it. The noise of doubt that usually runs rampant in his head is quiet, no matter how much he tries to bring it back to keep him on track. He remembers being so devastated that they never found her, that she was gone forever...
"Holy shit," he whispers.
Ellie frowns. "Watch your language, Scarecrow." Such a silly nickname why does it make him happy? He feels so childish right now.
He looks over at the guards and allows them to leave. He'll call them if he needs them again.
Ellie was not joking about laying into Dwight. Before she even went into an explanation of where she's been, she drug out every single receipt she had. Apparently she had kept track of him, and Dwight was not for the first time heavily regretting how much of a public figure he had turned himself into.
He filled in some blanks she didn't know. The guidance counselor job. Plookesia. The real Ra'ask. Leera, Chance, Johnny and Egan. Apparently Johnny isnt the only one with some choice words for him, so it's the second time in the past week he's been made to feel the size of a termite. Luckily there's no one to embarrass him about it.
Ellie then tells him about her journey. He isn't the first Dwicky to be abducted by aliens. The ones that caught her weren't very nice, however, but she managed to escape with the help of a couple of other prisoners. Those prisoners turned out to be space pirates so she stayed with them for a bit. She learned the technology and weapons and she taught them how to cook. It was an adventure.
She tried to go back to Earth to find Dwight but found she couldn't. She would find an Earth but not their Earth which was another conversation altogether. Dwight mentions guiltily that it's because of him that their Earth is gone. Ellie looks more disappointed than anything else, but it hurts bone deep.
Ellie looks at him in confusion as she finishes off her sandwich. "Why what, honey?"
Dwight shuffles in his seat. "Why did you come find me? You heard all those things about me. You know all the horrible things I've done and not just to people who were my enemies at the time, but to my own flesh and blood. Why...how could you still care what's happened to me?"
Ellie gives him a very knowing look before flicking his forehead. "Because I'm your mother, silly goose. You could be fifty or a hundred and fifty and I would still be worried about you. Honestly, I wish I found you sooner. Maybe I could've knocked some sense into ya."
Dwight snorts but shakes his head. "I'm glad you never saw me like that. You would have probably changed your mind."
"Well, I'm here now." She reaches up a purposefully messes up his hair. "Why do you have so much gel in your hair, Scarecrow?"
Dwight makes a very undignified squawk. "Mom!"
Ellie laughs. "Now. Is there a waiting period for when you trust me enough? Or do I get to meet your partners now? And how about my grandbabies?"
Dwight pales a little. "Mom. I told you that-,"
"Yes, I know, Chance is more pissed at you than Garfield on a Monday and rightfully so. But I would like to try to have a relationship with my grandson. And I think we can both agree that that's his decision?"
Dwight sighs. He has no idea how that's actually going to go, but if today has taught him anything, it's to expect the unexpected.
What a wild birthday.
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addie-bear · 4 years
Reunion Time
with @royal-iris and @leera-ozynite
Addie gets to Dwight’s base in record time, hoping to intercept Iris before he can even cause any damage. She sees the other ship but no sign of her old friend. She’s thanking her lucky stars that Dwight is away on Lazuroth with Uncle Johnny.
Several minutes of running around and hacking the security system later she’s dashing down a long corridor. She swears she stops breathing. Was he always that tall, his eyes always that blue. She’s trembling but she knows she can’t let him see that.
Iris has to admit that the security of this place is rather remarkable. However a quick hack here and he managed to shut down the main alarms. He had to subdue several of the guards but what are a few faceless minions to him? Especially right now. He’s going to avenge his parents - universe - and nothing is going to stop him.
Then...he hears her voice...
It like time stands still and the air feels too thick to breath. He turns around slowly, his gun in his hand. His spooch jumps the minute he lays eyes on her. She looks a little different but...she’s really there. She’s real.
Addie smiles when Iris recognizes her. Her emotions are getting the better of her. She thought he was gone. She thought she’d never see him again. Against basic combat rules she lets her guard down, slowly walking toward him. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s me.”
Iris continues to stare at her with a stunned expression before breaking into a tooth grin. He gives a loud bark of laughter, ignoring how the corners of his eyes feel wet as he rushes forward, picking Addie up and spinning her around. “It’s you! It’s really you, holy shit!” He puts her back down and puts his hands on her shoulders. “We can finally do it, Adds! You and me! We can finally take that bastard down here and now!”
Addie squeals as she’s lifted, laughing and hugging Iris back. This is real. He’s actually back. She grins brightly as he sets her down. They’re back together again! They...
Oh...oh no...
Addie’s face falls as Iris speaks, an she swallows a lump in her throat. “Iris...Iris about that...”
“What?” Iris asks. “Addie, there’s nothing stopping us! His security sucks we can do this-”
“The only reason his security hasn’t affected you as much as it should is because I have all the access codes,” Addie tells. “I don’t...I don’t want you to get hurt because of a misunderstanding...”
