tvrundownusa · 1 year
tvrundown USA 2023.08.07
Monday, August 7th:
(streaming weekly): Futurama (hulu), Synduality Noir (hulu), Murdoch Mysteries (AcornTV)
(hour 1): Son of a Critch (theCW) / . / Run the Burbs (theCW), Stars on Mars (FOX), The Bachelorette (ABC, 2hrs), American Ninja Warrior (NBC), Ugliest House in America (HGTV, season 4 opener)
(hour 2): Children Ruin Everything (theCW) / . / Bump (theCW), Crime Scene Kitchen (FOX, penultimate), The Bachelorette (ABC, contd, penultimate), BBQ Brawl (FOOD), The Great American Recipe (PBS, 90mins)
(hour 3): Breeders (FX, 36mins), Miracle Workers (TBS), Claim to Fame (ABC), BBQ USA (FOOD), Weakest Link (NBC, repeat), Dark Marvels (HIST, "Blades of Fury"), The Great American Recipe (PBS, contd, season 2 finale)
(hour 4 - latenight): B/R Gaming (TBS, "Creator League: Dodgeball Showdown", 90mins)
[on hiatus, returning in September: POV (PBS) ]
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darkandstormyranger · 2 months
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akseliholt · 10 months
This idea was given to me by an art friend with Hwei and Kayn.
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And she said, damn it, you can’t draw yourself and Viego. XD
Inscription on the art: I drew fan art.
I'll add this as a sticker in tg, why not. XD
Although this does not change the fact that I really love this fallen sun...
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thebonfiresblog · 1 month
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The Man Who Could Play Anything
Shroud, born Michael Grzesiek, is a name synonymous with excellence in the gaming community. His journey from a professional esports player to a leading streamer has significantly influenced the gaming industry, leaving an indelible mark on both competitive gaming and content creation. This essay explores the multifaceted impact of Shroud, detailing his accomplishments, community engagement, and contributions to game development.
Shroud’s influence extends to the gaming community’s perception of new titles. His endorsement or criticism can sway public opinion, affecting a game’s reception upon release. As a result, many developers recognize the importance of engaging with influential figures like Shroud when developing their games.
Shroud's streams feature a variety of games, including Valorant, PUBG, Apex Legends, and, of course, CS:GO. His gameplay highlights, tutorials, and entertaining commentary not only captivate viewers but also educate aspiring gamers. Many players look to Shroud for inspiration and guidance, adopting his techniques to improve their skills. This ability to influence and educate the gaming community is one of Shroud's most significant contributions.
Shroud’s professional gaming career began in 2014 when he joined CompLexity Gaming. However, it was his transition to Cloud9 in 2015 that catapulted him to prominence.
Shroud quickly established himself as one of the top players in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)
Shroud's most notable achievement came in 2017 when he was part of the Cloud9 team that won the ELEAGUE Major 2017. This victory not only elevated Cloud9's status in the esports scene but also showcased Shroud's talent on a global stage, solidifying his reputation as one of the best FPS players in the world. After retiring from professional gaming in 2018, Shroud made a seamless transition to full-time streaming on Twitch. This move proved to be a pivotal moment in his career. Shroud's demeanor, combined with his remarkable legacy, quickly attracted a massive audience. Within a short period, he amassed over 10 million followers on Twitch, making him one of the platform's most popular streamers. 
A cornerstone of Shroud's impact is his dedication to building a community around gaming. Shroud maintains strong engagement with his fans through social media platforms and live streams. He creates an inclusive environment where viewers feel connected to him and each other. This sense of belonging encourages more people to participate in gaming, fostering a diverse and vibrant community.
Shroud also actively participates in charity events, using his platform to raise funds for various causes. These charity streams not only highlight the positive potential of gaming but also set a precedent for other streamers and gamers to follow. His philanthropic efforts demonstrate that gaming can serve as a powerful tool for social good, inspiring others to give back to the community.
Shroud has made a significant impact in the gaming world through his professional gaming career, successful transition to streaming, contributions to game development, community engagement, and industry recognition. His journey showcases the changing landscape of gaming careers and demonstrates the potential for success in different areas of the industry. Shroud's influence will undoubtedly motivate future generations of gamers, proving that passion, commitment, and talent can result in remarkable accomplishments within the gaming community.
