#eidwyn manor
nihils-trolls · 1 year
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Aides of Eidwyn Manor, recently revived (and by revived I mean resurrected.)
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goddesstrolls · 1 year
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just a normal night in the eidwyn manor
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
Of Gold and Shadows
context here
“C’mon, Ria. It’s just some old hive that got left to rot. Telling me you’re scared all of a sudden?”
“Shut up, Gaz. If I was scared, I wouldn’t’ve followed you out here, dumbass.”
A young troll prods his friend as they walk along a cobbled path lined with planted trees, long since forgotten and overgrown. It’s a windy- but otherwise quiet- night, moons high in the sky and peeking through the clouds overhead. A rather large piece of property once- this small valley appears thick with weeds and brambles; any other buildings that were here now drowned out in green and falling apart.
The two had heard tales of this derelict estate that was tucked deep into the mountain pass to the north, and that it was haunted by the lingering spirit of the old staff and its last owner. Fate unknown, body never found.  But of course, those are just rumors. 
“Oh, okay then. I’ll believe that. One hundred percent.” Gazram says with a sarcastic tone, to which Rianne replies with a slug to his shoulder.
In all honesty, neither of them thought there was going to be anything out here. But just a short way back, they’d found an old trail that led to where they are now. Visible just through the trees ahead lies a stately manor. Or, what would have been one maybe several hundred sweeps prior. 
The building is still standing despite the disrepair it’s in; the porch in front is falling to pieces, windows broken in, a large hole in the roof- the list goes on. From the outside, the inside seems to be in just as bad of shape. Empty for who knows how long, boarded doors and slanting floors.
“Yeesh, this place has seen better nights,” Gazram states plainly. “So what. You thinkin’ we just… march right in, yeah? See if we can catch anything weird?”
“I mean. What else are we gonna do? I still don’t know why I even came out here with you.” 
“I dunno. To leave that stuffy hive of yours and live a little? No harm in exploring.”
Rianne steps around broken boards on her way to the main entrance, Gazram following close behind. Unlike others they’ve seen, this door remains unbarred. A quick jiggle of the handle reveals it to be locked; however, the motion causes the door to swing inside slowly, revealing a moth-eaten foyer. Large, golden colored draperies line the walls, black rugs line the once elaborate wooden floors- stained with mildew and rot.
The both of them step inside, Gaz closing the door behind them. The vast room is intersected by a stretching hall spanning left to right, with two staircases at the back. Both lead to a balcony on the floor above that overlooks the space below. A chandelier sits fallen in the center- shattered glass scattered everywhere. 
“What do you think happened?” Rianne asks.
“What, to the owner?” Gaz pauses for a moment, ambling into the room further before answering back. “I don’t know. From what I heard, it was some sort of feud between rivals- and not  the romantic kind. Rich highbloods get into all sorts of weird dramatic bullshit, don’t they?
Oooh! Do you think there’s anything cool left behind? Or do y’ think looters got to this place already?”
Rianne just rolls her eyes, following and continuing to look around. “You told me this place is old n’ well known already, so I doubt it. But… look around. Don’t you think it’s weird that there’s no blues or purples? Anything even remotely on that end of the spectrum?”
He stops in his tracks for a moment before continuing. “A little, but that doesn’t mean anything- shit could’ve gotten stolen already… Maybe the guy just had a weird sense of style.”
“... You’ve got me there. I probably wouldn’t’ve built my hive like this…”
Rianne trails off, looking down a hall to her right. Gazram follows her gaze, and looks just as bewildered as she does. The hall is devoid of light other than moonlight filtering through the windows. It seems to stretch on much further than expected; almost seems as if the corridor itself skews and twists towards the end.
“... ‘specially not like this. You seeing that too?”
“Wish I could say I’m not.” he replies simply.
She peers into the shadows further down, hesitating to speak again. “I think I saw something else down there. I… I don’t know. Maybe we should leave?”
Gazram looks dumbfoundedly at her. “Ria, we just got here. You really gonna leave because a creepy abandoned hive is starting to get to you?”
“I just might.” she says.
“C’mon, there’s nothing here. This place is just falling apart at the seams… you really think there’s ghosts here?” he teases. Next thing he knows, she’ll be telling him she believes in magic, too.
