#eldritch farm inspo
loversandantiheroes · 2 years
Babe what is eldritch farm I need to know
Eldritch Farm/Field Songs/Black Briar is meant to be an original piece based loosely off of Case History, but with a proper OC/MC and with more of a horror bent. This largely came off the back of some discussions with friends of mine a couple years back about the way Stardew kind of approaches but does not fully broach some big small town gothic/horror tropes and my own love of Stephen King and cosmic horror and such, which led specifically to this little ramble:
Ok no but seriously, it’s like, think if IT had been a less hungry and malevolent thing.  Imagine this eldritch fucking demi god gets knocked out of inner/outer/other space/time and ends up buried over what becomes this small ass town.  And when people finally start wandering into the place centuries later this thing doesn’t look at them and go “FOOD” it goes “COMPANY!”  Like, lonely-ass trapped eldritch monster just wants friends and is like “IF SOME BOMB-ASS CROPS WILL MAKE YOU STICK AROUND I WILL GIVE YOU BOMB-ASS CROPS.  PLEASE STAY, THE MOLES ARE TERRIBLE CONVERSATIONALISTS.”
Only this is still some horror shit so like, this poor fuck tried granting boons and wishes and shit early on when it didn’t understand humans so well and that led to some actual fucking monstrosities roaming the hills, and it’s just made sure they can’t get out of the area because it still feels bad for making them.  So you’ve basically just got some poor schmuck that moves to the country like in every bad horror movie ever and it like aw yiss, I will be a farmer now, fuck city life, my farm totally isn’t haunted, everything’s great, hey the town doc’s pretty cute, aw fuck there’s monsters, there’s a cult, fuck me running there’s fishmen why does this always happen.  But then instead of Cthulhu you get this giant sad boy that’s like "HE WANTED TO BE A GOOD SWIMMER SO I MADE HIM A FISH MAN, I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO GO POORLY AT THE TIME, I WAS STILL LEARNING ENGLISH.  CONSEQUENTLY I DO NOT ADVISE SWIMMING IN THE LAKE.   ….DID YOU BRING ANY CAULIFLOWER?  I LIKE CAULIFLOWER.“
It's evolved a bit since then, rolling in some themes of grief, death, rebirth, nature, environmentalism, and a whole lot of godbothering, but the basic root of it is still the same.
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mercurialsmile · 8 years
Alternate Universes
so me and @angel-fieramente-humano have made a number of AUs for our original characters and stories to kinda help flesh them out a little more and we thought we should finally share them!!
Nothing in these AUs are close to being canon or anything like that. They are mainly used as inspo for the main stories of our OCs and also, as I said, to help flesh the characters out. Some OS have more AUs than others but... that’s just the way it works.
Also! Feel free to ask for details about these AUs!! 
Crossovers  (these are actual crossovers of all our OS together) 
Harry Potter AU: An AU with all our OCs at Hogwarts. It has nothing to do with the actual story of HP. Our OCs are either teachers or students for the most part. 
Pokemon AU: An AU where our OCs are either part of the Elite Four or are Gym Leaders for the most part. This AU was mainly for us playing around with the idea of what our character’s teams would be. 
Inner Demons 
Eldritch Caleb AU: Not to be confused with the Beauty and the Beast AU. This AU is about stripper and prostitute Gabriel meeting a strange creature from a different dimension- Caleb- and taking him in. Caleb helps him a lot with different things and becoming a stronger person while Gabriel tries to help Caleb get back to his home dimension. 
Beauty and the Beast AU: Not to be confused with the Edritch Caleb AU. Inspired by, of course, Beauty and the Beast, it’s about how Gabriel ran away from an abusive situation and meets Caleb in the woods, who takes him in. Overtime, they bond together and fall in love.  
Guardian Angel Gabriel AU: Gabriel is Caleb’s Guardian Angel and reveals himself to help Caleb through his problems. 
High School AU: Gabriel is a new student at a high school. In art class, he is sat next to Caleb Anders, who is considered an awful and terrifying person due to his mental instability, hallucinations, and delusions. 
Gabriel reaches out to him after realizing the Caleb is not as scary as other’s see him to be and in reality needs help. Basically, this AU is your stereotypical YA novel but flipped around a lot. 
Mermaid AU: Gabriel is a mermaid and Caleb is a selkie and they live together. 