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dajabonnoticias · 2 months
CS:GO ELeague Major pools and tournament schedule announced
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how people read. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small…
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Jakie są najpopularniejsze turnieje CS:GO do obstawiania w kasynie online?
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Jakie są najpopularniejsze turnieje CS:GO do obstawiania w kasynie online?
Najpopularniejsze turnieje CS:GO stanowią kluczowy element w świecie kompetatywnego gamingu. Każdego roku miliony fanów esportu z całego świata śledzą emocjonujące rozgrywki zawodników w Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Jednym z najważniejszych turniejów jest bez wątpienia Mistrzostwa Świata w CS:GO, organizowane przez Valve Corporation. To prestiżowe wydarzenie gromadzi najlepsze drużyny z różnych regionów, walczące o tytuł mistrza świata oraz ogromne nagrody finansowe.
Kolejnym popularnym turniejem CS:GO jest Intel Extreme Masters, znany również jako IEM. To cykl imprez esportowych, które odbywają się na całym świecie, a ich finał przyciąga uwagę milionów widzów online. Innym ważnym turniejem jest ESL Pro League, gdzie najlepsze drużyny rywalizują systemem ligowym, mając szansę udowodnić swoje umiejętności w regularnych spotkaniach.
Inne znaczące turnieje to DreamHack Masters, BLAST Premier, a także Eleague Major Championship. Każdy z tych turniejów przyciąga profesjonalnych graczy oraz fanów esportu z ogromną pasją i zaangażowaniem. CS:GO kontynuuje swoją dominację w świecie esportu, a najpopularniejsze turnieje gwarantują niezapomniane emocje, widowiskowe pojedynki oraz niezwykłą rywalizację na najwyższym poziomie. Dla fanów gry oraz graczy to nie tylko sport, ale także pasja i sposób na wyrazenie swoich umiejętności w globalnej społeczności graczy CS:GO.
Obstawianie w kasynie online staje się coraz popularniejsze wśród internautów poszukujących emocjonującej rozrywki i szansy na wygraną. Platformy hazardowe oferują szeroki wybór gier, w które można grać za prawdziwe pieniądze, w tym sloty, ruletkę, blackjack czy poker. Jednak zanim zdecydujesz się na obstawianie w kasynie online, istotne jest zapoznanie się z kilkoma istotnymi kwestiami.
Po pierwsze, warto wybrać licencjonowane kasyno online, które posiada odpowiednie zezwolenia i gwarantuje uczciwą grę. Dobrze jest również sprawdzić opinie innych graczy oraz rankingi kasyn internetowych, aby wybrać platformę godną zaufania. Kolejnym aspektem, na który warto zwrócić uwagę, są dostępne metody płatności oraz warunki realizacji wypłat. Sprawdź, czy kasyno oferuje szybkie i bezpieczne transakcje, a także czy gwarantuje ochronę danych osobowych.
Podczas obstawiania w kasynie online pamiętaj o umiarze i zasadach odpowiedzialnej gry. Nie ulegaj emocjom i kontroluj swoje wydatki, aby uniknąć problemów z nadmiernym hazardem. Przed rozpoczęciem gry warto określić swój budżet oraz limity czasowe, aby gra w kasynie pozostała dla Ciebie przyjemnością, a nie problemem.
Pamiętaj, że obstawianie w kasynie online wiąże się z ryzykiem utraty pieniędzy, dlatego zawsze graj rozważnie i traktuj hazard jako formę rozrywki, a nie sposób na zarabianie pieniędzy. Dzięki świadomemu podejściu do gry w kasynie online możesz cieszyć się wspaniałą atmosferą i ekscytującymi emocjami, które zapewnią Ci niezapomniane doznania hazardowe.
Konkurencyjny świat gier komputerowych oferuje wiele fascynujących możliwości dla pasjonatów e-sportu. Jedną z najpopularniejszych gier w tej dziedzinie jest Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, czyli CS:GO. Gra ta przyciąga miliony graczy z całego świata i rozwija się dynamicznie od wielu lat. Jednym z elementów, który sprawia, że CS:GO cieszy się ogromną popularnością, są turnieje do obstawiania.
