#ehdls Natalia
ichayalovesyou · 2 years
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Infinito Carlos Rivera: Como Andrés Salinas en El Hotel De Los Secretos (2016)- Ep.6, Part 3/3, Serious Accusations
Anterior <- -> Próximo (El Hotel De Los Secretos)
Anterior <- -> Próximo (Infinito Carlos Rivera)
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larsisfrommars · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 8 Reaction
Attempted stabbing interrupted by Pascual calling Julio to attention! A physical struggle ensues, Julio interrogates Pascual about the bauble that belonged to his sister. Pascual continues to deny involvement O Crap Julio Has A Knife. More stabbings being interrupted! This time by the head butler, Julio postponed his interrogation for now.
Pascual is absolutely terrified of someone/something the following morning and I’m not entirely convinced it’s Julio.
Teresa confronts her son about his Objectively Worst Choice in which servant to frame for the murder he may or may not have committed. Teresa has chosen to protect Sofia over Felipe. YAY! Andrés is back!! Everybody is about as happy to see him as me! Of course he’s well loved by the staff.
Andrés brings his mom tea (with a little alcohol, thanks Chef Lupe 😂). He checks in on his mother and asks her what she did, he gets worried when she gets super cryptic about it. She doesn’t allow him to press further and puts everybody back to work. Andrés is a little peeved “aren’t we gonna celebrate a little?” “my way of celebrating is honest work.” Oh dear…
More “where the fuck is money/evidence” between Diego and the bowler hat guy, he wants him to find not just the money but the ring I think (or the button or something else Julio/Andrés found) I can’t think of why else he would’ve been searching their room.
Pascual took the money!! No wonder he was so terrified early, he wasn’t afraid of Julio, he’s afraid of bowler hat guy!! Pascual runs into Victoria on his way (now officially on the run methinks). I’m sure she’s gonna investigate that further.
Ohhhhh no my HEART 😍 Andrés has decided to surprise Julio at work! The platter Julio was carrying drops, they’re chirping each others names and hugging I am going SO RABID over these two AHHHHHH!!! 💕
Teresa and Ángela just had an incredibly tense interaction. Ángela seems apologetic to have to have done what she did to protect her son. Teresa seems to want Ángela to swear she’ll hold up her end of the deal, she does.
Isabel comes to see Andrés and congratulate him on his freedom. They discuss what happened and I believe Isabel lies to Andrés that Felipe is the one who did it (but not telling him what Felipe had been the one to plant the knife OR that she isn’t sure Felipe guilty), she hopes justice will eventually be served (this seems to take Julio aback a little).
Julio has an aside with Isabel and thanks her for protecting Andrés’s happiness by not telling him everything, they both care for him very much and are happy he’s back, even if they both seem upset by the fact they’re hiding things from him.
Andrés continues to be ridiculously excited about being a dad and has come to check on Belén like he always does at the laundry area. This time his mom be snooping! He goes on and on about wanting to give her and the baby whatever they need.
I wonder what Ángela was hoping to find out, because what she found is Belén manipulating the heck out of him. Every time I think I’ve judged Belén too quickly she says/does some manipulative shit and I’m like “oh never mind!” 😂😅
Ayala chastises his sidekick for fraternizing with the prisoners, “you’re a policeman, our job is important, act like it!” going on about how they still need to figure out what exactly happened to Ximena. They don’t seem to be getting much from Felipe, shit isn’t connecting right.
Hooray for Ayala chastising his deputy again and telling him prostitutes are people! I’m legit really starting to like this guy, his motivation is finding the truth in a show about secrets. Even if he really REALLY missed the mark on Andrés. I think mostly because he didn’t realize Salinas’s nervous, friendly energy is completely genuine. (Autism mood right there)
Pascual trying to gtfo with his briefcase full of cash and of COURSE he runs into Diego and has to pretend everything is chill and get back to work. Oooooooh Victoria just found out what’s in the briefcase and fuckin STOLE it! She just took it to Luisa ohhhhh MAN. Ngl I think if someone else is gonna die, it’s gonna be Pascual for trying to cut and run.
