#eldarya meredy
rowenna-887 · 2 years
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Meet the Blanchard Family!
i really wanted to do this a long time,so let's go!
This is Meredy's family (if they were still alive),Oriana and Valentim,Mother and Father of Meredy.
and before i forget,Valentim's base is from yume100 wiki page.
Now,let's go to the hcs!:
🦊 The Blanchard family comes from an ancient and very powerful family of kitsunes.
🦊 you can say that Meredy and Rowenna are distant relatives!
🦊 they are known for their great fortune.
🦊 They were the regents from a large village called 'Ruby Coast'.
🦊 In that village,there's is a place called 'The Great Arc', when the marriage happen in the winter.
🦊 The Blanchard family likes to show how rich (not just about money) they are over their wifes,since they are, according to the family, the "wealthier" creatures,since women can have children.
🦊 That's why Oriana dress with a lot of jewels.
🦊 and Meredy would dress the same way with her family was still alive.
🦊 The Blanchard family was almost completed extinct if Oriana didn't send Meredy away from the QG when she suspect a rebellion from their people.
🦊 The rebellion (that was called 'The Ruby Rebellion') happened,and Oriana and Valentim died.
🦊 The rebellion just happen because Meredy was "an shame for the people",that couldn't accepted that their princess have just tree tails.
🦊 at first,the people just wanted to murder the princess, that is Meredy, but when they didn't find her, they murdered her family and other powerful clan took the crown.
🦊🌖 Oriana:
Oriana had a personality very similar to the Morticia from The Addams Family.
she was a very smart woman.
she teach Meredy to be very independent, in case that something happen to her or Valentim.
she cared a lot about her family,she would do anything for them.
she loved Valentim very much.
if they are still alive,they would had another child.
🦊🍂 Valentim:
Valentim was a very calm and gentleman.
he loved his family more than anything.
he was very powerful but wise, so he didn't use his powers with a lot of frequency.
he was the first to die, protecting Oriana.
he made the promise to find her in the after life while kissed her hand.
Meredy was very close of her parents.
she used to steal her mother's jewels and read her father's books.
they never care that she did those things.
in fact,if her mother catches her playing with her jewels,she would play together and even do her style's makeup on Meredy.
and if her father catches her reading his books,he would sit with her and read for her.
Before she was send away to the QG,her mother gave her jewel's box, and said to her just use them in the day of her marriage.
she keep the box in a very safe place, waiting for the day she can open the box.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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first of all,i have to say the reason this edit took so long.
my mouse is having some problems,it is not clicking right and this difficult me to do edits. but here is the edit!after a long time.
you can see the full picture bellow:
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i don't think i need to rewrite my headcanon about this too,but i have a short story for this picture,enjoy!
it's make a while since the last time they did something like that,missions diffcult a lot their intimacy,but here are they panting and lost in pleasure. "ah-ah,Lance!harder!" Meredy says towards her moans,receiving an groan as answer by the ice dragon. hes accelerate the rhythm,that was already fast,make Meredy scream and tremble bellow his large structure. Lance missed that,her moans,her screams,her body,her. his missed everything,and make sure that she knew that. his mouth was in every part he could alcance for Meredy's body,making her close for her liberation. didn't take much for she come,Lance following after her. "i love you." Meredy say,putting her arms around Lance's shoulder. "i love you too.'till the day i die."Lance respond,make Meredy laugh. "don't even play with that."Meredy say,kissing Lance and leaning their foreheads together. Everything was in place again for both.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i wanted to edit the illustration but i got discouraged. the clothes are fine,but i didn't like the event in general.
despite that,i still wanted to edit my girls and i did! and i really like the results
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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ok ok soo, this gonna look a little confuse,yes,Meredy has tails,i will explain more that in another post that a pretend to do. Also,i am very proud of this edit!i not really good on draw things,but her hair turned so good 🥰 i also changed the arm because was really bothering me.
but know,the story behind that illustration,because it nothing like the event:
🌴 it made 4 years since the sacrifice of Erika and Leiftan.
🌴 Meredy and Lance are just married and decided to spend their honeymoon on the tropical Island. A ideia from Lance.
🌴 they were crazy to spend sometime alone,since before the marriage,they didn't have any. When they not in missions with others members,orders from Huang Hua,they were in reunions or helping the people from QG. making spend sometime alone impossible.
But in the Tropical Island,Lance and Meredy finally had that -well deserved- time alone.
🌴 on the time they spend there, Meredy and Lance was enjoying the company of it each other in peace. And one of this days,Lance find a natural pool and immediately decided to take Meredy there.
At first,Meredy didn't want to leave her peace and put her body to work climbing a mountain,but she give up after a minutes.
She passed the way complaining,receiving from Lance phrases like "we are almost there" "i promise it will worth it" "just a little more".