Turnieje CS:GO są organizowane na różnych skalach - od lokalnych rozgrywek po międzynarodowe zawody, takie jak słynny Major, który przyciąga uwagę milionów widzów na całym świecie. Istnieje wiele platform, które umożliwiają obstawianie wyników meczów CS:GO, co dodaje dodatkowej emocji i intensyfikuje rywalizację.
Gracze i fani e-sportu mają możliwość obstawiania zwycięzców poszczególnych spotkań, wybierania najlepszych graczy turnieju czy typowania wyników poszczególnych rund meczowych. Obstawianie meczów CS:GO staje się coraz bardziej popularne, zarówno wśród doświadczonych graczy, jak i nowicjuszy, którzy chcą spróbować swoich sił w tej ekscytującej formie rozrywki.
Dzięki możliwości obstawiania turniejów CS:GO gracze mogą nie tylko cieszyć się emocjonującymi zawodami, ale także dodatkowo zaangażować się w rywalizację i śledzić wyniki swoich typów. To świetny sposób na ożywienie atmosfery podczas oglądania meczów oraz na zwiększenie zainteresowania światem e-sportu. Turnieje CS:GO do obstawiania to doskonała forma rozrywki dla wszystkich miłośników elektronicznych sportów.
Kasyna online to popularna forma rozrywki wśród osób, które lubią ryzyko i emocje związane z grą. Jednakże połączenie kasyn online z grą Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) może stanowić poważne zagrożenie, szczególnie dla młodszych graczy.
Wiele kasyn online oferuje możliwość obstawiania skinów, czyli wirtualnych przedmiotów z gry CS:GO, co przyciąga fanów tej popularnej produkcji. Jednakże, takie praktyki mogą prowadzić do uzależnień od hazardu oraz negatywnych skutków zdrowotnych i społecznych.
Osoby młode, często niedoświadczone, mogą łatwo wpaść w pułapkę hazardu online poprzez grę w kasynach związanych z CS:GO. Dlatego ważne jest, aby rodzice i opiekunowie edukowali młodzież na temat ryzyka związanego z tego typu praktykami oraz monitorowali ich aktywność w internecie.
Pamiętajmy, że hazard może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji, takich jak problemy finansowe, uzależnienie czy nawet problemy z prawem. Dlatego zawsze warto zachować zdrowy rozsądek i ostrożność podczas korzystania z kasyn online związanych z grą CS:GO.
W trosce o nasze bezpieczeństwo oraz zdrowie psychiczne i finansowe, warto unikać tego typu ryzykownych zachowań i zwracać uwagę na pozytywne aspekty rozrywki, które nie niosą ze sobą takich potencjalnych zagrożeń. Należy pamiętać, że zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo zawsze powinny być priorytetem, nawet w świecie wirtualnej rozrywki.
Najpopularniejsze turnieje e-sportowe przyciągają setki tysięcy fanów z całego świata, którzy śledzą zmagania najlepszych graczy w różnych dyscyplinach. E-sport to już nie tylko hobby, ale także poważna branża generująca ogromne zyski. Oto pięć najbardziej znanych turniejów e-sportowych, które co roku przyciągają uwagę milionów widzów:
The International (Dota 2) - To jedno z największych wydarzeń e-sportowych na świecie, organizowane przez firmę Valve. Każdego roku najlepsze drużyny z całego świata rywalizują o ogromne nagrody finansowe, a zwycięzcy stają się bohaterami społeczności e-sportowej.
League of Legends World Championship - Turniej organizowany przez firmę Riot Games, w którym drużyny z różnych regionów świata walczą o tytuł mistrza świata w grze League of Legends. To jedno z najbardziej widowiskowych wydarzeń e-sportowych, które przyciąga miliony widzów online.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major Championships - Cykl turniejów organizowanych przez firmę Valve, w którym najlepsze drużyny CS:GO rywalizują o tytuł mistrza i nagrody pieniężne. To jedne z najbardziej prestiżowych zawodów w świecie e-sportu.
