#either I run against that (because I literally can‘t tell that it stands out)
theangelssecondwing · 4 years
Chapter 15
„Not now. We can talk about this later. After I‘ve had a chance to… calm down.“
I looked ahead again, and only when I got out my key to open my front door did I see how much I was shaking. But once we were all inside, We just let ourselves drop onto whatever seat was closest.
„I… I‘ll go get us something to drink“, I said quietly and walked over to the kitchen. Sephiroth followed.
„What were you thinking?!“, he asked once we were alone. „You could have died!“
„I know, but I… we had to see Genesis.“
Sephiroth remained quiet for a short moment… and then pulled me into his arms, holding me close like it would be the last time. „Don‘t ever be so reckless again.“
I reciprocated the embrace, pressing my face into the crook of his neck and inhaling his scent. „I‘m sorry.“
He held me like this for a moment. Then he let go, so I could get to preparing the drinks I had promised.
„So… what now?“, Zack asked once everyone had the chance to calm down a little. „Genesis seemed to calm down pretty quickly after what Sephiroth said to him.“
Sephiroth stared blankly into his drink for a moment before looking up again. „He‘s probably going to contact us soon. He knows that we‘re on his side now.“
„We might have to leave Midgar to help him though“, I mused.
His cat-like eyes darted over to me. „You don‘t have to come along. It will be dangerous, and I won‘t force you to leave everything you have ever known behind.“
„Hey, in for one Gil in for a million. You‘re not getting rid of me this easily.“
„We‘d have to make some plans first, though“, Angeal replied. „So we won‘t be leaving right away.“
Zack got up. „Okay. I‘m in, too.“
My cellphone rang, and I picked up. „Hello?“
„Cora, please tell me you weren‘t really running through the Shinra building in the middle of an attack.“
„Hi Rufus. Nice to hear from you again. Hope you‘re okay.“
„Answer the question.“
I scratched the back of my neck. „How do you know I was there?“
„I know everything going on in the company. You know that even the Turks can‘t protect you if you WILLFULLY put yourself in danger, right?“
„I know. I‘m sorry.“
„Does Sephiroth know what happend?“ I could almost hear Rufus impatiently tapping his fingers on his desk.
„He does.“
„And he was fine with this?“
„Of course not.“
Rufus sighed deeply. „Anyway, good to hear that you are unhurt. My father is currently organizing the repairs we need. And after the damages have been dealt with, he wants to hold a party to show that ‚Shinra doesn‘t bow to terrorists‘. You are invited. In fact, he was very insistent that you come and that I personally invite you as a guest of honor.“ He lowered his voice. „He dropped certain hints after he found out we were on speaking terms again, so he‘s definitely planning something. Stay on guard, and keep Sephiroth close to you.“
„Okay. Thanks for the warning.“
„I‘ll talk to you later.“ Click.
Sephiroth looked at me with a raised eyebrow. „Bad news?“
„We‘re invited to a party once the Shinra building doesn‘t look like a battlefield anymore“, I stated flatly.  
Repairing the damages and renovating the Shinra buildung ended up taking a whole month, during which we planned what to do after leaving Midgar. The biggest problem was that we had literally no idea where to start. We didn‘t hear from Genesis, either. Had he not understood the message after all? Or maybe he held off on contacting us while we were still in Midgar, knowing that Shinra would find out if he did?
I tried to feign normalcy as much as I could during work hours, but my stress clearly showed. The only positive thing I noticed was that Justine was leaving me alone for the most part, probably as a Thank You for saving her.
Working for Rufus was mostly the same as working for my father had been. Simple secretary jobs, fetching coffee for both of us, taking documents to the archives, and so on. We were both tense because of the upcoming party.
And then, finally, it was time.
„How do I look?“, I asked softly, twisting and turning in front of my bedroom mirror to try and zip up my dress. I wore simple knee-length a black dress with a tulip collar and a belt with green rhinestones all over it to spruce it up a bit.
„Don‘t worry. You look fantastic.“ Sephiroth wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my ear before gently grabbing the zipper and pulling it up.
I was still staring into the mirror, now much more used to seeing myself with Sephiroth. And we did make a cute couple, actually.
„I still got a bad feeling about this“, I told him.
