yzeltia · 1 year
FFXIVwrite2023 29.Contravening
Characters: Azem(Gelos/U'rahn), Emet-Selch, Elidibus Expansion: Endwalker Rating: T Notes: N/A
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Emet-Selch didn’t bother to look up to Azem as he gave his answer. It was always something with him, usually trouble. This request didn’t seem to be any different and he refused to set his eyes upon him when took off his mask.
“C’mon C’mon. You’re being unfair. I think it would do him some good. A well traveled person would certainly make for a better Emissary.” 
“You insist on testing my patience don’t you. Elidibus would not be in his position if he were not fit for the role upon nomination.”
“And are we not always chasing betterment for the star? Personal growth and all that other stuff?”
Emet-Slech still refused to dignify the protest by looking up, continuing to read throug his paperwork while Azem fussed about in frustration.
“The only thing you are seeking to nurture is your youthful passions. The Convocation will not abide you running off with another member, especially given our history with the last two who held your seat. It was hard enough to get a consensus on you, we do not need to make our power weaker by needing a second seat.”
“I’m Venat or Methe! I will not just vacate my seat. My…My ego likes it too much,” Azem huffed, crossing his arms.
“Yes, I know. The Hero of Ethryis? The Traveler was not good enough for you.”
“Not this again. Hade-”
“Don’t you dare say it,’ Emet-Selch spat, “It will not be allowed. Did Lahabreha’s indulgence not prove to the dangers of such distractions? Enough begging. Elidibus will remain in Amarout until the Convocation sees fit that the Emissary is needed elsewhere or we approve your little lovers’ retreats.”
Gelos flushed then punched his fist against the table in frustration. 
“I don’t need your permission…what are you going to do? Censure me again? If Themis wants to-”
“Elidibus,” Emet-Selch hissed, “Put your mask on and leave my presence or I’ll put you on loan to Hermes and have him throw you into the Gymnasuion Agonon and let his people’s creations pummel you to your senses lest you cause trouble for the Emissary. You are used to censure, he is not.”
Gelos grit his teeth then put his hands into Emet-Selch’s papers, scattering them all about before sharply making a turn to storm off, cursing as he pulled on his mask and let it smack against his face. Striding through the halls of the Convocation, he found his wrist seized. Startled, he jumped back, pulling his captor toward him.
Gelos flushed under his mask as he found Eldibus looking up at him.
“When do we get to head off?”
The taller man balled his fists as he heard the hope in the other’s voice. His mouth opened, but he could not bring himself to tell the other it wasn’t going to happen. Instead, he inhaled deeply and leaned in to steal a kiss.
“I’m needed elsewhere for a time and Emet-Selch will no doubt have you see urgent business soon. When I return, I’ll bother him about our traveling again.”
Elidibus nodded, letting Azem pull back to go.
“Then I’ll await your return, Gelos.”
His name stopped him in his tracks. With a whine, he turned, stealing yet another kiss before running off to find a map and random location for him to fly off to, hoping work would ease his guilt and longing.
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yzeltia · 1 year
FFXIVwrite2023 28.Blunt
Characters: Themis(Elidibus)/Azem(Gelos/U'rahn Nuhn) Expansion: Endwalker Rating: M Notes: References "Ere Our Curtain Falls" from "Tales From the Shadows"
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Gelos hummed to himself as he stared up at a small red bird perched upon his finger, his other arm behind his head. He was laid out upon his robes, in naught else but his leathers, mask of Azem set upon a nearby rock. It had been some time since he'd returned to his home, Chará, a small village on a steppe between the coast and desert. Here he could be just Gelos, not Azem of the Convocation. A simple, local hero, and not the seated Traveler of the star.
As he rested, his little friend flew away, alerting him to another's presence. Calmly, he reached for a wooden bo staff and upon hearing the wind woosh above him, held it up to block an incoming swing.
"Azem. Your mask," Elidibus said calmly, pressing down with his own staff as they remained locked in their struggle.
"Hmm? I wanted to feel the sun on my face. We are far from Amarout, there's no cause to worry."
Gelos rebuffed the other by grabbing his robe by the drawstring, yanking Elidibus over into a summersault down by his feet. Sitting up, the Traveler chuckled, watching the younger man rise and brush grass out of his hair.
"Robes just get in the way don't you think? At the very least a liability."
"Very well. If that is how you want it to be then we can take to the skies," Elidibus answered stoically, though surging with Aether.
Gelos reached forward, laughing heartily as he embraced the white haired young man and rolled about in the long grass. 
"Oi. Oi! I'd think I'd rather spare my friends and family the sight of that!"
"And yet you find it fit to lay about exposed like this," Elidibus gestured, sitting up together with his friend.