Ángela is cozying up to Natalia, “thanks for your discretion, you’re doing well at the grand hotel, you’ve got friends right? Are you friends with Belén? 👀” and she has asked her if Belén has been with any man other than Andrés and Natalia is squirming like she knows something!
Now that I think about it I think the amount of time Belén has been pregnant (or something else that was said) might’ve tipped Ángela off is that the baby isn’t Andrés’s. Though what SHE doesn’t know is that Andrés knows that! Juicy!!
Jacinto (the gardener) has brought clothes for Felipe to the police station but is refused entry. Detective Ayala is currently questioning Felipe and the cop tells Jacinto it’s none of his business. Jacinto overhears two cops talking about problems having to do with Ayala and the cantina.
Luisa is very politely interrogating Diego over coffee. She’s concerned about her son and his role in the hotel (possibly because she’s worried about his safety in this web of lies). She’s giving the briefcase full of cash Victoria stole as means to gain power and influence over the hotel for herself and for her son! Daaaaaamn.
Ayala and sidekick are attending the open casket funeral of a prostitute (I think it might be Violeta’s older sister) who is very obviously alive since they go out of the way so we can see and hear her breathing 😂. I have a feeling they’re somehow using this “death” as a scam or cover up of something. Unless those shots were just bad lol. More of Violeta’s gorgeous singing voice which we found out she has last episode!
Meanwhile Andrés and Julio are ironing newspapers. They’re talking about Isabel and I think Julio just admitted to feeling affection for her (which makes Andrés nervous for him, then again what doesn’t?). Julio goes on about like, it’s not gonna happen but she is pretty great (romantic cross fade to her in the next scene).
Isabel has written to her friend Matilde (the girl she was chatting with in the very first episode!) she’s telling her about all the non-drama (which y’know, isn’t really much all things considered) and is like “I wish you were here, you’d know what to do.” Looks like Matilde may be joining our ever growing cast of characters some point soon!
Jacinto enters the scene, and in doing so, sees the abuse poor Violeta is going through first hand. She storms off and Jacinto follows suit. Diego confronts Pascual about the briefcase, Pascual throws Julio under the bus immediately.
Pascual takes the briefcase again and goes directly to Isabel’s room! Crap!! 🔪🔪🔪 he’s taken her hostage! Julio has seen them as Pascual takes Isabel into the woods! Julio tries to negotiate with Pascual to let Isabel go and asks about Cristina, revealing to him that he’s her brother!
Pascual gets very upset regarding Cristina, I think Julio is negotiating that he’ll get Pascual a ticket out of town if he tells him what happened to her. Pascual clears Felipe’s name I THINK DIEGO JUST SHOT PASCUAL before Pascual could tell Julio who’s responsible for Cristina! Damnit!! WHY AM I ALWAYS RIGHT?! 😂
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
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Infinito Carlos Rivera: Como Andrés Salinas en El Hotel De Los Secretos (2016)- Ep.6, Part 2/3, Natalia & The Knife
Anterior <- -> Próximo (El Hotel De Los Secretos)
Anterior <- -> Próximo (Infinito Carlos Rivera)
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 9 Reaction
Now that I’ve found a source with English subtitles things are a LOT more clear, still, imma keep doing these anyway because I must make the content I wish to see in the world, right @seismologically-silly ?
Julio narrowly dodged being accused as being Pascual’s accomplice. Diego demands he leaves Pascual to rot, Julio is frantically trying to wash the blood off of his hands, having failed to get answers from his sister’s lover in time.
Teresa is definitely continuing to push the narrative that Diego is in love with her on Isabel. However I’m not sure she’s quite stupid enough to believe that. Considering what was revealed and the fact Julio got there first, Diego pulled the trigger before Pascual could get the truth out.