When they finally arrived to the top and Meredy see the natural pool,she looked admired,and Lance seeing that, say to her "i told you" with a grin in his face. Meredy just rolled her her eyes and said "fiiine,you won...this time"
🌴 and the rest of the dialogue follow the dialogue of the event in this part.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i got inspired by the post of @mooniet and @candysweetposts,and since i wouldn’t do something for this easter,i thought “why not?”
well,i take more than four hours doing this edit,and even i didn’t like very much,i decided to post because i didn’t want to throw in the trash.
also, maybe i’ll do a separate post for every of my girls 
and yes,i change Meredy base too!after many discussion with myself,i decided that this one match more with her,if i’m not mislead,the base is from this Vk group
now, about the headcanons of the event:
it was a shiny day.
 Meredy was responsible (as aways) to decorate the eggs for the hunt.
Anori helped too.
the kids (and purriry) want to dress her like a bunny for match Lance,but she didn’t like the idea.
after much insisting,she let them put an bunny ears on her.
Lance and Angie helped hiding the eggs that Meredy paint.
even the Angie was more interested in replace all the eggs that Lance hide in good places and putting in obvious one.
he just realized after already “hiding” ten eggs.
he got sulked by that.
Meredy comfort him.
angie didn’t stop laughing about that until the sunset.
Anori made some jokes about it.
Meredy and Lance decided spend the rest of the day sitting under the tree and talking.
Anori,Angie,Matiheu,Leiftan,koori and chrome sit with them too after a while.
they all stayed talk and eating chocolate,sometimes they sing songs.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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Happy (very late) Valentine's day!
i didn't post on the day because i'm very busy with the homeworks,and probably i will post less beacuse of the same reason.
anyway,here's it is the NSFW version of the illustration and some headcannos for valentine's day!
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Meredy prepare a special date for her and Lance.
they take the day off for enjoy each other.
Meredy will cook,but she is not really good on that so Lance will help her.
they will seat on the couch and talk about all type of things.
then later,Meredy will dress a sexy lingerie while wait for Lance take a bath.
and they will have a slow and romantic sex.
after the act,them take a bath and cuddling on the bed saying how much they love each other.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i'm kinda late for that but i wanted to post anyways.
i have been sick this last days because of the cold that made in my city so i was very tired for doing anything,but i still wanted to make that edit,and i really liked him!
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i kinda like the illustrations,and even trough a lot of people didn't like the first Lance's illustration,i like it,looks more realistic with his relationship with erika (and meredy).
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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and we are on earth!i really curious to see what is gonna happen after this episode.
one curiosity: when i was working on Angie, i didn't noticed that she and Leiftan was using the same hairstyle, i noticed just when i was doing the edit!i guess it's the destiny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And no,the painting in Anori's face its not a tatoo, it's make up.
anyway,the plaid shirt on Meredy it's from this group and the Angie's dress is from this group on VK
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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i didn't forget about eldarya,but i didn't edit the illustration because she didn't match with none of my ocs.
but i still had fun editing them.
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rowenna-887 · 3 years
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i have this edit for a long time on my things,but i remember to post just now.
anyways,here more headcanons about these two because i simply love them together:
before they start dating,they fight a lot.
Lance always tried to keep calm while Meredy kept fighting with him.
they go on mission together a lot,no because they want to,but because Huang Hua see a good potencial on them e send they together.
after go on a lot of missions together,they started to get a more closer and Meredy stop to hate him and start to love him.
Lance loved Meredy since the beginning.
in one of a extremely dangerous missions,Lance got really hurt and tough he was dying,so he confess his love for her and Meredy confess back.
after he have medical help,Lance wanted to talk about what happened,but before he says something,Meredy kiss him passionately and cry on his arms saying she was so worried and tough he would die.
Lance just hold her tight and say how much he love her.
they started to date after that.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
Meredy: i would do anything for you.
Lance: anything?
Meredy: anything.
Lance: stop to go on dangerous missions that you can possibly die.
Meredy: anything but that.
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rowenna-887 · 3 years
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i really like the illustrations (my favorite its of the Nevra's one)and how they match with my ocs!
but the leiftan's illustration its kinda strange.
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
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their dynamic is basically like this
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rowenna-887 · 3 years
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i know,i know,the event is almost over.but i was busy with other things.
but anyways,here's my guardians ready for the summer!
(also,i will try to be more active around here)
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rowenna-887 · 2 years
The Mission (Meredy x Lance)
the mission that almost cost Lance's life
the mission that Lance admit his love for Meredy.
hello! here some fic to you all!
i'm working on my writing,and as a beginner,i don't promise a huge work. i already revised but still can have a mistakes of english here and there since english is not my first language. but i hope you all can enjoy this as much as i did writing this!
also,my ask box is open,so if you want to ask me about my characters,feel free!
have a lot of things the Meredy was good,but healing someone while is panicking,it's not one of them.
It was one of that complicated missions that would take days for complete,not that Meredy cares, but she was selected with Lance,again.
it's not that Meredy didn't like to do missions with Lance,actually,Lance was so independent as her,which means that she would finish this quickly and with success,turn back to home in one or two days,depending where they was send to and she also appreciate his company (something that she would never admit for him).
but this time was different,they wasn't expecting a Black Dog appears on the mission,not even when appear more of them,an entire gang.
