#elenor guthrie
howlerbat · 25 days
this scene but it’s Daniel begging Armand to turn him (he doesn’t)
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the face of when you’ve gotten everything you’ve ever wanted and you still can’t bring yourself to accept it
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Truly HOW did elenor "raised around pirates" bisexual legend "I mouthed off to charles vane and fucked him and now he calls me miss honeypot" Guthrie go from Vane and Max to goddang woodes rogers.
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The Duchess (1/?)
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A/N- howdy friends, I actually wrote this like a year ago but I was never really happy with it, but anyways here it is.
**Not my gif**
Warnings: a severe attitude problem?
Captain Celeste Guthrie was finding it incredibly hard to keep control of her facial expressions. At this current moment in time she was hyper aware that if she let her guard down for even a second her sour mood would become evident on her face. It would be unprofessional of her to get up and leave and childish of her to just simply state just how ‘fucking
boring’ this was. Celeste could have been doing any number of things instead of being sat in a brittle wooden chair with all these old men all gaping at her breasts. It was exhausting to pretend like she gave a crap about all of this political bullshit, but if she didn’t even try to act like she cared as much as the rest of them she would be ridiculed for it, so instead she politely smiled and nodded her head along with the other men’s words. The six other Captains sat around Eleanor’s office table were all men and they all highly doubted the oldest Guthrie sisters’ capabilities to lead any ship let alone a pirate ship.
“Miss Guthrie?” an annoyed voice pulled her from her thoughts and seemingly grounded her at an instant, her deep blue eyes flicked over the source of the sound to see a short, round burly man with a long greying beard and mustache. He was shaking his head with a wicked smile etched onto his lips. He looked like he wanted to rip the much younger woman into several pieces for even acting like she belonged there.
“Actually, I prefer Captain, if you wouldn’t mind” Celeste could feel her sisters disapproving glare from next to her. Which only incited her bad mood further. Normally, Eleanor herself would have put the old man in his place for even daring to talk to her sister like this, however, she was trying to convince him to lower his prices for her so Celeste’s feelings would just have to be put on hold.
“Just as I thought” he continued to blabber on, he truly believed that he had her figured out, that he had all women figured out, because a woman couldn’t lead, a woman couldn’t even tie her shoelaces without help from a man. All men were the same, or at least all the men in Nassau were the same. All arrogant assholes.
“Why are we even entertaining this child!” he spat with more venom that was needed to get his point across while slamming his hand upon the table like it was a gavel. Celeste raised an annoyed eyebrow in his direction before turning to look at her sister who simply mouthed the word ‘no’. Celeste just thought that he was incredibly lucky that he was sat on the other side of the room to her otherwise she would have shown him just how much of child she could be.
Celeste stood, pushing her dress down to press out the wrinkles before placing both of her hands upon the table, leaning the rest of her body weight in the direction of her certain accuser. A forced laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head, her blonde ringlets bouncing as she did so. “I feel so incredibly sorry for you Captain Pike” a confused look flashed over his features before an angry one took its place. “ it must be truly terrible to always have the smallest brain in the room, and with all of these big, offensive ideas brewing up there I’m personally surprised that you are not constantly plagued with a searing headache” Celeste smiled, she simply couldn’t help herself. Now this was a meeting that was worth going to.
“Now, I don’t want to come across as hostile because I know that you men are extremely sensitive when it comes to the size of your… Ships,” Celeste paused to locate her choice words carefully, Captain Pike looked like her wanted to throttle her, like many of the other Captains, on the other hand Captain Flint looked highly amused.
“however, The Duchess has once again brought in the most imports, most of which are ready for market” Celeste sat, slumping slightly in her chair to indicate to the others just how unjust these accusations were. “Once again, my ship and my crew have made the most money, which is probably why I’m being ‘entertained’ at this meeting,”. She shot a pointed look towards Pike who looked like he needed to take a breath to ‘calm his nerves’. ”so the real question is why are you being entertained?”
“It’s truly great that your humble about your success” Flint chuckled with a wide smile as he kicked up his feet onto the table. Celeste mocked his actions as she crossed her arms over her chest. “but the lady does have a point, Pike,” he said as he stretched his arms to rest above his head. “so shut your damn mouth”
“Now that’s no way to speak to one of our most respected colleagues” an instantly recognizable deep voice echoed throughout the room and the wind knocked out from Celeste’s chest, her arms instantly became slack.