Overwatch League - Profesjonalna liga e-sportowa dla gry Overwatch, organizowana przez firmę Blizzard Entertainment. W zawodach biorą udział zespoły z różnych miast świata, rywalizując o tytuł mistrza ligi i ogromne nagrody.
Fortnite World Cup - Turniej organizowany przez firmę Epic Games, w którym najlepsi gracze Fortnite walczą o tytuł mistrza i nagrody pieniężne. To jedno z najbardziej popularnych wydarzeń e-sportowych wśród młodszych graczy.
Najpopularniejsze turnieje e-sportowe przyciągają uwagę fanów z całego świata i stanowią doskonałą okazję do śledzenia emocjonujących zmagań najlepszych graczy na świecie. Branża e-sportu dynamicznie rośnie i wciąż zyskuje na popularności, przyciągając coraz większą uwagę zarówno graczy, jak i sponsorów.
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7ball-co · 1 year
Thể thao ảo là gì
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Thể thao ảo (còn được gọi là thể thao điện tử hoặc e-sports) là việc cạnh tranh trong các trò chơi điện tử (video game) giữa các người chơi hoặc đội người chơi. Tương tự như các sự kiện thể thao truyền thống, thể thao ảo cũng có các giải đấu, giải thưởng và cơ hội để các game thủ thể hiện kỹ năng của mình.
Các trò chơi điện tử mà thường được sử dụng trong thể thao ảo có thể là đối chiến, chiến thuật, thể thao, đua xe, bắn súng, và nhiều thể loại khác. Các trò chơi này thường được thiết kế để có tính cạnh tranh cao và đòi hỏi người chơi phải có kiểm soát tốt về kỹ năng, tư duy chiến thuật, và tương tác nhanh chóng trong môi trường ảo.
Các giải đấu thể thao ảo có thể thu hút sự chú ý rất lớn từ cộng đồng game thủ, nhưng cũng từ người xem ngoại quan thông qua các kênh trực tiếp trực tuyến, ví dụ như Twitch và YouTube Gaming. Thể thao ảo đã phát triển thành một ngành công nghiệp có giá trị lớn, với những người chơi hàng đầu có thể kiếm được thu nhập cao từ việc tham gia các giải đấu và hợp đồng tài trợ.
Tổ chức giải đấu, như Liên minh Thể thao điện tử (ESL) và Các trò chơi điện tử đỉnh cao (ELEAGUE), đã giúp đẩy mạnh sự phát triển của thể thao ảo trên toàn cầu, và nhiều quốc gia đã công nhận và ủng hộ việc thi đấu thể thao ảo như một ngành thể thao chính thức.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
CS:GO ELeague Major pools and tournament schedule announced
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how people read. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small…
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Every CS:GO Major champion ranked from worst to best
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Not every champion is made equally. There is still a thin divide between good teams that just so happened to win a Major and the best of the best, even if you have to be pretty strong to even qualify for a CS:GO Major, much less win one. There have been 19 CS:GO Majors and 15 different champions. Ranking all these teams that accomplished the greatest feat in CS:GO esports was as entertaining as it was painstakingly difficult. Many arguments and rearrangements later, we have it: the ranking of every CS:GO Major champion, from worst to best. 15) Jame, qikert, FL1T, n0rb3r7, fame (Outsiders) The battle for last place was so fierce, we rearranged the bottom three multiple times before arriving at the conclusion that Outsiders is the worst-ever CS:GO Major champion. Four of the five members of this squad have never been in HLTV’s Top 20. This isn’t the end of the world by itself, but IEM Rio 2022 is the only trophy this lineup has ever won, and the only one three of the five members have won in their entire career. Outsiders becoming Major champions is the definition of lightning in a bottle, and for that, they sit at the bottom of our list. 14) JW, flusha, pronax, znajder, Devilwalk (fnatic) It pains us to have three legends of the game so far down, but the fact of the matter is that the Fnatic that won DreamHack Winter 2013 wasn’t a very good team. This is the only lineup besides Outsiders whose only title came at a Major. While undeniably a cool feat, it isn’t very convincing for a ranking like ours. The separating factor that kept fnatic from being dead last is individual skill, of which JW and flusha had plenty, even back then. 13) Skadoodle, RUSH, autimatic, tarik, Stewie2K (Cloud9) Love them or hate them, Cloud9 had the most memorable CS:GO Major win ever, and no one can take that away from the Americans. Memorable is not what we’re ranking, though, and a great champion Cloud9 was not. This roster fell apart immediately after winning ELEAGUE Major 2018, and none of the players found much success either before or after that magical week in Boston. Tarik’s dubious record of being the only CS:GO Major MVP to never appear in HLTV’s Top 20 doesn’t help C9’s cause, either. 