#ela writes fic
elaphaemourra · 3 years
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Got tagged by @mercurypilgrim :DDDD ✨Thank u for the tag!!✨
Anyone who wants to jump in on this thing, feel free to and say that i tagged u owo love me some creative shit.
SO for y'all today, i have some of that fun fun Corrupted Darkside Skaia au stuff owo because Yes he is fun to write This little blip in particular is from a thing that I'm calling Recognition in the interim jdsjakfhak.
His head dropped forward, dipped towards his chest for a moment before he righted himself and lifted his head to properly look into that soldier’s eyes. Everything in his expression was murder, nothing less than promises of pain, death, and torment, absolutely dripping in hate. He shook his head a few times, a futile attempt to dislodge the offending piece of technology from his face. He huffed and stilled in his struggles to put all his focus on glaring daggers at that spineless fucker who dared force him into silence. And then he kicked them, shot his leg up and forwards and dropped a metal heel into their knee hard enough to bring that soldier down to one leg with a horrible crunch. But there was satisfaction on Skaia’s face, they still weren’t safe from him. Well, until he was forced down to his knees, hands on his shoulders and painful pressure on the back of his legs made him fold to the ground. He stared, silent--not subdued but waiting--from his new position, and breathed out in a harsh motion that made it almost sound like a hiss. The people around him, the soldiers, were scared. Good. They should be.
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i wrote,,, a Skaia Fic :3c
bc i am fckn, incapable of doing Actual Writing without first having a Character Establishment fic lmfao.
He’s a sweetie fdjkla.
---->We’re Taking A Walk<-----
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I got tagged by @blueburds (Thank you for the tag!!! :D Your art is fckn lovely)
I leave this with the usual Open Tag: if u want in, feel free, and slap me with that @ i wanna see Creative Shit it’s the best.
I got me some Art and some Words shit today :DD
Art of some Onslaught Comicy Ass Shit bc I started to draw a comicy thing about Zal's complete :/ about Anything that requires Politics and Scheming:
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(also jut a little zoom in on Zal bc i think he's cute fjdakl)
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And a WORDS from the in-the-works chapter of 'gdi zal why is it taking u 11k words to See Spindrall u fuckin dweeb' aka That One Fic Where Zal Bitches About Stairs For Fuckin Forever.
Zal nodded, more to himself than anything else, and turned back towards the stairs.
These fucking stairs again.
Son of a bitch, nothing could just be easy could it. He had to face the stairs. Again. And assuming he wasn’t immediately murdered in this ‘trial of blood’ then he’d have to face the stairs again because Spindrall certainly wouldn’t do the nice thing and meet him halfway or anything like that.
He could already see the change in mood though, as he took the first few steps back down to the main level, see the sudden tension in all the Sith Hopefuls at the base of the staircase. Trial of blood. Fighting these people, who had most certainly spent longer working on their skills, perhaps even with some genuinely structured instruction instead of the one off-the-cuff lesson Vibrance had manhandled him through.
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hi when the Fuck did i write this bc Hot Damn i’m rereading some wips i’d like to continue and this line hit me like a TRUCK
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Hello, Mita, when the fuck did u get this fckn Line hot damn.
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:DDDDDD i got tagged by @sleepswithvillains​ for this (hi!!!  i love ur fics!!!!  and art!!! thank u for tagging me!!!)
I am Bad at tagging people so yeet if u see, and u want do, GO FOR IT, say i tagged u, even if u not in my fckn mutual circle idc have fun y’all.  I’m Here for creative content I’m out here like [slap slap slap on the metaphorical counter] show me ur shit i’m Vibing on it.  
S o.  I’ve got Two things.  I got an Art and a Words >:3
I’m drawin’ Corin (and also his boyfriend Kisu in that top one lol) bc I’m BIG NERD HOURS and my fckn looks-imperial-but-are-republic boys are Great.
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And here is WORDS from the next blip of Left Behind.
And just, just a shitload of worm imagery.  I was really into worms a few nights ago apparently, and that extended into the Absolutely Bonkers way I describe shit lmfao.  
Mita breathed, slow and steady, then groaned.
That… that could have gone better.  It also could have gone significantly worse, but when the metric is ‘die by extension of a horror of a monarchy designed to fry you from the inside out’ versus ‘hit the planet surface at Mach Whatever’, things not going ‘significantly worse’ feels a lot less like the relief it maybe should have, and more like you used a rocket launcher to open a can of worms, and now there’s worms everywhere in the worst possible way.
And being abandoned to the whims of gravity and a long fucking fall is a pretty decent sized can of worms.  Horrible worms.  Worms that explode on impact into even more worms.
To count some of those worms.  One:  he was stranded in the undercity of a planet after being ditched by the people he was working with to the one person in the galaxy most perfectly designed to fuck him completely sideways.  Two: he’d have to ditch the helmet and armor and everything, and quick, because no way in hell was this not going to be a dramatically distinctive look by the end of the day by the pure ‘fuck this guy’ of Vaylin alone.  Three: fucking ow.  Fucking Ow.  Hitting the pavement never felt so much like getting drop-kicked into a really fast hydraulic press.
He’d bruise, heavily, for absolute certain.  No doubt about it.  You don’t get to fall further downwards than you can see without picking up at least a little bit of the ‘stuffed in a meat grinder’ look.  Even heavily armored, and heavily reinforced on the inside.  That’s just now how mashing your skin into the ground at terminal velocity works.