Celeste snapped her head in her younger sisters’ direction who looked incredibly guilty. That little witch. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Eleanor promised that she wouldn’t have to see him during these meetings.
“Ah Vane, nice of you to finally join us” Eleanor piped up for the first time this meeting, Celeste’s burning glare making the younger girl a little nervous, “However you are almost an hour and a half late.” Vane closed the door behind himself and lazily dropped himself into the seat directly opposite from Celeste who was currently finding her shoes incredibly interesting. Vane however couldn’t bring himself to tear his eyes away from her body. He pulled a cigar from his pocket and used one of the shorter pillar candles that were placed upon the table to light it, blowing out smoke as he did so.
Celeste wanted nothing more than for this meeting to be over so she retreat back to the safety of her ship. She hadn’t laid eyes on the man in nearly 6 years and she certainly didn’t want to start up again now. She hoped that she could just go unnoticed for the rest of this meeting like she had done for the first hour. That wish was, however, unlikely.
“Im here now, aren’t I?” Vane wanted a rise out of the young woman, she knew this, and she would rather die than give it to him. “ and if you had mentioned that your lovely sister were here Elenor, I would have quickened my pace.” He said very amused with himself while balancing the cigar between his lips. Celeste rolled her eyes, huffing to herself back into the corner of the room. She caught a glimpse of the traveling people outside on the street below and she envied all of them. They didn’t have to be in this sweltering box of a room with possibly the people she hated the most on the planet’s, “What were you fine gentleman, oh and I mustn’t forget, ladies, discussing?”.
One of the other captains stood, Captain Kane who was a ugly stick of a man, pointed at Celeste accusingly, which caused her to tear her eyes up towards him, scowling at him. “Captain Guthrie was just informing us that her and her crew, which might I had is almost entirely made up of women, have managed to make the most coin this past month. Which I highly doubt to be the case” He spat as he downed the rest of the ale that was left in bottle. Celeste scoffed loudly which didn’t by any means go unnoticed by the rest of the men. Suddenly felt a sharp elbow press into her side. To her side she could see her younger sister glaring, totally unamused.
“Ow! What the fuck was that for I’m not the one being a bigot” Celeste snarled at her younger sibling who was cautiously eyeing the other people in the room who were all now bickering amongst themselves. All except Flint and Vane. Flint was looking down towards his hands, looking at a small folded parchment paper in between his calloused fingertips. His tired face looked bored much like Celeste’s. Which is probably why they got along so well.
Vane, however looked entirely all too pleased with himself, like he had everyone where he wanted them. Celeste snapped her vision and locked eyes with the man, instantly regretting the choice when he smirked at her, to be perfectly honest she knew she would eventually run into her childhood friend again one day, it was just a matter of time. And unfortunately, her luck had run out. It would’ve been perfectly fine with her to never see the person who had ruined her life ever again. Vane, being as stubborn as he was believed that he had given the older Guthrie girl enough time to ‘get over it’ and now she was just being bitter.
“Would you at least try and act civil” Eleanor whispered as she leaned into Celeste’s side. Celeste ripped her gaze away from Vane and back to the window.
“Me being ‘Civil’ does not mean bowing down to every man in sight because it suits your needs.”
“This is exactly why father left me to run this business, you can’t see past your pride and into the future!”
“ No, father left you the business because you are his little pet. And might I had that you were also the only one here. I believe in creating my own worth not riding on daddy’s wealth and pretending that its my own.” Celeste angrily whispered back.
An evil grin formed on Vanes face, he could quite clearly see the rift between the two sisters and wondered how much more strain their relationship could handle before it cracked completely, “Convenient , because if that was true then that would mean that Captain Guthrie here probably had the help from her little sister, you know giving her the best tips for the most valuable ships, the biggest plunders. And that really wouldn’t be fair at all. Would it?” He stated matter of factly, tilting his head to see if his efforts had managed to anger Celeste. Which they definitely had.