12) Zeus, AdreN, HObbit, Dosia, mou (Gambit) Though usually crammed together with the flukey Major champions, we’re of the opinion that this Gambit lineup is the first truly great one to appear in our countdown. Zeus played in three Major finals and won many trophies with NAVI, AdreN played in one more Major final and also won some trophies after Gambit, Dosia was one of the best players in the early CS:GO days, and HObbit enjoyed an amazing career resurgence in his second stint with Gambit. The only factor stopping the lineup that won PGL Major Krakow from being higher on our list is Zeus’ love for NAVI, which prematurely cut Gambit’s solid run with three total titles. 11) Happy, NBK, kioShiMa, shox, SmithZz (LDLC) If Gambit didn’t convince you we’re firmly in greatness territory, the DreamHack Winter 2014 champions should. The French scene was as strong as it was chaotic in the first few years of CS:GO. For what it’s worth, all the shuffling of star power won France two Majors. Both winning lineups include the core of Happy, NBK, and kioShiMa, and both had very similar success, but one achieved just a little bit more to earn a spot in our top 10. Happy, NBK, kioShiMa, shox, and SmithZz won six tournaments in 10 months of playing together. Each player has made at least one HLTV Top 20, each has won at least 12 titles in their career. This is an immensely successful, star-studded lineup, and it’s not even in the top 10 of CS:GO champions. That’s the kind of competition we’re having here. 10) Happy, NBK, kioShiMa, kennyS, apEX (Envy) We’re already familiar with the majority of the lineup that went on to win DreamHack Open Cluj-Napoca. The new faces are kennyS, who is top five all-time in MVP awards, and apEX, who accumulated over 20 trophies during his career—not exactly a downgrade from shox and SmithZz. This new lineup reached a Major final in its second tournament together—ESL One Cologne 2015, which makes them the first entry on our list that appeared in multiple CS:GO Major finals. Whether that’s a good thing is up to the reader. While that additional final appearance helped Envy to jump above LDLC, it also makes the Frenchmen the worst CS:GO Major multi-finalists, by a long shot. 9) ZywOo, apEX, dupreeh, Magisk, Spinx (Vitality) ZywOo caught the last train out of “Best player to never win a CS:GO Major” station by winning the last-ever such event. ZywOo’s individual greatness is reason enough to place Vitality in our top 10, but this is far from a hard carry. Magisk, dupreeh, and apEX had eight Major titles between them before ever playing a round with ZywOo. Spinx lacked that veteran pedigree before joining forces with the stars, but it was his arrival that propelled Vitality to three top-tier titles, culminating with a Major win in ZywOo and apEX’s home country at the BLAST Paris Major. ZywOo and apEX from Vitality lifting the BLAST Paris Major trophy, apEX holding the French flag in his left hand. 8) Twistzz, ropz, karrigan, rain, broky (FaZe) Karrigan is a magnet for great lineups, yet it is this one that finally got the legendary Danish IGL the Major title that had eluded him for nearly a decade. FaZe won the first three tournaments they participated in after the final piece of the puzzle, ropz, joined at the start of 2022. One of these three victories was at PGL Major Antwerp. A fourth trophy further down the line completed FaZe’s Intel Grand Slam and cemented this lineup’s legacy as one of the best to ever do it. 7) Xyp9x, dupreeh, device, gla1ve, Kjaerbye (Astralis) The Kjaerbye era Astralis is often glossed over due to Astralis’ future greatness, but we’ll give it all the shine it deserves right here. Though we call it the Kjaerbye era, it is actually gla1ve who joined last and it was that roster move that changed the team’s fortunes. This Astralis lineup finished top four in the first 10 events it attended, winning three of them. Among these wins was what was at the time the greatest CS:GO Major final ever at ELEAGUE Major 2017. Even the myth that Astralis fell off toward the end of this roster’s run isn’t entirely true. They slowed down a bit, sure, but if they didn’t, we’d be talking about them much later on this list. Overall, this lineup achieved 14 top-four placements in 19 tournaments, a remarkable display of consistency that gives Astralis a mini-title in our ranking—the title of best CS:GO Major champion that has never played in another Major final. 