„I‘ll be with you the entire time“, he promised. „Come on, we need to leave or we‘ll be late.“
The party took place at the Shinra family‘s estate, and all of the big names of the company were present. I hadn‘t even fully entered yet when I was ushered away from Sephiroth and dragged over to Rufus, who was standing with his father and looked just as uncomfortable as I felt. I looked over my shoulder over to Sephiroth, who held eye contact with me the entire time. Angeal and Yui soon joined him. Yui gave me an awkward thumbs up, appearantly trying to tell me that everything was going to be okay. If only I could believe that.
More and more people arrived. Business partners, high-ranking Shinra officials, the creme de la creme of the city. And when finally all guests had arrived, President Shinra took a glass of sparkling wine from a waitor and clinked a fork against it to gain everyone‘s attention.
„My dear friends and associates.“ I could almost feel the word ‚friends‘ sour on his tongue. This man did not do ‚friends‘. „The attack on Shinra last month has left the whole city shaken, and yet like a phoenix from the ashes, Shinra rises, as it always will. Today‘s festivities are just a reminder that we will not bow nor quiver before terrorists. We press on, to give a better future for all generations to come. And to fully emphasise that, I have a very special announcement to make.“ His cold, icy blue eyes darted over to Rufus and me, and I suddenly felt defiant. If he thought he could pressure me into marrying Rufus like this, he was dead wrong. „It is well known that there was always a certain person I wanted my Rufus to marry. Someone who would bring the necessary knowledge and assets into the marriage to expand Shinra even further, until the company can guarantee a comfortable life to everyone in the world. So it is with great joy that I announce the official engagement of Rufus to Miss Cora Hunter.“ People politely applauded.
„No“, I said firmly, and could almost hear the record scratch.
Shinra Sr looked at me as if I had suddenly sprouted a second head. „Excuse me?“
„She said ‚no‘, father“, Rufus answered. „So do I. We were not informed of this, neither have we given our consent.“
It was quite obvious that Rufus‘ father had not anticipated us to openly challenge him and cause a scene. His face was pale at first, but then became beet-red with anger. Then he grabbed both our shoulders and turned to the crowd. „Excuse us for a moment.“ Then he dragged us out of the room.
„What do you think you‘re doing?“
„Putting a stop to whatever you‘re planning“, Rufus replied. „You know we do not want this.“
„Have I ever asked about what you want?“ The bright red colour drained from Shinra Sr‘s face as he regained his composure. „You do realize that your friend‘s family is completely dependent on me? If you two do not agree with what I have decided, I can easily render her and her precious father destitute.“
I clenched my hands into fists. Damn bastard.
Rufus took a deep breath. „Okay. Fine.“
Rufus gave me a look and slightly shook his head. Then he turned to his father again. „But maybe we shouldn‘t announce it right away, after the scene we just caused. Give Cora and me the chance to prepare a proper announcement for ourselves.“
Satisfied that he got what he wanted, the President gave us a small smile that didn‘t quite reach his eyes. „Fine. I suppose I can at least give you that.“
The room was abuzz with gossip when we finally joined the other guests again.
„What was that all about?“, I asked Rufus once his father was out of earshot.
Rufus looked ahead blankly before turning to me again. „Tonight, after the party, I will drive you and Sephiroth to the courthouse. You can also invite Ms. Yuuji and Angeal, if you want. It‘s not the most romantic thing, but my father can‘t force you to marry me if you‘re already legally married. I‘ll serve as a witness. After that, it‘s probably better if you leave the city for a bit.“
„What about my dad?“, I asked softly. As rocky as my relationship with my father had been lately, I did not want him to suffer from all of this.
„I‘ll make sure he‘s taken care of“, Rufus replied. „Don‘t worry. I got this.“
We approached Sephiroth, and the first thing I saw was a blonde head cozying up to him.
„Get lost“, he told Justine firmly.
„Oh come on. You just heard it, she‘s engaged to someone else now. And I know you think I‘m hot. You sure acted like it during that night-“
„That was a one time thing, and it was years ago. Now leave.“
„Are you really planning on being a homewrecker? And for the Shinra family, no less?“ Justine‘s voice was dripping with false innocence. „Now, Sephiroth, I would have never guessed-“
Finally, Sephiroth spotted me and dashed forward, wrapping his arms around me possessively. „Cora. Please tell me you‘re really not going along with this.“
„I‘m not. I promise.“ I stroked his face. And in a lowered voice, I told him:„Rufus has a plan. It‘s happening tonight.“
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