During Ayala’s interrogation, Diego is trying to frame the situation to imply that Pascual might’ve have also been responsible for Ximena but he’s not buying it. Ayala’s also definitely got an inkling that Diego killed Oascusl in cold-blood after Isabel was safe (real astute this guy! I like him!)
Poor Lupe is trying SO HARD to connect with his son (Jacinto, the gardener boy). Obviously could tell he’s crushing on somebody and is trying so hard not to ask too many questions and failing. Lupe’s a big softie fr fr I like him a lot.
Teresa is trying to get Ayala off the case with her high falootin’ friends. Isabel gets a hug from Julio and is more determined to figure out what happened to Cristina after watching Diego murder Pascual in cold blood. Revitalizing Julio’s investigative spirit by suggesting they search Pascual’s room before the cops do.
Shit Garrido had frisked Pascual’s room before Julio or Isabel have gotten to it, the arrangement with Teresa’s judge friend is to find Pascual guilty of both Ximena and Cristina’s murders.
OOH! Ayala is gonna question Julio and I really hope it leads to some collaboration because ultimately they both want the same thing: The Truth.
Felipe is free… yay… (I hope Andrés gets to beat his ass fr tho) hooray for celebrating your freedom all by yourself dickweed.
Julio is actually being honest with Ayala for the most part! However, he is holding back on the whole “Diego and Pascual had previously existing conflict bit.”
Yay Isabel getting peer pressured into kissing her monstrous fiance, pobrecita.
Oh shit I think Felipe might’ve given himself alcohol poisoning, I mean, he’s an assjoñe but I do feel kinda bad for him.
Ángela just confronted Belén about Andrés not being the father of her baby, YIKES. On the one hand Belén is all like “Andrés can make his own choices, so if he wants to give me things-“ bleggggh shut up girl.
If I didn’t know she wasn’t actively taking advantage of him (and gonna stab him in the back, thanks Teresa). I’d be on her side more than Ángela’s. But Ángela is DEFINITELY right about her boy and I’ve seen too many situations like the one Andrés is in not to know any better.
I don’t know if there’s much Ángela can do to protect him from Belén without alienating her son from her though. She might even do just that if she thinks that what it’ll take. That woman’s got a steel jaw for sure.
Julio tried to flirt with Natalia to get the laundry basket with Pascual’s clothes, it did NOT work. Boy this scrappy raccoon man thinks he’s bigger than he is in pretty much EVERY aspect doesn’t he? Listen guy, I know you pulled some Aladdin shit on Isabel and bullied Andrés into liking you also, but that shit ain’t gonna work on everybody! 😂
Julio did something nice for Andrés and he was IMMEDIATELY suspicious, he’s learning lmao. But also, has NO idea just how much Julio cares about him. I hope he finds out soon, this boy needs to get told ‘I love you’ by people who actually mean it a LOT more (looking at you Ángela, Julio and Isabel!). Maybe he’d be less of a people-pleaser if he did.
All that being said I don’t know WHY on EARTH Julio thought Andrés could successfully schmooze/trick anybody into anything, not even Natalia lmao. He immediately got caught in his attempt to get the laundry from her by his own MOM. 😂
You know, the nervous breakdown that lead to Sofia’s accidental miscarriage aside Alfredo seems like a relatively good guy. Kind of a ditz with self-esteem issues but he wanted to give his wife credit for an idea she had despite her insisting otherwise and cares about her. The bar is really on the floor for the rich ppl in this show but still!
On the flip side, Diego and Belén are still fucking around. Granted, he’s being awful and violent with her as usual. Not to mention the severe power imbalance. He is right about one thing tho, she is so definitely not in love with Andrés and prefers him. She’s still salty about the engagement to Isabel and taking out her frustration with Ángela on their “relationship”. Girl, what did you think was gonna happen, you’d marry above your station if he got you pregnant, he give you rich ppl presents? Hm? Methinks I mislike them both.