6) Snax, byali, pashaBiceps, NEO, TaZ (Virtus.pro) We all love the Virtus Plow, and their longevity alone almost got them into the top five. This lineup played together for over four years, won a dozen trophies and was always capable of knocking the favorites out of any event. They also narrowly missed out on becoming two-time champions in a crushingly close encounter with Astralis at ELEAGUE 2017. We’re beginning to run out of slots, and there are better, more successful lineups that won a Major, so we couldn’t push VP any higher, but No. 6 is more than respectable for the EMS Katowice 2014 champions. 5) Perfecto, s1mple, electronic, Boombl4, b1t (NAVI) Take what Astralis did after gla1ve joined, amp it up to 11, and you’ll get this NAVI lineup. The CIS giants weren’t just finishing in the top four of events, they were winning them. NAVI won six times and was runner-up once in its first seven tournaments with this roster. Thankfully, that second place did not come at PGL Major Stockholm, because s1mple would have probably believed he was cursed by a cosmic entity at this point. Similarly to ZywOo, s1mple by himself could drag any lineup to success, but neither superstar had enjoyed so much winning with any other lineup. NAVI completed the Intel Grand Slam and was one win away at PGL Antwerp from becoming back-to-back Major champions. That was their last tournament together. Had they won it, they would have more than likely broken into the top three. As it is, NAVI has to settle for top five. 4) FalleN, coldzera, fer, TACO, fnx (Luminosity/SK) Luminosity exploded onto the scene in 2016, won its first-ever title at the MLG Columbus Major, then followed it with two more trophies before switching to SK days before ESL One Cologne 2016, where they became only the second back-to-back Major winner in CS:GO history. This core’s winning formula was not lost with fnx’s benching and subsequent departure, but we don’t give bonus points for other rosters’ accomplishments, even if only one player was changed, so right outside the top three of CS:GO Major champions is where the Brazilians stand in our book. 3) GeT_RiGhT, f0rest, Xizt, friberg, Fifflaren (Ninjas in Pyjamas) It’s difficult to explain to someone who didn’t follow the scene at the time just how dominant Ninjas in Pyjamas were in the first 12 months of CS:GO. This team was averaging more than a title per month from September 2012 to September 2013, but there was one problem—there weren’t any Majors in that timeframe. The first ever Major was played in November 2013, where NiP were upset by the second-worst CS:GO Major champion ever. Then they lost in the final again at EMS Katowice. Had NiP not won ESL One Cologne 2014, they would have been on top of another ranking—the best team to never win a CS:GO Major. We’d bet they’re much happier to be the mere third-greatest team to win one instead. 2) JW, flusha, pronax, olofmeister, KRIMZ (fnatic) It’s funny how changing two players can take you from the second-worst to the second-best CS:GO Major champion. Snatching LGB stars KRIMZ and olofmeister was the best thing fnatic ever did, as this lineup accumulated a dozen trophies over its 18-month run and took over from NiP as the premier CS:GO team. The crowning jewels in this second Swedish dynasty’s crown were the successive Majors they won—ESL One Katowice and ESL One Cologne 2015. The latter would be this lineup’s final title before swapping pronax for dennis and winning five events in five attempts to begin their new era. We don’t need those additional titles to rank fnatic second, it will break our own rules, but it’s always fun to reminisce about this period in CS:GO history, so there you go. JW from fnatic holding the ESL One Cologne 2015 trophy while confetti is falling on the stage.Image via ESL 1) Xyp9x, dupreeh, device, gla1ve, Magisk (Astralis) We struggled mightily with most placements, but one thing we knew from the start was who would be No. 1. Astralis with Magisk is the greatest team to ever touch CS:GO, period. They won a staggering 20 trophies together, the most for any single lineup. Part of this unmatched run were not one, not two, but three Major titles in a row—FACEIT London, IEM Katowice, and Starladder Berlin. Point made, case closed—Astralis is the best team to ever win a CS:GO Major. Any sort of list is destined to make someone unhappy, but that’s the last feeling we want to leave you with. If your favorite team seems like it was hard done by yours truly, we offer the best highlights from every CS:GO Major as a means of truce. Read the full article
