peachyrainn · 2 years
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guiderichess · 14 days
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
Spirit, The Fifth Element: Invocation Chant
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Spirit Element Symbol & Correspondences
For ancient alchemists, the Spirit or Aether was the fifth essence or the fifth element of creation.
According to Aristotle, Aether is a divine and indestructible substance. Its natural habitat is the Universe, where stars and other celestial bodies are created. Aether is understood as the soul of our reality and all life emanates from it.
Working with the Spirit Element
In ritual, pagans and Wiccans call forth the Spirit either through their own self or by invoking a Goddess or God. The Spirit is thought to reside within us as part of our core being. While it dwells within us, it is not something tangible.
Most of the time we are not even aware of the spirit residing inside of us as we go about our daily life. But it is there, and when needed, we can call it forth. Focusing our energy and attention upon the spirit draws it from our depths, brings it to the forefront, and allows us to connect with it to manifest change.
Video: Spirit or Aether Invocation
Invoke Spirit with a chant and meditate to the relaxing sound of flutes to connect with the qualities of this primary Elemental, also known as Akasha or Æther.
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Light a white candle during this meditation.
The Spirit attracts and favors magical thinking and everything related to spirituality and mysticism.
It is said to be found in the hollow spaces of the human body, including the center of the spinal column, veins, arteries, nerves, internal organs and different body cavities. In fact it is everywhere, and because it is part of everything, it does not have specific correspondences such as a cardinal direction or gender.
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Spirit Elemental: The Fifth Element
The concept of elements originated in Ancient Greece as it was a topic debated and examined by Aristotle and Plato. Originally, these ancient philosophers developed four elements that covered all physical substances found on earth.
But even though this classical set of elements seemed perfect, Aristotle felt something was missing. Maybe it was his own religious upbringing or the overarching ideas of a polytheistic society, but he believed that there was something more, something difficult to name, and something no one could quite put their finger on. This mysterious fifth element was called Aether.
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Akasha the Element of Spirit
Aether and the Alchemy of Life
To the ancient Greeks, Aether was the air above the earth. It existed in the celestial sphere where the goddesses and gods lived on Mount Olympus. Plato described this air as translucent, and while it was originally connected to the element of air, it became clear the energy vibrating in this space should be its own element.
Medieval scientists and alchemists picked up the idea of Aether and called it quintessence from the Latin name for “fifth essence”. To them, this element was the material that filled the space above the earth’s atmosphere. It encompasses the universe and was thought to make up the heavenly bodies.
The quintessence was often used in several theories to explain a variety of natural phenomenon such as gravity and the traveling of light. But even though it helped to explain natural phenomenon, it was estimated to be little of it on Earth.
When the medicinal alchemists began to use an elemental system, they sought to isolate quintessence. They believed that if the fifth element could be separated from the others and incorporated into elixirs and medicine so that it could heal the body of any impurities or illnesses. The fact it came from the heavens gave it a purity beyond measure and an ability to restore health and vitality.
Read also: Elemental Spirits & the Four Directions of Magic
Akasha, Goddess or Element?
In ancient India, the term akasha arose to describe this fifth element. While its name has been used in popular culture and works of fiction to represent a Mother Goddess, the word akasha simply means “space” or “aether” in Sanskrit. It is derived from a root kāś meaning “to be”.
Traditional translations of akasha speak of the sky or atmosphere, while more detailed interpretations in Vedic Sanskrit have it refer to the open space, or vacuity. Over time in Vedantic philosophy, akasha came to be an ethereal fluid that was imagined pervading all of the cosmos.
Four of the Five Elements – air, earth, fire, and water – are physical and make up the entire earth, while the aether is different. This makes the fifth element much more difficult to articulate regardless of your culture. Each culture has attempted to define aether by giving it a name: spirit, akasha, aether, quintessence.
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Elements of Wiccan Wisdom
The spirit element has no form, rather it is an energy. This energy is present in all material and non-material objects, but it cannot take its own physical form.
The mystery of akasha is still pondered today by philosophers, religious practitioners, and scientists. In fact, some modern-day physicists decided to reintroduce the concept of the fifth element to explain some of the deficiencies in our current physical models. The term quintessence has been revived and applied to dark matter as a way to explain the acceleration of the universe. And in this process, it takes on a new name, the fifth fundamental force.
Akasha and Wicca
In 1995, Scott Cunningham used the aether to describe the element of spirit and proposed that all of the other elements descended from it. He was not alone, as many pagans interpret the fifth element of akasha to be a combination of earth, air, fire, and water. Without akasha, they believe there would be nothing else, no earth, no spirit, no Magick.
Using these five elements, pagan practitioners work to direct their will to make changes. These changes may be for the earth herself or for the individual practitioner. In either case, akasha is harnessed in order to alter the current path of reality. Through akasha, practitioners are able to balance their mental and physical health using meditation, ritual, and mindfulness.
Spirit Elemental Powers and Correspondences
For many Western occult practitioners, the elements are hierarchical. At the top is spirit, then comes Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. The elements on top are linked to the spirit realm and perfection while those on the bottom are mundane and material. However, Wiccans do not place the elements in order, rather they view each element as equal with the others.
For Wiccans, the top of the pentacle represents the Spirit. It is unlike the other four Elements because it is part of everything in the universe therefore spirit does not have any specific ritual or magical correspondences. The lack of physicality of the spirit places it in a different type of category. There are no planets, tools, or symbols like there are for earth, air, fire, and water.