Ooh! Isabel and Julio found a key in Pascual’s things!! And Natalia just rattled on Ángela about asking if Belén had been in any relationships prior to her and Andrés! Things are getting spicy up in here!! In other news, Jacinto has a bad case of Teen Angst and killed his dad’s chili peppers thinking about poor Violeta :(
Isabel has gone to Ayala to answer questions without having to worry about Diego lurking, and also to search through Ayala’s desk for more info on Pascual! Clever woman! Time to find out what’s behind the door of Pascual’s home in San Cristobal… in the next episode!
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larsisfrommars · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 7 Reaction
I was wrong about Belén not reacting, she wasn’t reacting because she wasn’t there! I appear to have maybe misjudged her again, I just don’t know. I believe she cares about him but that’s about all I believe. Something about her is making me distrustful.
Ángela confronts Teresa about of all the servants that could’ve been framed, why her son? Teresa tries to pass blame and responsibility onto her and Andrés. Andrés is just a servant who just so happens to be Ángela’s son, it’s her responsibility as his mother to take care of it, not hers.
Ángela is NOT having it and reveals that she knows Sofia ISN’T Teresa’s daughter and that the circumstances would cause scandal if she revealed them. Ángela tells Teresa to choose which of her children to protect, Felipe or Sofia.
Alfredo’s mother is here and she is EXTRA (I love her). They are nervously continuing the rouse that Sofia is still four months pregnant. Ángela is making sure the staff knows that Mrs. Vergara is a high priority visitor.
Belén is annoyed at how stone cold Ángela seems despite the Andrés situation, and generally jabs at her dictatorial leadership style. As an IMMEDIATE counterpoint to all that smack talking. Ángela b-lines it to her office, closes the door and curtains, and cries. Poor thing, motherhood appears to be a running theme this episode.
Oooooo Alfredo just told his mom that Sofia almost lost the baby because of the accident and that’s why she must be acting so cagily. Luisa (Alfredo’s mom) appears to be conspiring with the woman in pink that she came with about Something.
Julio tries to persuade Natalia to tell the truth about what really happened with the knife, but Natalia is scared of Ángela. She and Julio share an intense look while Natalia skitters away.
Julio confronts Ángela, he wants to act but she wants to wait. Julio is very angry and pisses Ángela off by calling how much she cares about her son and what’s going on into question. Ángela warns that the Alacróns are VERY powerful people. If they ever wanna see Andrés again they have to work smart, not hard. Julio reluctantly agrees.
Ooh new plot development, Jacinto (the gardener boy) has taken an interest in Violeta (that poor abused pregnant girl from the cantina). Wonder how that’ll pan out 👀. He’s clearly upset by watching her mother abuse her, and even more unsettled by the shopkeepers gossiping about her and her parents.
Sofia is continuing to flip out, terrified Luisa or Alfredo will find out she’s not pregnant anymore and Teresa demands she suffers in silence. Something else is wrong, she’s still in physical pain, even after the accident, she’s keeping it herself for now.
Now she’s trying to get Alfredo to stay and sleep with her (I’m sure part of it is cuz she loves him but maybe she’s looking to get pregnant again so the baby just seems late?) they are interrupted by another mysterious spike of pain. I bet that doctor is gonna have to get involved again 👀
OH SHIT Luisa is having a little talk with the doctor that tended to Sofia after the accident. However, he’s gets uncomfortable and cagey around the questions he’s being asked (because he’s afraid of Teresa). He leaves and she and the lady in pink continue to conspire.
Victoria (pink lady) is schmoozing Pasquale now okokok. She got Pascual (I've been spelling his name wrong OOPS) to leave and us now checking the desk book for something. OOOH I wonder if Luisa and Victoria are looking into the shadiness with Cristina and the mysterious demise of Sir Alacrón? That would spice things up fr fr.
Isabel confronts her brother about Andrés, she tries to convince him to do pretty much anything else and tries to field whether he regrets doing what he did. He clearly doesn’t and gets all classist and awful. She tells him he’s a horrible person (she’s right) and leaves him in the bath with his clothes on and his stupid wine.