“How fucking dare you!” Celeste sat bold upright in her chair, purposely turning her attention to Vane, “Since when was my crew and my ship being brought under investigation, maybe if you weren’t all drunks, or out whoring all the live long day, or you actually knew how to captain a goddamned ship, you would be spending your coin rather than watching me roll around in mine.” Celeste forcefully pushed the chair from underneath herself, not bothering to correct her dress this time. “now if you’ll excuse me, I have far better things to do with my time, like watching paint dry.” she hatefully spat before walking the short distance to the door and ultimately deciding that slamming it was her best course of action.
Pike laughed so weakly that it could have been mistaken for nasty chest infection, “see?” he pointed to the still rattling door, “this is why women can’t be in charge of anything, they are far too emotional” he said stroking the gruff on his chin.
Vane took everyone by surprise when he also abruptly stood, stubbing the end of his cigar out directly onto the table, avoiding the ash tray, “I suggest you shut the fuck up” his low gruff voice bellowed out before he too made his way to the door, leaving everyone else with a look of confusion on their faces. Eleanor knew that the two had a history, but she assumed that they would either pretend it never happened or Celeste would be the bigger person and not let his often-relentless teasing get the better of her, looks like she was wrong.
Celeste practically ran down the steps of the tavern wanting nothing more then to seek the safety of her nice cool cabin on her ship, surrounded by people who she can somewhat tolerate. At least her cabin had a bolt on the door, as Celeste marched through the maze of people and reached the street, she felt eyes boring into her. She had a pretty good idea of who it was which was why she was gradually picking up her pace. Celeste couldn’t deal this this right now, or ever to be perfectly honest, so she kept her pace until the beach came into sight. The heat at this point was almost unbearable and the layered long black dress was not helping the situation. She gathered the ends of her dress, exposing her bare legs, before jumping down off of the dock and onto the white hot sand.
Or the beach is where you can really see the split of people in Nassau as only Pirates dared show their faces down there, which made Celeste, who was a woman, a bit of a rarity. The only thing she hated more that Charles Vane was this beach, with all of its vagrants and criminals, however it was the only way back to her ship, so it was a necessary evil. Weaving in and out of the makeshift tents she eventually broke their density and to made it out to hear the gentle lapping of the sea against the sand.
Celeste could feel a mass amount of eyes piercing her figure as she shielded her own with her hand from the blazing sun. she ignored them like she always did and tried to locate her second in command Rosabelle who should have been waiting with their rowboat along with two of her most trusted men, Felix and Jack. No luck however, and she soon realized that they was barely anyone this far down the beach, not a single person was rowing out to the larger ships in port.
What the fuck is going on?
Slowly, Celeste turned her body to look to the left of her to inspect the rest of the beach, but she really wished she hadn’t. Stood there was Vane, both of his hands perched upon his hips has he squinted his ice blue eyes towards her, a smirk pressed against his lips. “Hello, Love. Its been a while.” His gruff voice spoke as he took a view steps closer, Celeste did not move, not under any circumstances. She was not going to be bullied by him a she certainly wasn’t going to give in to him. She would rather die.
She glared at him, “Not nearly long enough” she spat as she pushed past his broad shoulder as bolted past him. He wasn’t about to let her leave him standing on this beach, again, so he sharply turned and grasped onto her wrist. She jumped out of instinct and mentally scolded herself for doing so. She tried ripping her arm from her grasp but when she kept failing she began to walk again and to her surprise he didn’t try to stop her, instead he followed her like a child until they were back at the top of the beach.
“What the fuck do you want Vane, let me fucking go” Celeste shouted as she spun around to face him. Pushing him against a wall on one of the unsuspecting houses that lined the beach. Celeste had pushed him with just enough force for him to to let go of her wrist. A smile broke through on to his face, not a smirk but a genuine smile. This caused Celeste to immediately let go of his chest and retreat back a few steps before walking away again.
“You really must let your petty anger go love, its not attractive” vane said, hot on Celestes heals as she darted in and out of the various merchants. Celeste was not really sure what he was planning to gain from making her angry and though she hated to admit it was almost working.
“Its not attractive?, oh heaven forbid, will the gods ever forgive me?” she seethed as she quickened her pace anxious to escape Vane. This is why she didn’t want to see him again, he was being insufferable and didn’t show any signs of letting up soon.
Vane chuckled as he darted in front of her,quite effectively stopping her in the middle of the street., “neither is sarcasm” Celeste was finding it very difficult to not punch the man straight in the face, but she knew that would do little to nothing to change if persistency.