Ria puts her hands on her hips, giving her ‘friend’ an unamused look. “No, but I don’t like this either way, asshole.  Y’know what? Have fun by yourself, getting injured in a shoddy building. I’m gonna go wait outside for you to be done with all this.”
Rianne then heads for the door- Gazram deciding to meander towards the twisting hall. “Fine, be that way. Just so you know, you might be waiting awhile.”
“Uh huh. And if I wait more than an hour, I’m leaving your sorry ass here.”
Jiggling the handle again, she remembers that the door is locked- and Gazram shut it the rest of the way. Sighing, she looks down to find that there’s no bolt keeping the door shut- no lock on this side either.
“... Gaz, did you do something to this door? If so, this isn’t funny.”
Turning on his heel to face her again, he gives Rianne a puzzled look. “No?”
The olive walks back over to the entrance, pushing her aside and attempting to open the door- and does so without issue. “See? It’s not even locked. I dunno what your problem is-”
Just as soon as it opens, Gazram is cut off by the door slamming shut of its own accord. The two turn to stare at it, shocked, and Gaz grasps at the handle to try and open it again. Unfortunately for him, it doesn’t budge.
“You cannot tell me that was ‘just the wind’-” Ria says, before being interrupted by her friend.
“I’m sor-ry, what do you want me to say? I don’t believe in ghosts, and I’m not about to because a door slammed shut spookily.” He quickly gives up the vain attempts to open it and walks away in a huff. “If the door won’t open, just bust open one of these windows and climb out. The rest are broken anyway.”
“... I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t? You’re not that weak, I know that for a fact-”
“I mean I can’t!” Rianne yells, surprising even herself. After a moment’s pause, she sighs and looks out the window. “I won’t do it. I just… listen. I’m getting a really bad feeling- if we break anything in here, it’s not gonna end well.”
Gazram stares at the cerulean, now returning the unamused look from earlier. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Dead serious,” she hisses, turning to look back at him. “Let’s just… find another way out. There’s bound to be a back door, or hole in the wall somewhere. Fast, preferably.”
“Fine, but we’re going the way I was going to go before you called me over.” 
… Both move down the skewed hall at a slowed pace. The floorboards creak and groan underneath their steps, the sounds echoing throughout the corridor. Out of the several doors they’ve passed, only one was unlocked- leading to an empty room infested with roaches and black mold. 
“You’d think…” Gazram starts, “That with all the time and number of trolls that had to have been here, these doors would be busted open, wouldn’t you?”
Rianne thinks for a moment, putting a hand to her chin. “Yeah, actually. It’s kinda weird, isn’t it? I kinda expected this place to be in worse condition. And this hallway…”
“What about it?”
“Dude, we’ve been walking down it for at least five minutes. It didn’t look that long before, did it? This doesn’t even match what it looked like from the outside.” After saying that, she stops to look behind her.
The hallway stretches on for quite the distance. Back where they had started, Rianne notices a tall, pale troll standing in a long, white dress. After staring a moment, she notices darkened, mustard colored splatters on the dress- and that the figure is staring right back.
Stopping in her tracks, she grabs a hold of her friend’s arm. Whispering for him to look too. Glancing back to see the same, he immediately regrets not believing Ria sooner.
They don’t have a moment to react before a wall springs upwards from the floor and slams against the ceiling, blocking the hall off from the foyer. They jolt from the sudden ‘thud,’ and the first is followed by more as the very corridor itself seems to fold in on itself and shrink.
Still holding his arm, Rianne begins sprinting down the hall dragging Gazram behind her. Despite the collapsing happening behind them, the end never seems to be getting any closer to them. Gasping for breath, the two continue racing onwards- not having any other option.
Finally, she sees a bend to the left. Pulling the olive around the corner, the wall continues advancing- until it slams against the end in an abrupt stop. Ria collapses to the floor, attempting to catch her breath.
“What… the actual fuck… was that??” she says, exasperated. “Suuuure Gaz, tell me the place isn’t fucking haunted! Oooooh, ghosts aren’t real,” Ria continues mockingly, “Then you mind telling me what the hell happened?
And do not tell me we’re hallucinating from… from.. mold spores or any other shitty explanation. I feel pretty sober right now, and I hate it.”
