#el racismo es un problema muy integral en latam Porque la sociedad ha sido estructurada desde los 1600s para este efecto
demonstars · 5 months
Blackface in Peru is an "acceptable" joke because Peruvians tend to be darker skinned. However, it's very much rooted in racism/colorism, considering how many have African ancestry.
i mean, yeah, as far as dark humor goes. it is the same with orientalism, to a certain degree, because of the way indigenous identities and "mixed" people tend to try to work out their identity in society. as we (latam) continue to appear in online spaces these issues within latam society become more apparent, and while i understand it's hard for people who have had these beliefs validated by their surroundings to stop behaving this way, it is integral we discuss and question these beliefs. Which is why I noted what crisgreen had done and let people form their own judgement. me personally, i think he's a little grown to not to question his own actions. The way you have worded this ask makes me wonder if you're talking from personal experience or if this is something you "know" because depending on that our conversation would be very different
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