“...Misunderstanding? Addie what are you talking about? This the asshole that made our lives hell as kids he...” His brow furrows. “You...you have all the access codes...Addie if you have all the access codes...why is he still alive?”
Addie is shaking again, but not out of excitement anymore. “Iris...a lot has happened,” she says, taking one of his hands in hers. “Just...come with me and I’ll explain.”
Iris’ expression hardens and he rips his hand away. “Does he have you on some sort of mind control? Where’s the device I don’t see it-”
“It’s not mind control!” Addie snaps. “Iris...please just...just come with me! He’s not even here!”
“Really?” Iris demands. He takes a step back and Addie can physically feel a crack from in her heart. “And you know where he is?”
“...I do,” Addie admits. “But I’m not telling you. Iris. A lot has changed-”
“Apparently! You know exactly where to find the goddamn megalomaniac who destroyed everything we love and yet you haven’t done a damn thing about it!”
“For fucks sake, would you listen to me!”
A soft noise catches Addie’s attention and she gasps, seeing little Egan crawling on the floor nearby. He sits and looks up at Addie, his singular big, blue eye full of confusion. “Egan, you little escape artist,” she says, walking over and scooping up the infant.
Iris scowls, his eyes darting between the child and Addie. “Who is that?!”
Addie give Iris a stern look. “This is Egan. He’s Dwight’s son.”
Iris feel like a bucket of ice water has been poured on him. Son? But...that kid looks only a little under a year old, and he certainly doesn’t look part Plookesian. Mefni maybe. Another sound startles him and he raises his gun, finding a woman that looks very similar in appearance to the child.
“Adalet who is this?” Leera asks. Her voice sound dangerous, like a poisonous snake wait to strike. Small flames spark from her finger tips.
“Iris, put your gun down!” Addie shouts, shoving him back and coming between him and Leera. She hands the mother back her son before staring her friend down. Her own flames come forth, royal blue, circling around her arms. “Let me explain!”
Iris doesn’t know what to tackle first. His old best friend is alive. He should be happy. But something isn’t right. How does she know Dwight’s son, and the woman who is obviously the boy’s mother? Why does she have she seem so familiar with them? Why isn’t she using the information she has to bring down their greatest enemy?! Where the fuck did she get fire powers?!
...What happened to the Addie he knew?
His face hardens again and he raises his gun to point at Addie.
“Where is he, Addie?”
Addie takes step forward. She knows the can’t be easy for Iris to take in. She knows he’s impulsive and hot-tempered. But she needs to explain. He needs to let her explain. “Iris...”
Her heart breaks in half as he points the gun at her. Even knowing he won’t pull the trigger...it still hurts.
“I can’t tell you that,” she tells him. The last thing she needs is Iris stomping into the Lazurothian Palace. Especially right now. Dwight’s kept her up to date on what’s happening. “And you’re not going to shoot me, Iris.”
Iris doesn’t lower the gun right away, his eyes narrowed at Addie. Deep inside he knows this is Addie, no cloning, no mind control. He just doesn’t want to believe it.
“You’re right,” Iris says. “But I will find Dwicky and I will shoot him! With or without your help!”
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that,” she tells him. “In fact, as the Master of Arms of the Galactic Alliance under the new High Chancellor, I’m afraid I would have to put a warrant out for your arrest. But if you just come with me-”
“You would do that?” Iris demands. “You would do that to me? We used to be best friends, Addie. We used to have each other’s back!”
“We are and we do!” Addie argues. “Iris...I know you’re upset. And I know none of this makes sense but-”
“No! I don’t need you tell me anything, Miss Master of Arms!” Iris roars. “I don’t know what’s happened to you, but the Addie I know would not be letting that bastard galivant around about his life unscathed!” He turns on his heel and begins to stalk off. He’ll just need a better plan next time, especially to out-hack Addie, but he’ll be able to figure it out.
He hates that this is what it’s come to...
“Iris!” Addie shouts after him. “Iris don’t act like we’re enemies after we’ve just found each other again!”
“Who says I’m acting?!” Iris yells over his shoulder. “You’re not my Addie Denivar. And if I have to go through you to get to him...I will.”
He doesn’t respond again, stomping his way out of the facility and back toward his ship. Addie’s flames fade away and she finds herself torn between wanting to cry and wanting to break something. She takes a breath, forcing herself to keep her composure in front of Leera and Egan. “I’m...I’m sorry about that...”
Leera shakes her head. “He seems...quite rightfully angry. Is that...the Tallests’ boy?”
Addie nods. “I just...I have to get him to listen to me is all...”
“And you will. He seems to really care about you.” She reaches up and brushes some of Addie’s hair out of her face. “Would you like to have some tea with me for a bit?”
Addie almost refuses, but she finds she’s in no hurry to get home. Then again, Chance is typically much more receptive and understand when she needs to explain things. It does sound nice to just...take a moment and relax, though. “Yeah. Yeah I would like that.”
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leera-ozynite · 4 years
Tumblr media
Egan John Dwicky. Born October 31.