“-Alright! Fine! I don’t know! What do you want, for me to say this was a stupid idea? Then yeah! I agree, this was a fucking stupid idea.” he argues. “How was I supposed to know that there would be fucking… supernatural bullshit happening here?”
Rianne holds her head in her hands, too frustrated and too scared to say anything back to that. Or, anything for a few long moments. But finally, she steels herself- getting off of the floor to stand.
Gazram continues while she does so. “Look. I won’t bother you about superstitious stuff anymore. So let’s just… keep going. Ignore any other weird shit unless it’s actually gonna hurt us, since it looks like our only way out is through.”
Scrubbing her face, Ria sighs and nods. “Yeah. Fine.”
The duo continues along, the end of the corridor being marked with a large set of heavy-looking double doors. More rooms lie along this stretch, with most of them being locked like the rest. Sobbing echoed out quietly from behind them, and neither Rianne or Gazram dared to look back. Not again.
Instead, they both push open the doors at the end, revealing a ruined grand ballroom with a high, vaulted ceiling. Stairs along either side of the wall lead up to another balcony, decorated pillars holding it aloft. It’s mostly empty, save for an old grand piano and a small orchestral stage off to the side. The back wall contains an enormous, elaborate window with two glass doors leading outside- their escape, hopefully.
Not wasting any time, Rianne begins making her way over to the back wall with Gazram following close behind. Upon their entering of the room, music begins playing from the grand piano- despite there being no one there to play. The sudden disturbance only hastens their steps.
Before the cerulean can open the door, both trolls feel a presence directly behind them. No longer off in the distance, stifled weeping can be heard- a voice softly speaking to them.
“Why can’t you just leave me be?”
Ria dares to turn her head back, ever so slowly. She is face to face with a ghastly figure, pale as bone with long, frazzled white hair to match. Her wide, haunted eyes were black like voids with golden irises. Yellow blood streaks and drips from her eyes down her face, stains covering the entirety of the elaborate, yet ruined dress she’s wearing.
“Get out.” the figure finally commands, a forceful gust of wind knocking the patio doors open and shattering them.
No longer frozen with fear, Gazram grabs a hold of Ria’s arm- dragging her with him as he hastily retreats out the open door. Now free of the manor’s walls, the two scramble around and back towards the path that led them here. 
Neither of them really felt like exploring 'haunted buildings' anymore. Or, ever again for that matter.
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
"-Miss, we don't get visitors. Given how society is these nights, I highly doubt they will be amicable. In my honest opinion, I believe that-"
Vavaad is interrupted by his employer and tutor, one Nyxtra Eidwyn. She waves her hand around, making a sharp noise to cut off his sentence.
"-Believe what, we should cull the poor fools for not knowing better? I think not, Mr. Banesh."
"Fine. What do you suggest we do then, miss?"
Nyxtra pauses for the briefest of moments, bowing her head. "Getting rid of anyone that comes too close is a bit dangerous, don't you think? Not only does it drive off any decent folk, it attracts a certain... unwanted attention. If you know what I mean."
"... I'm not sure I follow. It's a dangerous mountain pass, milady. Trolls that dare come out here are not always well prepared. There's no reason that we would draw much suspicion this way."
"Vaad, dear, you're missing the point. If we cull every poor soul that comes along this path, what would come of it? We could very well be snuffing out some bright and brilliant individuals."
"Again, I ask then, miss. What would you like me to do here? You are the one who put me in charge of keeping the property."
"... Leave it to me this time, I have a fun idea. If they're even remotely disrespectful of this estate, I'll be sure to deal with it."
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
still working on designs... but Nyx has two people she trusts the most, and are her best students. which she has recently revived :)
Vavaad: A rust that specializes in some of their teacher's favorites- illusions and shadow magic. Solemn, formal (stands tall and folds their hands behind their back type of formal,) insists that you are never giving Nyxtra enough respect.
Milyra: Teal. Sopping wet pathetic cat personified, fittingly knows water magic and healing. She is almost constantly teary-eyed and perpetually sounds like she's about to cry whenever she talks. Almost always scared- but one night hopes that what she's learning will make her less scared.
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
Nyxtra is the sole proprietor of Eidwyn Manor, a supposedly long-abandoned mansion hive that used to be both home and school to a small number of young mages.