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Heads Up 7-Up
Post the last 7 lines of your current wip
I got tagged by @blueburds !!!!  Thank!!!!!!!!  Am excited to be tagged :D
I am Bad at tagging tho i have no idea who wants to be tagged in these, i need to make a List or smth fjdlkasj, so for y’all passersby if u see, and have smth u want Share, go ham.  And say i tagged u, bc i want See i’m such a nerd for creative shit [grabby hands] show ur shit i’m Nerd.
Okiedoke so this is the last blip from Love, which is I guess the name of this fic for forever now, aka ‘the one where Zal goes Full Eldritch Horror @ some poor republic dudes on Rishi’
And also it’s definitely more than 7 sentences bc i have no self control jfdklas.
“S-Sith-!” the commanding officer got no further, brought to his knees when the Sith’s free right hand clenched in the air and dragged the breath out of him. “No,” he snapped, “You’re not getting out of this.”
He unhooked his lightsaber from his belt, held tight in his left hand and brandished in front of him.  He activated the saber, the magenta blade.  Zal displayed the hilt, the blood-red, insectoid, spiked design of the emitter.  And the pink and white lotus on the other end, a delicate design, intricate.  Iconic and unmistakable.
“Darth-” it was the horrified, twisting wheeze of the realization of exactly who the small Sith in plain, practical clothing was.  One of the most obscure in the galaxy.  A man without a face in the public, known only for the power and speed of his ascension, whose galactic image--no two people agreeing on what he really looked like--consisted only of the distinctive lightsaber he carried. “Exactly.”
They'd found their mark.
And he’d found them.
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Hi have a snippet bc now I'm Giggling
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I am a fckn Wizard of Stupid Imagery and I'm very proud of how much dumbassery I can fit in 1 picture fjdjdjdj
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elaphaemourra · 3 years
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hi, past me, past Ela, what the fuck was this supposed to be
it’s in my kotor fics, so it’s about Wila, but uh, what the hell does this mean.
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I have, so many wips.  Like.  Oh God.  w h y.
and none of them are posted anywhere bc they’re WIPS but also i have the Hardest time working up the motivation to finish things unless i’m just like, constantly showing people and posting them fjdklsajfka.  Ultimate Downward Spiral of ‘oo idea, aww it’s not done i can’t show anyone... OO IDEA’ like son of a bitch fjdlajs.   Hey, Hey Me, yeah Me, u fuckin dweeb, just finish some stuff jfdklajkfsj.
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elaphaemourra · 3 years
Heads Up 7 Up Meme
Rules: share the last 7 sentences of your wip
I got tagged by like, 3 people in the last couple weeks for this, @semper-draca , @dragonheart-swtor , and @starknstarwars (LMFAO WHOOPS, sorry i’m only just getting around to it now, i am Bad at doing these even tho i love doing them.) 
So YEET, i’m trying very hard to figure out how to fckn, get Further in the fckn, Mita Gets Fckn LEFT on Zakuul fic, so here’s the blip of the next chapter of Left Behind
Mita’s having a Time basically
Thank fuck for metal skeleton re-enforcement and experimental technology.  Having a re-enforced, cybernetic-coated skeletal structure is clearly the best way to survive an ungodly plummet to the surface of a planet.  Fuck yeah.
He lay, on the paved street of the undercity of Zakuul, without being flattened like a horrible, horrible chiss pancake.  Miracles.  Those might not be real, but at the very least Imperial Intelligence didn’t fuck around with their R&D department.
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AND BEFORE I FORGET: I wrote some words on the local Asshole Jedi, Djyad.
Little ficlet, little baby ‘oh this man is a Yikes Pile’ fic fjdklaj.
Here is Link vvv
-->Lethal Force <-- 
Wordcount: 548
Jedi are supposed to be able to help, to save people.
Some choose not to.
Some make you wonder if they're even Jedi at all
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i am a stupid, stupid mastermind of out of context quotes
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I just really like writing fjdjdj this sentence is the highlight from tonight's fckn wild dump of Words
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So i figured i'd try to map out Who Knows Who in this clusterfuck continuity and I think the answer is 'my sidequest generator jedi for my bounty hunter apparently knows a shitload of people' and also 'baby warrior is apparently the connector between Zal and the rest of the continuity by way of Inquisidad Knows A Shitty Dad When He Sees One (it's Halicos- Halicos is the shitty dad) and either gets his murder on and yoinks an apprentice that way or just straight up steals an apprentice.
I am not sure how to feel about that, but I'm Here for the implications of Zal going 'wow this dude sucks. He's not supportive or helping u develop. Fuck him. You're my kid now' @ Koriatta and her just kinda, going with it.
Him being so thoroughly disconnected from Everything else tho lets me fuck around with his timeline a little bit. Bc he's supposed to be Older Than The Rest Of These Chucklefucks (relatively. Older than the other classes. But I also am Very firm that he should be 27 setting foot on korriban for the first time. I'm thinking about extending his prologue or his chapter 1 by a few years, to get him ahead of the curve bc gdi he needs to be older than Jeni, and she's 28 when she starts dicking around with huntery shit.)
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me trying to piece this fckn timeline together
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i need to find my whiteboard so i can scribble chaotic nonsense all over it and not be spending my nice clean sketchbook paper covering my meme doodles with my fckn incoherent timeline modifications
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elaphaemourra · 3 years
ngl one of my favorite things about writing Zal is the fact that i gave myself a shortcut, bc i Frequently don’t know what to call things, so I just kinda, gave that to him so he can fumble through the various potential words and then go ‘eh, fuck it, it’s just a Thing’ fjdaklfja.  It’s both Fun and also Convenient bc idfk what to call a big cave chamber thing in a tomb, but he sure as hell can go ‘fuck it, it’s just a big fucked up room, what it’s called doesn’t really matter’ fjdkalfja.
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