“I don’t give a fuck what you think of me Vane” Finally and totally stopping to move around him because it was basically pointless. Obviously her old find had something on his mind and he wasn’t about to let Celeste skip out of town until she had heard it.
Vane clicked his tongue and tilted his head to the side ever so slightly,“I highly doubt that” he said.
Unbeknownst to the squabbling pair below, Jack Rackam and Anne Bonny we’re watching in amusement from the balcony of an ale house directly opposite from them.
Jack let out a laugh as he leaned on the weathered wood of the railing as he cradled a half filled bottle in his hand. “ Oh Christ, is that Celeste Guthrie with Captain?” He questioned as he lightly lurched forward to get a better look. “ She does not look happy to say the least.”
“ She never looks happy, part of her’ charm” Anne said as she settled next to him, staring at the pair who had finally stopped.
Jack turned to Anne with a look of realisation on his drunken face. “ That’s right, you were a member of her crew a few years back if I’m not mistaken”, Anne rolled her eyes. “ How was that experience my love? Is it true that their are only down on their luck women to man the ship?” He stopped for a second before turning to gage his partners current mood before deeming that it was safe enough to carry on. “That hardly seems practical.”
“Hey Captain, ive been looking everywhere for you” Celeste whipped her head to see the extremely concerned look on Rosabelles pale face.
“oh thank god, Rosabelle, what is it?”
“you should probably just come and see this”
Various things were running through Celestes mind as she and her second in command lead her through the bustling streets of Nassau. However she was just happy to be rid of Vane. To be perfectly honest she hadn’t expected him to hound her like he had done.
Rosabelle led Celeste right back to the tavern, much to her dismay. Celeste could her sister pacing anxiously.
“What do you want now?” Celeste called out but was instantly taken aback when see saw tears rolling down her cheeks.
Elenor was wringing her hand in front of her “ it’s Aurora, she’s missing Celeste”
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broby---dick · 7 years
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toomanyfeelings5 · 7 years
here are my long overdue gay sappy thoughts on black sails s2ep5:
1. sorry for the delay! i’d watched it with my dad and then we went on a very busy vacation and i wanted to make sure i devoted enough time and space to talking about this ep because i have feelings about it and i like talking about this show lol, sorry to most of you who don’t watch this show/don’t read these posts, which is obvs fine.
2. these are just gonna be the most important things i retained from watching for the first time so sorry if i miss anything!
3. max and anne and jack’s relationship is given these wonderful little touches, i like how they make their threesome situation almost mundane, like it’s not framed as a Sexy Hot Threesome, it’s framed as these three people trying their best to work out complicated feelings and to further their own agendas. it’s very human. like, anne’s jealousy of jack, max starting to maybe care a bit for anne, jack trying to figure out where he stands. that being said, i’d like a bit more expansion on anne and max’s relationship in particular: how do they actually feel about each other? what are their plans?
5. interesting how jack mirrors eleanor: he betrays the person he loves for his own advancement. max tacitly agrees to this betrayal, because she’ll also get more power out of this. she’s sort of following in elenor’s footsteps, though she is crafting her own kind of power over nassau. max is so fascinating and she remains my multi-faceted favorite. that being said, it sucks to be anne right now. :(
6. meanwhile, richard guthrie pulls the Classic Shitty Father speech by literally saying that he saw no value in raising eleanor because she’s a girl but that now he’s proud of her. eleanor looks conflicted--i imagine this is something she’s never heard from her dad before--but also pissed and distrustful, and i 100% side with her.
7. billy’s back and i’m guessing he’s going to be another problem later on. for now silver finds that he’s going to have to manipulate him much more carefully than the other crew members.
8. ok ok ok it’s Time to talk about the reveal, holy fuck.
9. during the last few minutes of the episode i went “IT WASN’T MIRANDA AND FLINT WHO WERE HAVING THE AFFAIR” and my dad was like “wHAT????” and we watched in total stunned silence. 
