#eh I’ll draw that outfit another time I should stop beating a dead horse
quibbs126 · 1 year
if you’re still doing the fankids thing, how about chilirye ?
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Jesus Christ, this request was from like, March. But I finally got around to him this is Pepper Bread Cookie
Also I feel like this isn’t the only request for chilirye I’ve gotten, but screw it, I’m too lazy right now to go through 100+ asks to find newer ones
So I originally started making Pepper Bread probably in March, but he was never more than a circle that was meant to be his head. But I was waiting for like an hour for a class, it was 10 minutes past when we were supposed to start, and only a few people had shown up, and we eventually just decided to leave, but in that time I was finally able to come up with something for Pepper Bread here
Anyways I’ll get into his name. So I believe his name is just based on bread that has pepper in it, since rye can be made into bread. Though his design is mostly based on this one specific picture I have saved in my Photos
Pepper Bread:
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So today I finally had the idea for what to do with Pepper Bread, and that was to make him an innkeeper. Partially inspired by that idea I had for a Chili Cookie that’s an innkeeper (I do still want to draw her though). So that’s what I did with his outfit. The Innkeeper family from the Red Dragon update were pretty helpful as refs
Though I do also have to admit it makes his outfit more boring looking. Maybe he has some sort of adventuring outfit, maybe I’ll draw that someday
I basically just really wanted to make his hair look like the reference picture, which was the reason why I kept it in the first place. As in like, having orange hair with red flecks. Later on I got the idea of giving him red freckles, which are supposed to be like, pepper flakes in his dough, and I wasn’t sure I should keep the hair idea, but I did and I think it looks nice. It’s also why I gave him the braid, since that’s how the bread looked. It was going to be bigger and longer, but I couldn’t get it to look right, so it just stays on the shoulder now
I’m not sure if he looks too much like Chili Pepper, but oh well. I generally like his design, though I don’t think it’s what I envisioned. The one thing is that I couldn’t make his outfit look that exciting, but them’s the breaks I suppose
So let’s get into his character. So the main thing keeping me from making him is that I couldn’t figure out what to do with him, like specifically what his job was. Chili Pepper’s a thief, Rye’s a bounty hunter (or is she a sheriff? I’m not entirely sure), should I choose one of those for Pepper Bread? Or should I choose something else entirely? If so, how do I choose one that sounds in character for chilirye kid? One idea I had was to make him more straight laced than his moms (since let’s face it, Rye’s just as chaotic as Chili Pepper), and so an idea was to make him a sheriff, but I wasn’t sure. But then as I said, I had the idea to make him an innkeeper, and so yeah
Pepper Bread just wants to live a normal, honest life, so he got himself a tavern and opened it up, he’s gotten business (maybe not a lot, but at least enough to keep him afloat), and he’s pretty happy like this and treasures his inn. Generally speaking, he’s a friendly guy, someone reliable and honest. Though, if you cause trouble in his inn and mess things up, he will not hesitate to throw you out, or throw hands to do so. And while he may love his mas, if they cause trouble in his place, they get the same treatment
Also I imagine him with a strong Southern accent like Rye
Anyways yeah, I think that about covers it for Pepper Bread. Hope you enjoy!
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mrsavis-blog · 5 years
Whompdie whomp whom
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I’m just going to jump straight into it...  I’m not 100% I’m going to get that job, and To be Honest... I’m cool w/ that. I mean, I would love to get paid very well for a Server. But I was not AT ALL looking forward to that commute, and nor am I sprinting towards work-life. I’m your typical creative soul... I need a lot of freedom and space & ability to move at my own pace. *Medium sigh*
But just to not jinx it either, they did tell me I have about 24hrs. I doubt they meant it literally but more figurately ... like in general, if I don’t hear from them at all today then it’s a “No thanks”... Hmmm did companies low key invent ghosting??? Because it’s totally the worse to apply to places, get an interview, and then be left hanging... It’s like thanks for financial blue balls... 
I don’t know about other people, but I take ALL relationships serious, especially ones that involve my finances. I do my homework before I even apply, full money background search on the J.O.B. I know how much I will be paid after taxes before I can even introduce myself to the manager. I already know exactly where my 1st FIVE checks are going, I know what day to look forward to on paying off my debt. Ect. ect. ect.  ... I’m not counting the chics before they hatch I’m just drawing up blueprints for their coop, and trying to set up deals for where I’m going to sell their eggs..
I don’t go overboard or anything... 
BUT D@MN I hate sitting around for anything & anyone. I’ve learned how to cope with an extremely short patience at a young age... Distractions + productiveness is the key.. Got to constantly be prepared with ways to fill up those life-sucking, nerve-wracking, black hole voids of “waiting on something/someone”. This is one of those times
I started last night... I just got up out of bed and started cleaning the kitchen... Cleaning is the best, absolutely one of my favorite ways to relieve stress & anxiety. This is why:
1. You get instant gratification; EVERYONE loves being in a clean environment. It’s like the aura of the room brightens and hums a silent soothing uplifting song that your spirit vibes to. 
2. I’m good at it: I get the details of a room done, and efficiently so. If you’re going to do something do it all out. I literally clean from the ceiling to the floor, and not only that but I sanitize & cleanse. Cleaning is just removing debris and making an area look less cluttered & disorganized or neglected. Sanitizing is when you actually kill the bacteria & viruses that threaten us (and I am a big Germaphobe so this really matters!). Cleansing is when you clear out bad vibes, I prefer to let in a lot of natural light, smudge, pray, and air out my place. 