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esportschimp · 1 year
PCH3LK1N: I don't think we had 100% synergy
Professional CS:GO commentator Alexey PCH3LK1N Pcholkin shared his emotions of participating in the third season of FONBET MEDIA ELEAGUE especially for Cybersport.Metaratings.ru. The commentator believes that his wawa team could have performed worse in the tournament, so he was pleased with the result: I thought we would go out in the semi-finals, but we reached the final. Thanks guys for this.…
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tvrundownusa · 1 year
tvrundown USA 2023.07.17
Monday, July 17th:
(exclusive): "Command-Z" (satire mini-series for charity, 90mins total) https://extension765.com/ -> https://commandZseries.com/
(streaming weekly): Synduality Noir (hulu), Average Joe (BET+, moved to Thursdays), Murdoch Mysteries (AcornTV), "Unknown" (netflix, docuseries, part 3 of 4)
(hour 1): The Rising (theCW, limited series finale), Stars on Mars (FOX), Claim to Fame (ABC), American Ninja Warrior (NBC)
(hour 2): Crime Scene Kitchen (FOX), The Bachelorette (ABC, 2hrs), The Wall (NBC, repeat), The Great American Recipe (PBS), BBQ Brawl (FOOD)
(hour 3): Cruel Summer (Freeform), POV (PBS, "A House Made of Splinters", 90mins), Reservation Dogs (FX, 75mins), Miracle Workers (TBS, 60mins), The Bachelorette (ABC, contd), Weakest Link (NBC), One Star Reviews (VICE, 60mins, season 1 finale), BBQ USA (FOOD), Dark Marvels (HIST)
(hour 4 - latenight): Reservation Dogs (FX, contd, season 1 finale), ELeague (TBS, "NHL 23 World Championships" grand finale)
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m-ultraarticles · 1 year
Stewie2K's settings, crosshair, and viewmodel for CS:GO - Dot Esports
One of NA’s finest.Stewie2K is one of the most well-known Counter-Strike and VALORANT players in North America.The 25-year-old cemented himself as one of the five North American players to come back against FaZe Clan in the final of the ELEAGUE Boston CS:GO Major 2018. Up to this day, it remains the only Major that was won by a North American squad, and with the BLAST.tv Paris CS:GO Major being…
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winbetazdotcom · 1 year
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thailandeventguide · 2 years
Exploring the Growing Popularity of ELeague Thailand. The esports industry has recently seen a surge in popularity, and Thailand is no exception.E-League Thailand is a professional esports league that has been gaining traction in the country and is quickly becoming one of the most popular esports leagues in the region and includes pro players like Dekzz and Jeansui. The Ministry of Digital Economy and Society supports digital sports growth in Thailand. The Thailand Esports Federation (TESF) organises the esports competition. ELeague Thailand was founded in 2018 and is the first professional esports league in the country and is open to players from all levels of Thai society.   The ELeague Pro and Amateur Division     The eLeague Thailand had the Elite Division and the Challenger Division but has now changed it into the Pro and Amateur division. The Elite / Pro Division is the top tier of competition and consists of the best teams in the country. The Challenger / Amateur Division is the second tier of competition and consists of player teams making their way up to the Elite Division. The league has seen a steady increase in popularity since its inception. The growing popularity is due to several factors, including the high level of competition, the large prize pools, and the fact that you can see the league on television. Also, during the COVID period, more people in the esports competition had a growing online presence, with a dedicated website and social media accounts. The league has attracted some of the best teams in the country, and it has become a significant source of entertainment for esports fans. The e-league has also become a primary source of revenue for the teams and players involved. ELeague Thailand has a solid player base in the esports industry in Thailand. Esports players in the pro division in Thailand are Dekzz, Jeansui, Manasak Sunshiro, TChalla, Betz45, AkDragon, Natzthiago, Tanukkii, Oatrider, NJ_James, Guide, Chicken Kebab, Balonz, among others. Most players are still students or young starters who play in competitions at night and weekends. The growing popularity of ELeague Thailand is a testament to the strength of the esports industry in the country. This growth is helping to drive the development of the esports industry in Thailand.   