Lance's chest was bleeding.a lot. and for the first time,Meredy was so despair that that she didn't no what to do.
- i just need help to- lance groaned,before stop.- are your crying?- he ask concerned.
in shock Meredy touched her cheek and feel something wet on the place,she was crying.
- i'm fine. - her voice failed and she want hit herself for that. - we need to take care of you,you can't walk like this.
- it's nothing i just need- Lance coughed blood,make Meredy bite her tougue for avoid more tears.
- you're not. i'm going to get some help,stay here-no forget, i need to treat you right now.- she tear one part of her skirt.
Meredy hold the tissue on the cuts,made by the black dogs. that didn't stop.
- i'm gonna heal you,you're gonna be fine. - Meredy say more to her self that for Lance,her voice failing once again.
she continue to mumble, trying to grab the potion on her belt,but her hands was shacking. she cursed herself for that.
Lance looked at Meredy. the girl was despaired trying to help him-even that he had to remembered that the girl never liked him (mostly because of her mentor)- but she was there,trying her best to help him,she could leave him to die,actually,she have a lot of opportunities to make that,but she neve did. the only thing that she did was healing him and remember him how much idiot he was.
she was to good for him.
and he love her for that,even if that is selfish.
- Meredy look at me.- Lance's voices leaves as a whisper.- Meredy... MEREDY!- he say launder,causing more pay to him. Lance curse.
- what?you shouldn't be speaking!you should avoid use the energy that you still have!- Meredy say in desperation.
Lance hold the hand that was pressed on his chest.
- i love you.
Meredy she was shocked and flushed,but the shock past and the only thing that rest was angry and confusion,why he was wasting breath with something that?!?
- what?- she shouted.
- i love you. - he said again. - and i'm dying,you and me know that. i make a lot of mistakes on my life,i don't want that don't saying how much i love you be one them.
- stop it. shut up!you not going to die!- Meredy sobbed and take her hand away from Lance's chest,determined to take the flask with the potion on her belt.
finally,Meredy take the glass bottom out of her belt and look at Lance's eyes,.if she failed right now,Lance would never know what he means to her.she could hold this anymore.
in despair,Meredy say - i love you too!i really do!please don't die, please... - Meredy begged holding Lance's face with the flask on the other held and trying to open.
- good.- Lance get mumbled louder enough just for Meredy listen with a tired smile on his face while he closes his eyes.
Meredy finally open the flask and make him drink,but his eyes still closed.
Lance wakes up in an bed.take some minutes to he realized he is in the nursery's bed and it's dark,he also heard steps.
anxious steps.
Lance turn his head from the place of the sound.
Meredy is standing there,stepping to one side to another and biting her nails nervously.
Lance think how much time she was standing there.
she turn her head from Lance and almost turn back before she realizing he is wake.
- Lance! - she yelled,running and sitting on the side of his bed,taking his head on her hands.- how are you feeling?
Lance noticed she had tears no spilled on her eyes,that was also red and with dark bags around them.
- i'm ok,my chest just hurt a little.- he said calmly and kiss the palm of her hand.
before he could process what he did,Meredy kiss him like he would disappear on her front,and he reciprocate as much he can.
Meredy stop for take a breath and sighed - I thought i would lose you.forever.- she kisses him again.and again.and again.
until someone couched.
Meredy quickly stop the kiss and turn to the person that interrupt.
it was Ewelein.
- i see that Lance is feeling much better now.- Ewelein say smiling.
- yes.i'm,Ewelein.- Lance say with a smile looking to Meredy that is looking more red that Mathieu's clothes.
- don't worry,i'll just checking him,after that you will have all the privacy that you two want.- Ewelein say gently looking to Meredy.
Meredy leaves the bed slowing,let Ewelein take a look on Lance.
after the check up,as promised,Ewelein leave,let the two alone once again.
- so,you're was really talking serious about love me back?- Lance say looking on Meredy eyes,that looks like a rainbow.
- of course i was!why you think that i kiss you?for compliment you?- Meredy retorted like it was obliviously.
Lance laugh - so say that again.
- what?why?
- i need to have sure that you not kidding.- Lance tease.
- why would i be kidding?fine- Meredy sighed.- i love you.- Meredy say genuinely.
Lance gets up with difficult.
- what are you doing?you should be- but before she could finished,Lance kiss her.
it was a kiss full of passion,with no hurry.
at this point,the tears Meredy was holding already was falling from her face.
Lance stop the kiss and hugs Meredy tight.
- i love you.i love you more than anything on this world.- Lance say on Meredy ears.
- i..love you too.- Meredy mumbled hold him tigh.
Meredy let Lance grab her and lay her in the bed.
for the first time,Meredy didn't care about down her guard,or even what would happen to this time for now.
she just want to sleep and let all her worries from behind.
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