Diego is worried Isabel is getting too close to the truth. Teresa blames Diego for this, listing all the evidence that’s been found as his fault and responsibility and calls him out for taking money from the hotel (I think?) and dismisses him. Fractures are beginning to form between our two main antagonists ohhhhhh BOY.
Julio is absolutely inconsolably polishing silverware because he’s missing his emotional-support-Andrés. Isabel finds him and tells him what she knows from talking to Felipe. Julio still very much wants to do something, he’s angry at Diego, at Felipe, at everyone. She reminds him if he acts now they may never find out what happened to Cristina. It doesn’t stop him.
OOH VICTORIA TOOK A PAGE FROM PASQUALE’S RECORD BOOK! Oh! And Luisa has apparently invited the doctor to her hotel room where they can speak privately. I guess Teresa didn’t scare him quite that badly after all then.
Shit nevermind he got caught by her almost immediately. She threatens him more and gets the record book page back (Victoria probably gave it to him). More polite threats and and demands, she expels him out of the hotel. Luisa is now even more suspicious of the situation than ever before.
!!! Bowler hat guy is frantically searching Andrés and Julio’s room for something. Julio enters, staring forlorn at Andrés’s bed (I’m so normal about this you guys I’m sooooooooo normal) meanwhile cliffhanger is pretty sharp 🔪 wouldn’t you say?
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larsisfrommars · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 6 Reaction
Julio had to choose between helping Isabel and chasing the ✨mysterious figure✨. Telling him everything she saw after she comes to.
Ayala is doing science on a jacket (that they found at the scene of the crime? Or using just for science). Mentioning a lot about about water, wondering if they’re using the jacket as a comparison point for Cristina’s uniform to see if the mold develops the same way or something?
Isabel and Julio are trying to piece together the evidence they saw in the woods with the rest of the evidence. Julio is still extremely suspicious of Diego but (because of the lies/truth bending from last episode) Isabel is convinced he’s not a criminal. Julio “I thought you were intelligent” so that’s going… not great.
More clothing chemistry with Ayala (this time with fire). Turns out the bar owner of the scabby cantina knows something about what happened the night Cimena was killed.
Julio and Isabel are fighting, Isabel thinks it’s crazy for Julio to believe Diego capable of murder, Julio thinks she’s naive. Isabela says she’s known Diego for years and they haven’t known each other for very long.
Something about that (or something else around that statement) hurts Julio’s feelings, Isabel apologizes. He addresses her really formally and promises not to keep bothering her with his problems and storms off.
Sofia is still freaking out about Alfredo’s parents coming to visit. Teresa is trying to get her to pull it together and to keep lying about the baby. It is not going well considering Sofia collapses in a puddle of misery and tears.
Diego is PISSED that bowler hat guy let the bribe money get stolen by the ✨mysterious figure✨ threatens him and tells him to get that money back by any means necessary.
More bullying and convincing and such happens between Sofia and Teresa. I’m beginning to wonder if they have a shared secret that makes it very important for her to marry Alfredo and/or lie to Alfredo’s parents about the baby. It’s like Teresa is trying to protect herself and Sofia from the consequences of something they did.
OHHHHHH! The jacket was Felipe’s, and I bet whatever barkeep dude said incriminated the hell out of the guy. Ayala just made some thinly veiled accusations at tea time!
Julio is asking Pasquale about the button/ring thingy he found in the water. Things just got reallllll tense and Pasquale is getting cagey. Julio comes up with an innocuous excuse for why he has the button at all. Julio seems to be picking up on the sus vibes and leaves.
Even better I might have been right about the mold thing after all! Ayala just asked Felipe & Lady Teresa about Cristina o shit o shittttt. He also brought up Teresa’s husband (right before Cristina disappeared). Ayala suspects Felipe of Stuff but I have a feeling he’s a red herring and maybe Teresa and/or Sofia had something to do with those 2-3 deaths/disappearances (Ximena, Cristina and Lord Alacrón).