10. it was so well-done? you know there are those shows that a lot of people promote as like, “it has such good LGBT representation!!!!!! watch it, it’s so gay!!!!” and like, in my experience, at least half the time that representation is either mediocre or just plain shit, and generally way overhyped? so like, i Knew intellectually that flint was gay, i knew that this reveal was going to happen at some point, but i wasn’t really trusting the show to deliver. especially because s1 was so.....average and mediocre and just plain terrible on a lot of levels re: representation and any kind of progressive narrative. (they still aren’t good on race and on giving characters of color solid roles. at least max’s arc has drastically improved from s1′s, but still.)
11. so i had my doubts. but wow. this reveal was so well-constructed and built-up and layered that i was swept up on it, i was surprised, i was excited, i was ecstatic. by the end of it, by the time flint opened meditations, and reread “know no shame,” i had a lump in my throat. 
12. i just!!!! holy fuck!!!!!! of course james mcgraw is discharged from naval service and of course thomas is taken away to an asylum because they loved each other! because they were gay men who loved each other! 
14. the most powerful moment for me, though, was miranda’s speech to flint. i’m just gonna copy and paste this because it’s so much and i....have a lot of feelings about this:
15. “I think you're fighting for the sake of fighting! Because it's the only state in which you can function. The only way to keep that voice in your head from driving you mad! The one telling you to be ashamed of yourself. For having loved him.You were told that it was shameful. And part of you believed it. Thomas was my husband. I loved him, and he loved me. But, what he shared with you... it was entirely something else. It's time you allowed yourself to accept that.”
16. lies down forever and cries. can you believe that a morally ambiguous, manipulative, murdering, mysterious, asshole of a pirate captain has struggled with deeply-ingrained internalized homophobia and grief and loss and trauma this entire goddamn time.
17. can you believe that captain flint is a persona that james uses to bury his shame and his grief and his suffering. james mcgraw the naval man is no more, but captain flint isn’t exactly the pirate tyrant that he’s crafted himself to be, nor is he doing everything entirely in service of thomas’s (admittedly warped, at this point) vision. captain flint is a human being. james mcgraw is a human being who has suffered so much at the hands of england. he’s a gay man who continuously struggles to accept himself. 
18. that’s a goddamn powerful narrative and it was a goddamn powerful reveal. the show has slowly been weaving these underlying threads of ideas about shame, and reason, and order, and civilization, and freedom, and monsters, and now they have taken these threads and lifted them up and have shown us how they are all connected, what they are connected to. the show Went There, finally, at last, and i can only hope it keeps doing this, that flint’s past isn’t going to be ignored, that max and anne and eleanor and the other LGBT characters and especially the characters of color get significant and meaningful and powerful roles. if that happens the show can become something it’s setting itself up to be. 
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youdontneedtofollowme · 10 years
I'll admit that I felt a very strong sense of satisfaction and I'll dare say pleasure with how Charles Vane dealt with Ned Low.
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taylor144 · 11 years
What the hell is happening to my ship. Damn it just gets worse and worse with each darn episode!!!!
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howlerbat · 2 years
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Black Sails S1E5 and S2E9
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howlerbat · 1 year
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“The first thing Elenor Guthrie asked for the moment those gates closed behind her was Max. That’s how valuable she could be to us. And you want to trade that away for twenty men?”
“Those twenty men are your brothers.”
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howlerbat · 2 years
I know Hal Gates doesn’t even survive the first season but he deserves some sort of award for putting up with as much as he did. Just in the first episode he sweet talks Elenor into a loan, singlehandedly keeps the crew from mutiny and stakes the votes in Flints favor, only for the latter to show up at the end with no schedule and passed out Richard Guthrie bleeding to death yelling at him for not doing enough. I would just kill Flint at this point
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howlerbat · 2 years
Black Sails as Onion headlines
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howlerbat · 2 years
I always wondered why after rejecting person after person who showed her genuine devotion and love Elenor finally settled for someone like Rogers, and became unquestionably loyal to him. And after seeing her just absolutely snap at Charles in that cell at the mention of her father I was like oh. Oh shit. Rogers totally reminds her of her dad. She’s trying to get validation from him that Richard Guthrie never gave her. Oh no.
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howlerbat · 2 years
rewatching Black Sails right now and damn I forgot how much of a simp Charlie is… the dude’s motivation 90% of the time is either impressing Elenor or pissing off Elenor and then he rips a man’s head off and displays it on the beach and goes “I didn’t do it for you” right before they start violently making out. Disaster couple.
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