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mr-dwight-dwicky · 4 years
((Mod’s about to get a little cheesy on main so prepare yourself.))
So, one year ago, something strange happened to this blog. Another Muse (namely Honey-Zim @definitelynotan-alien ) suddenly started sending this bastard gifts, which spiraled into yet another kidnapping for the Denivar clan. However, what does this asshole do instead of actually trying to kill the kid? He fucking plays a game of Go Fish with him. To top things off, this fucker finds himself in a deep (drunk) conversation with the very man who’s taken his clone under his wing. And man, oh, man did that start a road I didn’t even know exist.
Let me be very clear. I had absolutely no intention of giving this fucker a second chance at life. I had plans upon plans in my head about how he would finally meet his end. And yet...none of them came to be. I make jokes all the time that I don’t actually control my characters, that they decide what direction they would like to go and I simply transcribe it. And in the case of this fucker, I’ve found it more true than ever. 
This bitch basically swindled me into giving him a shot at playing on the other team, or at least a different team, a team of his own, and me, probably being in the middle of my own crisis, decided to give it to him.
I understand why people don’t like Dwight. And, like he would agree, I’m not asking anyone to. I’m not asking anyone to forgive him. No one is entitled to forgiveness, and I hope with the way I write Chance in this situation I make that exceptionally clear (As someone with a family member who has hurt me so much, who I don’t think I can ever truly forgive, it comes off as good projection fuel I guess lmao)
However, I guess I just want to talk a little bit about how this was a good thing. How regardless of how little Dwight deserves anything he’s been given this year - though we know how Addie and Diana Prince feel about the concept of deserve. I want to explain why I feel like, in the end, I made the right choice. Not just for Dwight. But for myself.
The last two years have not been kind to me. In January of 2019 I was in a car accident. A guy ran a stop sign and hit me so hard the entire passenger side of the front of my car caved in. My ankle was severely broken, three of my vertebrae were chipped, and I suffered a concussion. I was in the hospital for six days, went through two surgeries, three months of physical therapy to learn to walk again. And all throughout this, I realized the man I married was no longer someone who could/would give me the support I needed, that he was no longer someone I wanted to be bound to.
So the New Years came, and I had no idea what it had in store. But from the first day of 2020, no matter what happened, writing Dwight Dwicky in a different way, in a different voice, became sort of a therapy in itself (the irony, I know.) In a way, I was making the impossible possible, peeling back layers of a man who I had portrayed as a monster for so, so long. I did my best to make sure his transgressions weren’t forgotten, to not give him complete freedom, but to give him the chance grow, to build this life with Leera and Johnny and Egan, and even having Addie for the sassiest commentary. It made me happy.
And so 2020 became, despite all the odds, the year of doing what made me happy.
I worked two jobs and was exhausted. I was about to quit the one at Dollar General when the pandemic hit, causing me to lose my serving job. And yet I kept on trucking as much as I could, writing how Dwight’s relationships began to change little by little, how he began to grow little by little. March came and I was officially divorced...and I was also (unbeknownst to my dumb gay ass) falling in love.
Slowly but surely, this dastardly villain I had painstakingly created with the wildest plot twist I’d ever written (more so in the canon Interstellar fics) had become a fucking comfort character. A reminder that true strength isn’t found in  being cut-throat or stoic or alone. It’s found in the people I know I can always depend on. It’s found in the ability to know when I’m wrong and to do what it takes to make it right, to know that no one owes me anything, including forgiveness. But also that confidence is not something someone is born with. It is built. It is manifested.
A job opportunity came my way, for the first time I found myself having to be cunning, having to learn to read people, but also to swallow my pride and ask for help when I need it most. To reach out when I feel like I’m at my worst. And, through teaching Dwight the very same, I learned that it was more than okay for me to feel, and for me to talk about those feelings. That I didn’t need to do everything, anything, alone.
It was around this point that my dumb gay ass did come to realize I was falling for one of my friends. I went back and forth for days, but finally, in very true Dwight “fuck it” fashion, I finally said something.
We’ve now been dating for 7 months :D
It’s dramatic, I know, to say in perhaps the worst year in the history of the world, that my allowing this grumpy, terribly, vengeful, sour old man go from megalomaniac to dilf not only help me cope, but was a turning point for one of the worst years of my life becoming simultaneously one of the best but...I can’t help but feel like that’s exactly what happened.
I would never ask anyone to give this bastard a chance. The red in his ledger is insurmountable, and only in a work of fiction could something like what I’ve done fly, and I know it. But I suppose I just wanted to talk about how it’s felt weaving such a beautiful, complex story, and I can’t wait to continue writing more of his trials and tribulations in the coming new year.
2020 has be tumultuous, but I hope you, too, have found something to hold on to that helped you stay afloat, and I hope 2021 brings you new and better opportunities. And at the end of the day, seize what makes you happy. Fuck anyone who tries to bring you down from it.
Sincerely, Cat (the Mod)
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