"Well, I know one really comes out this way. And even then my village isn't hung up on that sort of thing. We're much more down to Ethryis. Amarout…should dictate how the world acts. Our star is vast and has so many wonderful things in it," Gelos said quietly before gently pulling Elidibus's's mask down, "Beautiful, precious things that don't need perfected."
The two found themselves drawing in toward one another until their foreheads pressed together. Elidibus's hand absently rose to Gelos's chest, pushing him back lightly as to not pull at any hairs. There was an intensity in the Travler's golden eyes, one he couldn't recognise. 
"Sorry," the red haired man under his breath, averting his gaze.
"Did you do something wrong?"
Gelos reluctantly looked back, mouth open to try and explain himself before shaking his head. Elidibus sighed then turned his head toward the dunes and sea beyond them, remaining close as he dug his fingers into the earth beneath them.
"Is it difficult to be with me? For all the reasons I make the ideal Emissary, I find that the same make me lackluster company. I am surrounded by the greatness of the Convocation and I try to make myself worthy to walk alongside you. In that, I fear I've sheltered myself from the people we serve and thus find it difficult to understand simple phrases and mannerisms. Try as I might, it is sometimes difficult to connect."
“Themis…” Gelos smiled weakly as the other turned to him, cheeks flushed from hearing his given name. The Travler reached out, cupping the other’s cheek in his hand.
“If permitted, I’d take you with me all over the world so you could experience it all. Yet, the Convoction would hunt me down in a second. I’m lucky to steal you away now. Though, I guess I need to speak plainly for you to understand how I feel.”
“Gelos, please, when it is just us. For now can we be ourselves…I can just be a simple village boy that found himself unable to take his eyes off of the young genius that wandered in from the city.”
Themis just stared, then reached out and rested his hand over Gelos’s larger one, feeling the natural warmth of his aether flow into him. He let their fingers intertwine, then found his friend drawing forward again, that unfamiliar, yet soft gaze upon his face once more. Drawn in, he felt the other’s lips on his own; once, twice, then firmly set upon them. 
“Gelos…,” the Emissary mumbled between clumsy, increasingly eager kisses.
The Traveler leaned back, letting his friend fall against him as he fished his hand against the collar of his robe, parting it to help free him of his white robes. The red-haired man rolled Themis onto his robe, kissing at his neck before slowly slipping his hand up his undershirt. He swallowed as his fingers brushed over Themis's nipple, his eyes cautiously flitting up to watch his reaction.
“The island,” Themis managed to breathe out, finding his shirt pulled up and over his head.
“Island,” the other repeated, content to kiss lower, feeling his friend squirm as he reached his navel.
“Yes…there’s that island we discussed. The one with the volcano…”
Gelos sat up, lifting the other’s hips for a moment to pull his leathers and underclothes from him before tilting his head.
“You wanna talk about that…right now,” he asked, rubbing the other’s thighs, shy glances flitting to the other’s twitching length.
Themis nodded, hand covering himself before reaching back out to the Traveler, pulling him back down. He kissed on him shyly, arms going around his neck once he felt sufficiently covered from the elements. 
“I wish to know your thoughts on the matter…if only to calm my heart. You’ve voiced a dissenting opinion from the rest. What are your intentions?”
Gelos kissed the other’s forehead as he was held, hips wiggling to get his pants off without pulling too far from him. Once free, he let his mind focus on the other’s question, albeit briefly.
“I was thinkin’ of using that new fire creation Lahabreha’s. Use all that violent ambient fire aether to manifest it then take it far far away and take care of it there,” he explained, trying to withhold a moan as he let their bodies meet.
Themis arched his back, pressing into his friend, incrementally turning lover, before pulling him down close. He shook then kissed, on Gelos’s collar, letting his hands start to explore the Traveler’s muscular form, fingers lingering on every scrape and scar.
“Why risk another censure by defying the will of the Convocation? What about that place captivates you so?”
Gelos found it hard to think on the particular subject for the moment, each stray touch by Themis causing him to twitch. With a whine, he lowered himself more firmly upon the Emissary, feeling his stones roll against the other’s. 
“Ah…well, the grapes…” he answered, panting lightly, “I find them rather delicious. It would be a shame to see them ignored. And on that note…I believe there is something else that deserves attention.”
Themis nodded, satisfied with the answer. He opened his legs a little, letting Gelos slide closer, hips rocking together. Once more, kisses were exchanged between stray touches and gropes, until going on so long that the Emissary in his flustered state felt something amiss.
“Az…Gelos, are we doing this right?”
Gelos whined, pressing his forehead against the other’s shoulder.
“I’m…I’m unsure exactly how to manage the…ins and outs of all this,” he eventually answered, head hung.
Themis laid back then looked up to his love, smiling softly before finding himself laughing, Gelos soon joining him.
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