Monster Hunters
Servant Kenneth AU: Vampires lord over humans in this world and humans are kept in farms for food and some for servants and longer food sources. Kenneth was part of a band of freedom fighters and captured and sent to live as a servant to one of the biggest vampire covens. He is appointed to be Dante’s personal servant and through their bickering and Kenneth’s seething hatred for vampires, they somehow find common ground to get along. 
High School AU: Having been home schooled his entire life, Kenneth finally ends up going to high school. He meets Dante, the school bully, and tries to fight against him. Through their fighting and such they learn more about one another and the problems they face. Kenneth helps Dante to adjust himself to not harm others while Dante helps Kenneth learn to fit in more and not be so anxious and awkward. 
The Power of One
Teacher/Student AU: Xero is a history teacher and war veteran, Nessiah is a very troublesome student. Through constant detentions, they learn about one another and end up having an affair. 
Beauty and the Beast AU: In this world, daemons were all killed off by humans and Xero is one of the very last left. Naresh, Nessiah’s father, is caught by Xero in his territory and instead of giving up his life to Xero, sacrifices Nessiah. Xero takes Nessiah in as his own and keeps him as the payment but overtime, they end up becoming friends and Nessiah stays with Xero as Xero treats him better than his father ever had. Later, they become mates. Xero looks to be in his true form and is for the most part, almost completely feral. Nessiah helps him become more civilized. 
Servant Nessiah AU: In this world, the daemons were able to defeat the humans and enslaved them. Nessiah, raised as a sex slave due to daemon’s heats, is given to Xero as a gift. Not needing any slave- especially not a sex slave- Xero keeps Nessiah as a guest in his house and over time begins to see him as his friend before finally falling in love with him. 
Counting Stars
Famous Singer Douglas AU: Douglas is a famous singer and Wilhelm is his number one fan. Douglas thinks Wilhelm is stalking him, but after Wilhelm helps him get away from rabid fans at a concert, realizes Wilhelm is just really awkward. They trade phone numbers and get together through texting. 
Prince AU: Douglas is the prince to a kingdom deep in debt and is slated to be in a loveless marriage with Richie to try and save his kingdom. Wilhelm is his personal servant and his only other friend besides Douglas’ sister. They become very close and end up having an affair. After Douglas marries Richie, Wilhelm basically becomes Douglas’ lover.
Tainted Wings
College AU: Ophiel is a new college student and becomes part of Iarilan’s sorority. They meet Rhareth through Iarilan as he is her on again off again boyfriend and they are friends with benefits. Being Iarilan’s little/little sister, they become friends with her and later on, Rhareth. They end up getting in a relationship with both of them. In this AU, Rhareth is hypersexual. 
Youth Camp AU: Rhareth and Ophiel meet at a Youth Group Camp after Rhareth defends them from bullies. After that, Ophiel follows Rhareth along and they end up becoming friends in a few short days and later, at the end of the last week, admit their feelings for one another and have sex on the shore of a lake. They exchange numbers and keep in contact as they grow older. 
Stars, Smoke, Leather, and Letters
High School AU: Mason is a new student at high school, having not been in public school due to his health problems. Roth is a troubled student, on the football team however, and in his own rowdy clique that are known to bully other people. He meets Mason by literally running into him. Later, Mason is set to be Roth’s student tutor to help him pass his classes so he can still play and they bond. 
Mermaid AU: Mason is a seahorseman and Roth is a sharkman. They live together in the same cove.
That’s all the AUs me and Angel have made! I have and will write for these AUs and maybe post them who knows. 
Feel free to shoot either of us an ask about an AU if you want to know more or are interested in it :) 
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loversandantiheroes · 3 years
Apparently the end of year theme for me is just existential horror, identity, and a lot of teeth.
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loversandantiheroes · 5 years
Tfw you forgot you put a certain song on a playlist that doesn’t quite jive with the tracks around it so you go from some quiet moody acoustic/atmospheric tunes to an absolute headbanger and you have to stop writing because it is imperative to rock the fuck out for five minutes.
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loversandantiheroes · 5 years
juliannos replied to your post “brain no, brain I was kidding, brain I don’t have time to make a...”
-chanting softly- do it do it do it
I mean I thought about it and then I thought about it and I remembered what was under the Blue Ridge Mine and I just sorta threw my hands up and decided it goes in the eldritch farm inspo pile.
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