How ELeague Thailand is Changing the Esports Scene     ELeague Thailand is revolutionising the esports scene in Thailand and beyond. This esports league is the first of its kind in the country and is quickly becoming a significant player in the global esports industry. The Pro Division is for the top-tier players, while the Amateur Division is for players of all skill levels. Each division has its rules and regulations, and players must meet specific criteria to qualify for the Pro Division. The league has already been successful, with several tournaments and teams competing, and in the past year mostly took place online. The e-league was streamed on Facebook and via other channels. The digital sports game has also attracted some of the top players in the world, including some of the best players from Europe and North America. E-League Thailand's goal is to help and promote esports in the country. The league has partnered with several organisations, including the Thailand Esports Association, to help promote esports in the country. The game competition has also held several events, such as the Thailand Esports Championship, to help promote esports in the country and create a new era in Thailand. This esports league is a great way to hone your skills, make new friends with Dekzz for example, and earn money.   The Benefits of Participating in ELeague Thailand     Participating in ELeague Thailand offers a variety of benefits to those who choose to participate. Here are some of the advantages of participating in ELeague Thailand: First, E-League Thailand provides a
platform for gamers to showcase their skills, compete against other players, improve their gaming skills and learn from others. You can also make new friends and build relationships with other gamers. Second, ELeague Thailand offers a chance to earn money. Players like Dekzz can compete in tournaments, win prizes, and make extra money while having fun. Third, ELeague Thailand provides a great way to stay connected with the gaming community. You can join in on discussions and debates and stay up to date on the latest news and updates. The ELeague Thailand is a great way to have fun, and that is the most important of all. Play with friends or even join in on tournaments and competitions and have a good time and make some memories. So, are you looking for a way to improve your gaming skills and have some fun? In that case, ELeague Thailand is the perfect fit for you.   The Impact of ELeague Thailand on the Local Esports Community     After Thailand's esports federation introduced the E-League Thailand, it significantly impacted the local esports community. This competitive gaming league has provided a platform for gamers to showcase their skills and compete against each other in a professional setting. It has also provided an opportunity for the local esports community to gain recognition and visibility on a global scale. To join the Pro Division is the highest level of competition in ELeague Thailand, and it takes some hard work and skills to get selected for the most prestigious division. The Amateur Division is the lowest level of competition and consists of teams just starting in the esports scene. The local esports community allows players to unite and form a strong bond while providing a platform for gamers to meet and interact with each other and share their experiences and knowledge. This unity has allowed the local esports community to connect and grow. The upcoming E-Sports Season organized by the Thailand esports federation starts on 18 March 2023 and is worth checking out. At the time of writing, the exact details of the location were unknown. We will update you as soon as we know more. If you want to become a player follow for example Chicken Kebab and Dekzz on Facebook to be in the know.   https://thailandeventguide.com/eleague-thailand-enjoys-rapid-esports-growth-in-the-region/?feed_id=1478&_unique_id=63de46be60369
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dajabonnoticias · 2 months
CS:GO ELeague Major pools and tournament schedule announced
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how people read. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small…
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sun444009 · 2 years
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運彩怎麼買 賽制
以下圖是OGA Dota PIT第賽三季季後賽就是用雙敗賽制。
在以下圖是CS:GO ELEAGUE BOSTON MAJOR 本次比賽就是用瑞士輪賽制。
賽制一直都是一成不變的,隨著遊戲性質不同,賽制也會有所不同,比方說瑞士輪賽制比較適合CS:GO,但在Dota2、LOL這類Moba 遊戲中就極少用的到。
點我看更多 電競運彩怎麼買?居然比體育的還簡單更有趣?
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