In current times, it sits alone in the far mountainside. Somehow, it still stands- yet looks decrepit and haunted to any onlookers. Rumors say that it might actually be haunted. Some of them report seeing rooms lit, shadows of figures moving around, and cursed terrain- thick bramble and thickets seem to grow in the jagged and stony ground, and the weather always seems to be cloudy or rain.
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
That being said, Nyx's aides Vavaad and Milyra are both from the same time as her- while Nyxtra was at the height of her... career, I guess, as a sorceress.
So all three of them are just trying to exist currently, while Nyx keeps watch over her manor- the countless books in her expansive library as well. It's for the best that other trolls think the place is haunted.
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nihils-trolls · 9 months
Vavaad strode down a hall of the manor, a platter with a tea set in his hands. White tea and hibiscus with honey, the mistress's favorite. He hoped that the drink would help some, given she hadn't been out of her room for several nights.
With a moment's hesitation after arriving, he knocks on her chamber door.
"Miss Eidwyn?" He calls, waiting. There's no response.
He sighs. "Nyxtra, is it alright if I come in? I have a little something for you."
Vavaad is met with more silence for a long moment. But soon enough, the door pops open. Giving a breath of relief, the rust slowly enters the room.
It's quite spacious, accommodating a large bed, solid wood furnishing and a grand, goldenrod lounging chair. At the foot of the bed, Nyxtra sits- curled up in a ball with her legs tucked close to her chest. A couple of empty wine bottles sit knocked over close by.
"Made it over to the cellar, I see." Vavaad comments, trying not to sigh again. "Did you even decant those?"
Nyxtra grumbles, not bothering to lift her head and sounding muffled. "What's the point."
Vavaad moves further into the room, setting the tray down on an end table to sit on the bed next to where she is. He's definitely rusty on the whole comforting thing, but tries anyway- placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Miss, I'm worried about you. You haven't been out of your room for nights, now. It's been two perigees of you sulking about or distracting yourself with studies, chores or rearranging the hive."
Nyxtra's shoulders sink, letting out an elongated sigh- or was that a sob? "So what. 'S probably the only things-s I know how to do right."
"Come now," Vaad says. "You and I both know that's not true."
She sighs again, slurring a little. "I feel so stupid for trusting that guy. Sh-ould have known better... He was nice and flattering and... played me like a damn violin."
Vavaad pauses, thinking on the matter. "Well, he's out of your hair now. And you did realize before it went too far. You're more intelligent than you accuse yourself of being.
... If I may suggest, perhaps a different distraction. One more pleasant, and I know you're brilliant at. You wanted to restart the Crystallure Gala again, didn't you?"
Nyxtra looks up finally, tear stained eyes and make-up running down her cheeks. "Yeah, but... 's too late to do any planning for that. I don't even know who all to invite, or even how. Not like I know anybody else around these nights."
"There's plenty of time for next sweep though, isn't there?" Vavaad tries to be reassuring, glad he's making some kind of progress.
She's quiet for a moment, clearly trying to think as she stares off into space. "... I guess there is."
Vaad squeezes her shoulder, moving to sit on the floor next to Nyxtra. "Think about it. There's time to figure out who's all around, and how to go about invites. We can plan the food and desserts, decide on a theme..." He trails off, giving her some space to chime in.
She sniffs, rubbing her eye. "Was there even a theme last time?"
"No," he replies. "But that doesn't mean we can't have one this time."
Nyx nods, sitting up a little bit. Meanwhile, Vavaad moves to stand, continuing. "I'll let you think about it, alright? Come find me if you have any ideas and such."
Before he reaches the door, he looks over to the end table at the platter again. Vaad lingers for a second before exiting.
"...And don't let your tea go cold."
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
with spooky season next on the list, I can fully get in the zone for writing Eidwyn Manor. it's gonna be great. I love it
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nihils-trolls · 1 year
Nyxtra, I think personally, is an interesting magic tutor. She's quite hands-on with her learning style, offering demonstrations and better/different descriptions as she's able.
The manor is supposed to be a safe place for her students to practice, where they can do the least amount of damage and be protected from outside forces. She works hard as hell to keep it that way, and takes it personally when her students are put in danger. Hell hath no fury like an Eidwyn scorned or offended.
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