The only exception is that akasha is often represented as white. Whether this derives from the chakra color charts or the glow of halos or the combination of all light, akasha represents the all. It has no gender, no season, no direction; it simply ‘is’. It is often visually portrayed as a swirl or spiral or circle as the movement of energy is infinitesimal and never ending.
As humans have tried for thousands of years to define and isolate akasha, it remains elusive despite all of our modern day technology. While it can be difficult to pinpoint, we are able to use its powers in ritual and meditation when the mind becomes quiet and focused.
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qsfrombooks · 4 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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460spring2022 · 3 years
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In My Element
The cover photo here is what I call my “redemption headshot” for Cronkite News. I absolutely DESPISE my headshot on the CN staff page, solely because I just don’t think it looks like me. It’s a well shot photo, but I don’t like it LOL. My friend took this photo of me the day after our bios went up and I think it’s much better. This photo was one that I loved but avoided posting because I wanted to manifest that when I did post it, I would get to say that I had gotten an anchor position. It worked! I’m anchoring for Cronkite Noticias this semester, so this photo makes me really happy. My second photo is of me at my desk in the Digital Audiences Lab. It’s totally awkward but that’s what I like about it. I told my friend to take it when I wasn’t paying attention, and now I know what I look like to everyone else. The DA Lab is my happy place - so much so that I came back again this semester and subjected myself to even longer days. But! Digital audiences has become a passion of mine, and I love helping the students in the Lab in any way I can and the constant exposure to it all keeps me fresh and on my toes. My last photo is, of course, with my dog. Every day, I have to sit on the floor with her for at LEAST five minutes. As soon as my legs hit the ground, she throws herself in my lap the same way she did when she weighed ten pounds, except now she weighs seventy. I’m always covered in puppy glitter (dog hair), but it’s just a reminder that she was hanging out with me and making me smile at some point that day.
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bondwalker37 · 4 years
Destiny 2’s new season, the Season of Arrivals has finally hit the gaming market. Similar to its previous season, the game is creating a buzz amongst the gamers. 
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Several aspects of the games are replaced alongside several new ones have been added to it. One of the most significant changes has been implemented in the Currency aspect; from now on, there are three currencies available in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals. However, two of them are the seasonal currency that will vanish after this season ends. 
In this article, we are going to focus mainly upon one of the Seasonal Currency; Altered Element. Below we have provided a proper workaround to get the Altered Element in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals. 
The following process is a bit intricate, so we advise the gamers to read the workaround carefully to get the best results out of it.How to Get Altered ElementThe gamers can quickly get the Altered Element in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals through daily bounties of Prismatic Recaster.
 In one day, there are four bounties held, and each of them contains 25 Altered Elements. Thus, gamers have the chance to collect 100 Altered Elements in a single day.Alternatively, similar to the Twisted Energy (First Seasonal Currency), the players have to take part in the Gambit and Crucible matches. Once gamers start winning the matches in these leagues, then they will begin to get a reasonable amount of Altered Element. 
Alongside, the veteran players of Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals had shown through a Twitch streaming that Nightfall: The Ordeal is the best league to participate for winning Altered Element; the gamers could earn more than 25 Altered Element for winning a single match of it.Another possible way of collecting the Altered Element in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals is to take the Bank Job quest. However, this quest has the potential to only double-up the Altered Element of gamers. The gamers need to take the Job first, then kill all the guards to grab all 50 vaults keys through drops.
 Afterwards, the players need to obtain the Filthy Lucre, and once they get it, then they need to utilize it to double their Altered Element.The last and the easiest way to get the Altered Element in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals is to use the Season 11 Triumphs.
 However, the Season 11 triumphs can only be used to get the Altered Element when gamers obtain it. Moreover, there is only one way to attain the Season 11 Triumphs, and it is through the Season Pass; thus, they have to buy the Season Pass first to get to more Altered Element.ConclusionThis article will help the gamers to know about the new Seasonal Currency, Altered Element of Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals. Alongside, the article will help the players to understand the ways to obtain Altered Element in Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals. We have mentioned several ways to get the Altered Element in this article, and we advise you to go with the one that suits your preference and comfort.
 We wish that the gamers will succeed in earning a massive amount of Altered Element and will find our article purposeful.Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals can be played on Xbox One, Google Stadia, PS4 and PC.
I’m Bond walker . I’m a web developer living in New york. I am a fan of technology, a publisher of guides at Blogstar design, and programming. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.
Source:- How to Get Altered Element in Destiny 2How to Get Altered Element in Destiny 2
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qsfrombooks · 5 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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qsfrombooks · 4 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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qsfrombooks · 5 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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qsfrombooks · 5 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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qsfrombooks · 6 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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qsfrombooks · 7 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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qsfrombooks · 7 years
As a professional, he has acquired a stock of mental skills that are for sale. The skills are highly developed, but we do not think of him as being an intellectual if certain qualities are missing from his workdisinterested intelligence, generalizing power, free speculation, fresh observation, creative novelty, radical criticism. At home he may happen to be an intellectual, but at his job he is a hired mental technician who uses his mind for the pursuit of externally determined ends. It is this elementthe fact that ends are set from some interest or vantage point outside the intellectual process itselfwhich characterizes both the zealot, who lives obsessively for a single idea, and the mental technician, whose mind is used not for free speculation but for a salable end. The goal here...
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life / Richard Hofstadter
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