Julio has been asked about Felipe’s character and about him and Ximena. Julio presents the alibi of Felipe having been at the cantina for the wrestling match he lost last episode.
Isabel is once more sus of Diego, Diego has now resorted to redirect her suspicions even further toward her brother Felipe, using the recent investigation as a way to possibly get her to believe he’s responsible for both Cristina and Ximena’s ends. Bonus potency for Ayala asking Julio if he knew whether Felipe ever interacted with Cristina and had to pretend he doesn’t know her.
Andrés rushes to tell Julio that Isabel is alone with Diego in the garden (fuzzy on the details of why they’re worried other than Diego’s usual shady behavior), Julio goes after her. A maid finds the broken knife in that killed Ximena under Felipe’s bed.
More clues and buttons upon returning to where Isabel saw the ✨mysterious figure✨ but hides said evidence (ANOTHER button?) from Diego. It seems Julio has re-shaken her trust in him.
Natalia (the maid) has taken the knife to Ángela. Who tells her not to say anything before she talks to Teresa or she’ll be fired (yet again to protect the reputation of the hotel). Ángela takes the knife to Teresa and shows it to her.
Andrés tries to console Natalia over the whole knife thing, Julio overhears and enters. Andrés IMMEDIATELY tells Julio about the whole knife thing (which, hilariously, aggravates Natalia) but he’s like “it’s okay Julio is chill we can trust him I promise” because gay because I love him because he’s a good friend and Andrés is noticeably terrible at discretion.
Julio swears what Natalia has told them won’t leave the room, Andrés is a little resistant. Julio explains that whatever is going on it has to do with Cristina somehow (thanks to Ayala’s questioning) and that whatever’s going on goes high up (and possibly endangers Isabel) and confronting Ángela would be a bad idea.
Felipe angrily and tearfully denies he killed Ximena to his mother and claims that he’s been set up and begs her to believe him.
Isabel and Julio make up when she finds him in the woods. She shows him the button and he freaks out. Telling her it belonged to his father and he’d given it to Cristina. Julio angrily asks if Isabela still thinks Diego isn’t involved.
Isabel tells Julio it wasn’t Diego who was involved but her brother Felipe. Julio tells Isabel about the knife Natalia found. Things are getting reaaaaaal spicy!
Lady Teresa and Felipe concoct a plan to plant the knife in a servant’s quarters to take the heat off of him. I have a horrible feeling about who the easiest target would be 👀😬😫
Julio is chatting up Belén (work huh? Morning sickness? You and Andrés?) slowly edging the conversation implicitly to Cristina, then shows her the pin/button and she clearly knows something aaaaaaaaaaa Isabel is confronting her brother about the knife AAAAAAAAAAA
Belén tried to take it like it’s a wedding present but Julio stops her. She admits to knowing it belonged to Cristina and to ask Pasquale if he wants to know more, okayyyyyy.
Felipe is surprised and upset at Isabel’s accusations a flips out, telling her that he didn’t have anything to do with Cristina and had nothing to do with the broken knife either, he gets away from her as fast as he can.
Ayala had found the knife EXACTLY where Felipe planted it and I am DISTRAUGHT! Do NOT take my baby away what the fuck what the fuck NOOOOOO. He didn’t kill Cristina or Ximena stop it stop NOOOOO. You dumb fuck why didn’t your friend find the knife before you stupid stubborn man! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I want to KILL stupid Felipe for this. Natalia is trying not to cry again, Ángela is yelling at Ayala to let go of her son. Julio is like “Andrés is a perfect cinnamon roll angel baby there’s no way he did what you accuse him of!” the only person close to him that isn’t saying shit is… Belén. Huh.
Well, now I HAVE to watch the next one or I’ll die from anticipation! Damn youuuuuuuuu!
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