3. It’s easy to do and can do it anywhere at any time. 
4. It makes life smoother. I LOVE just being able to go about things with minimum resistance.  For example, I don’t like having to look for things and or clean something when I need it at that moment. 
I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, you get the idea...
I started cleaning my kitchen and taking care of my loved ones... Going out my way to give them a great hot meal, and relaxed/ clean space to come home to after working a double. Their bed was ready, the food was hot & how they liked it, their favorite show was waiting for them to press play, their drink was poured, and no one was bothering them. 
Then after they were set, I began getting things ready for the morning... Putting out clothes to take my lil one to daycare; having their favorite morning snacks, their backpack, and outfit set up. 
The morning came & went, and I still continued to try to keep my mind off of staring at my cellie with busy work. I Cleaned someone else’s bathroom and I HATE DOING THAT. I’m talking about I scrub the DOG SH!T out of the toilet so well it looks got d@mn fucking new... You can see your reflection, and I even polished the faucet and bathroom appliances... 
EVERYTHING that can be washed is, sh!t I even rewashed sh!t that’s not even 3 days out of the last load.. I’m still thinking of other sh!t to clean...
It’s almost 3pm and that is just about 24 hrs ago from when I last spoke to the restaurant and I’m getting very anxious. 
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I know there are other places I can apply & get a job. But I lowkey want this one because of YES! the money. But also because I feel like it would push me to WAKE THE F#CK UP! Get my life back on track to what I felt & remember how it was before my Dragon came.
There are a ton of things I know I out to be doing, and this would help force me to work on my self-discipline. Because there would be rewards (mostly in the form of a check) and consequences towards steering off the path towards my goals. 
OH THE F#CK WELL!! It’ll be what it’ll be lol... I just feel like if I think too much about not getting it then I’m somehow influencing the universe into not giving it to me, but also the opposite. That if I know I have it, that I’m lowkey manifesting it into existence, and I’m a little hesitant, to be honest. I’m not fully ready to get into all of that extra mess that comes with it. Even though I know it’s past time and will be no perfect job anytime soon. I’m kinda convinced that if I just chill and don’t feed either thought, then what is meant to be will be, and I will know for sure then what needs to be done. Lol regardless I’m getting a job, either way, just not fully convinced this should be the one.
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I’m over here about to flip out EVERY time my cellie rings, and I answer to some dumb sh!t. I have no idea what the phone number will be if they call me, so I basically have to answer all the calls. I keep blocking them, and they just call back with different numbers. 
Moving onwards to other topics, I am in a perplexing situation like constantly actually lol. But seriously I don’t feel like I have total anonymity and can’t be totally free with things my spirit truly moves me to say... So I’m thinking of starting a new Blog that’s a Satire of my own; I will mix in a lot of fiction with bits of truth... It’ll be obscene and vulgar without any censorship so you have been warned. I don’t know if it’ll be any good, but it will give me more practice on my writing skills. Unlike this. I don’t know exactly when I’ll actually work on it, but I usually get what I want to do done...soo eh.
On top enjoying allowing myself to blossom on here, I do very much have to find someone to sell my time to, doing tasks in exchange for tips. I need to go through my emails and the handfull of job sites I’ve joined over the past couple of weeks. It’s all rather a little bit depressing in its own, so I find myself avoiding the f#ck out of it all. Especially since our financial situation has gotten better enough for us to breath again instead of drown. But the sensation of suffocating is still wavering over me and clinging to my spirits, that I can’t help but constantly think about what I NEED to be doing.
I’m not procrastinating entirely I am checking my emails, and staring the ones to go back and open. I did check out another Fine dinging restaurant up the street from us and plan on filling out their application later this evening. I even did 3 interviews and take a competency test... Again I say I’m not sprinting... I’m kinda just moving barely into sparting gear (It’s not walking and it’s not a full out jog, it’s when you extend the length of your gait enough to be moving fast but not exerting yourself). 
I am working on self-discipline but forcing myself to not focus entirely on just one thing, and burning myself out. As well as see things through and finish things I’m having a hard time getting back into gear with.
It’s been a journey to say the least...
... One way I am planning on going about helping myself get organized to get the most out my time and get all I want to do crammed into a day... Is to go about these sessions/ entries at a more organized way. It’s fun just free-falling through words and jargon in my head, but the process is slow and time-stealing... I will start taking notes of the things I think about posting about throughout my day. They will either make the cut and be somehow smoothly discussed on here. Or they will be a bit too extreme or too vulnerable for me to freely discuss and placed in my Satire peace... There will be more of an intro kinda deal & an outro, and of course, there will still be MORALS... I will be basically just bullet pointing them, and then going in at will... So there’s still some form of free-falling, but no time lost one what to type up next, or getting lost in thoughts, or looking for the right GIF.
With that being said I do have to close out... So the MORAL OF THE SESS IS: “Don’t let rejection or the fear of rejection stop your life. Know your way of coping and find healthy outlets for your anxieties & stress. Don’t ever stop improving or believing in yourself, with that being said give yourself a break here & there.” .
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